Meet Jim's half sister.
Karen Sansaver.
Meet Jim's half sister
Other urls found in this thread:
Which half?
the pig half
Can't post more so here's Sierra Sansaver.
We will have to make a lot of versions of the same images. One thing that's worse than spam is thumbnail spam but it's a good way to get back on the spamwagon again.
She definitely has the pig half
This is "Ron" Watkins.
Her from behind. Nice tits.
Randy Sansaver
Kristine Sansaver
It's a bit old.
Helene Watkins.
I think it's the one on the right but I don't know.
Colt Sansaver
topkekroflellol :)
More Sierra
More Sierra.
I bet she browses 8cham
Met her on Omegle.
Then why an I post that one again??
Going to try with Karenpig again.
Please don't become 4chan Holla Forums, Holla Forums
Why did I get the mute thing before?
2late, Jim is here and he hired Tumblr.
I fucked up
dysnomia out.
Sierra and current "bff".
What is it for?
it's gone now.
I'm sorry for Myspacing this place but it needed to be done. You can go find more pics yourself.
Cool havent seen that picture in a while.
You need to get on Myspace more often.
Is Myspace still a thing in the current year?
Jim&family still lives in another century.
Yeah I guess so. Havnt logged onto Myspace in weeks.
I spend too much time with my costumes.
I wouldn't mind jizzing all over her feet.
i have poop in my butt
You know what time it is
John T. Quiad??
the quaid link is interesting, yes
Katsura Quaid is a friend of Jim with links to mukilteo. dig on.
Documentation please.
Why is she so overweight?
well it's complicated, because family members and associates use various aliases and move around a lot. i think Quaid dates from the japanese porn business, but to be honest with you, i don't have the time to confirm this. the richest vein for a dirt snouter like you is Jim's legal history. there, you see him revoltingly naked. all for less than 2dowars.
I like Sierra
OP where did you find all this? Also how old is Sierra?
Karen works for N.T. Technology and she uses Myspace. So does a lot of people named Watkins and Sansaver that she's connected to.
There is an article mentioning him having half siblings, her included. (Check with Google)
In some pictures sierra comments "seventh grade" but I don't remember if there is an age (it's just a number to me hehehehehheehehehe………heheheheheheheeeeeeeeeeehehehehehe) listed in there. I didn't check all her pics, go help us.
Google image search of Karen brought up this image from an article about Holla Forums:
I love how it describes Holla Forums as "the world’s most vile website", I really wonder how they justify that title.
That article is what got me started.
Wait, is that Karen?
Shit she doesn't look 12 or even 13, did she get held back?
Shit she doesn't look 12 or even 13, did she get held back?
fucking double post
She fat like him.
I'd guess around 13. We're talking about Sierra, right? And not Karen?
How old is she?
She's older than him I think.
Jim was born in '53 according to court records.
Maybe she's around 75 then.
Trips of truth. He actually implied it!
Has Jim responded or is he hiding?
Jim is hiding until this blows over or Hell freezes, whichever comes first.
atta girl
Hi Karen
got nudes of her ?
Jim would appreciate it.
Jim already has it.
Hi Karen, I love your tits.
She is no good
No good at all
Karen should be forgotten.
And talking about her should be verboten.
Karen, if that is her actual name…
Deserves no attention. Neither praises nor blame.