Foam Party aficionado "Coco Dorm" Rubio a.k.a. Little Marco a.k.a. Señor Roboto a.k.a. Jeb Bush 2...

Foam Party aficionado "Coco Dorm" Rubio a.k.a. Little Marco a.k.a. Señor Roboto a.k.a. Jeb Bush 2.0 is running for his senate seat again citing the importance of blocking the President elect from enacting "bad ideas" as the reason for changing his mind

Reminder to all Florida Anons to vote against him. Marco Rubio is a menace and needs to be stopped.

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Regardless of his sexual deviance, he's already proven himself a traitor in the republican primaries with the money he accepted and statements he's made. I too want him nowhere near an influential position US politics.

This could actually help Trump in Florida, because Lubio is still popular there for some reason.

Why are there only men there?


Isn't it supposed to be like that? Girls are icky.

Holy shit. What if you were a midget? You would drown in that place

Well, Marco managed, so I don't think it could be all that deep.

This spineless AIDs farm. I thought he was going to see the light, too. What happened in the last few weeks? I thought everyone was going to begrudgingly accept Trump.

Media manipulated polls hard to make it look like Trump was losing. An attack on Americans vindicated Trump, therefore the cucks had to counter-signal because they don't want to "lose" the "naturally conservative" Muslim voting bloc. Cucks cucked.

This. Foam Boy needs to shut his mouth and stay outta sight.

If he had just kept his head down and shut his mouth he wouldn't have to be a target for the GE. If he keeps mouthing off, Trump is gonna have to shut him down again, and I can't wait. Seeing Marco on the verge of bursting into treats was hilarious. Maybe Jeb! will come back and Trump can smack him down, too.

Hell, maybe we're about to see a Boss Rush, with all of the old favorites coming back.

Too bad he left Pulse before closing time.

Id vote for him in a general so at least florda stays red, but are there any good primary candidates against him? The florida goys i know say there arent really any candidates near our views apart from that pagan larper libertarian candidate with the roman name

Trump endorses him.


Waste of time. Wish Trump would burn the cucks to the ground instead of playing nice. They will only stab him in the back. They have no cohesion to the Party or to the political right because they are not of the political right and never will be.

That's… not a good thing tbh but then again I was never the type to think of Trump as a "god emperor". He is just a tool.

Your concern is noted

destroy all those who stand against Trump

You think anyone has an opinion on Trump based on Little fucking Marco of all people?

>>>Holla Forums

Normies do not think like we do. They see their boy Marco on the ballot with Trump, remember they voted for him last time, and think

That's not even the main point. Most people go into the ballot box voting for one candidate and they usually pull the lever for the ticket that candidate is on. They may not even have an opinion on Trump, but being associated with the winning candidate simply brings automatic votes through straight ticket voting, which is how most people vote by default, especially the elderly.

Bush won several states by being on the same ticket as the "No' campaign for gay marriage, which got crushed in quite a few states that year.

That was weeks ago, the cucks are all turning on him now and he knows.

was the Orlando shooting a failed hit on Marco?

This is a fool statment by Trump.

I have no doubt whatsoever in my mind is that what happened is that Rubio's Jewish handlers, like Kristol, have persuaded him to run and have made him all kinds of promises and offered him all sorts of money. That Rubio has changed or changed his mind is bullshit.

Trump is encouraging him now, but you can bet your ass that Marco, if he wins, will be another shabbos goy Neocon attack dog against him, and the Jews are still looking to get him into the White House at some point.


See, even my dumbed down attempt at normie reasoning is too abstract for normies. Marco may be a faggot sell-out but he'll get Trump more votes in Florida by all objective measures

He'll attack Trump on the campaign trail. Just watch.

No one gives a shit about Marco Rubio that doesn't already have a rock solid opinion on Trump. The idea is ridiculous. People are coming to vote for Trump, not which faggot clutters the senate with shitty proposals that go nowhere.


I suspect he will as well. Can't do much about it now though because what's done is done. Can only hope he holds is tongue or Trump wrecks him if he speaks up

Yeah if Trump gets a conservative majority in congress and the judiciary that would be bad and cucked wouldn't it

These are people who have pledged that they will not cooperate with him and they have the gall to suggest he should shift his (electorally successful) opinions to meet theirs. They are more his enemy than the Democrats because the Democrats will just try to stab him in the front while they will try to stab him in the back.

Could it be that this is a rhetorical point to get elected a Florida that seems to have moved left? Could it be that, a year down the line (after the Trump landslide), a spineless republican would feel more pressure from his now-massive constituency to toe Trump's line than the democrat?

Sure fuck Marco but these fucks vote on party lines a LOT. That has to count for something. sometimes you guys can't see the forest for the trees

If Florida really moved left, Trump wouldn't have cucked Marco.

Marco is a puppet of the Bill Kristol gang. He looked like he might have wised up after the dropped out and apologized for saying things 'against his conscience' or whatever. Now that he is back and anti-Trump, that that was bullshit, and iit's clear that the Jews have got him back in the race to get up to no good for Trump, either now or at some point in the near future.

>>>Holla Forums is that way kike

It doesn't even matter if he does. If he wins in a landslide it still gets Trump more votes automatically just by being on the same ticket.