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Someone needs to die.
Breaking News:Nigel Farage family member attacked.He is unable to attend final debate tonight on Channel 4. Awaiting info.
The tolerant Left strikes again
Hope the family member is ok.
im mad
Your enemies are prepared to employ violence - why aren't you?
This would absolutely destroy Nigel if Britain votes to stay and his family member dies from injuries.
archive that
also, any news coverage yet?
This cunt needs to be hung drawn and quartered.
I'm sure they'll try to suppress this.
yeah, just as I posted I thought "that's a dumb question; the media won't report on it"
Nothing yet waiting for official statement
Ugh I'm so intolerant of intolerant people. everyone who disagrees with me is intolerant! MUST KILL
t. political party of peace
Burger here; may Kek protect the Farage family and ensure the Brexit so our British cousins can start the arduous process of uncucking their once great nation.
Better to be patients instead blow are load to soon like those remain cunts.
Does anyone else hear the sound of ovens starting up?
Ehh, I hope nothing bad will happen to this man. With love from quintessentially British pole.
The fire raises, as they say
Also a bump
shit what is that from it on the tip of my tongue
Seems serious, guys. No ruse concerning Nige would last this long and be this consistent.
Twin Peaks. Great show.
Fire walk with me
Through the darkness of future past
The magican longs to see
One chance out between two worlds:
Fire walk with me
I'm with you Britbongs. They attacked one of you. They are scared. I pray for the recovery and safety of Nigel and his family. That extends to all those who vote Leave tomorrow. Do what you need to do and Godspeed.
I took tomorrow and Friday off. This is important and I don't want to miss a minute of it. I just bought a 36 pints of my favorite beer so I can start my celebration in style tomorrow. I've been spamming Brexit on social media and talked about it to friends and family here in Burgerland for what good it could do.
You will be the first domino that brings down the eu. Other countries have already said they'll follow you.
Fucking do it.
t. Your Shithead Son
Except nothing on DM.
The as of yet unasked ten million dollar question:
By what demographic?
I don't know, but I'm guessing the guy will be a (((Labour party member))) or a white guilt faggot.
Pure coincidence.
If this proved to be a fatal assault, I wonder if there would be as much spectacle and outrage as there was for that other recent fatality.
Me thinks that it would totally un-ungood to openly proclaim that Nige brought it upon himself.
of course it would. if it's anything serious, Nige himself will have to push a comment through every means necessary. lugenpresse will try to keep this under-wraps as much as they can until after the vote is over tomorrow.
They won't be able to do that. There's no time, if there's been any kind of injury, they have to mention it and this will steal the news cycle tomorrow. If they start suppressing it, people will move to whoever is reporting about it.
Is there no election coverage blackout on referendum day like here on potatonigger island?
I always get confused. what time/day american do the polls open/close on Brexit?
I'm admittedly not familiar with Britbong laws, but here in Burgerland an illegal tried to assassinate a presidential candidate and they kept it on the down low for days. also, here there are laws regarding broadcasting info that could influence a vote. dunno if that would apply.
I believe it's 1am EST until 4pm EST in our time.
nope fuck me, it's 2am to 3pm. Brit time is +5 to East Coast, not +6
The polling isn't important, friend. It's the results that are more important; should be 11pm to 12am EST.
2am to 5am. I may have already started in on my pints seeing as I don't have to go into work
I misread anyways. I thought it meant that the polls were only going to be open from 1am to 4'am EST.
"the polls" means the voting, newfriend
oh, so it starts tonight? so everyone in Britain is going to wake up and be shocked that this shit happened and then have to go vote?
Spring Rain-chan?
or wait… its just now evening in Britain, so maybe the nightly news?
So when exactly will we know the outcome of the Brexit?
In eastern burgertime
his comment under that mentions 'channel 4 news'
channel 4 = 4chan
seems like a ruse to me
That's exactly what I meant when I said "polling".
polls open in about 8 hours, and its 11:30pm on a weekday so a lot of people are going to sleep now. most people vote after work so they will probably see this on the news, if (((they))) deign to report it
im not sure how much it will change things though
in about 25 hours from now
channel 4 is one of the five 'basic cable' channels everyone in the uk gets, its called channel 4 because it was the fourth one they made
Fuck off Nigel Farage's cum bucket
Ah, figured it was too coincidental
Stand with the bongs from across the pond
inb4 memory hole
BTFOing the kikes one step at a time
This is the only "official" news I see. Posted 3hrs ago in the Sun.
Civic nationalists (aka cucks pretending to not be cucks)
That's funny :^)
Or, more likely
I did not know this, I only knew that these are the only ones pushing for anything less than globalism in their respective country
Never heard of 'em, which country?
hmm double ((coincidences)) happening within a week.
wilders is fine for the present situation
what a dope
i wonder why nige cancelled his appearance though
Have you been living under a fucking rock?
Still 'family reasons'. Not sure what, but let's give the man some privacy.
jesus fuck i was worried lads
Could just be a seriously ill family member but this is still terrible timing.
We should appreciate Nigel's decision.
He spent 30 years campaigning for Brexit.
Polite sage
No, I'm just a burger who hides out in the meme magic threads and comes out every once and a while
Yeah I know user. Best of luck Nigel.
if that happens we must rally around are nige and console him with our prayers damnit, also fuck the leftists as they come for him. they must not be allowed to sully are nige.
Paki Paki Paki
Right wing is starting to step it up?
Fake and gay.
okay. sry
i thought wilders was a dastardly jew
Seriously bongs, unless someone died, there's some heavy shit behind this.
maybe he thinks Brexit is going to win and going to the debate can only make him lose?
or maybe his family is afraid for his life?
or maybe he thinks its going to lose and Britain is fucked so he cut a deal with (((them))) to save his own arse?
Aloha Ackbar
MI5 probably got a credible threat and after Cox… well…
The family car probably had its brakes cut.
Update for the yanks, r nige is okay.
He bailed on the debate because he hadnt seen his son in 9 months and he'd rather have dinner with the lad than sit with the founder of UKIP who'd call him racist.
so he was a faggot cuck the entire time
Mate, cmon now…
I don't get it. Why at this moment? I really don't fucking get it.
Anyways, good luck from Spain bongs.
I think his internals show Leave is steamrolling and he thought why chance slipping up?
Makes sense family is important I'm sure he'll have things to say through out the day
Isn't it Hocke?
I think something was threatened, probably. Not like Nige to flake on anything, especially this important.
Because we're not mindless libcucks and violent shitskins, retard
In which thread is Brexit streamed? other than Brit/pol/
Sounds more like an excuse to cover up a threat that was made to him.
Might nto be far from the truth.
England will not exit the EU.
Just like Scotland didn't exit the UK.
The master magicians have already secured the outcome they want.
This whole thing is a distraction.
"they" have worked very hard to destroy England. World War 1, World War 2, The League of Nations, United Europe, United Nations, European Union, Nato, etc. Those are all words for "they".
"they" have killed millions of English to get the job done and they won't hesitate to kill another million.
If the brits vote "out" with an overwhelming majority, the MPs have already said they will just overthrow the vote.
And then what? The brits will take their arms and revolt? Oh wait, they don't have any.
This is the only reason why the second amendment matters.
Forget the UK. It is dead.
No constitution.
No right to bear arms.
No freedom of speech.
More mosques than bible believing churches.
Paki rape gangs in every city.
Child fuckers and child trafficking throughout the country in the palace, and parliament, and the judge's chair, and in the police, and social services, and local councils, and the media. The BBC is a notorious child fucker safehaven.
The UK is already dead.
Two city councils literally have a plan for dealing with a zombie problem. Literally.
The U.S.A. is the last chance.
The Trump Vote is the single most important thing. Even to brits.
Why? Because when Trump starts making America great again, the rest of the world will want it.
Trump will most likely welcome with open arms white English men who want to break free of the pakis as refugees. They will get good jobs and guns.
The only group well armed in England is the communist leaders and their private police and security.
The average joe has a bus pass and a towel with his favorite soccer team logo on it.
Some of you are angry with my post.
You should be.
How come you are typing on here instead of making your country great again, you whiny useless faggots?
Don't you mean (((they)))?
Was there a debate?
Link doesn't work, user. need new sauce!
Read the thread.
While your post speaks the cold hard and honest truth, I feel that people are really actually quite sick of (((their))) shit and if the polls are unrigged then it'll be a landslide.
Alas, (((they))) have such a tight grip on Britain that it'll be near impossible to fight back, but not entirely impossible. The option to leave the EU has been the single most important referendum of a generation. Even if the big wigs won't let us, it proves that people hate the EU and are waking up and are seeing it for what it really is, if (((they))) won't let us out even if there was a majority vote to leave then even the most retarded of people will realize something isn't right, those who are intelligent enough to talk about such matters without looking like a complete sperg can easily fuck the minds of leftists by just pointing out that the very ones who claim to give us "freedom of choice" are not letting us choose to leave the EU… The one choice that was clear by the public.
Slippery ass Cameron has already said he will respect the majority's vote, who wants to bet that the votes will either be rigged or he'll go back on his own words and promises for the billionth time?
I'm still not losing hope, even if we're trapped in the machine, I have plans for the future regardless of the outcome of this referendum, and leaving the sinking ship when it's clear that there is no more we can do to help this country is one of them… I will never forget this day… No matter what the results are…
*It's not the votes that count, it's who counts the votes*
Even then I will not give up. I will fight on and I urge everyone who has even a tiny amount of love for their country to fight on no matter how great the damage (((they))) have done…
Sounds like Nigel is using the fact that he draws attention wherever he is to act as a shield for his family. You know they are in danger and he knows that this will force anyone who wants to attack to do so out in the open where everyone is watching.
And matters of state aren't?
Starting to sound delusional over here.
I'm not a bong, so I don't know, but if this was supposed to be the big thing before the vote then he's fucking up/is being forced to fuck up.
Burgeristan isn't even 1/4th of white economy, considering the nonwhite population there. Yet burger larpers would want us to abandon Europe altogether… Not gonna happen.
If it's bad then it's even worse considering the debate. They keep telling us nothing is politically motivated when it's in their favor.
A kike who shoots himself in the foot constantly.
His bantz are fun but he's obviously controlled opposition.
Yes, Höcke. Högge is Spurdo-speak frequently used on Deutsch/pol/.
literally a jew.
Zionist puppet
It doesn't matter if UK leaves EU or not.
It's a win-win situation
IF they manage to win the referendum there will be two outcomes:
-The UK government respect the will of the people and they leave, showing the rest of the EU that this is a failed attempt of marxist takeover that can me shown a middle finger
-The UK government decides to ignore the people. This will send a message to the rest of the EU that the will of the people is not important and thus the EU is not democratic. It will redpill the silent majority.
If the referendum fails, which is not likely according to pools, the government may win a battle but they will lose the war since people know that majority of the country wanted to go out and they were prevented.
And since this prevention won't be possible without blatant voter fraud the rest of the EU that take their news from the internet directly will be redpilled.
Isn't it hilarious how a tool for controlling the populace is becoming the jew's worst nightmare?
This is probably one of the most important things that Bill Clinton did when he solidified net neutrality. Knowingly or unknowingly he laid the foundations for defeating the jews.
IF (((they))) go full censorship on us now when even the old people are on the internet then people will get even more redpilled and will just rebel to this blatant kikery.
uh oh
Just like you burgers took your arms and revolted each time your rights got fucked.
Any update? Hope Farage and his family are OK.
Oh, got it, sorry. Very very tired here. Can't sleep though.
we kicked your limey redcoat asses, we fought an admittedly stupid civil war, we dominated the world markets and political infrastructure up until king nigger walked into the WH, and even if it's all tumbling down we still have more firearms in the hands of the public then you have citizens.
meanwhile, you've been taken over by muslim filth and have to show ID and be 18+ to buy a spoon at tesco, fuck off