So guys, is VPN services safe or do I have to go out of my way to create my own VPN?

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Use a VPN with OpenVPN

yeah but the question was if services like IPVanish is safe to use as a VPN

Fuck sand nigger and take the sodomite Muhammad with you


only free VPNs are safe. you can't trust someone who's trying to profit off of you

suggestions on good free VPNs?

you have to go back

safe from what?
all a vpn will do is hide your ip from jim.
your isp logs the vpn use and the vpn provider logs your activity. if you are a moderately interesting target, the feds will subpoena this data.

I have torguard, but for some reason the niggers disabled my service and told me that I was a hacker and had engaged in a brute force attack. I told them to stop trying to screw me over and that I expected more from a paid service. They haven't fucked with me since.

nigger, what?


lillias right

Assuming you're not doing anything illegal, sure.
Just make sure they have a "No Logs" policy and won't comply with Gov't requests for information. But maybe you're looking for illegal content or something, in which case a VPN won't protect you.
Even Tor is not 100% secure.

please tell me this isn't your intention, OP

Dubs say it's true

Best VPN is WEP.

Prove me wrong, protip, you cant.

>>>Holla Forums



What a surprise


thing is, if the feds are trying to figure out the ip behind some online illegality done via a vpn, they already have at least a partial log of said activity. it's not them being able to log your browsing habits you need to worry about, it's them being able to link activity they have already logged in an investigation to a vpn you use.


Mullvad cash $$ in mail untraceable payment, or even pia gift cards

Flagfagging is no better than namefagging

Perfect Privacy

LMAO yes I want to give away ips so pedophiles and spamming faggots can get them banned and make it harder for me to find a fucking ip (like cyberghost, and yes I know it's a honeypot but still)

why should they pay money for a VPN when they can use Tor or free Proxies for their spamming shit.

1. buy vps for less than £3. i-83.net/
2. harden it (guides on digitalocean)
3. install and configure openvpn with this script github.com/Nyr/openvpn-install
4. enjoy