Happy thanksgiving Holla Forumsurgerland!

What is user thankful for?

Burgers :DDDDDDD

That my life isn't any worse.

My family, that I am in relatively good health, that I'm not poor.

I am thankful Donald J. Trump won the election and conservatives maintained control of Congress.

I am thankful for Gab.

I am thankful for Nyaa.

I am thankful for Papa John's new pan pizza.

I am thankful that twerking is an accepted form of dance.

I am thankful for YouTube.

I am thankful for dubstep and vaporwave.

I am thankful for cheap beer.

2016 being the best year we had in a long time.

It can only go downhill from here, guys.

I will buy a bunch of big macs and then i will eat them on a live stream 4 Holla Forums

b-b-but muh veganism!!1

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