Behold: The future.
Is anyone else really digging this VR porn? I think I'm forming an actual addiction.
Behold: The future
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Totally unrelated to OP's topic but I have a pretty fun story about this.
On the other hand you can enjoy the VR set hundreds of times
ma niggah
That's not even the… the guy…
Any not too infected links for free VR porn I can watch on my Cardboard?
vrsmash (dat com) is a website that works in your carboard, but it's only low res trailers.
That's a massive scrotum.
Can we talk about these balls for a second
plz respont
She puts her mouth on his stomach and blows a fart noise
Not before they can into plain video of acceptable quality.
Also current VR HMDs flicker as fuck (worse than these old 60Hz CRTs), and are impossible to use if your eyes/brain have higher than average temporal resolution.
I have my Vive, now I'm waiting for THIS
I'd hate to have to clean that thing.
When can I have a threesome with all my baywatch favs while the hoff cheers on ?
You clean it as you clean an average onahole…
Unless you want to jizz all over your setup
From my experience this site has the best quality videos. I use a gear vr, it is awesome but most other content is shit.
you can get a decent headset for
>getting anything decent for
I can just see the jews behind BLACKED.COM making a spinoff channel called CUCKED.COM/VR where all the vids are white chicks getting murked by niggers while the vr pov is from a white guy in the corner fapping.
U mad, white boi?
I'm still waiting for a spinoff called Watching my Daughter Fucking a Goy or Goys on Jewesses ;_;
I'm old nigger…
what the fuck is happening to you humans?