so I'm about to graduate from a CC with a bullshit degree in "natural science." My goal was just to transfer to a Uni for electrical engineering, but hey thought I might as well pick it up (plus it looks good for the school). I've done pretty well and I'm applying to UC Davis, Berkeley and various other UC's and CSU's (yup, califag here). I got a 3.7 gpa so I should therefore have guaranteed admission (though I have friend going to UC Davis who almost didn't get in because of too many guaranteed admissions). CSU wouldn't be too bad for me, I visited a couple EE programs at CSU's and was impressed with all of them
Any fuckin way, here's the spiel. I'm burnt out. I have no motivation to continue. I don't want to deal with the student loan debt, especially if I get accepted and hate my life at Uni and get shit teir grades or even drop out. I'm feeling the NEET life is for me. I just wanna waste half my awake life doing menial tasks all day and then explore my interests and hobbies on the afternoons and weekends. At least that's how I feel now
I don't think I can successfully bail school for a few years and come back, I'll have forgotten too much and feel overwhelmed. I gotta decide by the end of the year, keeping slogging over physics and math books for the next 2-3 years or go full NEET. I'm thinking of becoming an electrician, since I like electrical systems. I may get some odds jobs with my AS, but probably because I know C++ more than anything
Pick a degree you enjoy next time. Going NEET is horrible. Trust me been threre done that
Joseph Reed
took me awhile to realize that the reason she doesn't sit next to him is because he has cancer
Jayden Hall
Learn x86 assembly and a scripting language (Python seems popular and is pretty good if you ignore the SJWs). Get Network and A+ certs.
Jaxon Moore
wew hope I don't have to do that
but I think I enjoy what I'm majoring in, though maybe I should have majored in something that made bank instead of what I like. The technical side of things that come with is the hard part, which I understand you have to do to be proficient at the fun stuff. I just don't know if it's worth it anymore
Asher Watson
my cc actually offers this but isn't x86 outdated? that's what I've read in reviews for the book
just downloaded python and geany recently actually, it's a fun language
I might consider going into programming, but I hear a lot of horror stories. I guess people think programming for a living is all shits and giggles but it's actually mind numbing. I'll toss it around
Chase Barnes
you know cancer isn't contagious right?
oh wait this is Holla Forums I forgot
Colton Cruz
What does this even mean? First off, when you say "x86" do you mean the standard instruction set of the x86_64 architecture?
Do you mean the original Intel i386 architecture and its derivatives?
x86 assembly isn't necessarily "outdated" because the most powerful computer processors in the world and every desktop computer still supports it. Although with x86_64 assembly you are able to take advantage of 64-bit instructions by x86_64 is just a superset of x86
Asher Ward
ah, the reviews were probably just referring to 32 bit systems. I would ask more questions but it seems I just need to do some research. never mind