Trump denounces "alt-right" fascists
how will Holla Forumsacks ever recover?
Trump denounces "alt-right" fascists
how will Holla Forumsacks ever recover?
What, did you expect him to openly support the alt-right?
TRS isn't Holla Forums
sup Holla Forums, Holla Forums never liked the pro-fag "alt-right"
Y-you clearly don't understand that Trump is playing 4D chess! Y-your brain is just too weak to understand his psychology!
Wait until those Trumpfags invading Holla Forums find out that he won't deliver on building the wall, deporting millions of illegals, while pardoning hillary and fighting jewish wars.
Also wait for the next post to call me a CtR shill because i don't trust their kike puppet.
>inb4 but it was written on the paper that he "unintentionally" leaked to the press
Dude, Trump is a kike puppet! We should have just voted for Hitler. Fuck these kikes, my fellow nazi.
Holla Forums was never alt right you kike nigger
He just won the election a fortnight ago. A little early to be saying he won't be delivering on the wall when all indication is that he will.
t. king nigger
Nobody really gives a shit about Gitmo, so king nigger got a pass on that. There's only like 100 inmates there anyway.
The wall is actually necessary to stop the border flood and it's the main thing Trump ran on.
You heard it here first.
Not the same as "SHUT IT DOWN."
Holla Forums is alt-right now?
Did TRS invade?
I'm pretty sure he denounces actual nazis too. Either way, Trump just shat on all Holla Forums holds dear.
Sweet, sweet tears. Try to tell me how I'm wrong, it helps me get off.
Beautiful view from this Overton window, don't you think, OP? Might need shades.
this is a >>>Holla Forums outreach thread. they have been doing this on Holla Forums to make people want to go to their gay dying board.
lmao what are you scared of nigger?
Op is a faggot yet again.
Being the guy in The Oval Office is like being The Tidy Bowl Man. You may be in a boat but you’re still in the toilet and when the shit falls and the handle gets pulled you’re still going down with the rest of us.
Of course Trump is backing away with the alt-right. Did anybody really believe he was gonna turn America white? There’s no way to even begin to accomplish such a task. He ran his mouth to get elected just like the rest and he’ll spend the rest of his time doing what every president has done for the last fifty years.
Counting his days until retirement.
Go back to Reddit and quit being mad Trump won
Lol. He did this as a political move only.
Holla Forums are a bunch of sore losers who don't understand the system. Hell, even my dad voted Clinton and he said the rioters/protesters are a bunch of losers and even tried to say that they weren't democrats. Also, Embed related. Anything is a headline with the bias media nowadays. You alt left fags are a bunch of idiots.
something they won't tell you
The only people to mention Holla Forums are butthurt Holla Forumstards
Sure thing, buddy.
It's not like we didn't all see the thread, you obnoxious faglord.
Did you actually expect he will openly support some 'sieg heil' shouting faggot?
He literally said he will not build a wall ,but maybe do some fencing.
OP here , yes the thread is copypasted from Holla Forums since it's actually true.
Holla Forums does not know I posted this, imageboards are not one coherent organized collective as you know.
You have to go back
I read on Holla Forums that some random guy not affiliated with Trump went onto some radio show that nobody listens to and said the wall is just a "metaphorical" one so I don't think that pic is legit.
Holla Forums BTFO AGAIN!!! Anyways, I'm out. Gotta go post about Holla Forums some more over in Holla Forums.
Check out this dank meme btw.
You're all such unfunny delusional idiotic faggots, who can't manage to wrap their heads around basic causality while claiming to abide by all of these flawed simplistic theories that they couldn't actually understand on their best day.
It wouldn't surprise me if Holla Forums's average IQ was in the double digits.
I was just making fun on Holla Forums users, but ok.
cool shoop friend.
even if it's legit, does not mean shit
politics has always been theatrics.
what happens infront of the camera is not real.
The dubs confirm
Holla Forums is National Socialist
He better not pick Romney as Sec. of State
You can't even tell the difference.
Holla Forums is secretly a libertarian board, but no one would ever admit it, and I can't blame them.
heh ok,brb shipping myself back to mexico.
see ya
How is Trump a Kike Puppet? If anything his cabinet picks, the media that represents him and the whole anti-PC culture is behind him, and most of thems don't like the Jews
…he kind of is?
are those the 'worst' denouncements you could find OP? "I don't wanna energize them" and "but if they are energized I should research their opinions more"
top kek
he really attacked them hard, huh?
Leftypol is still buttblasted that Boynie Shmanders stabbed them in the back and made off with their money.
Sorry, Trump values Loyalty. He loves his people!
Looks like Holla Forums is still mad about us making fun of them last night
Holla Forums doesn't allow any criticism of Trump
I laughed harder than I should at this.
I fucking love all the knots you fuckers twist yourself into just to get out of compromising situations, it's hilarious. Just face it, Senpai Trump noticed you, and he thought you were a disgusting piece of shit.
Sounds hilarious, and I'm not even a Hillary supporter
I was permanently banned from Holla Forums for pointing out that according to their own standards, Cruz was a better candidate in every way, and suggesting not that they shouldn't vote for Trump (I specifically said they should because he was still better than Hillary) but to hold him to his promises and not just go along with whatever dumb shit he says, like that dumb proposal his daughter had him give about providing free time off for mothers and free childcare.
However, in fairness, at least 2/3rds of the board hate the alt-right. Their attempts to smear Common Filth for example for criticizing them haven't won out.
Also, while I disagree with him on a few things and think both Milo and Gavin can be idiots, I agree with their general assessment that most of the people saying Nazi shit on the board are trolls, but I'll take it a step further. 9 times out of 10 when someone brings up jews it's an SJW trying to derail the discussion and make us look racist, obsessed and unhinged. They never contribute to the discussion and generally try to disrupt it. I feel the staff is compromised and are themselves SJWs.
prove that there is such a thing as a "border flood" in the US today
that was probably true 10 years ago but I think it's a myth now
Most trump supporters ACTUALLY go to work and have a job and don't have time to protest the protesters
I'm honestly confused right now.
Since when was Holla Forums not part of the alt-right?
Even by both definitions (the "non neoconservative" and the "white-nationalist" ones), it's still part of the alt-right.
considering who lost the election i think it's you in the knot, buddy
Does that mean Ben Carson is Mob?
I didn't even vote fam, I had no horse in the race, I just love the taste of human tears
Who are you quoting?
You know , I am not a nat-soc and think Holla Forums are idiots, but I agree with them on the juice..
I'm not nuetral, I'm in it for myself. If Hillary won, I'd get mass Holla Forums hysteria. Trump was the better candidate, because not only do I get SJW tears, I get to watch Holla Forums wriggle and writhe as their big sugar daddy basically says over and over that his campaign rhetoric was just to get the useful idiots to put him in power. It's hilarious, I love it.
nigger, Holla Forums themselves denounce the alt-right for attracting homos like Milo
yes, ben and carson , mob…
It's the internet, I can do whatever I like
used and thrown like a cheap whore…
a basket of disposables
8/pol/ is nothing more than a playpen for the mods. I suspect the same tripfag IRC circlejerk that killed 4chon was appointed moderator powers when hotwheels back in 2014 removed the original board owner.
I fear worse, they are feds from stormfront.
The best thing about Holla Forums is if they got their way every single human on earth including themselves would be considered too degenerate, impure and weak to befit the title of superior master race, so everyone would just purge each other until nobody was left. Good times, good times.
The second best thing about Holla Forums is how they deny how much incest the world had committed before we advanced beyond tribes and villages, so the amount of inbreeding that has already occurred has already permenantly damaged most "master" genes and we don't even know we're all subhumans as a result.
The whole point of avoiding "degeneracy" is so we DON'T go back to being savage tribes
I think he means the damage is already done.
Holla Forums has become a hugbox the likes of which I've never seen before, and it wasn't always like that. It used to be people of most right wing denominations could make a thread about whatever. Nat-Socs, Libertarians, Constitutionalists, An-Caps, you name it… Now, unless you don't tow the Nat-Soc Puritan line, you're a good goy, degenerate shill, making slide threads. Holla Forums went from most fun aloud, to some fun aloud, to no fun aloud pretty damn quick. And the Anime threads are fucking hilarious! If you want to cause a divide among Holla Forums in a flash, post an anime picture and something pro-Japanese. It will help you identify the reasonable people from the uppity stormfags. Also Flat Earthers.
I was a Holla Forumsack last year, I left because I noticed how they are either retarded or heavily infiltrated,I also noticed that Holla Forums is not radical enough for me,since then I didn't become a moderate or a leftist, in fact I became more extreme, stopped dabbling in politics , if Holla Forums wants to gas niggers and kikes, I want to nuke everyone on earth.
Sorry I'm tired.
The mods are responsible for everything.
Censorship creates stupid people.
Also their obsession with shilling is not compatible with the concept of an anonymous imageboard. They should have just created a normal forum if the idea of dissent from an outsider is too much for them.
next time I will make a post on Holla Forums I will start with "CTR here"
You sound as edgy and retarded as those underage niggers always saying "Either way American loses! I'm so insightful. *tips*"
But yet, no one knows who the British Empire medal guy is who has the best seat in the house at the Al Smith dinner
those tits in the background.
There is no merit in faith.
The woman in red with the tits behind him is no mistake. She is the distraction and misdirection that worked. None (except for me) noticed that the guy with the best seat in the house is a mystery man that no one is talking about or able to identify. But yet there he is with a British Empire medal.
Who is he?
diplomat, knight or some gay bong shit?
bump to see who he is
can you find the guest list?
dude I think you're just retarded. It was very obvious he was doing satire
but who? no one knows and no one is asking questions except for me. The guy with a British Empire medal (one of the most powerful empires of recent times) has the best seat in the house. But everyone seems to have missed him because of the tits and white gloves behind him. Who is he?
it's pic related.
Great work user.
And what is his significance to the president being picked?
And what is that significance compared to Farage meeting Trump to be the ambassador before Trump met the Prime minister?
Pretty much, the banhappy mods aren't helping any either.
But hey, if you ever wanted to know what life under authoritarian fascism would be like without actually putting your life in jeopardy, get a good VPN list and see how many times you get banned (aka killed/imprisoned in real fascism) for stepping out of line.
That's why Holla Forums, like tumblr, is my mortal enemy, I wanna have fun goddammit.
The flat earth shit is hilarious, but that's because they started from a position of denying "controversial" science like evolution and climate change, then they went on from there. It's to the point where they thing relativity and modern physics is a scam because so many Jewish scientists are involved.
there's a seating plan on jonathan lemire 's facebook
congratulations user. Your work is better than Holla Forums, Infowars, Project Veritas, Drudge Report, Stefan Molxneux, and Weev. You've named a man that they dare not name or missed completely because they were looking at Maria's tits.
10/10 for real journalism
I agree, awesome work.
+5 internets
Of course he's not going to build that fucking wall, how the fuck is he supposed to get his coke if there's a wall.
He's a fraud, always has been, always will be.
What is his endgame Holla Forums?
Well now I know you dunno shit.
I'm going to enjoy this.. :v
Trump want to ban porn.
Trump does not want to energize the alt-right and labels them as fascists.
Tell me, if Trump just shat on all Holla Forums holds dear then why are leftists still in streets protesting rioting and burning things to the ground? Either a. Your admitting leftist are retarded, or b. Your just another shill.
Holla Forums mention's Holla Forums way more than Holla Forums mentions Holla Forums nigga..
Because leftists believe the same things that Holla Forums believes about Trump. The rest of use can see that is clearly not the case.
That's some Jewish mastery on attacking your enemy using self defense. Bravo
I thought they shut down CTR after she lost…
retard stormnigger detected
alt-right is an msm term, you imbecile, pol was never "alt-right"
who cares about 8pol anyway, it's co-opted and subverted
Alt-right means rightwing. Holla Forums isn't rightwing. National Socialist is more centralist
You are experiencing grandiose delusions.
can you please post the full seating plan? I don't have Facebook (nor am I interested in going on there)
Chill out, he is trying not to get assassinated :^)
I thought that they we're fascist though
That image is really confusing. It makes it seem like a totalitarian super state and a communist welfare state are polar opposites. I thought they would be side by side and on the other end would be small government and free market.
you'll have to do that yourself, friend. i don't have a fb either. reverse image search the pic for starters.
Great thread OP.
Alt right is phrase coined by the MSM from the very start.
Holla Forums threads still up
Trump's Mexican wall a boon for Israeli security company
clinton won the popular plebicite by more than 2 million votes and counting. he's a minority president. all of his flagship promises are now being watered down. he has repudiated his hard core support. his cabinet is composed of family, kikes, two awful women and a mad dog general.
what have you to say now, Holla Forumstards? ctr again?
Still better than Hillary. She couldn't even win with voter fraud.
strange how trump did so well in states using electronic voting, isn't it? even stranger hillary isn't screaming for a recount.
I don't even know what you're trying to get at here Holla Forums. The man isn't even in office yet. And even if the 2 million is legit (its not) the majority of Clinton's votes came from California and does not in any way reflect the views of the rest of the country. This is why the electoral college is even a thing.
Could it be perhaos that, and bare with me here..
still listening?
Maybe the mainstream
Still following here?
Maybe the mainstream media
Still with me?
Maybe the mainstream media is
On Trumps rhetoric and being biased
You know? Like they've been doing for the past year…
well read it again. check the facts. i don't see anything difficult there. i support neither side, btw.
liberal media is in a sulk over trump, sure. they are biased against him. but the facts are the facts and they don't compare well to his campaign promises already and as you pointed out, he has barely started to even prepare to govern. how many more compromises will it take before you say this isn't what i voted for?