Watch replies for triggered stormweenies incoming
"America will kick your ass" - Olbermann's message to you stormweenies
you expect me to watch a 20 minute video just to call you a faggot after i finished?
laughed hard on this
Why are stormweenies so retarded?
White nationalist sentenced in child porn case
"Outside the courtroom, Elisha Strom expressed disbelief about her estranged husband’s sentence, which included 15 years of supervised release.
“It’s a joke,” Strom said. “Twenty-three months after everything he did. It’s a joke.”
The couple moved to Greene County in 2000, when Kevin Strom was working for the National Alliance, a West Virginia-based organization that has been described as a white supremacist group. Elisha Strom said they split from the group in 2005 and started the National Vanguard, a now-defunct “white nationalist” group.
The Stroms’ relationship took a turn for the worse a year later, when Elisha Strom came home to find her husband looking at pornography on the computer while naked, she said. The couple reportedly signed a notarized contract that required Kevin Strom to get help for pedophilia.
Police seized Kevin Strom’s computer in August 2006 during a raid of his home. He was arrested in January 2007 after a federal grand jury indicted him on five charges of possession of child pornography."
That dude got the shaft big time.
Who the fuck is this even?
I genuinely thought he was dead.
I think we may have enough FEMA camps already built to handle all the Olbermann types if that's how they really feel.
Funny how all the violently protesting libtards are all bunched up in cities. You want to "Kick Our Ass" and start a civil war? Good luck with that. We, out here in the country, will just cut off your power, then your food; as we kick back and watch you consume each other.
Op is a faggot yet again.