Would it be possible to get Stallman to come here and answer some questions?
I know it was tried before with /g/ but considering his face is on the front page and I'd like to think we're not quite as inane as /g/, I think he might consider it.
Bring Stallman here
You can e-mail him and he will answer any question you ask.
Probably not worth his time. He'd have to actively keep track of the thread, and I think he still reads most webpages by letting a daemon download them and looking at the HTML.
Why don't we do it over e-mail instead? People post questions in this thread and in three days or so I'll send him the ones that aren't so inane he'd ignore them. We've collaborated on things to send him before.
I thought he had a guy that would post comments for him on websites?
I never heard that before.
I guess his website says hes looking for someone to do that.
Anyone want to volunteer?
Ask him where he got his st ignucius getup cause I might want to go as him for Halloween.
he'd probably just berate you for not using that AGPLv3'd imageboard software, you know which one...
Which one?
Infinity Next, duh: github.com
Infinity Next. Stallman himself actually advised AGPLv3 when Josh asked him about it.
Yeah. Stallman is pretty autistic after all.
that was /g/
Which this place budded out of and is not extremely different from.
He now uses the Tor browser.
What exactly did rms say?
No. The questions part specifically. None would get through the flood of shit because this board is an open sewer full of street diarrhoea posters with anger management problems.
Other boards have had people come and answer stuff without much problems.
this. that fucking reginald brown pill poster would probably show up and spam it. or yiff-fags. yiff-fags spammed the comments in the last Holla Forums livestream meetup i remember.
Other boards don't have 50 fucking site meta threads
He uses Icecat with Tor for websites he trusts.
I don't think the exact content of the e-mail was posted.
You can email him and btw he uses Trisquel I think because of the Gentoo name controversy and non-free software.
this, he would approve infinity next as it is completely Free and Open Source while Holla Forums is CLOSED SOURCE DATAMINING BOTNET! or maybe librechan since it is also LIBRE FOSS.
this but maybe use a different photo(?)
But he doesn't know that.
Ask him what he will do if he has a heart attack or something and the medical equipment has proprietary software.
Does he even have health insurance?
He might not need it depending on where he has a heart attack.
These are the questions so far:
- Ask him where he got his st ignucius getup cause I might want to go as him for Halloween.
- Ask him what he will do if he has a heart attack or something and the medical equipment has proprietary software.
- Does he even have health insurance?
I'm going to wait a few more days for more questions before e-mailing him.
Ask him if hes ever considered donating sperm.
Someone did, he said that since he's not the one using it, it's not his decision.
Not his decision to donate? That doesn't make any sense.
Not his decision to use proprietary software.
Even if that software were free he wouldn't have the power to modify it and he wouldn't necessarily even have the right to look at the source code. He's not losing any freedom. The medical personnel is.
I've sent him an invite, now, we wait (about 24 - 48 hours) for a response.
Yeah but its his decision to let someone use it on him. And I don't see why he wouldn't have the power to modify it or the right to look at it if it were free.
Stallman-sama, if you are reading this, I use Emacs everyday. Thanks for your contributions to Free Software.
Stay GNU/cool, Stallman.
Free software means that whoever gets a copy of the software has the four freedoms. The equipment is not his, so he doesn't necessarily get a copy of the software, and he doesn't get to replace the software running the equipment either.
The source code of free software doesn't have to be public, it just has to be available to people who have a copy of the software.
So the software running on the equipment could be free software without him getting any of the four freedoms. Whether it's free software or not is not really something he needs to consider for his personal decision.
Inane Comments 2: Electric Boogaloo inbound, fams.
Holla Forums is a closed source proprietary botnet, Stallman would not trust his privacy and security to this terrible shithole.
What are the privacy and security risks someone exposes themself to by visiting Holla Forums without running javascript code and making a post that states their real identity?
Encourages the use of closed source botnets
So did he respond or what?
You should have addressed him as Dr. Stallman.
You fucking turd.
captcha: phdank
Not yet, it's 24-48 hours, we still have like 24 hours for him to respond.
Oh well, my mistake, he's cool though, he'll probably just overlook it, people have referred to him as 'Richie D' and stuff and he just ignores it, I'll remember for next time though.
As if Holla Forums isn't shit enough, you want ANOTHER obese autist here?
He doesn't care.
What is this fat old piece of shit's email?
Dr. Stallman-sama, please forgive our idiosincracy, we just admire you too much
A few days ago I got compared to you and I felt fuzzy inside.
I wish you would come back to Argentina, we miss you. We need you.
He's not coming is he?
He'll probably reply even if he isn't coming. Be patient.
he never "looked at the HTML" directly. That would be completely stupid given the capacity of web browsers to read offline HTML. I think he used Lynx after having pages mailed back to him by a bot on request
he would laugh at your stupid comment, and at your caricature of his actually consistent views. He would probably think AGPLv3 is the best option, but not that 8chong being MIT or whatever is unacceptable.
the answers to these are already known
it's a just robe and an ancient disk platter
He said something like he would reluctantly accept to use if it really was his only option and it was life-saving; but that he would devout the rest of his life to try to replace the device or have the software liberated
I know what they are, I want to know where he got them.
He's not a baby, he can (or should be able to) deal with it. Even Holla Forums had some interesting devs show up to answer questions.
It is unacceptable because the new admin has decided to close it up.
Nope nothing but inane comments here
He doesn't tolerate racism. If he's aware of Holla Forums, and he probably is, he most likely thinks that it's a white supremacist shithole not worth associating with. And he would be correct.
I've sent him two or three e-mails with things "Holla Forums Holla Forums" made for him. For his last birthday I sent him a CSS stylesheet for his site, which is actually available now if you click "Toggle Dark Theme":
He doesn't seem particularly hostile towards 4chan either, and invites its users to help the GNU project:
He doesn't like racism, but I don't think he takes it that far.
(I didn't make the stylesheet, I just sent it to him with the message Holla Forums Holla Forums made it and released it into the public domain and wishes him a happy birthday)
Why would he want to browse a board filled with chinese cartoon watching Holla Forumskiddies that know nothing about technology?
He would be invited. You, on the other hand, just wore out your welcome.
oh the ironing
You have to go back
I cringed
Are you not entertained?
Why are leftist memes so awful?
Actually I made that "meme" and I'm a libertarian.
Take your asshurt back to your hugbox, you statist piece of dogshit.
Ah, libertarian. I understand, now.
what do you mean "made"? You just altered a comic and removed all context.
As opposed to retarded faggots who decry censorship one minute and defending quality mods like imkampfy and therealmoonman.
No, pretty much the same context.
Faggots flamboyantly shitting up places where it's not necessary.
Sound familiar to you? Oh yeah, it's what you faggots do.
We can't even have an on-topic thread without retards shitting up the place.
uhh you posted your shitty thing first and then bothered responding this guy
who was obviously asking a rhetorical question. You just need to calm down bud, Stallman wouldn't approve.
And I should add that you responded to a namefag which is even worse.
No, I didn't.
Someone else posted the image/replied to the namefag, not me.
we need IDs
Stallman doesn't do anything with interactive websites. He only does emails and downloads anything he needs with curl.
Lies, he uses Icecat. In fact he uses Trisquel