What the fuck do you with your life?
Daily schedules
Also Hitler trips.
Way to ruin your skin, OP.
how old are you? no job?
17, no job.
I always say I want a job, so I fill out an application once a month, then it gets rejected and I try again next month.
do volunteer work somewhere, animal shelters, feeding the homeless, you'd be surprised how many doors will open
Every now and then something cool will happen like my exgf inviting me to the movies and then taking someone else instead or getting drunk with friends and playing dark souls.
Step up nigga, I'm 24 and have been doing exactly what you do ever since I dropped out of university 4 years ago.
How do you get away with it?
nigga im 39 and i've done it for a year, now im in a good place and it paid up the "working for free" in the first month