What are Holla Forums's thoughts on Mr. Robot?
Recently finished s02e07, I think it's wonderful.
So wonderful, I felt the need to make pic related.
What are Holla Forums's thoughts on Mr. Robot?
Recently finished s02e07, I think it's wonderful.
So wonderful, I felt the need to make pic related.
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We talked about it when it came out.
Its shit.
its okay. some mess ups here and there, like using utorrent, but yeah
>Supposedly about some 1337 [email protected]/* */|
what's the point of being a hacker if not for the elitism?
In s1e10 a character says that the computer fraud and abuse act is hard to prosecute. I stopped watching then and I've never seen any of the program since.
I haven't watched this but it sounds kinda boring. Needs more guns and phone lines and oracles and shit.
Yeah, no
Sam Esmail needs to stop pulling this 'it was all in his head stuff', I honestly love the show but it's starting to get cheap. I don't see any reason why Elliot living in his mom's house and all this stuff actually happening shouldn't have been real.
At first I wasn't sure about Leone, he seemed really 2D psuedo-intellectual to me but I did greatly enjoy watching Leone go ham stabbing those thugs.
I also don't get why /bin/ wasn't in Angela's PATH when they were trying to hack the FBI, /bin/ should be there by default. But I am glad that she's learning how to hack (even if it is just skiddie level) so she can not be a useless piece of crap.
Apparently some people hate Dom, I don't tbh, I like her, she's serious and gets stuff done, even if she is trying to get Fsociety arrested.
The show was okay, but they pushed to turn it into a two season series instead of a single season after it was determined to be a success. This flipped shit around, and destroyed any payoff they could have achieved with the first season and just turned it into a days of our lives drama, except "1337 haxxor XD" style. The show seriously had a lot going for it, the first season's initial episodes were incredibly well done, with each episode being a standalone masterpiece. The style of camerawork and show pacing even changes between episodes, as if the show is deftly navigating different genres while maintaining the core premise. Don't get me wrong, it could have been an excellent series ... but they decided to remove Elliot's climax and epilogue so they could extend it out another season and make some more of that phat (((advertising))) money.
It's like they didn't even realize they were writing a show about countering corporate greed.
The worst part is how smug they are about doing some basic research. There's a scene where they watch an old 80s hacking movie with wacky effects and stuff and the dialog is basically the writers sucking each other's dicks.
It's fucking TV, it's shit. God damn you're afaggot
Wow, that's old school, from before /home was standard.
Inaccurate portrayal of muslim hacker girl really bugs me. Everybody knows that muslim hackers rip into old DLE installations and deface them by putting up a turkish flag and a wall of gibberish text.
it's shit, like your taste in entertainment you humongous faggot
The Avast (software) sponsoring got btfo when they aired Mr Robot episode of the buttsex.
I remember reading about how something like the 3d computer shit at the end of jurassic park actually did exist for unix.
From a technology standpoint hoi retard
that is the entire point of the show, you numbskull.
Pick one
The start of the first season was pretty good.
After that, it devolved into 'hacktivism', diversity virtue signalling, and finally a rehashed Fight-Club style plot.
the matrix is one of the most jew-tier movies in sci-fi history
People like hating on it but honestly...
Any show where the real villains are C level people, they refer to the world as being run by the 1% and they at least try to have technical accuracy....
Its like this generations fight club, massively misunderstood, will attract teenagers that will make people hate it, but generally clever and well written.
People will acknowledge some of it as being true (you are not your job/ "the people who play god") without recognizing the source (all fight clubs Buddhist quotes, Mr Robot being anarchist/revolutionary).
You're already taken by Zog, goy
I don't consume western media like you, swine. I only indulge in anime, a serious medium for serious themes.
I see you are a man of tastes, but let us not discount ALL western media. The first 8 seasons of Stargate SG-1 were excellent.
Stargate is OK, but the negro alien was always this big tough guy. Why not an alien Urkel or something like that? Because it had an agenda to push, just like SJW Trek. It was fairly PC with your typical Jewish morality themes. Babalyon 5 was better, but all SciFi suffers to some extent from SJW themes, except maybe Starship Troopers. I think that the follow-on movies were made poorly on purpose to try and discredit the unintentional success of the first film, which was supposed to be just a cheezy parody.
i dont understand whats going on in this show. I watched the first season and it made sense that he was hallucinating his father etc..
Now I dont understand why Elliot is being held captive, or was anyway. What even is Evil Corp or Fsociety and why is the FBI involved?
Still hasn't been revealed. The point is you're not supposed to know yet.
A very big multinational company that controls media, finances, banks, etc.
Elliot and his gang
To investigate the hack? I though it was obvious.
Nah, it doesn't promote race-mixing or destruction of goyim via degeneracy.
Only jew parts is the spiel about New Zion and the related hebrew stuff like the hovercraft's name.
Otherwise it's heavily inspired on Plato's allegory of the cave, and various SF tropes (typical evil AI, apocapypse, etc.)
Any movie that would have people question some aspects of their reality isn't something the jews would really stand for. The goyim might then start asking questions about other things, and that's too dangerous. It's really a mystery how they even made this movie in the first place. Maybe the hebrew names were even added in as a distraction for the jews. Maybe it's true that their ego can blind them.
I understand the show, but there is a point where the hallucination becomes a cheap gimmick and makes no sense. Like, the whole 'Elliot hallucinates he's in a sitcom' thing was alright, it made sense, but 3 episodes going by only for you to be told that the entire thing was a hallucination is just over the top, it's the same thing with 'and then he woke up' in books and stuff, it's lazy writing.
I am inclined to this view as well, if you don't half-ass include some (((Jewish bullshit))) in your creative work to appease the (((Industry owners))), there's no way your work will reach a critical mass; sad but that's how it is.
Daily reminder Matrix did enough damage in the end that (((Hollywood))) turned one of the creator into a tranny anyway.
Was it worth the sacrifice? Who knows.
Hol' up nigga
A quick index search just revealed to me both of the creators of the Matrix movies has came out as (((transgender))). The Jews really do not fuck around.
The Matrix is jew marxist propaganda. They had to tone it down from their original script, but its still there. That's right, it was too jewy for the jews. For fucks sake they made Baudrillard required reading for the cast.
I'll stick with GitS. No some jewed out tranny masochists' shitty reimagining of it.
would mr robot be good for a non Holla Forumsy individual, as an intro?
t.4chan`s /int/
Only if you learn all your physics from Star Trek beforehand.
so mr.robot is really that crap?
any suggestions for something like it but actually informative?
Something that isn't a television series perhaps?
Here, I even found the link for you
So you don't have to read the intro paragraph
woah looks like some good stuff.
thank you
Bonsoir, Elliot.
Holy fuck, I haven't seen a tv show be this pretentious in a long time.
So I see you're running Blackberry? I'm actually on Android myself. I know this Google shit is botnet, but you know what they say. Old habits, they die hard.
So I see you're running Android? I'm actually on Symbian myself. I know this outdated shit is vuln, but you know what they say. Old autism, they die hard.
Its shit.
I fell for the hype believing that it would be accurate but episode one was a disappointment. It gets worse with each episode.
So I see you're running Symbian? I'm actually on a System/360 myself. I know this prehistoric shit uses transformer read only storage, but you know what they say. Old ferrite cores, they are hard.
In the trash it goes.
So I see you're running 360 OS? I'm actually on a Windows 10 myself. I know this excellent, thoroughly up to date software built lovingly by professionals has a convoluted file system entirely beyond my control, but you know what they say. Old config files, they are hard to edit.
Even ironic flagfaggotry is trying on the nerves.
If you weren't before, you are now aware that this is why the Wachowski brothers are now sisters.
What are you quoting there, friendo?
Flag usage invites comments upon the flag chosen by the user, leading to every thread turning into Computer Holy Wars the LXVIIth Crusade or some shitty attempt at a meme, as happened here.
ITT: people pointlessly trying to prove themselves as too superior to enjoy a TV show.
Just a reminder that The Matrix has ripped off many elements of Grant Morrison's The Invisibles.