I am looking for legal highs that are easy to obtain...

I am looking for legal highs that are easy to obtain. The best I've heard is nitrous oxide which can be bought from a local headshop. Do you guys know if they would require an id or will you have to be 21 and up. I can prove that I am 18 but i don't want to be embarrassed for asking and not being allowed to buy any. Are there any other legal highs that are easy to obtain? I've recently tried lsd so I've been interested in psychedelics. I've heard of lsa but I don't have access to non poisoned morning glory seeds unfortunately

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I intend on being safe and will consider the safety of whatever I put in my body. I'm just looking to do something fun for my short term enjoyment.

huff raid

fuck you guys i get more straightforward answers from reddit

Then go back there faggot

No, seriously this. Raid works through enzymes that basically eat at insects' respiratory systems, which have pores all over their bodies for breathing. Those enzymes do no damage to human lungs, as if you're inhaling vapor. When you huff it, the enzymes go through your bloodstream, to your brain, and make you trip balls. Some even claim it's more potent than DMT. I've only tried it once, but I only inhaled a little then pussied out because of how weird it felt breathing it in. I still tripped though, and it was great.

Where did you found the lsd OP?
Gas 98 and helium gets you high, but fucks up your lungs.
Cough syrup gets you high but taste like shit and you need lots of it.
I don't know where you live but usually you can buy morphine since is a pill to fix cold
Pownder of cashews nuts gets you high but you need half a kilo or more if you are with average body

A-Are you from totse?

dubs of truth, it's about time I try some of that again.

Man up and brew the poo, all the cool kids do it these days.