What happened to Holla Forums?
Image names are jumbled messes on other boards
Other urls found in this thread:
the Jimmening Happened.
I actually like the darkest reaches of the internet bit. It's a reference to Hillary Clinton's comments on the Alt-Right. Everything else is fucked though.
Filenames replaced by their cksum to enable dedup.
But that's actually good, you retard. Are you not from Holla Forums or something? Your only valid complaint is that VELOCIOUS sounds stupid, but you are fucking complaining about a single word. That's SJW tier.
No it's just ruining a decade of tradition with bullshit.
Why would this be a good idea?
That's like saying ssh is an aberration because we already had a tradition of telnet.
Basically, using hashes allows Holla Forums to reduce disk space. It also potentially helps with cacheing, which reduces disk usage and makes Holla Forums faster as a whole. You are just complaining about names looking uglier without looking at the advantages of this.
I store my images in order of when they were first saved, ie, BY THE FUCKING NUMBER. When they're jumbled hashes, it fucks everything up. Suddenly the ones I've saved hours ago are before images I've saved years ago.
And if I want to remedy that, I have to rename the fucking image to whatever number comes after the last one I saved.
I don't see how it wold work, just set a crontab to optipng and jpegoptim the folder every so often and boom you're done.
So this is what Holla Forums has come to.
If you want your files sorted by date, consider sorting your files by date.
none of these things have even touched my life in any way yet except image names, but who the fuck cares?
fuck you, we had the timestamp filenames for 13 fucking years, and this faggot porchmonkey thinks he can just change the fucking rules.
the only reason Holla Forums as a whole hasn't staged another exodus is because they're conformist retards. seriously, after all the shit jim and his faggot son have pulled, i cannot say with a straight face that the people who left 4chan for a better place and the people that browse Holla Forums -right now- are the same, no, what we have is a halfbreed caste of redditors.
after (((/newsplus/))) everyone should have left this shithole, but lo and behold, nobody cares that they're getting datamined or that there hasn't been a transparency report since HW. im starting to believe that the reason people left 4chan wasn't because of privacy issues, poor moderation, or shit quality software (all of which are present here), it was because 4chan got too popular and the userbase is edgy hipsters that wanted a sekrit club.
Well, why don't you fucking leave, then?
underrated post
just visiting to see if you guys have grown a pair yet, seems not. going back to end and libre
Does your cucked OS / DE support sorting by something other than file name?
You could have prevented this. Infinity Next was the answer, but everyone decided to shit on Josh and let the cripple throw him under the bus.
Is this the reason why images wont load on overchan/ouroboros?
Because Jim likes trolling politicians. To think a bunch of shitposters and mememasters could cause them to quake in their boots so much they would dedicate an entire speech towards it.
Even Pajeets can code better than that.
I still can't fathom how there are people that didn't have it set to sort by date already. Most people this stupid probably use Windows, which lets you set this on a folder-by-folder basis. It's so transparent that people will bitch about literally any change made to this website that it's not even funny anymore. It's just pathetic.
If you're so fucking torn up about UNIX timestamp filenames, go make a shell script that can convert them back based on the date it was saved to your hard drive. It will take you under an hour.
SSH is a scam to cover up the security by obscurity of login passwords.
I have to browse 4chan on my phone now because you broke 8ch with overchan. No other imageboard has images fucked like this.
lol dude images aren't fucked up get over yourself they're just named differently jc
But they are fucked up.
The tim field is not correct in the API.
It's now corresponding to a hash instead of a unix timestamp.
And further, they changed the paths of images completely. So now apps have to maintain two different paths to resolve images past a certain time.
It's a lazy hack because they can't bother to migrate the schema of the database, which is also fucked up beyond repair.
Next solved this, quite easily, and it was able to resolve filenames to many different formats depending on what users or admins wanted.
The only reason they're doing this is to save disk space, it doesn't solve the actual problem users were having of having to re-upload the same file.
It's dog shit. Codemonkey is incompetent.
You have to get out.
The onyl reason 90% of us are here is because of the gamergate exodus. Holla Forums mods started banning all gamergate threads and then moot came out approving of the bans. It was the final straw so random anons started shilling for other boards before being banned, and Holla Forums got the most attention.
4chan is a major privacy issue, it was sold to a japanese fuck who'd been known for selling user data from websites. Even before then we had google capcha's which mines IP addresses.
And yes, part of leaving was that 4chan became to big for its own good. 4chan just isn't the same anymore, it's become mainstream enough people will talk about it in public. Reditors and other normalfags have invaded and memes ceased to become funny short lived inside jokes but now are created specifically to be "memes". The site is so over run that boards only talk about popular shit. Holla Forums is nothing but game of thrones garbage. Holla Forums is nothing but steven universe and marvel shit. /g/ is full of shitty desktop threads. The entire site is overrun with Holla Forums shit, even worse than it is here. I can't read a single topic without someone bitching about jews or dumping trump memes.
Holla Forums is like living in Montana, it may be shitty and slow, but it sure beats living in the aids ridden africa that is 4chan.
That story is mostly bullshit as well.
He was making money selling search engine access.
But you can get the same thing for free on Holla Forums.
In fact, 2channel now offers search engine access to the public. I bet they charge big companies for API access, to reduce throttling.
No different than what Hiroyuki did, really.
Jim's company was also responsible for the data leaks, not Hiroyuki.
Long story short: they're both kikes.
Years from now the tim field in the API will probably still be fucked up because they don't want to actually migrate the database properly.
The dedup is a hack, and it's not a good one.
Except changing the filenames broke image hover and nobody's been bothered to fix it
Fixed it
var fullUrl;if ($this.parent().attr("href").match(/(src|file_store)/)) { fullUrl = $this.parent().attr("href");}
I wonder why they didn't just use md5? It's like half the length of sha256, and the smaller you make your DB index field, the faster it is. Anyway, it's not like this is a crypto application where md5 is too risky.
Besides that, md5 filename fits easier in small window, like 80x25 terminal. Even with split-screen (two pane) file manager like vifm or midnight commander, I can see the entire filename (minus extention) that way. With sha256, you have to switch to single pane mode to see the whole filename.
I wonder if this is something the CDN is pushing, since after all a lot of these images are common ones just reposted from other sites.
are entire hash collisions possible? people might have some they're just sitting on
though I guess a different thing wouldn't help it
I've had md5 collisions with images that were slightly different. Haven't seen one with sha1 or sha256 (yet).
What is velocious? I don't see it anywhere.
It was, though. When ssh first came out it was very controversial as a properly layered architecture shouldn't require extensive changes to telnet, and if we were going that route it meant we'd need to push TLS into /everything/ and have the impossible task of /every program/ being responsible for using encryption securely (it takes a huge amount of effort and skill to keep "encrypted" traffic from leaking information necessary to decrypt it). But the emergence of NAT and its issues with IPSEC, the privatization of the root nameservers (in-addr records were required for IKE proposals at the time), the failure of the mandatory IPv6 IPSEC proposal, and threats to encryption exports (the original ssh was an import) led to it winning. And the nightmare became real - every service needed an alternative TLS pathway with almost all of them still very weak to any number of exploits on encrypted traffic. It's a total clusterfuck that you might not recognize as one if you grew up in it.
Where is there left to go which has enough traffic to be interesting more than once every couple of weeks?
I don't use a file manager that often. Granted, that also means that the UNIX timestamp names are a PITA when I want to find a certain image. Still, they're traditional and it'll feel weird without them.
Which helped people tie up identities of the people posting on 2ch, attracting the ire of most of the userbase and causing small exoduses, not to mention him letting all the data leak freely.
He proceeded to get the fuck out of Japan because nobody trusted him anymore.
∧_∧ ∩ ( ´Д`)// If you think you know so much about what happend / ノ Why don't you go away? _ _ | .| | __ \  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \ ||\ \ ||\|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| ̄ . || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
yes there has.
I only trust what I see myself because these threads are always full of disinfo and bullshit.
I do know that moot made the mods on 4chan hand over their personal info, that's meant to be an anonymous site but those guys handed over their doxx to moot and thus hiroyuki.
Then you better remove the search engine access on Holla Forums.
All the same basic data "leaks freely" on Holla Forums. It's called the fucking API, and the search engine. Unless you're talking about the payment data, and names associated to people's posts, in which case it was Jim's company who was responsible for that.
Feel free to prove me wrong?
I have all the archived links proving that Jim ran the relevant servers where the leaks came from: it was Jim's payment processing, it was Jim's premium 2ch application, and it was Jim's e-commerce business.
Oh look, it's Jim's e-commerce business!
Let's look further:
Oh look, it's created and administrated by NTTEC, Jim's company, and payment processing is handled by NTTEC.
As far as the search engine bits that Hiroyuki was responsible for, it's a bit mundane. All data like that is freely available on Holla Forums, for example. How do you think you're able to read and respond to other's posts? It's not a private forum, and neither is 2channel.
The same thing could be done with spidering and scraping web pages, in the worst case. Codemonkey loves to bring it up because it deflects from the situation surrounding his father's fuck-ups. "Data mining" is a big, scary word.
So, if we were to apply the same retarded FUD to Holla Forums: YOU'RE BEING DATAMINED, THERE'S A SEARCH ENGINE FOR Holla Forums POSTS. wew
This would be an amazing case for Hiroyuki if he was able to use it.
Sadly, he can't because of the circumstances on his business. This search engine was secret and nobody on 2ch knew about it, and even if it they knew it would be miles away form 8ch's one because it doesn't tie someone's post to other ones, unless you use the limited ones available for board owners, which they can only use on their respective boards.
Hiroyuki is the one that choose to keep this "business" to themselves. Apologies, you're retarded if you think things here are even half-comparable to 2ch, specially if this is all you have.
plz understand it'll work out in the longrun
t. c0demonkey
Use it for what?
That doesn't really matter in this context, especially in the context of who was responsible for the data leaks. Hiroyuki was a kike, sure, but again the data is the same you could get from Holla Forums via the API or via the search engine.
They throw around "data mining" but in reality it's "allow anime production companies to be able to know if the otakus are talking about moeblob of the season."
Hiroyuki being a kike is far for mundane than the fact that Jim and son attempted to conflate the two things: the data leaks, and the search engine access to 2channel.
One was entirely Jim's responsibility, caused a shitload of grief to a lot of people by storing posts made with Jim's 2ch Premium application associated to unencrypted banking information.
The other was Hiro attempting to shave a little more money out of 2channel.
Wow, 2channel is being datamined!11!
To defend his failures. Something which he(and you) should probably given up on.
Then why was 2ch so upset by it and how come it ruined their anonymity?
Because you're not telling us the whole story maybe.
I said this and I will say this before, you have brain damage or you have been misled thoroughly. Yes, all the data was stored in Jim's server. Yes, 8ch has a search engine like 2ch. No, its not the same as secretly giving the highest bidder access to information of posts being made in your (supposed-to-be-)anonymous website.
It probably didn't.
However, Jim did ruin 2channel's anonymity. See, you're conflating the two incidents.
What's the whole story? You're conflating the credit card/name/post leaks that Jim's company was responsible for with Hiroyuki's search engine shit.
Even in the original 2channel threads you see anons grilling Jim as to WHY this information was stored on his servers. The information being unencrypted credit cards, and months worth of posts associated to anyone who bought 2ch Premium.
He has not answered it to this day, unless you count the half-assed " for tax purposes" answer.
No business has to store unencrypted credit card information, and months worth of people's posts, for tax purposes.
Pic related, how the whole thing actually went down.
Running this whole operation was Hiroyuki's idea, with his approval. He made a deal with Jim, and put the data in his servers. Its not that hard to figure out why the data was in Jim's servers.
If you can't understand this then you understand nothing.
Yeah, that's fine and all. A premium service is fine.
The issue at hand is Jim's irresponsibility in how he accomplished that.
So now you're claiming that Hiroyuki leaked all the data, through a "cyber-attack?" You do know that all of the credit card leaks happened before Hiroyuki was even let go.
He had no access to those servers.
You can't damage control you way out of this. Jim's company was fucking irresponsible.
If it was damage control, then fuck me because apparently the only person to think that we lost is you. Most people at 4chan will claim they don't care about the datamining, 8ch always wins over faggots like you, but rarely does anyone believe that Hiroyuki is innocent because that's tantamount to denial.
You know what also seems to be fine? Storing information that would ruin someone's anonymity and then selling it to the highest bidder. Its fine because if you host it on someone's else server it'll be their fault, not yours.
There you go again, trying to conflate someone who's calling out the administration as a boogeyman.
I didn't say that, at all. I said he was a kike. But Jim is a bigger kike trying to conflate his failings with Hiroyuki's, shift the blame if you will.
Again, that information was stored by Jim's company. He stored names, phone, CVV, credit card numbers, and months worth of posts associated to the accounts.
You're conflating Hiroyuki's search engine arrangement with Jim's fuckup.
There's no sense arguing with you because your disingenuous by arguing in this manner.
That is correct, and Hiroyuki does sell data. He made the contract with the big data company in Japan. That same company has twitter as a stockholder.
Your only argument basically boils down to "Jim fucked up by storing the data".
Let me picture it for you:
Jim hosts websites. He made a deal with 8ch just like he made one with 2ch. He gave Hiroyuki a server since he was paying him. Therefore the data was stored in Jim's server.
None of this links back to Jim being a criminal whatesover but you avoid mentioning this because this whole argument would end instantly.
Again, you're conflating two different things.
One is Hiroyuki having an agreement for a search engine/stream of data with Hottolink. This is not an agreement to deanonymize anyone, but to better serve marketers who want to know reactions to their products. That's a fact.
He's a kike, but you're conflating two different things.
No, Jim's company wrote 2ch premium, Jim's company handled the payment processing, and Jim's company stored all of that data irresponsibly.
Jim is more than a host, dipshit. Check out tora3.net. Tora3.net is Jim's e-commerce business, and Tora3.net is where the leaks came from, and where all the information was stored.
Jim's company wrote the software, Jim's company stored the information, and the agreement was for Hiroyuki to advertise this product that Jim's company created.
I already gave you the links up thread:
And when Hiroyuki decided not to advertise 2ch premium after they said they "fixed" the leak (but the damage had already been done) and had caused grief for so many users, whose total responsibility was on Jim's company and not Hiroyuki, Jim forced Hiroyuki out.
Wow that is professional deflection. Great job turning the facts around. You must be doing that for a living.
settle down, Jim.
by the way, why did you take /sp/ away from a user who wasn't breaking any rules to test out your RSS posting bot?
Are you just basing this on the fact that Jim was the one hosting the information or something?
That's not what--
What the fuck? Did you pull this out of your ass?
You mean that article?
Its in Japanese you arrogant cunt. Am I supposed to be able to read any of this?
The gist is that NT Technology suffered a cyber attack. The relevant part is in the image, describing the affected server.
I'm basing it on the fact that all of those pages are copyright "NT Technology", Tora3 is Jim's e-commerce company, and the fucking payment processing is done through yet another domain owned by Jim: nttcredit.com
Are you fucking retarded or something?
No, because it's exactly what happened. Here's the timeline:
* leak of credit card numbers, names, and posts associated to that information
* disagreements/drama
* Jim takes over 2channel
* Codemonkey discovers that Hiroyuki was providing a stream of post data/search engine access to Hottolink
In fact, this is documented in the comic that chronicles the timeline that Jim cocksuckers love to post so much.
In the comic, the Jim character remarks that there's been a leak from a server. Conveniently it leaves out the part that the software and the servers were Jim's. But then the Jim character asks Hiroyuki what he's supposed to do for revenue now that the leak happened. The Hiroyuki character says that it's Jim's problem. Then the Jim character says that he's taking control of 2channel, as he already technically owns it anyways.
So yeah, faggot. How about them apples?
Fun fact, the comic was originally made in Japanese. If they didn't mention it, it was because it wasn't worth mentioning.
As much as I'd love to debate this you forgot all the points you made before.
This isn't mentioned anywhere in your post.
So far you're not really moving your points forward with this post.
Really even if you provide a astronomical theory, you'd be hard pressed to continue with it. Hiroyuki fled Japan for a reason. He makes no mention of Jim leaking the data and instead focuses on the "taking over of the website" thing because saying Jim was the one that propped up the whole data selling business makes no sense. Why did Hiroyuki have contact with Jim's business then? Was suddenly mega-goyed into Jim(((Stein)))'s datamining plan for 2ch and let him do whatever he pleased for money?
And yet, it is.
Or are you suggesting that it's not relevant that the software was written by Jim's company, the software was hosted on Jim's servers, and it was Jim's software that stored and leaked all of the information.
I have the comic "it's not my problem" and the fact that it's what Hiroyuki claimed in his 4chan Q&A.
Where's Jim's Q&A about this issue, for the record? Or did he refuse to answer any questions when that shitstorm was going on.
Oh, that's right, he did. I was in the thread on his shitty little blog board when that happened, laughing at Hiroyuki, and I was defending that fat kike Jim by ghost posting on 4chan archives.
That is, until I looked into the situation myself after I realized that he wanted to fuck over donators to Infinity Next months ago, and the fact that he made the cripple cry on multiple occasions, and the fact that he's a fat kike with a temper who takes baseball bats to people's windshields.
So yeah, nah.
Feel free to keep defending him. You know you're wrong, deep down. You can't change the fact that it was Jim's software that his company wrote, it was Jim's domains, and it was Jim's company who was responsible for the leak on 2channel.
You literally have a fringe theory that nobody believes(4chan doesn't care, Japanese people that actually got hit by the problem distrust Hiroyuki and not Jim) and is formed out of spite(>That is, until I looked into the situation myself after I realized that he wanted to fuck over donators to Infinity Next months ago, and the fact that he made the cripple cry on multiple occasions, and the fact that he's a fat kike with a temper who takes baseball bats to people's windshields) and you come over, and try to tell me, that "deep down" I know that Jim is evil and is behind all this and that Hiroyuki didn't partnership with Jim came out of nowhere, because of a theory you formed after flying around the internet a while as a Westerner that doesn't know Japanese?
Oh, wait, that's not entirely correct.
He claimed on 2channel that his "name was slandered" but provided no real rebuttal to any of these facts.
And when Japanese anons tried to ask him why all of this data was being stored by his software, on his servers, there was no response.
But of course Jim responded to all the posts sucking his dick.
Sorry, I don't have the links handy for that particular exchange, but it's somewhere in the "Ask Jim-san" series 2channel threads.
He specifically refused to answer this question, while responding to other posts sucking his dick.
No, it's a fact.
No, it's formed out of loss of respect.
I have no reason to respect him when he acts like such a pussy.
No, deep down, without the reality distortion field (see: "fringe theory" in response to fact) you know it's true.
Lets look at a thread on 2chan then!
This Image. Last reply.
Yeah I sure am seeing some positive discussion of Hiroyuki on those eastern websites, I guess I should pull off now that I know Jim's the Kike.
We're not talking about Hiroyuki, faggot.
This doesn't change the circumstances.
Where did I claim that Hiroyuki was innocent? Where? I have repeatedly stated that he was a kike.
Show me where I have claimed that Hiroyuki was liked, or that Hiroyuki was innocent in general.
Protip: I've never claimed such a thing.
But guess what, Hiroyuki is not on fucking trial here. He's not our administrator.
Answer this question: who was responsible for the software that the data leaked from?
It certainly wasn't Hiroyuki who adminned it, and Hiroyuki didn't write it, and NT Technology copyright is all over the pages, and nttcredit.com is the domain where the processing happened. So, which entity do you think is responsible for this failure?
Also, I'll find the relevant Jim-san threads if you give me a minute.
It is pretty hilarious how he responds to all the posts slobbering all over his dick, but fails to answer a simple question from a Japanese user concerning why all of this data was being stored by his software on his servers in the first place.
user, either it was Hiroyuki or it was Jim that leaked the data. You claim Jim is not trustworthy because he ignores comments on 2ch. I claim Hiroyuki is the one that is not untrustworthy because he was the one avoiding questions.
If you think this is irrelevant, then why bring up Jim ignoring posts in first place?
Then what fucking happened? Jim came over, said "IM GOING TO SELL 2CH DATA TO BIG COMPANIES", made Hiroyuki shut up and stole his server, and then went off his merry way to sell it?
Yeah right, guess Hiro didn't admin it after all.
No, it was leaked through an intrusion into the server.
There's a concept called "gross negligence," are you familiar with it?
Okay, here's an experiment. Go ask Jim who wrote 2channel Premium, and who wrote the software for payment processing on Tora3/nttcredit.com
You will not get a response. Believe me, I've tried. The answer is obvious, though, because his company's copyright is all over the place, and the domains were owned by him well before Hiroyuki even gave Jim control of the 2ch domains, using whois history database.
Holy shit, you are fucking retarded.
You are, again, conflating two different issues.
Here's the issues, I'll break it down since you're obviously fucking mentally retarded:
1) Jim stored unencrypted credit card information, CVVs, phone numbers, names, and months worth of posts with the 2ch Premium software that his company wrote.
2) Hiroyuki had a partnership with Hottolink to provide a stream of data to marketers. Not to deanonymize anyone, not data concerning credit card records, but just post data on its face.
Hiroyuki did not admin the tora3 servers. Hiroyuki did not admin the nttcredit servers. Hiroyuki did not write 2ch Premium.
How hard is this to fucking understand, you mentally retarded faggot?
Or is your retarded demeanor just the result of mental stress or discomfort in response to being confronted with the fact that the owner of this website was the entity responsible for the credit card leaks.
Again, the concept is called gross negligence. If you store 40,000 people's credit card numbers, names, CVVs and months worth of their posts for no reason at all, and make no attempt to secure the credit card information at rest, that's negligence..
not him but I've heard this story change so many times.
Originally it was something like "Jim just ran the servers then one day seized the domain from Hiroyuki and there's gonna be a big court case where Hiroyuki gets it all back because Jim illegally stole the site". Now it's all this other stuff.
I'm not gonna say how it was one way or the other.
First of all, we're not talking about 2channel on its face.
We're talking about who wrote the software for 2ch Premium, and the payment processing.
Ultimately, taking over 2channel doesn't matter in this context.
What matters is the fact that Jim was responsible for the gross negligence in storying all of that data, especially unencrypted credit card data.
I don't believe Jim even seized the domains from Hiroyuki, because Hiroyuki gave him 2channel. Jim already owned it on paper at that point, as the comic states, but Hiroyuki was the admin.
Hiroyuki wasn't the admin of Tora3, or nttcredit. Hiroyuki didn't write or admin the 2ch Premium servers. NT Technology did.
That's a fact. Sorry.
Also, it's funny how the arrangement is so similar to Hotwheels arrangement.
You could say Jim was experienced in taking over websites in exchange for hosting by the time Holla Forums came around.
And lo and behold, Hotwheels isn't the admin anymore. I see a pattern.
I know I've seen Japanese news articles about it but the original story was that there was no deal and Jim just randomly seized the site one day, Hiroyuki himself even played into this idea with a post on 4chan's /qa/, later on it was shown that Hiroyuki's claim to 2ch was based on a trademark for "2ch" that he registered in Japan around 2015.
Ultimately it doesn't matter in this context. It'd make Jim an even bigger kike, but what I'm saying doesn't require operating under the assumption that Hiroyuki had his shit stolen.
Well I'm back aaand
Man the truth is that you've been avoiding this for a while now, like you forget I said it every 10 posts because your friend Brian Damaje has been too close to you.
The "search engine" you talk so much about was actually a deal to sell the data on the credit card information, CVV, Phone Numbers and the Names, AND the search engine, which allowed the companies buying the data to break people's anonymity
Getting progressively more offended isn't a excuse to forget a fact I've stated every 10 minutes.
How was that possible when he didn't have access to Jim's servers?
Further, Hottolink doesn't even trade in credit card numbers.
They're in the business of "datamining" reactions to products.
So say moeblob production company wants to know what the otakus reaction to their shitty moeblob of the season was.
You're a retard that doesn't know what the fuck you are talking about, tbh.
You're sperging out because you've been confronted with the fact that the owner of this site was responsible for something far worse than "allowing" a marketing company to scrape shitposts.
Use www.epochconverter.com to convert the post time. Hopefully Pashe's Holla Forums x will be updated to do it automatically soon.
Thank you based ring.