Mozilla is running an opinion poll regarding a variety of management and tech topics

You have complained here, now it's your turn to let them know.
It only takes 30 secs to complete but I think the questions are spot-on:

I rated them less than average on SocJus concerns

Other urls found in this thread:

What a fucking useless survey. Major waste of time.

Where's the part of the survey about satisfaction level with recent decisions and the Firefox browser?

Oh, and DRM.

Mozilla is run by SJW ideaguys who hijacked the organization from people who actually get shit done. They only care about opinions regarding themselves.

uh, what questions were spot on? Maybe I didn't get those questions. I said that Mozilla was an unethical and conformist company, and the survey just asked me if I was aware of Mozilla's inclusivity efforts -- which I regard as unethical and conformist.

What do you expect that to do? Make them focus on "improving" in that area?

The problem is they will read that as "people think we're unethical so let's fire some devs and funnel more money into dickgirls."

SJWs are hardly the core of Mozilla's problem. This shit began a long time before they were ever a meaningful aspect of the tech industry.

The first major misstep Mozilla took was way back around 2005 or 2006 when they decided to merge bookmarks with the user profile under a single sqlite file, taking a dump on server admins wanting to share separate aspects of the browsing experience across accounts.

The fundamental problem with Mozilla is a totally out of touch board of directors making bank at the non-profit's expense.

The Firefox browser has become exclusive, not inclusive. It is exclusive in the manner in which they keep stripping out or making it more and more difficult to customize. With every new bad decision is becomes more exclusive against power users.

Firefox getting shittier every release BUT HEY DID YOU KNOW WE ARE A DIVERSE WORKFORCE?

Fuck you I don't give a single fuck. Fire all those lgbtabc niggercripples and hire some white men and give me a working browser.

They're trying their ground. They wanna figure out if any of their users would still use Firefox out of completely ideological reasons when they go 100% SJW.

If not, then this survey is a huge waste of time for everyone involved. Questions are too few and too vague. They might as well read a chicken's entrails.

and if you use their browser, only 60 seconds to load the page :^)

That survey was retarded and the had nothing to do with the browser or explaining why I view Mozilla in such a negative light. Their heads are so far up their own asses. It's basically unsalvageable.

What SJW concerns? There's only ONE.
"Digital Inclusion"


exclusive for pushing the gay hater out
unethical for DRM
corporate for all the fucking gross bullshit they add like advert tiles, 'pocket', ...
conformist for adding DRM because they "have to", "everyone else is doing it we have no choice"
suspicious that they booted eich just before the DRM thing

I can't take their shitty survey because it keeps throwing an error.

Even if Mozilla is shit, what's the alternative? The majority of browsers are just forks of the same shit Firefox basis.

People outside Mozilla did that. If Mozilla wanted to boot him they wouldn't have made him CEO just before that and they wouldn't have asked him to stay in another position when he announced he resigned.

Bullshit they did. Outsiders may have asked for it (did they?), but they have no authority to make the decision. It was Cuckzilla who fired a man for his personal opinions. Funnily enough they went to shit right afterwards, pretty much proving god hates fags or that technical decisions shouldn't be based on political correctness.

They didn't fire him. He resigned.

I've heard this before, but never seen any examples of SJW shit they've purportedly done. Worst I've heard is when Mozilla got cucked by the outrage mob and pressured Eich to step down. They're more a victim of SocJus than a perpetrator.

He resigned only because they were using connections to run unfavourable stories about him. It was a case of resign, or we destroy your public reputation.

Probably intel agencies involved tbh

So why did they make him CEO in the first place, and why did they ask him to stay in another position?

CEOs always resign. He'd have to be caught fucking the wife of every board member in a orgy in his office to be fired instead of told to resign.

They didn't. He was one of the founders so I guess that's why the board elected him (or whatever equivalent at Mozilla). The faggots who called for a Mozilla boycott until he was fired were not part of Mozilla.
It would have been better if Mozilla had risked everything and told them to be faggots somewhere else. Mozilla would probably go down in flames, but at least it's better than slowly rotting away with the SJW disease.

Really, nigger? Here is one of many examples, 15k wasted on removing the word slave:

Mozilla fired Eich. Stop lying to yourselves. It doesn't matter that snopes or politifact or any sneering Jew will 'fact check' this completely true assertion. If a Jew had 'resigned' over opposing BDS every newspaper in the world would suddenly be able to see through the corporate technicalities, and would rain hate on the company for its spinelessness or wrong think.

Yeah, it's obvious they fired him. Resignation is an opportunity offered to any CEO that is about to be fired. It allows the CEO to make it look like it was their choice instead of the company outright firing them. If he didn't resign he would have had his name dragged through the mud much worse than he did.

Oh. Well that's just fucking retarded leadership.

Aside from that one really fucking retarded move on the part of their post-Eich management, what else SocJus have they done?

Seriously, nigger? OK here's another one. CEO of Mozilla threatens to fire any employee using Reddit to post ebil hate speech:

The beatings will continue until morale improves.

I profiled myself as someone that Mozilla would idealize.. (those questions on the second page)

...and gave them a (truthful) shit score (first page)

Why do you keep idolizing this loser? Mozilla was going to shit a long time before any of this PR crap.


Go kill yourself, queer.

make them feel bad



High caliber meme

Or better yet point out that their browser was responsible for the explosion of easy to install and use ad blocking and that the sites blocking Mozilla had significant ties to advertising firms.

The attack against Mozilla had absolutely nothing to with a personal donation by the CEO against gay marriage. It was started by a dating website and almost all of those are owned by advertising firms as the personal information provided by users in surveys(supposedly to find a better match) is worth a lot of money. The conglomerate that owns OKcupid also owns a dozen other dating sites, several in the top 10. They recently bought PlentyOfFish for $575 million.

A $50 million website in the top 500 Alexa rank with millions of members owned by InterActiveCorp doesn't block a significant portion of their users and make news headlines on whim for ideological reasons just because someone there feels like it. But somehow that has become the accepted narrative. IAC also had significant ties with Google over their site worth 3.5 billion.

where's the option for "FIX YOUR FUCKING BROWSER"?

Plainly there weren't nearly enough unfavorable and second-rate adjectives included in this shitty survey.
>tfw filled out using the Brave browser

hardcoded sauce?

I got it here. If you search for "jew powered", tge first autocomplete should be "heating apparatus". The first hit is a youtube video of a guy with 200 subscribers and another similar video. He's probably the source.

It doesn't matter what you state, the retards behind this survey will interpret it how they want, eg. being too "exclusive" doesn't express dissatisfaction with the tumblr clique assuming control and shutting down conversation, it means we need to divert more money towards "community outreach" and "diversity", "behind the times" doesn't mean users are pissed off about basic features like e10 taking years to get shipped, it means it's the CURRENT YEAR and we need to create a more inclusive safe space, etc.

Such a loaded survey with no way to actually express your feelings about how they are doing on those topics only if you are aware they are part of them.





Makes me afraid that this would make them remove even more features while trying to be chrome 0.5 even harder.

I can't take it anymore, I'm not even reading this. I can't stand to see a decline like this.

They have a fancy web2.0 interface to /dev/null here:

Really the only thing this poll confirms is they don't give a shit about the user feedback they already collect.


This. Make Firefox great again!

Left them a scathing review.
I commend Holla Forums to do the same, but most reviews already say that the browser is bad.

I'm gay (or an LGBTQ+ person as some deranged idiot would say) and the whole thing about "inclusion in tech" annoys the hell out of me.

What the hipster cunts in PR will never understand is that technology has no identity. The majority of the tech community is straight, white and male solely because socioeconomic differences mean these people are more likely to be able to afford it; the demographic of minorities that can is growing daily on its own with no need for some stupid political agenda. There is nothing inherently conservative or exclusive about technology, which is partially what makes it such a great thing: it doesn't care who I am, and I don't want it do. It is as close to meritocracy as real life will probably ever get. I have never once felt like I was ostracized for my sexual orientation in the FOSS community or in dev circles, aside from whatever tech chans Holla Forums has invaded.

If you have ever used a bash shell, you are using software made by a black guy. Didn't know that? Why would you? bfox doesn't want to be known as "the black guy", he wants to be known as a competent and reliable free software dev. To limit a person's identity to something they cannot control is utterly cruel. You are not recognizing the elephant in the room, you are creating it.

And the worst part is that retards have started to embrace this thinking from an inverse perspective--now I can't talk about networking or free software or what new parts are worth buying without inbred assburger Holla Forumsyps sanity checking the board for correct opinions, randomly comparing anyone who disagrees with their own (usually uninformed memelord-tier) opinion to "refugees welcome" or some other liberal platitude. These faggots legitimately think they can tell others what to think because Holla Forums is the biggest board.

Identity politics are the cancer destroying modern society.

Remember when this was an Internet Mantra for 12+ years, before all those flakes came along...?

Ironically, Stormfront is one of the oldest continuous online communities, so for the longest time they were a great containment zone; people with silly social justice agendas were limited to niche forums too.

The problem is social media. Its potential societal influence scales with your sheer dedication to being an annoying faggot. But in the case of chans, the anonymity was a convenient outlet for identity cultists because you can pretend it's trolling, then harp on it until people actually believe it. Holla Forums used to be Dale Gribble Land before Stormfront unironically flooded it with propaganda.

Was that ever confirmed? The few times I've browsed stormfront they fucking hate 4chan, especially now with the Trump stuff.


You had your chance to stop the SocJus and you failed, now you suffer the consequences. Go back to SA

You're a liar and probably jewish. I saw when Holla Forums created and there were two main communities that went into it as far as I'm aware, a segment of /new/ and a segment of Holla Forums . We were always debunking allied WWII propaganda ect. We hated the PC restrictions that we saw cropping up on the Internet to spamming nigger and talking about the differences between the races was a big FU to it ect.. Open your mind to the possibility that maybe more people out there are aware of your jewish tricks than stormfront (I've visited that site maybe 2 times for 30 seconds each in my life)

Underrated post.

For shits and giggles though, I recently installed Firefox 1.5 as a lightweight epub reader (Since you can change things via userContent.css). It used no more than 30 mb for two tabs. Modern Firefox? 400 mb on a blank tab.


Remember when they were Nonconformist when Firefox first started?

Not that user, but somebody's ass blasted.

People like you are the reason why software is turning to shit. You care more about working "muh gay rights" rather than making a functional program. I don't give two shits if your gay, if you chopped off your dick, if your a sissy who wants BBC, etc. I want a functional program, not a marxist ideology shoved down my throat. Do that other shit on your own time.

Get your identity politics out of my fucking software, they have no place.

It's perfect user! How dare you say the SJWs do anything less than perfect! Must be one of those Chrome Dickheads.

They also don't give a shit.

Daily reminder for leftists that disgust != phobia. Just because you disgust me does not mean I am afraid of you.

Donating money to an anti-gay marriage ballot referendum goes a little further than disgust. It's the act of an authoritarian baby who is obviously afraid that something bad will happen if a small minority of the population retains the same rights as the rest. A wholly irrational fear. So yes, phobia is apt.



When you clean shit off of your shoe, its not because you have coprophobia. Its because you don't want shit getting everywhere. Keeping faggots from sullying marriage is the same.

So I reiterate, disgust is not phobia. Homophobia is a misnomer. Get rek'd leftist lunatic.

There are many things that degenerate society. People fucking each other in the ass isn't one of those things. Anyway, we could argue you fear a degenerate society, because otherwise you wouldn't care about it.

Are you 15, by any chance?

Are you retarded by any chance?

Are faggots degenerate? Justify it.

Are you fucking serious right now?


pic related

Also, writing this while legally drinking beer while driving a car I rented while filling out my absentee ballot for Trump.

Aside from gayness being a biological/evolutional deadend it is also the height of degeneracy.
Just look at gay "pride" parades.
Look at all those flaming faggots prancing around in public saying "accept me for who i am"
Crossdressing and trannies are also not degenerate right?

Gayness is a mental illness as you prove once again by being retarded on top of being gay.

You say that as if gays made 100% of the population

No, it's his belief that Gay marriage is immoral. I love how you leftists whine about how you support other viewpoints, but then get ass blasted because people like Eich have *gasp* different ones from you.

You're the cancer killing society.

Aren't you assblasted at that user's opinion on gay marriage, tho?
