All these fitness motivation shit about being strong and in control of yourself quickly collapse when you remember niggers exist and they also work out a lot.
All these fitness motivation shit about being strong and in control of yourself quickly collapse when you remember...
No they don't. Most of them are scrawny posers.
You will never be able to improve upon yourself as long as you're enslaved to your obsession towards what everyone else is doing.
Nobody cares.
Not a single person on this earth actually gives a fuck about you, what you think, or what you do.
Niggers don't give a fuck about you.
Your fellow white man doesn't give a fuck about you.
Nobody does.
You're completely alone and anything you will every say or do is completely inconsequential.
Self improvement isn't about being noticed, it's not about getting pussy or dick, it's not about getting rich, it's not about being loved, all these things will come to you naturally as you're self improving, they're a side effect, not the goal.
Self improvement is about just that, improving yourself.
It's BY you FOR you, nobody else gives a single shit, not a single person will pat you on the back for it and tell you that you've been a good kid.
If you don't understand this truth you're doomed and will always stay doomed.
but niggers tho
Exactly. People need to stop fearing niggers. The majority of them are giant pussies and will probably run away if you stand your ground or hit them back twice as hard.
Niggers work out less than white people, actually. A lot fucking less.
then why we stronger than u?
Strength in numbers.
Niggers never win strongman contest they can't compete
yeah youre totally right a guy playing with a fake sword is way better. how can a dark skinned nubian prince compete with that guy who reminds girls of taking their little borther to comicon
You probably thought that sounded really smart and epic. Worthy of being in a dialog on some dumb Hollywood movie.
Problem is, the premise is false. People DO give a shit about what you do, what you look like, and even how you feel. And I'm not even talking about your friends and family. Workmates and classmates care too. Usually in the form of envy or admiration. People are a lot more petty than they let on.
And another thing. Impressing others is not necessarily a side effect. It can be the end goal. Most people work out to impress others. They say it's for other reasons, but that's always part of the reason.
Nubians are possibly the weakest of African ethnicities, except maybe pygmies. They're scrawny little fucks, that gravitate towards being slaves because there's nothing else they can do.
are you a strong, independent man, user?
What else are they gonna do in prison? Read a book?
Unless you include things that are made easier with a long reach and fast movements (like boxing), blacks are by no means the strongest.
Two things
a) nigs are usually scrawny emaciated looking dyels who have to carry a knife just to compete with the average white man and often travel in packs
b) the average white man is a chubby dyel
Spend some time in the gym if you wanna be a huge strongman who is reading for the incoming /raceway/ you can do that. If you wanna gain some size to intimadate betas but be aesthetic to get an aryan QT. You can do that too.
Doing the later myself and it feels good man
But that's me, you gotta feel comfy in your own body and maybe for you that means getting a daikamakura and wearing panties whatever you want, just bee urself
OP is a cuck that is afraid of living and breathing the IRON
literally any skill that takes practice falls into the category that is described in that quote
the only difference is that body building is in an "always on" mode that people can always see
a skill is more useful if you can conceal your possession of it
being preoccupied with other people always being able to accnowledge that you have a particular skill shows insecurity in ones own worth
ok, now post your afters
Not remotely true.
And most of those faggots don't have any iota of strength or self-control. Let alone any redeeming features.
Self-improvement works.
Sounds like you want to get fucced in the ass by a nigger.
Nothing's fallen apart other than your petty, untermenschian ego.
Actually, quite a number of people do. In fact, a lot do. Often in degrees that are unhealthy and obsessive.
You shouldn't care what they think, though.
we loved your spacing.