Oh ya guys, look at these dank memes, clearly Holla Forums isn't retarded and is totally capable of making memes

oh ya guys, look at these dank memes, clearly Holla Forums isn't retarded and is totally capable of making memes
oh lord, Holla Forums totes btfo forever with this shitty mspaint pic or how about this rule 34 meme that everyone could totally get on the first look.

Other urls found in this thread:


Holla Forums is so far shoved up its own fucking ass that they would rather step on eggshells to make memes to "spread communism" to normies instead of using memes to tell a good fucking joke. Thats why they're all so cringeworthy

oh ya, whats better than spongebob memes, omg trump is the next Reagan such devastation and they got gay chinese men how diverse

cat gurls xDD, poorly drawn strawmen of people they don't like, traps, ??? and stickfigure memes oh ya, they have it all

These are genuinely cringeworhty holy shit

Kek, didn't they have an OC thread but the admin deleted it out of shame?

and thats why they will fail, they don't want to be funny, they want to be taken seriously and memes are meant to be funny.

like this, it's not funny, it doesn't even make sense to normal people

they did, the ones you see here

are from their new oc thread, just can't help their autism I suppose.
>>>Holla Forums1065479

ITT: Right-wing's poor attempt at impersonating left-wing.

you guys are honestly embarrassing to watch in action