Norfag here
Wanna move out of this shitty country and start my life over but have no idea where
What non-cucked english speaking country would be the best to move to?
Norfag here
Wanna move out of this shitty country and start my life over but have no idea where
What non-cucked english speaking country would be the best to move to?
non-cucked? there are no non-cucked countries anymore.
well what about no so cucked?
Faggot you're already in one of the best countries. Stay there.
it's really not as good as everyone says
Whats wrong with it? I've heard only good things from people who've been there. U sure you appreciate it enough?
things are expensive, laws are rules are too strict and the people are so ignorant and self-absorbed
These are the things that bother me the most
belgium is like a faggy version of the netherlands but I heard it's a bit less cucked than the rest of europe so that should be your best bet, as for english speaking countries your shit out of luck, those have been cucked since day 1
The US, people pretty much exclusively speak English here. Try Finland I guess.
Your little brother to the west welcomes you. Shit's expensive here too but not being a cuck isn't free.
You should also rid yourself of the filthy mongrel language you speak and go back to your roots. Icelandic is basically the tongue of your ancestors and your cultural heritage.
I thought most people in the cities didn't even normally speak Icelandic.
Iceland actually seems like a really nice place to live, however it looks pretty boring and uneventful
Impossible, it's in an anglo's brain to be a cuckold
fellow norfag here, lets meet and fuck user
I might actually take you up on that.
I've read that it is much harder to master a new language after you've turned 11, but I'll give it my best if I decide to head over there.
Is it true that you people have like 40% Irish blood in you?
'nother Norfag here - are u a qt?
Har du ofret til kongleguden gnakkopakkokakksakk i dag?
No, I'm a bearded basement dweller.
… r u?
Everybody knows English here, but we only speak it to the tourists. The City (Reykjavik) is pretty fucking cancerous though, but the countryside is still strong enough to keep them in check.
Someone breaking into your house and stabbing you and raping your woman is an event. Boring is what happens when you demand to be spoonfed, there's a bunch of fun out there if you can get off your ass to find it. I recently joined a male choir and it's a lot of fun.
40% is way off the mark. Closer to 10 - 15% The legend of The Raping Viking was anglo propoganda to make the Irish, Scots and Northen English fear the Vikings and not do trade with them.
Tja - det sprøs hva du mener med skjeggete kjellerboer… Men, nei, jeg er ingen qt ;_;
The Vikings stole all the hot women from the places they raided and left the ugly ones behind. Just look at Ireland, Scotland and northern England.
Do it faggot
da er vi to ikke-qt's ._.
anyway, Im off to fap to asian porn. then I'm going to bed - work tomorrow as well. ;w;
No, there simply never were beautiful women in Britain and Scandinavian women are beautiful and always have been.
Riktig skikka morgon, karar! Kvisleis er ståa hos dykkar i dag?
They won't be for much longer
That's why I was telling this brother to come to the Island that's so cold and inhospitable that no refugees want to come here.
Trips confirm treeless volcano to be best island
I think we'll manage to pull through
Sylvi Listhaug for prime minister!
If that is all it takes, why not move to our last remaining colony, Svalbard?
Just stay there and fuck as many hot norwegian girls you can.
That's the last resort. Still fish in the sea so we won't starve.
I don't know man, there are thousands of refugees even in finnmark. I think the water has more to do with it than the weather.
I think it's the isolation that puts them off. Shit goes down where you gonna run to?
I don't know, the refugees in finnmark are pretty isolated.
This is all good in theory but when was the last time you burgers RWDS'd a rapefugee?
Might just be they have a hard time reaching here cause you can't hitchhike.
Not isolated enough, I suggest we send all refugees to Bouvetøya and air drop some food every now and then.
Honestly I think Norway flew most of them from somewhere in the south to the north. Anyways, Iceland is safe as long as they don't let them get on a plane to there.
I'd rather the plane crash than displace penguins but it seems appropriately remote.
Don't come to the UK it's completely cucked:
Isn't that city thing?
I can't imagine farmers and others up north are into getting cucked by Jamal.