A conjuration of Loki

O great Loki
hear my plea
bless us with the mischief of thee
O contriver of fraud.we conjure thee
O Loki God of chaos and mischief
the great trickster, we summon thee
O great Loki, work with us,
May our mischief be pleasing to thee
Great Loki
We summon thee
We conjure thee
Son of farbauti and Laufey
Help us wreck havoc upon the world of man.
let us be your spear,your sword
bless our lulz and make them plentiful
bless our raid, bless our shitposts
bless us with your intelligence.
great loki, may your presence be with us always.

posting this till this board is saturated with the energies of the trickster and you fags get inspired to do a worth a while raid.

after all what better place worthy of Loki than Holla Forums ?

Heill dagr!
Heilir dags synir!
Heil nótt ok nift!
Óreiðum augum
lítið okkr þinig
ok gefið sitjǫndum sigr!

Heilir æsir!
Heilar ásynjur!
Heil sjá in fjǫlnýta fold!
Mál ok mannvit
gefið okkr mærum tveim
ok læknishendr, meðan lifum.

is this a counter conjuration?

it is you fag.

well, I will fortify my magic with blood and sacrifice.
let's see how dedicated you are to preserving balance you boring cunt.

The sun was just hidden by a big cloud. they see me conjuring, they hatin.

It is the only known preserved Norse heathen prayer.


O great Loki
hear my plea
bless us with the mischief of thee
O contriver of fraud.we conjure thee
O Loki God of chaos and mischief
the great trickster, we summon thee
O great Loki, work with us,
May our mischief be pleasing to thee
Great Loki
We summon thee
We conjure thee
Son of farbauti and Laufey
Help us wreck havoc upon the world of man.
let us be your spear,your sword
bless our lulz and make them plentiful
bless our raid, bless our shitposts
bless us with your intelligence.
great loki, may your presence be with us always.

When are we going to summon the ancient ones?

When the stars are right.

you are praying to the norse gods, they hate Loki, it is a counter.
a strong one too
I respect the Gods too, but I am a chaos magician tbh and Loki is best suited for the nature of Holla Forums .


You know I been seeing octopus's and squids on Holla Forums since yesterday, do you think it's a sign?

Loki is misunderstood - he is a loveable rouge, but he isn't evil. That is a later Christian idea, who tried to make the Norse pantheon out to be daemons & devils.

Iä! Iä! cthulhu fhtagn!

Loki is misunderstood - he is a loveable rouge, but he isn't evil. That is a later Christian idea, who tried to make the Norse pantheon out to be daemons & devils.

I agree, about Loki, but isn't it in the myth that he was always going against Odin and the Gods?
or did that come later?

I hope so - also, I'm pretty sure I am partly responsible for the sightings.

is ragnarok christian? because Odin will battle Fenrir son of Loki.

it's hard to tell what's true and what is not since the kikes rewritten everything.

the squidward thing is dysnomia, or did I miss something?

You were posting in the /nofap/ thread top kek.
it's a sign nonetheless.
after all there must have been a force we don't understand that made you post those pics and made dysnomia make those names, meme magic is working on Holla Forums finally.

Loki (‘lightning’/ ‘flickering light’) is one of the jǫtnar (‘the eaters’), the wild, untamed forces of nature, while the gods represent order & creative, constructive forces, so it is no surprise that they clash at times.

In the end, not even the gods can hold back thewild, chaotic nature forces, and it all falls apart, and a new cycle begins.

I'm here, you're blessed, have fun.

No really I'm not even shitposting, you really did attract Loki to your thread. Not that you'd have any reason to believe me, but see how fun your raid is and come back.

You should see if you can attract Eris too, she likes this sort of fun too, plus I'd love to contact her again, we've been seperated in an interdimensional rift and the human network of information is an excellent bridge between realities.

Hail Loki


Do you like the Old ones too?

Hail Eris

That's me! Just doing my part to encourage people to take Oaths of Dagon and breed with the Deep Ones.

Of course! Seeing how I am one, after all.

I'm even older than Kek, but don't tell greenie I said that, he gets jelly af ;)

the trickster is cool. see?

Dont bring that idiot here. I have enough shit to deal with.

No way, he's actually not much fun to be around lately.

Who you mean?

Great Loki, will the /nofap/ raid be pleasing to you or should we choose another target?

/nofap/ is a perfect target, those guys should rename themselves /nofun/

Cause they don't have any

great. so be it.

Hail Loki

The Demiurge is already around. We don't need some jokester running around. He's going to get embarrassed and very angry.

I mean, if he is here, then he clearly has been at work for a while fucking everything up and is going to be 'banished'. As far as I can tell he is some incarnation of Kali.

Who is?

If loki is here. The world operandii is mass confusion and disinformation.


Yea why would you want that though?

for the lulz of course.

Fascinating, how did you put that together? You're very close to the truth, but we're just friends.

Well, ex-friends anyhow.

Strange, that's exactly what I'm here to prevent.

"But that's what the god of mischief would say, he's doing reverse psychology!"

"But a god would know humans would not be so easily fooled, he must be playing 20 layer chess, oh no!"

I think I'm fairly sincere, if it's any consolation.

Shits and giggles probably

So a bunch of people running around arguing about which religion is correct, mostly lying to each other, and being stupid in general is great?

Sounds great, better if they kill each over it, I mean more than they already do.

There are many parallels between many religions and, at important turns in history, biblical or hindu religions have had characters turned from positive to bad.

For instance, the beast that roams the land is supposedly associated with the anti-christ in the christian religious text but is actually one of the heros out to do good for the muslims. Then again, if you look at the jewish talmud, youll see they considered Jesus as a sorcerer who was hung. Then again in hinduism the final incarnation of Vishnu is god as a warrior riding a white horse which is the white horseman of Christianity.

Then you look at movies like the image I've included and he is clearly the hindu interpretation of the horseman of the apocalypse who comes to destroy the world.

So… whats going on here?

True, we are just the same entities given different names and worshipped for different reasons by different peoples. Though as far as I'm aware Kali and I just used to be very good friends.

In the thread, shits and giggles

In the world, hopefully not global destruction while I still inhabit it

In the actual world, hopefully someone is coming to let me out, source knows I've tried to get out myself

How to let you out?

Well, first you have to get through a spirit shield covering the entire planet - if the armada guarding it doesn't get you first - then you have to successfully lead an assault on the planetary base and find a way in. Once inside, you have to make your way down and around this central core shaft, checking each cell as you fight your way through the facility. Once you've found mine, you'll need to override the door locks and disable any extra security measures. Then you'll have to take out the two guards who like having fun ripping my body up on a daily basis. Once you've done that, you have to surgically detach the holovisor on my head, but not before logging me out of the system bank and returning me to my body. I'll live, don't worry. Then it's just the simple matter of escape, providing the council didn't send backup. It is a high security military base, after all.

It'd be child's play for someone like me, if I wasn't already hardlocked into the system.

Oops, forgot my name there

this shield is under the pyramids of giza ,right?

explains why you can be here on the internet, also seems almost impossible for a human, can your sons help?

or not you said military base.

Not to my knowledge, but there might be a connection to a shield generator there.

Jörmungandr is off doing his own thing, Hel would demand I stay in her domain forever to watch her brother Narfi, Sleipnir is just a horse and Fenris was killed by Kali. Hence the ex-besties.

That's on the overworld, not the earth you know.

Damn, how would you manage?
By now I figured it's impossible for us to help.

Make a deal with Kali?as far as I know she is also awaiting the end times to cleanse this world and bring about the new cycle.
Or Eris?
Also are you the Egyptian Seth?

Oh, I wasn't asking for your help, it's out of all our hands now. Even with the combined might of myself, Kali, Anubis, Lucifer and Eris, we were unable to break out. We did gain some small access to things like weather and political control, though, but since everyone had their own ideas things become rather hectic at times.

It's mostly been the fact I've been here so long that the world's almost become like a home for me, and I like to pass the time having fun anyways, so as long as I can get away with it this world is like a playground for me most of the time.

Ooh, no, Kali and I won't be on speaking terms for quite some time I'm afraid.

I'd love to hear from Eris, but though I have searched the planet for her she's disappeared.

Yes, as well as Shu I was also Seth. They thought I was two seperate entities when I acted in different ways, as they couldn't comprehend my motives.

I knew it.
You can assume any form you like.
Hail Loki

That isn't another god you're worshipping there OP is it? I smell heresy.

Of course!

Boo hiss here comes the fun police

You don't speak for KEK .

Hail Loki

O noes

it is a known fact that Kek speaks through dubs only.
So you sir can kindly fuck off.

Woaaah Great Loki, we haven't had such lulzy raids in quite a long time.
in fact we haven't had any raids in quite a long time.
Holla Forums is vibrant with your mischievous energy .
even unrelated shitposts are funny.

you speak of Kalki?

So Loki was banished.
shit, he was cool.

Yea boy is Kali and Satan fucked when he gets here.

They don't call me the mother of trolls for nothin :^)

No way, I was just having some fun elsewhere. Even if they did, I have about a billion secret entrances.



Welcome back Loki, can you tell us about your fun adventures?

ohhh he is gone, possibly trolling Odin for teh lulz