Annoying Mexican goes off on white biker until he gets punched.
What would you have done?
I almost believe he was trying to get punched.
Annoying Mexican goes off on white biker until he gets punched.
What would you have done?
I almost believe he was trying to get punched.
embed it nigger
tbh I don't think it was worth following and fighting with this dumb fuck for 15 minutes but I'd probably punch him after the mother comments.
are we doing the buzzfeed thing now?
Cuck biker.
user SMASHES with action verbs
Annoyed by Buzzfeed?
Try this ONE SIMPLE TRICK! The pop-media HATES this.
Wow the obese spic even says "Who hits people in America? In my country you'd be dead."
Basically confirming that Mexicans think all white Americans are pussies. He was talking shit because he never thought a white person would ever do anything about it.
Fuck both of them
On a bike this seems to happen every day. I don't know who has the time to stalk the assholes who do it, they're usually soccer mom's in SUVs though, or spics.
This is pretty dicey. The fact that he stalked him shows premeditation for this to occur.
The bullshit confrontation didn't really need to happen.
If I genuinely didn't know that I cut someone off on a bike and I was confronted by them at a store parking lot in this manner, may justify violence.
However, the spic had every option to call the cops but ran his mouth. This could have ended worse tho.
Its good to know that Carlos Mencia is still getting work I guess
The cameraman is a cuck
you're a cuck
wouldnt even waste my time with that fatbody burrito folder. maybe if he had face tats and high socks like a cholo i would have fucked him up.
He let that spic use way too much air.
Personally, I wouldn't have followed the guy for driving the way he did- yes, he's a fucking moron,etc- but IF I was angry enough to follow someone that far AND he started saying those things, making those motions, he would have gotten a helmeted headbutt posthaste.
post more vids of cucks getting punched out
Trouble-making welfare queen attention whore vs braindead lardass retarded spic.
Not sure which should be purged harder.
butthurt motorcyclist detected
Also, I fucking hate faggots on crotch rockets of all races. I can't count how many times I've seen them doing dangerous shit on the freeway and on busy streets.
I chuckle every time one of them wants to do tricks or do 120mph on busy residential streets and they splatter their shit on the concrete.
If you can't ride responsibly, then you're a fucking idiot that probably deserves to have his skull turned into a grease stain on the street. If one of these assholes hits a white family of four, the driver has to live knowing he killed someone or maybe the impact kills a kid.
Fuck these assholes making YouTube videos of them doing dumb shit like passing cars at 100mph or popping wheelies on busy streets.
Look, Evel Knievel, it's great that you can do tricks on your Jap-made bike. But I'm on my way to the zoo with my kids and I don't want kill a retard on my way. Do that shit on a closed track and if you die, nobody else has to give a fuck.
But it's not about having fun on your bike. It's about trying to impress people who most likely don't give a fuck more about your Kawasaki than they do about rollerblading.
If you die, oh fucking well. Respect to Dan from Do It With Dan because he flies the stars and bars and is a based Trump supporter from what I can tell, but he's a major faggot who does this shit all the time and tries to fight people with his helmet on when they call him out on his dangerous shit around other cars, so really, fuck him too.
Jesus christ calm down harleyfag. He's clearly riding a KLR not a fucking zx14.
p.s. Dan is a fucking fag who appeals to normie nonriders and let the fame get to his head. Just like the vast majority of the rest of the motovlog community. With very few exceptions the whole damn thing is one big cancerfest.
I ride neither, but have owned a '78 CB750. Unfortunately, people who ride cruisers are generally safer than 19 year old Chads on their crotch rockets.
Jap bikes are more reliable than Harleys. Everyone, even Harley riders, will tell you that unless they're butthurt from wasting 30k on a bike that continually breaks down. But crotch rocket culture is cancer, to be sure.
And these youtubers are fucking retarded. If I still rode, I'd always be wearing a go-pro anyway. Not to upload to YT, but just as evidence for when some fuckface does try to cut me off and causes me to wreck.
But really, I try to give motorcycles the right of way and plenty of space, but when they act like faggots, I lose any respect for them.
Can someone make a webm? It says I have to sign in.
In the url replace /watch/ with Holla Forums
What makes crotch rocket fags so insufferable? I think they all must have tiny dicks or something.
That doesn't do anything
Sign into goytube to verify age
Webm this shit you nigger
It should get you past the age restriction
This is funny, stupid spic, just insult someone and walk way, your pissed, alright I understand that, but don't continue it with someone who thinks your a joke and uses you as his mark and then tells you he is a sergeant in the military.
He schould have gotten a real good beating.
They're both moronic dregs of society.
But it doesn't, it instead tries to force me to download a SWF file, and when I do it does nothing.
Fucking Wojak asshole.
Don't know what to tell ya user. Wait for the webm
Why don't you make it fucking meme master?
I was listening to some bullshit radio show and I think someone in my area had roadkilled himself running from the cops and it rustled the jimmies of some of these fags and they called into the show trying to defend him.
What they said, and this seems to be the mentality, is that the main reason they ride crotch rockets is because they can easily evade cops and if they couldn't outrun cops, then there was no point in having the crotch rocket. They were saying that cops shouldn't even bother pursuing someone fleeing on a bike because the rider might get hurt. But I want my police force to do what it takes to stop a motorist doing 100mph, regardless of what they're driving.
If that's not some BlackLivesMatter nigger-tier bullshit, I don't know what is. Don't arrest them for breaking the law because they fucking ride a bike? Fuck 'em. I hope they become part of the pavement.
The hispanic guy was being a bitch. He should have threatened to call the police and told the other guy to fuck off instead of sticking around and trying to fight. If you stick around like this, expect a fight and be ready to end it. The guy following the spic was being a fucking hothead as well.
Just embed it or at least try to. If it is already embedded somewhere, you can then go to that thread and watch it in another tab.
I don't feel like it
I'm so fucking disappointed in you retards
All motorcycle riders are faggots. Rice rocket, Harley, whatever. They all ride with complete arrogance.
Oh you didn't let me through when it's unsafe, better Rev my bike.
Oh I passed you as traffic is stopping, better cut you off and slam on my brakes.
Oh I rolled in front of you at the stop light because my motorcycle needs to be in front. Better take my time off the line because I feel like it.
Try downloading it through a youtube download site like
If have tons of the straight-piped Harley crowd around here. They don't crash as frequently, but are just as ridiculous.
Motorcyclists, regardless of race, have a negroid mentality; absolute cancer. I like to run them over when cops are not around.
For fuck's sake you guys.
The embed is already in the webm thread, so I can't post it here. But here's a link that may work for the unchosen.
I ride a bike to get around, nice one too. The reason I get pretty fucking pissed if some one cuts me off is because If some dumb mother fucker hits me it isn't a few thousand dollars that insurance will cover, it'll be weeks in the hospital as I recover from a broken femur.
Drivers don't fucking recognize how dangerous riding is, and seem to treat guys on bikes like tiny cars for whom traffic laws are optional.
Seriously tho, that mexican would have been shot.
8/pol/ is becoming shittier by the minute
Boring. He should have been able to land one or two clean and powerful shots to knock him out. No excuse for hitting him once and giving him enough time to recover instead of moving in close, delivering another shot to the head and attacking the neck, nose, or groin.
That is of course if you are actually fighting. But if you're just filming your dumbass adventures and doing shit that could get you shot (imagine if fat spic was actually 2 or 3 high MS-13 gangsters piled in a SUV) then carry on.
Then fucking drive a car with four wheels and stop bitching about how unsafe riding your expensive bike is.
If you haven't noticed, the roads in this country are shitty for riding a bike anyway. Quit bitching about the "danger" and sell your nice bike and buy a goddamn Volvo if you don't like it.
Honestly, shut the fuck up or drink bleach.
He user, see you in traffic!
One of these faggots is going to try to open someone's car door in an autistic fit of rage and is going to be ventilated by someone concealed carrying. I've already seen them trying to open car doors, which is actually attempted carjacking, in a legal sense.
If he gets off his bike to confront someone on the road and attempts to open your car door, you are within your right in my state to goodify them.
Then again, this is always happens in California. But one day, we will see one of these assholes get shot and the motovlog community will be so asshurt.
Try in a different browser, it definitely works for I.E. (which is the only reason I ever use I.E.)
Let me guess, you'd get next to him and rev your engine or try to fight him with a helmet on, right, tough guy?
Enjoy your insurance.
I hope you're one of the faggots who won't wear a helmet so everyone can see how cool they are right before you splattered on the pavement.
Thing is, there's no need for road rage against crotch rockets. If you're an asshole, chances are you'll be in a wheelchair or dead in a few years of acting like a faggot on the toy that your parents bought you.
See you in traffic? Maybe if you live long enough.
smdh imho kys tbh fam
They're just fags. There's no specific rhyme or reason, just latent faggotry. They're the same base demographic that ends up with straight piped harleys later in life having to rev their shit every 5 seconds at lights because they're too weekend warrior poser to know to rejet their fucking carbs when they change exhaust flow characteristics. The same demographic that rolls coal in their lifted ram and blacks out intersections. The same demographic that buys an ebay special and an aftermarket ecu for their del sol so they can activate launch control and backfire all over the place at 4krpm at stoplights to impress their faggot friends. The same demographic who refuses to spend money on ammo for rangetime, or snapcaps to practice failure drills, but never fails to walk out their house with their affliction tshirt and OWB holster for their $2000 kimber 1911.
As it turns out, faggotry comes in a multitude of flavors.
Share the road, m8. How many of my brothers must die before you cagers learn to make way for us as we jet down the HOV lane at 150mph?
You're a shitty person.
shiggydiggy srs senpai
yapppa pie!
I miss that man
All these gays bitching about motorcyclists ITT
Let's be absolutely clear; nobody, NOBODY, is worse than FUCKING BICYCLISTS
It goes;
Truck = van
18 wheeler
Asian drivers
Women drivers
Bicycle fags
Hitler dubs speak the truth.
Every faggot is brave until they get run over or tapped by a bumper and speed wobble into a glorious cherry slurpee. 0:50 for justice
Faggotry indeed comes in all flavors, but crotchfags are a certain type of faggot that honestly thinks the laws like speed limits and not passing between two cars during a traffic jam or running from the cops don't apply to them. They accuse everyone else of being bad drivers, while they ride wheelies for 1/4 mile on busy streets.
I see the asshole with the 1911 as a faggot, but he's harmless to everyone but himself. Crotchfags are the only ones who will put your life in danger by breaking the law and then accuse YOU of being the dangerous one. They wonder why people hate them when fucking wake up the whole neighborhood at 2am and gleefully do it to be a dick.
Yeah faggotry comes in all forms, but that's a special type of faggotry.
This is some next level d&c.
Sage because shit thread.
Beaner from the video detected.
Shit thread
Why am i not surprised?
That's my point. That's why I said try and embed it, then click on the link that pops up taking you to the thread that has it if you can't watch it. Stop being dense.
I'm not saying the spic didn't deserve the punches, but that faggot on the bike is no hero. He was looking for what he found and he's just lucky the spic wasted 10 minutes talking shit and being a pussy.
In reality, if it was another white guy who wasn't a faggot, I'd cheer for him to beat the fuck out of the biker for stalking him.
Fuck your degenerate meth-dealing faggot biker gangs. When have you ever seen a biker do anything without 50 other bikers jumping in? Sounds niggerish to me, family.
Did you read the description and watch the video?
Go be a kike somewhere else
What an ugly people. What possessed the Spaniards to mix with these mongoloid-looking freaks?
Good on the biker for smacking him, but it was like punching one of those blow up kid's toys. There's nothing to actually injure, can't make him uglier and as for brain damage, Mexicans can't put together any more than five words without swearing, nothing to lose there.
Also, who uses "butthurt" off the internet? Who says that?
The video has nothing to do with a biker gang you retarded kike. Nor does the man in the video come off as a meth head in any way or form, he is quite rational.
This exact video where the white man knocked down the shitskin.
Saved… but could you do a more long gif that shows the 3 punches?
massive cuck. what the fuck is this trash. the bitch takes the spic laughing in his face, making fun of his mother and he just sits there hyperventilating, muttering "p-p-please don't touch me, y-you're assaulting my property"
he's got a fucking camera strapped to his head. feeling cool on a bike, thought he'd correct someone's rude driving, immediately backs down and tries to brag about his fucking welfare. and the fucking apologetics throughout the whole video.
with a goddamn camera strapped to his head. then starts crying I don't want to fight you, if you fight me back, these people will call the cops, you started it, stop please, my property. jesus christ, you're right im pissed. wish the spic backup would've ganged up on the cuck.
what a little bitch. confirmed leftist cuck:
That's the most stereotypical spic I've ever seen, guy's a living parody right down to his hyena cackle of a laugh. I can tell the biker is a total fucking faggot too though looking through his other videos, what a nosy, self-righteous faggot. Classic case of hall monitor syndrome.
Of course he's a cuck, he apologizes at least 3 times simply for calling the girl fat even though he did the same to the spic and it's a completely true observation about both of them. That voice is also whiny as fuck.
that guy has a lot of patience
This whole thing was fucking stupid.
I think any redblooded user here would have beat the dirty little cretin within an inch of his pathetic life if the situation called for it.
I can't tell which one of those two are more annoying. Frankly I'm glad that alleged spic wasted that annoying biker's time.
Why they're both wasting my time by cluttering up Holla Forums with race baiting is beyond me.
Why the FUCK is this even a thing?
My nigga.
So glad he's going back.
People film everything.
People watch everything.
Some are informative and even amusing, a bit like TV used to be. 99% of them are however, total shit, made by total shit. Welcome to the brave new world.
This happens professionally too, look at TopGear, one of the most popular programs made. Now it's shit.
If you are a biker, interesting, well made vlogs are Baron von Grumble, 44 Teeth, Royal Jordanian and Delboys Garage. All of these make me feel kinda comfy.
The geezer in the vid is a total cuck. The mexican in the vid is probably one of the most annoying, low iq, belligerent examples of an alien taking all the benefits of another country whilst insisting his country and culture are superior. Fuck off back home and get shot then, you sweaty cunt.
Both are complete faggots, OP only posted vid for attention. What did OP even hope to gain? People who have an actual job don't spend a good half hour trying to find a Mexican to beat up, they do that on weekends. Look at the youtube description to see where this guy's head is at.
Should've just hit the brakes and splattered them all honestly.
Domination through genetic manipulation, but you englishmen stopped us and we just left a few unbred natives and they just overbred the pure genetically manipulated descendents.
Pick one. Do you even know what words mean, you fucking dumbass?
You've never lifted anything heavier than a dick, have you?
He was pushing the guy away because the faggot spic was advancing on him.
Creating space and trying to stop advancement is a way to avoid a fight. The spic advances because he wants to be aggressive and gets knocked on his ass and rightfully so.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Thank fuck you guys see both of these losers as degenerates.
I was worried this board would act like the_donald and support the biker unconditionally because he's not a mexican.
Why is this a thread?
Biker needs to learn to hit harder.
Last guy I punched, I knocked his front teeth out.
This spic looks mentally deficient.