Certain arrangements of 0 and 1 are illegal
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pedo pls go
That's true, it is illegal.
As far as we know, π never repeats itself. Being in possession of an infinite approximation of π could get you arrested for possession of an infinite CP stash.
Piracy is also illegal, so what the fuck made you immediately bring up CP?
Fucking pedo is just projecting, leave him be.
It's actually worse than that, you see data isn't information until it's interpreted. A cute picture of a cat could be decompiled into CP using the right algorithm. Everyone has CP in some form inside their computers.
We actually know π never completely repeats itself, because it's provably irrational.
But not repeating itself doesn't mean it contains every possible sequence of digits. Normal numbers have that, but we have no proof that π is normal. This sequence of digits never repeats itself:0.101001000100001000001000000...
You could use that cat picture as a key to encrypt CP, but the picture doesn't contain any CP. The algorithm (or more typically key) that you use contains the CP.
You can make XOR of a common picture and CP resulting in a third picture.
The picture itself is harmless, but once XORed with the original it becomes CP.
You bet your ass there must be multiple variants to make non noise XORed pictures like that.
You could have a picture of Hitler that once XORed with a picture of a Cat becomes CP, or by other simple algorithm. There is no CP in the algorithm, or in the picture.
This is some next level CP tutorial.
Very nicely veiled.
t. FBI pro
that image is legal.
*murders someone*
I'm not a murderer! I'm just a certain arrangement of atoms and forces! This isn't a knife! It's just a bit of metal stuck onto a bit of wood! That's not a dead guy right there! It's just a pound of lifeless meat! Let's eat it -- we eat meat around here right!
Fuck, if you want to defend CP, at least try to defend it intelligently. Here's CP Defense Argument #1: a picture of a murder is not a murder, and nobody treats them as murder. A picture of child abuse is not child abuse; why do we treat pictures as if they were abusing children somehow? Please don't propose that it matters that I'm creating a market for child abuse by consuming evidence of it -- I haven't learned about argument #2 yet.
I wonder where the line is though. Say we have some classified document/cp/pirated shit. Both a doc or an image about 100kb could contain illegal shit. Now if we remove the extension I don't think that changes anything. What if we, instead of having it as a normal file, turn all the binary into actual ascii 0s and 1s? What if we printed it?
In other words, we could create a piece of paper about 2.4km in length, half a centimeter of width, containing all the zeroes and ones in ink. Would this still be illegal?
Only if, from a distance, that collection of 0's and 1's happens to depict CP very realisticly.
If you XOR a common picture and CP you don't get something harmless. It won't look like random noise. Chances are that you could recognize the general shape of the originals in the result well enough to prove that it contains CP. You need to use random noise as the key, not something with low entropy.
You couldn't have a picture of Hitler that becomes CP when you XOR it with a picture of a cat. For a simple, CP-less algorithm to do that you'd have to steganographically hide the CP in the cat and Hitler images. You have three pieces of information, the Hitler, the cat and the algorithm. The information of the CP has to be contained in one of those or a combination of those. If it's not in the algorithm then you have to add the information to the Hitler and/or the cat.
Of course that's illegal. That's a much less effective way of hiding it than encryption, and encrypted CP is not legal either.
Hence the name "kitty porn".
Oh boy, pifs! The only filesystem where the metadata needed to locate a file is bigger than the file itself.
The fuck are you babbling about?
Nah, they're cheating massively.
It's almost legal if you're at solomon island.
Where do you sign up to go human hunting?
We have a succession of digits, what do we call it?
A number
So numbers are illegal.
Good job, statists.
Fuck this, I can copy any book or written work and call myself the author if I want.
PIDF out in full force in this thread
Funny that first thing you thought of was CP.
it's not about defending CP per se but how the laws are half assed compared to the technology we currently posses
Not if I pirate it you fucken genius
Here's why your analogy sucks: For the laws the OP is referencing, they can apply to any _representation_ (or even approximation) of the number sequences in question. On the other hand, you will never get arrested for murder/robbery/etc. by simply owning a representation of how the crime scene's atoms would be arranged.
Ekoserin you're a faggot. CVM doesn't forget you.
It has to be both, but which?
By your logic, if I torrent xubuntu iso, i'm actually pirating and hurting canonical.
Again, what the fuck are you talking about?
Pirating movies actually does support the movie industry, compared to not watching those movies at all.
He's calling you a pedo, pedo.
Wait, who is calling whom what?
Could you explain it one more time?
With regards to CP, it's different from 'piracy'; CP should have never been produced in the first place. With 'piracy' it's holding a copy that's illegal, not the material itself.
Though the banning of information is a losing battle given that you can game the system with a little know-how. Just look at people adding borders to fool jewtube's contentID.
It's not the gesture itself that's illegal, it's hurting/killing someone that is.
Some substances pose a danger or risk to others, so they're regulated/banned/replaced with safer alternatives.
>the other
How am I a pedo?
realistically you can sell your CP once before it spreads all over the danknet, either he makes sure to trade to people who won't leak it (thus creating trade network which can be easily infiltrated) or sell it a high enough price even one copy will make up for everything
unless you're dedicated or a part of pedowood, it's completely unprofitable.
KYS OP, you autistic piece of rebrobate trash.
pedo pedo pedo pedo pedo pedo pedo
If you are the OP you are a pedo for making this thread because it's pretty obvious what is being implied. If you are the guy defending the OP you are a pedo for defending pedos, pedo.
I.e. certain NUMBERS are illegal :^)
You are implying CP, normal looking, and noise pictures exist in absolutely separated classes and no matter which N-ary function you apply to normal pictures you will never get a CP one. Like there is NO WAY you can sum 100 or more completely normal non faked pictures and get a CP one.
That sounds bullshit and mathematically improvable to me.
That would take either a coincidence that is so large it's essentially impossible, or such a complicated algorithm/combination of pictures that that method itself contains enough information to store the CP.
Why the fuck would I be the OP?
The fuck are you talking about?
Why has this shitshow been going on for five days now?
Calm down, get another boogeyman. The thread, if it hadn't been derailed, could have been about piracy.
There's more things other than pedo which are banned or regulated, it's not like you live in a free speech country.
Holla Forums itself would be illegal in the EU, and I'm not sure about USA.
Of course, your attempts at killing the thread are real shilly.
This is an interesting thread, we'll be sure to continue monitoring it.
Bullshit. In the case of piracy it isn't the arrangements of 1's and 0's that is the illegal thing. It is the way the 1's and 0's were acquired that is illegal. There is nothing illegal about having an mp3. It is 100% illegal to have CP.
1. Not in my country
2. So if I just add 1 until I get the whole new movie it's fine by you? What do you know people at TPB didn't get their files that way? :^)
3. It's illegal to have CP under certain circumstances, like living in USA. It's illegal to have a movie under certain circumstances, like not paying tithe to the MPAA. It's the same.
If you were to memorize said arrangement of 0s and 1s, would it become an illegal memory?
Data storage is data storage, whether its in your head or on your hdd.
Yeah bro we're supporting a nonexistent industry that makes no money in the first place.
CP production involves harming minors. Therefore the resulting material (and its copies) are illegal.
Whereas the creation your average mainstream movie doesn't involve any such acts of depravity, hence the difference.
Also everyone with half a brain knows copyright is an unfounded, thinly-veiled scam to maximize the profits of massive media conglomerates at the expense of everyone else.
No. Go after those who actually hurt the child, the evidence of the crime is static and dead after the fact.
Until we clarify this, the government is ALWAYS going to use CP as the cudgel to go after thoughtcrime.
monkey see
monkey do
Explain this bullshit