Of course Hillary doesn't lie, goyim!!!
Of course Hillary doesn't lie, goyim!!!
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Trumptards are so easily triggered that even when they win they still act defensive.
Or are you just trying to forget how hard your candidate is cucking you now that he got what he needed?
Yeah let's see how defensive we are when we go on the offense and put that bitch in jail.
Trumpfags will soon realize that they were useful idiots and that Holla Forums was subverted.
I warned them since september 2015 when the Trump shills invaded Holla Forums.
Thats not gonna happen bud. Its business as usual. Bankers are happy atleast. Happy Jewish masters means trickle down shekels right my fellow goyim?
The investigation is ongoing because Obama would immediately pardon her on all offenses. So, yes she's going to fucking jail deal with it faggot. She sucked his dick at the oval office so he'd make sure that she's going to jail. Even if he doesn't direct the attorney general to prosecute her, it won't matter. Because she has already been found guilty of lying under oath and spoliation of evidence. She's going to jail alright and he's not going to pardon her.
Haha, hasn't happened in this nations history. Not gonna start.
Sure thing.
All 218477D chess.
Next level of autism there. Also wouldn't that show how powerful Trump is if he invites people and they show? Doesn't this not picture so Hillary in worst light?
Bought and used. As seen with the emails with George Soros, Saudi Arabia royalty ass sucker, Norwegians, and many more.
Face it. There is a global elite class that both Hillary and Trump are a part of. Trump is controlled opposition.
It is hilarious seeing Holla Forums try to think of an excuse to talk about how mean Trump is, even when it has absolutely nothing to do with the thread in question
Liar liar pants on fire!!! Hillary you better retire!!!
The whole campaign of Donald Trump was projection on steroids, when will Congress investigate him?
For what? Civil cases?! Please user don't be so retarded.
Hillaryfags, fill the chambers with gas.
Those teeth. Holy fuck. Corpse-like.
This is a defense mechanism. You are automatically claiming that people who doubt Hillary are on the Trump train. You don't even realize that most people with a brain in their head know Hillary is corrupt, Trump supporter or not.
I hope Gowdy investigates this whole Russia thing with the same zeal.