Who's laughing now unfaithfuls?!!
Asuka > Rei
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what are you?
You need to be a man to win Asuka's heart. Reifags are pathetic betas who still want to be breastfed.
Why I'm Squidward.
this cant be happening
Hey, OP…
I think you meant rei>shit>asuka
Works fine for me fam
The Angels did nothing wrong.
What the hell are you talking about?
Link to OP's image: http:// grummancat.deviantart . com /art/ Asuka-Outtake-541356830
Anime: asuka > rei
Manga: rei > asuka
but it's not January 20 yet.
In the manga Asuka is best girl and wins shinji
In the anime Shinji chokes her
Funfact: Asuka isn't only better than Rei, she's better than any girl from any anime ever.
Did you really just seperate that link and make it unclickable?
Are you from 4chan you cuck?
fucking newfaggots.
oh yea? well that's just like your onion man
Ok body, ugly face.
You would rather have a shrill, whiny bitch with daddy issues than a crazy alien with a gas-powered Rickenbacker? What are you, gay?
Have yourself a screeny from the bluray rip.
Tomoko is the best girl for Holla Forums, Holla Forumsar none
This guy is one of the most autistic people I've ever seen. Not only does he have a few great shots of the Asuka model, but he also makes the models pose nude with his model airplanes and has a Furtopia OC. And the model planes appear to be foam, not balsa. I didn't expect a fellow builder to be this disgusting, and yet find these many nude models willing to put up with him.
FUck yeah!
disappointed again
how fucking rich is this autist??
That's what I'm wondering. I don't know enough to tell if these are models or literal whores he paid to play dress up (one looks mad the whole time, so maybe.) How come all the nutbags have so much money to blow?
20 years more
Honestly, I could care less for the women who orbit that beta faggot.
I'm just glad Ichigo managed to get the best wife possible.
There's no real reward in building foam when far superior balsa not only exists, but flies better and is stronger.
she is not anime she doesn't have big eyes.
guys, I have a question.
if two of you guys claim the same waifu, how do you settle the dispute?
or do you share?
One of us dies.
Usually, the dispute is decided based on who loves their waifu more. This can be done by demonstrayed by citing obscure facts, comparing the number of the waifu's images you each have, and being most vocal when someone slanders the waifu.
When it is decided that you do not love your waifu as much as the other guy (and, by extension, you would not be as loved by the waifu) you concede defeat and honorably commit suicide.
Because of this, waifu claimant discussions are a very serious thing.
They look like regular whores to me.
sounds like an honorable tradition.
There are JAVs I could watch for free that are better than this, not giving you or your "models"/"nude models"/"whores who undress for cash" any money.
Also, the Asuka model is broke, got fired and is under depression.
I feel like fapping to anime right now. Fuck real life and 3DPD.
as if anything is wrong with being breastfed
so that's how you forged his tweets.
top keks
Mari (rebuild) >>>>>>>>>>>> Rei > Class Rep >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Asuka
by that you must mean that its an unnecessarily arduous pain in the ass because you're basically tying to woo a spoiled child.
She will cuck you just like she did everyone else
Autism is for rich kids
>The picture to prove Rei is better than Asuka shows he smiling and confident like Asuka
Disgusting. Pick one faggot.
i fucking missed her anons
back in highschool there was this girl who looked like asuka, she even spoke german and had a crush on me but my autism was 9/11 levels of high and on fire
Anta baka, user?
wtf really? rei and asuka are supposed to represent innocent pubescent girls
not some beat up prostitutes
it has tits it dont matter
wake me when megumin is real
Why is this allowed?
the purpose is to reduce the traceable traffic between 8ch and a website