I never asked for this
should I just an hero?
22 years ago
Other urls found in this thread:
fixed that for you
Stop being a fucking autistic cuck and get a pistol nigger.
of course you should
Just work you lazy faggot.
take shitty job
don't listen to them and kill yourself better sooner as later
Thanks, you just summed this pathetic board up for me. No one lifts. No one reads. No one tries to make friends. Not even the porn is good.
STFU user, Holla Forums has always been shit.
I used to say this mantra too, back when I was a newfag. It's bullshit though. Holla Forums was always shit, but not always this much. This reminds me of the last days on halfchan before the exodus.
You could break the cycle of despair and start a better life getting the fuck away from where you are now. Your mom may or may not realize this, but she's giving you a chance to do that.
Now, you could just go along with that, get a job somewhere, get some shitty pay and eventually move out, leaving your bad experiences behind. Maybe even find a cute girl once you stop being an autist long enough, who knows?
Or you could kill yourself. One will take more balls than the other. Up to you, brozinsky.
Back to halfchan's /fit/ nigger before i lift your fatass IRL.
You should have tried to have sex with your mom. Both of you could have loved it and feel some joy for once.
Is this even possible
The only good days of Holla Forums when Hotwheels was still in his prime, Jim didn't run this shithole and Webm threads were all the rage.
i do agree that Holla Forums was somewhat better back then but the dog days are over.
I will let you know once I've figured it out.
OP is probably too fucking beta too find even a cuteboy.
Don't remind me, I'm getting nostalgic.
You're not being paid to be here spewing the same defealist bullshit every day
oh wait you are shlomo
isn't that the same as saying that /b was never good?
user, I'm telling him to better his life. Getting in a relationship with another gay autist probably won't do him any good.
Kek, this is some next-level paranoia.
suicide sounds like a better option
I can help with that
This thread is full of cringey edgy fedora tippers. This is shameful.
welcome to the club
Why does everyone hate Jim and dysomnia? I admit it, I am a newfag. They get a lot a hate, so I'm just curious?
fuck off back to halfchan then
lurk moar
if someone stronger willed and less self-centred than the Turnip had been the original owner, then that fat creep from the phillipines would never have got his dirty little hands on it. His ownership has been a disaster for both Holla Forums and the wider ib ecosphere.
just about yes
feel the burn? fuck off if Holla Forums is beneath you. reddit can work if you need a boost to your self esteem.
Jim is a grade one asshole. we are trying to drive him away.
dynerdia is a pathetic little man and so weak everyone bullies him for fun
ED has a good read about Jim being a cunt
Hey op. 22 is kinda late to spread your wings. you need to listen to mom. get a hold of yourself. get a life.
That asshole is his dad retard
Hey man, my life was much like yours
Best thing that ever happened to me. Suck it up and your life might actually improve.
every time
and this is why live shits on you at every turn, because you refuse to accept maybe things can get better.
If you get a job at minimum wage place there will be losers just like you who want friends.
For fuck sake, if you're intent on dying at least kill some others before you just kill yourself
Don't kill yourself OP, life is precious.
you fucking selfish sack of utter shit. you are a little spoiled faggot. i can't believe this. look at the gall on this motherfucker. you realize your mother is poor as shit and you wont even fucking dare to get a job and provide for the shithole you've been sucking the teat off since you were born? you should be appointed an eternal slave to some nigger-owner and the all money should be sent to your mother. you ungrateful fucker.
Fight your problems and win.
not op.
neglectful parents have a lot to be sorry for if the kid turns out to be a failure. you shouldn't even think of having children if you don't have a plan for bringing them up - it's just a shitty selfish thing to do.