We're done
Don't forget World War 3.
Bring it on.
And you looked at the mirror and you were a nigger :( sad life
Nice defeatism.
Also the worse it gets the better it will become.
I am ready, bring it on!
Why so sad? Any of those victories would not grant us 10% of what we are trying to achieve.
The more people you throw into discomfort zone, the better.
The greater the struggle in front of us, the better filtration process for the willing and capable there will be. Look forward to the struggle.
I see Europe's decline has taught you nothing about the complacency of modern man
Me and you may be ready to fight, to join a rebellion or something like that, but how many of us are there?
Did you really think that power system can be brough down without bloodshed and revolution?
There's a good chance that the Austrian presidential election gets repeated in October due to high irregularities concerning the voting cards (i.e. vote rigging, although they never would call it that).
If it happens it will get considerably harder for (((them))) to rig the vote.
the us is still under the grip of only the israeli and not the israeli and his commie kike wife, the eu. if we fall, it will be in our best interest to secure a new state, and might will make right.
it's not about rebellion in that situation, it's about survival
organization will be sidestepped for action
we're gonna go full bosnia
pic very related
Shut your fucking whore mouth, you little faggot bitch.
Yes. Close call.
Surely, Maybe, Why would they disband?
Record low as in below 4% of last elections? Very unlikely, Likely
Close to impossible, PS likely not to reach ballot
Could be, could be
Doesn't need to
Coming soon
Coming soon, regrettably
Sadly plausible
Close to impossible
Could be, impossible in our lifetimes without massive bloodshed
They did so already
defeatist thread.
fuck off.
OP is a massive fucking faggot.
You know for a fact putin wants to land troops in the US.
OP is pic related.
Defeatist cuck.
Either shut the fuck up or do something about it.
You crying and whining only serve to demoralize the people that are working to do something.
You are a faggot. I don't care about any of this shit, Brexit, Trump, anything, because we all know it will not bring about the final solution. It is all fun and games.
The real time we loose, is if white people ever get off their lazy asses and do anything about all of this and are all cut down by robotic soldiers because we waited to fucking long.
They are going to redo the election, Hofer might still win.
What makes you so sure about this one?
Britain voting Remain just increases the need for UKIP. As PH once said, our only hope is electing a majority government with the will to leave.
This US election, I could see it destabilizing the US
however that may be what the NWO has in mind in order to crash the system with few survivors and roll us into a global government to "fix" the issue.
OP, don't be upset.
Brexit, Trump, AfD and the like are our last chance for diplomacy and democracy.
If they all fail, then we get to live in interesting times. We can RWDS and everyone will witness us.
The fun is only beginning, lad.
that's the exact scenario a lot of folks have been preparing for though
the writing is on the wall and they think we're illiterate
Modern intelligence agencies have tools Stasi agents would die for and all of them are controlled by EU-happy-left-leaning-jew-loving-faggots.
We're done, just like the Roman empire.
Holy shit, can the defeatist shilling be any more obvious?
That's the exact opposite of what happened in South Africa.
They opened the postal vote letters too early and it got kind of shady. Now the FPÖ (Hofer Party) is pushing for new elections and it's likely to happen.
I know the elections were shady but it's still hard to believe they would actually redo it.
Did they really just cross-fire at each other? That's some serious rookie shit right there.
No shilling it's the truth. This will happen
No it wont. At worst we will be forced to seize a Northwestern American homeland for whites.
Stop being a fag
If that happens then at least I'll finally feel hopeless enough to take as many of these scumbags with me as possible, I'm sure there's a lot of other people who feel this way to.
Let them do it, they're going to find that if they do, a lot of lone wolf whites will start fucking their shit up. I think theyll be a lot better at it than shitskins too.
I'm of the belief that speeding up the decay will actually help to awaken more of our people, obviously I'd rather have no decay but that's just not an option at this point. If they ease it just enough for people to start getting comfortable it would do much more long-term damage(the muda are already here, brexit isn't going to help that), I want our people to have to face this problem sooner rather than later.
TL;DR It'll only piss off even more Whites and thats exactly what we need
Demoralizing propaganda.
Let me guess
You cucks didn't have people counting the ballots, am I right?
Sunderland just shoa'd the remain camp
nothing is lost, the fire just started
Grow a fucking backbone you absolute faggot. Holy shit.
Read my fucking mind OP, literally almost everything you said is what I expect to happen as an American concerned with Western civilization
The "republicans" will make a permanent shift to the left.
You got a hint of what it'll be like with Rubio.
daily reminder that defeatism is a battle-proven tactic
report and sage
We are heading towards an inevitable future.
A difficult future.
Those who see this - are already preparing.
And we will be ready to face it.
Every demoralizing propaganda piece only strengthens our resolve and sense of purpose.