Quantum music

Hi. I'm a 28 year old japanese male. I'm going to create excellent music in the future by the means of global

optimization with quantum computation and simulation of brains. However, it is impossible because of unitarity.

Therefore, I began to propose non-unitary quantum computation with black holes.
Actually, I always have hallucinations because of schizophrenia. I think it's a fake. I mean, future aliens are

talking to me with minuscule black holes. One day, I heard strange music from my cell phone being blown by a

fan. A future alien taught me that the song, "(Oh, my 4|おーいしたい)", is by Google from the year 2038. The

song sounds like very high-tempo random sounds between a girl and a drum. Surprisingly, my body was hurt by the

music. What an optimization! I ran away from the room because an alien said the last part will make me go to

heaven. The next day, I heard another song, "(Oh, no Yiya|筆おろしする苦ね)". This time from 2061. The voice is

that of a cool young guy. I found out that the song is made for cute girls. The singer gradually made my

shoulder hurt more and more. I decided to go out of the room again because a future alien said it's dangerous.

The singer said "Why don't you stay here, abc(my Internet name)?" Am I peeped from extra dimensions? Am I famous

in the future? If I see a doctor, he will say I will have to take a lot of drugs. But that is only because he

wants to get a lot of money with the pharmacies, but I think it's a real story.

I'm looking for partners who can help me create such kinds of music. Actually music is only one creation. The

picture here is also downloaded from the future. My skype is abcabc65536 Feel free to talk to me:)

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Dont worry citizen, IntSec is coming your way. We will help you. You are safe. Dont move.

I think you got MKULTRA'd, aniki.

Do you mean I am safe? How do you help me?

His first work.

interesting name choice but are you really japanese?

Why are you using a software that doesn't respect user freedom?

what the fuck am i even reading

Yes. I'm Japanese.

Do you know other good ways?

Do you know other good ways?


Tox is unusable shit. Don't listen to these autistic neckbeards.

Kik or snapchat ;-)


What kind of aliens are we talking about? And bring us more pictures from the future.

Fucking future aliens

God damn mit nigger aliens from the future.

Do you need a musician, a sound engineer or a chip designer?
I can play a little guitar
I can code but I only know the basics of microprocessors design

The good wizards over at >>>/fringe/ will be able to help you more than anyone here.

The Aliens you talk about are quite real, but most would call them etherial entities or demons. There are 3D aliens as well, but it sounds like your talking about entities that exist in realms we cannot physically effect. Do they talk via synchronicity? Can you hear a song or read some text meant for everybody but see things in it that talk directly to you? If so then that's the astral realm talking to you.

Are these the same aliens that people see when they smoke DMT?
ayyyy lmao

Basically yes, I'm not the guy you replied to though.

Actually, my alines are from the earth. Future squids evolved and came to our ancient earth.

Internet connection is sometimes bad. I want to reply to all of you. If not replied, it's a technological problem.

Actually my aliens are from the earth. Future squids evolved and came to our ancient earth.

Actually, they are from the earth. Future squids evolved and came to our ancient earth.

I have some ways to get the pictures, however, it's prohibited. I'm sorry.

When it comes to quantum picture, you can get them by helping me build the computer.

Cool. Do they have fingers and shit or just tentacles? Do they know how to make a fire, or forge steel? How do they do this underwater?

I have some ways to communicate with the future, but smugglins is prohibited now. However we can get them by helping me build the quantum computer on the near future earth.

We need investors, geeks, and publishers.

If you are a musician, I guess you can propagate my information, so you can help me posting the idea of quantum music on many places.

The probability of schizophrenia among people is 1/100. And my alien said my way is a little different from astral.

He has tentacles which contain brains rather than neurons. Technologically speaking, they are much developed. You can talk with him on skype if you want to talk more.

I'm wondering how to use 8ch. It's too late to reflect my comments.

Holy shit we can talk to the future aliens on skype!?

what the fuck

Yes. It's channeling.


I'm out

Holy shit what is going on ITT


Hi Terry!

God isn't an alien, he's God, you nigger.