Can't confine the Stein
Can't confine the Stein
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Meybe next time, sexy GILF
Now that I think of it that is actually very well done logo.
Matches Holla Forums layout quite nicely.
It does doesn't it. It's almost pepe coloured
This CUNT is literally STEALING people's money and I'll FUCKING PROVE IT
FACT: Michigan used paper ballots. There can be no computerized vote rigging.
FACT: The deadline for a recount in Wisconsin is Friday. Tomorrow is a FEDERAL HOLIDAY. Nothing will get done.
FACT: The deadline for a recount in Pennsylvania is Monday. This falls after Thanksgiving and Black Friday.
FACT: The deadline for a recount in Michigan is November 30th.
FACT: Michigan has already done one recount based on the closeness of the race. They're not going to do a third.
FACT: Even if Trump lost both Wisconsin and and Pennsylvania due to so called "rigging" he would still take Michigan and WIN THE ELECTION
FACT: Hillary conceded the election. She also won't call for a recount because she doesn't want to expose the vote rigging done in her favor.
Jill (((STEIN))) is literally STEALING YOUR MONEY.
She knows she cant do anything but she's glad to take the donations anyway. This is THIEVERY and she should face CRIMINAL PUNISHMENT.
Please copy pasta this post. Add your own facts and spread it around.
where is this from a parody movie or something?
What's her goal with this? What's the end game? There's nothing that's going to get Jill or Gary Goober to 15%. Trump won these states and near the end she was pretty much full on endorsing him, she really dislikes Hillary. Could she be trying to uncover Clinton voter fraud within these states or is she compromised?
Jill Stein is the hero we deserve.
The paper ballots are counted electronically. And those counters can be hacked.
Elections Commission director Michael Haas said WI is already preparing for a recount.
Not a federal holiday.
A concession phone call has no legal or constitutional standing.
Good reason for Trump supporters to get behind this.
Not unless I want to sound retarded.
She's probably mad she got snubbed for Trump's cabinet despite pretending to suck up and is now doing Panders' routine of mining the left.
Seriously, especially since they keep talking about 3 million illegal votes. I'd like to see them crowdfund a recount for California (please someone do this.)
You have to be a candidate on the ballot to ask for a recount.
Well, someone kick Gary Johnson off the couch and tell him to put on his suit!
When Congress convenes on Jan. 6th, they get to accept the results of the electoral college. If they feel something is wrong with it, they can submit a disagreement with the result, be it from rigging or w/e. And since Congress has majority republican, there is no way that the election can be stolen.
But they might want an "establishment" Republican instead.
It's impossible for a democrat to win the election, which is what really matters to them.
In other words, "Hello, President Jeb!"
I bet they're gonna find a way to fuck him out of those states.
Its official. The Libertarian party is fucking dead. Its all party politic LARPers now.
There's no way they're going to cheat Donald out anyways. 75 percent of Hillary's votes came from California. This alone is a good argument in favor of the electors results
I don't even live in California but I know they are your betters.
How can they be my "betters" when I live here myself?
There are plenty if Republican strongholds here like Orange County and the valley. I saw Trump signs where I lives and the neighbors launched fireworks the second news broke out Trump won the election late at night
We're outnumbered by the Democrats from the north and the niggers in South Central though
I bet you live in Gilroy or Fresno or someplace awful like that.
You mean the sixth largest (((economy))) in the world?
Can't elect her either
wth i love jews now?
Welcome to the club, user.
everyone knows trump won.
everyone knows nobody hacked anything for trump.
this shit is exactly why holocausts happen.
shouldn't you be freebleeding out in a public space right now?
Your disguise is too conspicuous, Califaggot.
I can't wait for California to collapse into a third world nightmare: it's created an economic sinkhole for itself that will give way at any moment.