/furry/ currently has more user traffic than Holla Forums

/furry/ currently has more user traffic than Holla Forums

What. I'm a furry now.


Barth2032 won

/furry/ user here, it's not actual users, it's some jackass using a bot and cuckysky isn't going to fix this shit until the last minute just like last time, Jim is going to have to get involved again

How the fuck is it that this is the only board around that uses captcha and still manages to get spammed? Some other anons think the spammer is using an army of impoverished Chinese children filling out captchas for $5 a hour. I don't know what to think about this, but I expect we'll see a drop in the userbase after it's over since people are going to be pised off again and leave. Last time he got banned he stayed away for 3 months but not longer because Hotwheels had that system in place where proxy bans don't last longer than that so anons can use the same proxy to post if someone manages to get themselves banned off it by posting CP or some shit.

I wish somebody had a final solution for this shit.

first,bollocks, second you niggas should stop placing such high value on user traffic.

who cares

it's bots, same with Holla Forums , Holla Forums does not have that much traffic, half the board are bots.

more like $5 a week

the final solution is active moderation

the userbase of this website does not want that

so this site will forever be the wet slimy anus of the internet

Holla Forums currently has more newfags than ___

ever tried copy/paste for the captcha?

what's more important than banning the cancer, is knowing why they are cancer.

Most the moderation problems happens because the mods are lazy.
for example choosing to ban tor exit nodes instead of banning individual posters who violate U.S laws…etc

What kind of fucking loser wakes up and thinks "I'm going to spend my Thanksgiving artificially inflating /furry/'s active users?"

a furfag

Isn't >>>Holla Forums supposed to be hitting a big get soon? Despite this, it is still only 4th.


new generation of loner Holla Forumstards changed from irony to degeneracy


"People who claim to hate furries, are themselves projecting their own subconscious desire to expose their own true inner furry nature" - Dr. Alyson Havelock (PsyD, LPCC), 'American Psychology Today' (APA, New York NY), Vol. 47, August 23, 2012, p.34.



is that really bui's dox?


/b has slipped to the #5 spot and I expect it will keep sliding.

This is why Holla Forums is failing



Epic. Simply epic.