If you are nithilistic and suicidal...

if you are nithilistic and suicidal, why don't you at least make the world a better place by killing minorities out in the open, and the police can end your suffering afterwards?

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Because my family would probably have to go thru hell as a result.

You'd be dead, you fucking idiot. Such a weak excuse.

Because it's what you want me to do, FBI.

Yeah, let your parents, siblings and grandparents have to deal with the media setting up camp outside their home, FBI agents interviewing them and going thru the house, as well as people potentially harassing them, you cumgurgling spastic. What a selfish fucking cunt.

After you pop a couple niggers move on to some faggots

That's Holla Forums's problem, they discriminate.
I am a firm believer in the saying kill em all and let the gods sort them out.

Black,white,brown,yellow,green you are all scum and you need to be eliminated.



only retards take this approach. the proper way is to become a serial killer and then killed via the death penalty, so you can get your last meal (hotpockets) and famous last words (i did it for the lulz).