>we have tangible power now

The leftists fear us. We got our puppet in the white house. Our meme magic is unstoppable.

What's the next step of our master plan?

If it aint RWDS I don't give a rat's ass.

kek works in mysterious ways

That may have been a mistake.

The RWDS better be less faggy than that.

Keep dreaming. Also

Kek will be laughing at us soon enough.


Shill for who?

Another unclean spirit that tricked you.

That's rich coming from you.

Rich in what sense?


Being serious, HW deserves a dreadnaught armor from Trump.

Rich in that you have a foul spirit as well.


First, you are saying kek is already a foul spirit, second point, stop projecting.

I don't get it.

Look at those skinny cucks.
The only things they're killing are people's sides.

It's Left Wing Cuck Squads.

They don't actually accomplish anything but tying up traffic and vandalism.

i dont either, its a shitty piece of (((art)))

im laffin

We must Meme all the right wing to Europe

The next step is giving out free helicopter rides

youre already on the ride of your life

What makes kek an "unclean spirit"? People know its just the collective subconscious of multiple people projected into a symbolic personage, not an actual fucking frog ghost with its own will. That's asinine.

Yeah, laugh all the way until they shoot up your family's clinic for failing to pay the damn protection fees. You'll laugh all the way to the morgue when they rape your cousins and cut their tits off and leave them to rot in the streets.

Commies with guns are no laughing matter you sheltered dumbass. I've had family killed by faggots like thos will become given enough time and circumstance. You don't crush the head of the snake while its small you will fucking regret it.


Holy shit you're all retarded as fuck

commies are as good at shooting dissenters as the nazis, bro. maybe gun control would be a good idea after all.

there's little to grasp, fags, but try a bit harder. understanding a portrait isn't hard. puns intended.





You think progress is made with money and diplomacy? The wheels of progress stop when they are not greased with the blood of men.

Only the strong survive. Only through struggle do we flourish.

u so hard cor