Hey Holla Forumsros, I haven't been here in a while but here goes my faggotry. I've had almost no social contact in over a year, I'm isolated, I slowly became a NEET. I used to play vidya all day and drink, that was it. Rarely left the house.
I was in denial, I used to get trashed daily, day in and day out and couldn't go on a day without having at least a 6 pack or a bottle of wine. I'd get fucked and then blackout and go get some more alcohol at 2-3 AM.
I quit my vidya addiction about a month ago and gave up alcohol almost two weeks ago, my life has improved, I stopped eating junk food, now it's time to go out, but do what, endlessly just walk around town?
I crave human contact so much at this point even though I am in denial, I'm at a point where I can't wait to fall asleep so I can dream and be free. Just had an awesome dream, can barely remember it though but part of it was bonding with a girl, not fucking, bonding and it felt wonderful. I'm at that horrible stage where that is what I fucking end up DREAMING about.
Fuck, this is a long shot, making this thread but you're the only Holla Forumsros I have left, the only medium I can vent and talk to.
Cooper Wood
Try to put some structure in your life. Wake up early, eat some breakfast. Go to the store and buy a few things, make small talk with someone there who is friendly.
Go for a walk, bike ride, whatever, come home, shower, and eat a nice lunch, then take a nap later.
Now it's afternoon, have a cup of tea and clean your house or do some chores until dinner. After dinner enjoy a movie or online stuff until it's time to go to bed.
Modify this as you see fit; the point is to give yourself some structure and discipline and see where that takes you (school? job?).
Liam Peterson
I graduated not too long ago in a STEM field, worked for a year in the field, now I'm taking up a course and I've got an exam this saturday, I'm trying to study but it's kind of hard "going back at it"(studying).
I have a horrendous sleeping cycle, I fell asleep at 5:30AM, browsing the web mainly (thought if I quit vidya I'd stop wasting so much time online, WRONG).
This self discipline seems like a good thing, implementation is where I'm at now, hard to tell myself to just fall asleep.
Jaxson Wood
You wouldn't want my life then, op. Ever since my ladyfriend/undeclared girlfriend of 6 years bailed on my 8/23/2011 birthday, I've lived in near-absolute seclusion since. With exception to the holidays where I see family and also work, I have zero interaction with anyone. For the first four years of my seclusion, I'd go out with old friends only once or twice out of the entire year. However, 2016 marks the first year in my life where I've had zero interaction with anyone at all outside work and family. I've spent the past 5 new years alone as well. I am also 39 years old and have 9,000 miles on my 2013 Acura that I bought brand new. I have lots of money because I don't have any friends to justify spending it on excursions. No gf to buy stuff for.
I think 3-4 years ago i used to be where you are right now. I wanted to just end myself. Severe depression was affecting my job. Over time, I've become accustomed to it. Though I am slowly losing my ability to interact socially with people in general, my own loneliness is gradually becoming the only thing that sustains me
I am also posting this from the shitter right now. I hope I've helped you cope with your situation
Michael Thomas
I'm not far off, user. I too have severe depression (actually diagnosed) but I stopped taking my meds. I'm almost 25 now and the past year has been awful, only work and family was the most social interaction I've got.
I want to change my life, to leave behind old habits as I've started doing and acquire new, healthy, ones.
As I said, I would just ignore my mental health by denying me time to contemplate, drinking, passing out, waking up and going right back at it again.
I didn't mind not having a gf lately since I was hurt by my last (and sad part is it happened YEARS ago). Being lonely wasn't really a problem since I'm an introvert but I can see my real self when I'm drunk, I used to get on facebook and message everybody and make a fool out of myself, so bad that I had to quit drinking and block every single IP related to facebook in my hosts file, that bad, I'm even ashamed to look at the messages I've sent (it isn't the first time).
Sebastian Williams
Sebastian Ward
I desperately want this life. I'm still living with my parents but am young enough to get away with doing it for a few years more yet, and I have a girlfriend who'd love to live this way too - the only problem is, how in the world do I sustain NEET-esque into old age? I want to live this way forever. Just give my my video games, my anime, and my girl, and I'm fucking set - I don't ever want anything else. I have zero ambition, zero passion, and am almost proud of it - The only problem this has created is that everyone I've talked to about it, aside from said ladyfriend, is so beyond weirded out by my lack of dreams and whatnot that they won't tell me how they got into and sustained their NEET phase, instead opting to try and convince me out of it.
Please, help me? I understand it sucks for you, I can empathize, but I want nothing more than what you guys have.
Adam James
behold the evil of Holla Forums.
this is how evil Holla Forums is.
they even have a cartoon image of a smirking guy with sunglasses to top it.
how evil is that?
pure evil, Holla Forums-style
now i baited the the guy who baited me, wait for him to show his true evil
Owen Nelson
I don't know what you're talking about, but Space Dandy is the exact opposite of evil.
Landon Anderson
Guess even you memeboys are too absorbed in your depression to tell me how to get where you are/were, huh.
Isaiah Stewart
Man, sometimes I feel like a fucking alien. What's so great about socialization? It's like pogoing next to a hill, waiting until you make one wrong move then suddenly the world's against you and you know it's all your fault. I try to avoid it at all costs. But, you know, you don't have to be antisocial to be NEET or vice versa. You can do just one, or neither if you're into that. Personally, I think it sounds like you need to hire a hooker.
Thomas Morris
Austin Cook
Easton Thompson
Brody Reyes
Jackson Williams
fuck i hate Holla Forums
Brandon Kelly
I used to think like that but sooner or later it will come and bite you in the ass like in my case. A hooker won't help much, no matter how edgy or hardcore you pretend to be, you still need something more than a simple "release" that you'd get from a hooker or drugs. And of course you need socializing, you may call it shitposting or lurking but that is one way or another socializing.
I think you're in the wrong thread, nigger, thanks for the bumps though.
Bentley Ramirez
Go to parks and nature trails.
Julian Long
People are cunts and are best avoided.
Jacob Reed
You think that's bad? Once you receive some social contact you have to have it more and more often. Once you go back to being alone it feels even worse than before. Don't bother unless you can keep a pretty consistent amount of social contact. I was in the same boat as you, except I eventually became completely numb to the fact that I never had any social contact. Didn't bother me at all. Then I started hanging out with this guy I met in college, his girlfriend, other people that are around his place. Now when I go home I hate it. Sometimes I'm home for a month at a time, and it's torture.
Worse still, him and his girlfriend introduced me to her sister the other day. We did some molly and spent most of the night together just hanging out. Best time I've had in years. Now I'm home. Depressed. Empty inside. I'm not fit enough yet that I have a chance with this girl, even though she's everything I want in a girl. We have a lot in common, but I don't think it matters that much. She probably isn't interested in me in the least. And this is gonna be how I feel for as long as I'm home. Until I see her again, if I ever see her again.
Dylan Morales
If you change the word people to 'nazi russians on Holla Forums with all the patience and propaganda in the world' then I'm with you.
Christopher Cox
Well that eventually drives you to go out more, I see it as a good thing. Having a girl you like and actually HANGING OUT WITH should be a good enough motivator to help you get fit.
At least you have people that call you, I haven't been called on my phone in MONTHS, not ONE call. I haven't been asked out, not even for a beer, it fucking sucks, you should be glad you actually have people that care about you and people that would notice if you just suddenly disappeared. No, I can fuckoff or die in a ditch tomorrow and NOBODY would know, even less would care.
The so called friends and acquaintances I have NEVER call or at least message me from time to time. I was the one that initiated everything. I decided to see if anyone gave a fuck, so I stopped contacting them, and here I am, not one call for months, could easily be years.
Not ONE fucking "how's it going/how are you/you okay" nothing. People I've helped and thought were friends. Fuck this gay earth and fuck everyone.
Hudson Martinez
why do you fucking normies come here? why?
Aiden Wilson
That was incoherent babble but those dubs are worth noting.
Robert Robinson
so you are that type of low level rat the the higher up rats send out to eat poison
Kayden Myers
Only if someone drags me out of this place, it hasn't motivated me to get out of here myself. I've been working on that on my own, all that shit did was make me feel like shit that I didn't accomplish more before that moment. It was the same for me, but if I could go back to being numb to the world, I probably would. It's far worse if you add in any social contact then go back to being alone. This is how it is for me. I will see my friends 1 day out of a month, then not see them again for an undefined amount of time. Not even hearing from them until they need me for something. Most of the time it's help studying because I'm some sort of genius in their eyes.
Sebastian Thompson
I'm here since the first exodus or before that. Hey some people try to better themselves and not be a NEET for the rest of their lives. But you're right, feeling like shit makes you a normie. Fuck off, nigger.
One way or another the upside of this is you get outside. There's nobody to "drag me" out.
And this is the same feeling you'll be getting in the future if you don't act now.
This is more or less me at this point. I can go on days, weeks, hell even months without contact if I have something to distract me but that is just me ignoring my life slipping away. How old are you, Holla Forumsro?
Lucas Thomas
27. Will be 28 in a few months.
Grayson Anderson
Where do you live?
Camden Bell
lol u rely on interpersonal relationships ur a fgt
Luis Peterson
in a rather large city in Europe, why?
Strange thing is I don't want to be autistic for the rest of my life, im such a fag I guess.