Hey Holla Forums, I'm thinking about making a webcomic. Do you have any suggestions? What are some mistakes I should try to avoid?
Hey Holla Forums, I'm thinking about making a webcomic. Do you have any suggestions...
What percentage of the comic will be devoted to your niche fetish? Because that percentage may have to come down, or go up.
Just do whatever you wanna do and stop asking Holla Forums for advice on shit.
Don't put esjabadabaya or any other CURRENT YEAR shit on it.
No. He shouldn't care about appeasing any political views except his own. If he worries that something will "offend Holla Forums" he'll never get anything done.
Also, fuck off.
OP, don't listen to any advice here except technical stuff (pacing, structure, characterization), because if you don't make the comic you LOVE, you will fail. I mean, you might fail anyway, but at least get a work of art you honestly enjoy yourself.
Are you being ironic again, user?
Is if furry fetish? Because, if so, you'll succeed as long as you just keep making it.
Don't push your ridiculous political views, if you have any. Don't try to be deeper than the comic actually is. Don't insert dated references, memes, or political scandals. Write out a good length of how you want your story to go so you don't struggle with ideas down the line due to not thinking too far ahead. Don't pander to a ridiculous demographic. If you can't write, draw cute waifus.
You know that Christ-chan comic?
Don't be like that.
You might be better off asking /comic/
Here are my suggestions after 15+ years of making webcomics:
DO NOT PAY FOR WEBSPACE, there are tons of sites you can host pictures for free, in sequence if you want
DON'T BEG ARTISTS TO DRAW IT FOR YOU FOR FREE, scribble it yourself if you have to
IF YOU DRAW, ACTUALLY TRY WRITING, in any basic homemade script format
IF YOU WRITE, ACTUALLY TRY DRAWING, you'll get an appreciation for what it takes
Don't waste time making your first webcomic some kind of serious dramatic story with characters and plotlines. Just throw together random goof shit. Try to make a comic that intentionally doesn't make any sense.
Throw it all in the garbage and move on to another webcomic as soon as you can. Do that as many times as you can.