Is it wrong/dumb to be racist?

Is it wrong/dumb to be racist?

Not really. Feel whatever you want, user. But I just gonna let you know now, nobody really cares.

It's natural to be racist, at least for white people. Why do you think there is almost no porn with black women? Because most white men aren't sexually attracted to them.

It's a good thing. The white race is superior to others, especially to the negro race and it needs to be protected and preserved.

poor girl

Being racist (hating others based solely on race) is stupid, being less likely to trust someone based on previous experience with similar people is called learning.
Plenty of people would consider me racist when in reality I'm just reacting based on previous experience.

No it's right/intelligent.

Around the blacks never relax.

On one hand, it's wrong to be racist since there are individuals within any race that can defy the stereotypes, for better or worse. On the other hand, those stereotypes exist for a reason, so it's not COMPLETELY wrong to be racist.

Just don't hate anyone without getting to know them, not that you can get to know huge masses of people that're causing problems, like ghetto nignogs, drug cartel wetbacks, and fanatical towelheads.

They put 2 nigger chicks in our 98% white elementary school.
We literally all of us naturally lynched them because they were not like us.

Years later in retrospect, when we learned about the 6 trillion jews, i came to the conclusion that racism is a genetically passed on trait, because i didn't even know what racism was before they taught us about it.

Some user can likely back this up with facts.

Yes. Racism is a problem.

fuck off jamal

Because black men drown in white pussy and don't have all evening to watch tranny porn and violate their bodypillows?

Racism is natural. It is dumb to hate people based on the color of the skin. It is smart to judge groups of people using heuristics and knowledge of biological predispositions.

It makes sense biologically and scientifically, but not morally or when based in a society that values equality.

There is a difference between a Golden Retriever and a Lab, even though they're fairly close as dogs. But they are both dogs and can both interbreed. We recognize the differences, strengths, weaknesses, etc. of breeds of dogs. But how dare we imply that black people are more athletic or asians are more STEM-based intelligent even with overwhelming evidence supporting it?

Most problems that people have with blacks are problems that are more correctly associated with poverty, lack of education, and poor upbringing.
Because they are poor as shit and systematically oppressed by our society, wherein they have pretty much always been on the bottom. They are too poor to afford an education and were raised by people who were similarly poor and stupid, perpetuating the loop. Happens with whites, too. Happens everywhere.
Because our educational system benefits from outsider influence enormously. Schools get the same amount of gubmint money but upper-class neighborhoods will have people who can donate the money to assure good programs, whereas poor neighborhoods don't get that benefit. Then in comes the poor, stupid kids who hate the establishment that put them there and they make education that much harder.

You add money, true welfare, and you see these problems disappear. Look at the rest of the civilized world, predominantly Europe. More welfare correlates with less poverty, less inequality, higher education, and higher happiness.

Your problem isn't what color their skin is, it's what's in their pockets and their minds.

no it's ok to be racist, I mean it's no different for a man to get rid of a roach as it is for a white to deport a nonwhite

die faggot

Not an argument.

oh jamal, he wasn't arguing he was telling you to go back to your mud hut

Assuming I'm a black person only makes you look stupider.

you mean less intelligent my disadvantage afro monkey

Stupider and less intelligent mean the same thing, fucktard. Also, isn't it great how you keep changing the subject to make it less obvious that you have no leg to stand on?

He's right that you sound less intelligent if you say "stupider" though.

My point is that his assumption that being against racism means I'm black is itself racist.

Nigga nobody's giving a shit about my well-educated wall of text why the fuck you think anyone gonna actually give a shit 'bout namecalling?


Back in the 60s, sure. But today? No, they have all the tools handed to them to climb up the social ladder, and have been given tons of opportunities via affirmative action. They are not oppressed in 2016.

OR, and hear me out, OR Iq is genetic and blacks are predisposed to being less intelligent. This is neither good or bad, but simply a fact. Intelligence is correlated with genetics. The school system cater to these people, and end up ultimately holding more people back academically. It razes the standards in an attempt to create equality.

You mean the continent with the highest concentration of white people?

No, white people are correlated with that. The majority of Europe has welfare programs. That's where this correlation comes about.

A person's phenotype is a way to have an understanding of their genotype. While there is no single "black" or "white" gene, there are specific behaviors that are associated with the different ethnic groups. Certainly, the what's in the pockets has some affect, but as much as genetics. See pic, poor white kids and rich black kids have similar scores And skin color is a good way to determine what type of behavior an individual is predisposed to.

your a stupid nigger

got to correct myself, cause that's what human beings do, learn by example jamal

Well then, you're a racist. What else do you want me to say?

Lol nobody is able to argue with posts like this. Because it actually makes sense?

Isn't it even proven that there is an IQ gap between blacks and whites, no matter which social standard they live in?

It makes sense up until people start talking about making laws.

Any parentime that let's a child spend their developmental years around niggerso should be shot.
