I know why you're all here. Some of you are just edgelords who came from another website that either praises or warns you about chans, or maybe you heard about a chan on the news, or from some edgy friend of yours.Many of you come and go but some of you decide to stay. But why does this place, practically void of actual human connectivity, keep dragging you back? Because you want to stop feeling. You might have come here for one of the previous reasons mentioned above, but you stayed in hopes of becoming numb, because you don't want to feel anymore. You see the people here, completely void of any feelings or emotions… or at least that's what they want you to believe. The truth is you all feel. You feel more pain and self loathing than most people, but you try to play it off as normal, so you come here to instill the belief that the life you are living is normal, that the pain you are feeling is normal. It isn't. Everyone here who bothers to stay is suffering in a way they could never explain to anyone else anywhere else. So they come here as an outlet to let loose all the pent up anger and frustration they have for themselves and release it in a way that doesn't harm anyone most of the time. The effect of this behavior; lashing out at everything that even resembles a threat to the status quo, because you want nothing more than to be normal. Isn't that why you adopted the term "-fag" after every characteristic that might express an ounce of individuality? So you could fit in with the people here, because you couldn't fit in with the people out there? Everyone wants to feel like they belong. Everyone wants to feel like they are a part of something. And though you might succeed in your plight to assimilate with the people of this site, you will never find happiness, because in your quest to stop feeling and to become "normal" you have rejected yourself. You will never find happiness on this site for that very reason, but you can use it to numb the pain. Who knows.. maybe most of you have accepted that and given up on finding true happiness, choosing to stay here instead. I know I have. Here's to 8 years of my life. Here's to you Holla Forums. Cheers.
Kill yourself.
Eventually… but not today.
I come here to attention-whore
What happened to that dude's balls?
I can't remember… there once was a time I had a screen cap of the whole thread, but I got a new computer and this was the only pic I transferred. I believe it was some sort of infection that was left untreated.
I am here because I can be myself without anyone attacking me.
I considered making your kind a talking point, but couldn't find a way to tie it into the point I was trying to make. Still worth mentioning though. You are proof this place isn't completely shit and some good can come out of chans.
Yes. What's it to you?
It's none of my business how you choose to live your life. Just felt like bringing the undertones of all chans to light.
fuck off
Is this the new Holla Forums copy-pasta?
Guy who posted that thread reporting in. I don't even really know. This is the backstory i got with it translated from Russian.
You sir are a ++faggot.
Shitposting, arguing, and responding to posts is fun
I usually feel fine. When I do feel like shit video games makes me forget about whatever was bothering me because they demand your full attention. I don't see how chans would allow you to feel numb
Do they? There's tons of feels threads and people bitching about their life circumstances and how it makes them feel
I don't live in pain and I have an excessively high self-opinion
lol Holla Forums is bad but it's not that bad. It's fun just like other kinds of recreation. If you play lots of video games or watch lots of TV that doesnt mean you're clinically depressed and self-loathing
Absolutely not. In my view it's people conforming their behavior to social norms that inhibits their ability to enjoy life optimally. People are terrified of being outcasted and labelled weird. When I'm in social settings with normies they just look at their phones and choose their words carefully like social interactions are supposed to be chess. I just cut loose and do whatever's fun; often I bring life and fun to social settings. To me being normal is a nightmare. It keeps you from being able to really enjoy yourself and forces you to walk on eggshells to make the right moves. I'm happier than most normies because of this very reason
Not I. Everyone else sucks dick
lol I go on chans for amusement not happiness
This post is projection
me arguing within
all day every day day-to-day