Holla Forums share your most triggering rage porn. allow me to offer a mild appetizer.
Rage porn thread
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Pretty much any kind of poetry slam nonsense tbh.
The comments on the video are pretty good :
Max Poweril
The muzzie in Orlando missed two.
just take the child away from them. this is clear child abuse. i thought mentally ill people couldnt have children?
Further evidence that gay couples shouldn't be allowed to have children. If people want to be gay that's fine, it's their choice. Forcing a child to be gay is repressive and takes away the child's freedom to choose. To say otherwise is hypocritical.
WTF is she whining about?
This is what people actually think about crime stats.
no thanks. i can't even watch commonfilth videos anymore
also, already a thread on that story
I couldn't go any further. I'm absolutely baffled by this faggot's stupidity.
God i hate that guy..
Lel true
I've seen this guy before, I have a very strong suspicion that he's a crypto-Jew but I haven't confirmed it.
This faggot is going to be on my list in the race war.
jesus christ that video gave my cancer cancer
fucking annotations…
Why is common filth such a cuck? His last video he spent an hour talking about how much he hates white people and unironically said "whites are the source of all degeneracy in the world and most white people are degenerate".
Still makes me queasy
Heres vid
What causes leftism? I know this has been talked about to death, but it's academia right?
This. Slam poetry/spoken word shit is full blown AIDS.
Why is he a cuck, should he be worried about mexicans being degenerate.
spurdo isn't funny
stop it
the meme is dubm
You faggots do realize that this is one of the pieces of shit who got evalion banned, and instead of tearing into him, you let him and jews get their way?
looks like it's dox time fellas.
Common Filth is proof that you shouldn't examine degeneracy too closely. It's basically ruined his mind, he's a few weeks away from becoming a full blown anti-white muslim.
I still watch Onision since the Evangate saga
it gets better
at the end of the video he does the complete opposite when he shows the statistics that men commit more crime than women and without a second thought goes full feminist saying that men are terrible and that the only way to have a peaceful society is to get rid of men.
Injustice :^)
Not triggered, I love seeing Jews getting infected by the degeneracy they push.
100% less of his discography would be nice
That child is an adopted goy child.
When we wanted to take care of them and give them Indian passports the EU told us we were racist. So deal with it.
T. Romania.
It's the (((EU))), at least you weren't completely shut down for saying such vile things against humanity.
We are all susceptible to succumbing to nihilism, that is the real danger. When you see the worst the world has to offer day after day, you stop believing in anything. Someone in that state will latch onto anything that sounds remotely palatable. Even on Holla Forums you'll find people trumpeting aspects of mudslime culture, look no further than the fallout from the Orlando anti-fag kebab shooter.
This is why we need to remember we fight to reforge not just our nations, but our morality too. Christcuck or not, Christianity is the moral foundation of the west, and its no coincidence that as it degenerated, so too did the west with it. And I speak as a non-christcuck. I'm not saying Christianity ought to be adopted by everyone in the west, but I am suggesting that its values need to be known and respected, whether you find yourself worshiping a kike on stick, a frogman of ancient Egypt, or nothing at all.
hahaha, not even 20 seconds in and these bitches clearly don't understand biology.
Fun fact, throwing is something that boys are inherently better at than girls. Also, throwing items is something that humans are gifted at. Comparing us to other animal species, we're like the Cheetah of throwing. Seriously, when you look at what it is to throw something, your brain is juggling a ridiculous amount of calculations to whip the arm forward and also when to release the item being thrown. For us to throw something and hit the bullseye is as remarkable in the animal kingdom as someone dropping a dart from the empire state building and having it hit the bullseye on a dartboard below.
When they compare boy throwing to girl throwing, boys at 5 are throwing better than girls at 7. And these women, they won't be able to gauge good throwing. The fact that he can move a ball would be oh so amazing for him, whereas his ultimate potential will never be realized. And yes, this is a metaphor for raising gender non-conforming children.
What was the Evangate saga? I used to watch Onision but stopped at about the start of the Atheist + debacle.
IS THIS A FUCKING JOKE, a prank that got out of hand?
This poetry slam shit is the most obnoxious self important crap there is.
It's usually done by 3 types of people.
Or a combination of all 3.
Not sure what is worse, the "WHA SLAVERY AND OPPRESSION I'VE NEVER GONE THROUGH!" black teens, or the "Muhammad didn't fuck children, and he was just as peaceful as jesus" pubic bearded Muslims.
Lost hard
holy shit, triggered me hard
Trigger warning: May not be suitable for Holla Forumsacks with hypertension
cant even be mad at something this dumb
Is this a Mormon thing or a Christcuck thing?
Evangelical christians are the strongest fanbase Israel has in the states, Mormonism less so. Glenn Beck is just an opportunist, he opined on a radio show that he and his wife 'shopped' for a religion and landed on Mormonism. He's obviously not a believer and just a scummy human who just says whatever he thinks gets him the most shekels.
But yeah, christcucks cuck for israel the most despite what the christcucks on this board seem to imply.
well that did it alright
here's one, right here:
just fucking triggered my ass. god damn it.
fucking no. i was told the same thing. i remember being told the same thing. i remember being taught the same thing. the exact same thing, for china, but oddly not for russia. for mexico, but oddly not for italy. for japan, but oddly not for korea.
fuck that damn damnable lying lie back into the kike mouth that feigned speech and foamed it's meme into existence. foamed, at the mouth, for the money it would make (((them))), on percent rates, on annuity scams, on currency shills, on migrant whoring, on racket after racket after racket. oh so eager were (((they))) to teach it, and i, too young and stupid and trusting, sucked it right up. like the good goy. i fucking hate that. i hate those that taught it to me, either (((knowing))) or unknowing useful poz'ed-out libertarian progressive idiots.
for all those who fail at listening to the truth behind fake imitations of speech, here's the damn translation every time you hear the words 'prevent another war':
the kike lies 'tie in economics to prevent another war' – what was actually said: "fuck money awesome! yesssesssesss! best part: if they're all linked, then even if they all wake up, they can't all attack us all at once, amirite schlomobros?! let's do this!"
the libertard greatest generations lies "to prevent another war" – what was actually said: "i'm old and weak and feeble. everyone should all be free and hip and loving, just like we used to be! i am unable, so their able should be given to me! inclusion! teamwork! togetherness!"
fucking dumb ass greatest gen and kids actually bought those lines, either out of fear, despondency, or otherwise agree-to-defeatist resigned meekness. and it just echoed, and echoed, and echoed, from each generation to the next, institutionalized god damn memes.
end it.
I can barely tell a difference, but the poetry slam niggers are actually more coherent.
throwing successfully is a torso activity. failed females, feminist kikes, and shitskins of all other races can't throw: they are torso lessers.
the aim and momentum are built up through the pinky finger, the wrist, the arm, and the shoulder. the power comes from the torso, anchored against the lead leg and positioning of the feet.
female imitators can't actually imitate this action, so they only imitate the arm motion (and poorly at that, or with weird momentum-compensation by under arm swinging). they'll focus on the arms, in complete unknowing, as usual. male nogs are only slightly less retarded, as they compensate by over building their arms, same for spics – also nevertheless missing the rest of the mechanics.
I should go check my pantry.
Moronism = freemasonry = kikery
fuck onision
All christcucks are enormous cucks that go on self hating and masochistic repenting for the sins.
Academia is indoctrination.
But I grew up without it and only with media indoctrination and was far-left leaning for most of my life.
Media paints a really strange picture of the world.
I still remember a passionate kiss between a woman and Micheal J. Fox as he portrayed a character with AIDS.
Kek be praised, this randomly showed up on my youtube feed.
We're all fucked.
Isn't it a bit racist to imply that race mixing spreads diseases. This ad should be taken down for its racism.
What the hell? That photo looks like it' been thrown up on, had the barf rubbed into it, left in the sun for a year, then eaten and shit out be a dog.
Why do shitty and faggy "inspirational" pictures always look like that?
mexicans, arabs, and jews are child-fucking rapists who are actively trying to outbreed whites. clearly the real issue is furries on deviantart. bravo filth.
here's a sample of the autism in his comment section.
those are the same faggots that proclaim that
"Islamic state is not islamic, neither is it a state"
or they could just find a girl and fuck her senseless
you should read up on how EU was invented by the americans as one of the conditions for the re-establishment of post war Germany.
most evangelicals do not even read the bible, they have 0 knowledge of theology
the idea that israel and jews are still the chosen people is heretical as fuck
"Race doesn't change a damn thing about how your mind works"
You sure, faggot? Pic related.
Fucking hell. I had no idea that kosher certification brought in that much cash.
I saw this in a documentary I watched and it irritated me.
jesus christ user do something about that font rendering.
what am I even reading?
fucking slag, what happened to women.
Chads are hijacking Pepe and they don't even realize that the one the left is a Jewish caricature.
Jesus christ. I don't know whether to be more angry at her for being a fucking cunt or him for being such a pathetic spineless faggot.
I get it, he shits on white people, but instead of taking it as an insult… use it to better yourself and your community. That's a pretty fucking novel idea.
Your colonial is showing…
Why is that in a rage thread?
Man showing a kid proper discipline and telling him to stop acting like a wannabe thug.
Frankly, I'm getting fucking sick of having my ideas stolen by Twatter cretins and half-breed incels. I've only recently started to see my memes reach the masses, and while I'm happy that people are spreading my ideas, I'm sickened by the fact that I'm not receiving any credit for them. I honestly think I'm going on strike, I deeply regret sharing my esoteric East Coast knowledge with the ungrateful fags at Brit/pol/ and elsewhere. I tried to help these people but they're fuckers, plain and simple.
Isn't that Jeremy Clarkson?
The Jeremy Clarkson that voted remain?
you caught me
spurdo dindu nuffin
May did too, Hammond didn't because he's based.
what documentary? i don't know the context but i'm guessing this liberal faggot was championing the sexual revolution of women with this clip.
he hates on white nationalists because he equates them to milo-loving degeneracy-apologists. he's some guy who loves niggers but hates faggots, and is desperately trying to get other people on board his cuckboat.
agreed. it's good to see that kid has a decent male role model in his life.
fuck off jew
Why hasn't this been posted yet?
A Complete History of My Sexual Failures. It's about a guy who decides to interview all of his ex-girlfriends to find out why each one of them dumped him. The woman in that clip I posted earlier was his childhood friend, they hooked up when they were 16 and were together for 2 years apparently.
What a subhuman fag holy ghost
My first thought when he talked about female superiority was "Wow, what a cuck."
Turns out he is actually a cuck. This faggot said in one of his videos that he enjoys watching his (now ex) wife get fucked while he watches. He also said that he enjoys being fucked in the ass.
This guy is a huge faggot and a complete idiot.
i want to die
kill me
Why is this world so full of hatred?
How rare is a WWII M1911 Heirloom?
Not rare at all. CMP has a fuckpile of them, and they're all rusty, rattly pieces of shit.
It's easy to talk shit when everyone's banned.
I will not give him a single fucking view
In response to Brexit
fresh from youtube fam
It's true, unfortunately. If they don't directly take part in decadent behavior, then they more often than not tolerate those who do, and that's degenerate.
When did he say that?
I don't get why Christians think they're some moral superior when Priests are all boy fucking pedophiles and Protestants are degenerate race mixers.
Brace yourself Holla Forums
Growing Up Trans
Their new design looks fucking awful.
Swedes ruin everything.
I'm okay with commonfilth criticizing white people, because white people as a whole deserve a lot of criticism. The jews may have brought this degeneracy to our nations, but we are at fault for accepting it with open arms. I agree that we should take these criticisms to heart and strive to be better people in the face of degeneracy.
It's a shame that he's so pessimistic though. I used to really like his work until he started talking about how there's no hope, calling nationalists degenerate, etc. He seems to think all NatSocs worship those degenerate faggots Milo Yiannopoulos and Gavin McInnes.
I could get behind commonfilth's message a lot more if he wanted to be proactive in some way (i.e. organizing a crusade against hedonism) but he seems content to wallow in pity, which is degenerate in itself.
Not sure if that is a direct quote, but at 16:28 in the video he says, "The thought of sucking cock is never far from the white man's mind".
It's probably related to that bullshit logic that commies use when we point out how destructive their civilizations were. "Well shitlord, TRUE communism has never been tried. All of those other regimes were imposters!". Except instead it's, "Well heretic, the only TRUE Christians are the one's that agree with me."
You niggers haven't even begun to see the distilled degeneracy Onision is, this is just the beginning.
He unironically thinks women are superior in every way, is a literal cuck, lost his first wife by cheating on her, second wife by insanity by both parties, and third wife left him for another woman because he was so insistent on being fucked in the ass.
His second wife I guess completely snapped at one point, with pretty considerable amnesia (which may/may not have been acting all along), and while she was panicking his first response was to show her his youtube channel after getting out the camera instead of calling an ambulance or some shit.
He is the unbridled pinnacle of cancer on YouTube, he makes "vegan vagina" guy look like a party favor in comparison.
I'm pretty sure I'm not a bullet.
Weird. It seems like Europe is a lot more racist than America but your media is totally cucked and like, open super sexual and pushy. Whereas American media is much more conservative but the society is actually more tolerant of different races and behaviors.
Weird. Not even in the most liberal towns here would you see an add like that. So… sexual.
That guy is a faggot christcuck. Every fucking video is him wailing about the impending Armageddon.
The CMP ones were heavily used and rearsenalled up through the mid-80s. Those ones are worn the fuck out. WWII bring-backs were still fairly new and are in much better condition.
Welcome to anonymity you fucking moron.
Only a nigger could think being patted on the head by someone is oppressive.
video description:
"Female masking is an underground scene where heterosexual men dress up as latex dolls."
That last screenshot is true though.
Well you bought into the media bullshit. The percentage of priests who use their office to abuse children is around the same as any other office of authorities that has access to children, i.e. school teachers, clergy of other religions, etc. Most of the cases are of priests coming into sexual contact with teenage boys, these priests entered the clergy in the 60s when liberal influences in the church pushed to allow gays. So it is not so much a pedophile scandal as a homosexual scandal but it's played up as a pedo thing because that allows the press to blame the church and not liberalism. And finally a lot of the accusations are complete fabrications or exaggerations made by Catholic-in-name-only parents and shyster lawyers to extort money from the church.
why wouldn't they be..?
Meant to tag
200% MAD.png
I don't even have a proper reaction image to showcase my rage and disgust towards this picture.
Jews, if you're listening I know you are, I hope it was worth it.
Seriously, why hasn't one of these anime conventions been shot up/gas attacked/bombed yet?
Omar, if you're still out there, I've got a job for you.
A furry convention in Chicago got Chlorine gassed not too long ago.
Furries need to fucking die
Referring to their poor creature of a "son"
I held on as long as I could, but that just made me completely lose it. Stopped right there.
We tried exterminating the gypsies when we were Nazi… we didn't finish the job. Sorry Europe.
There are no words. Jesus fucking christ.
I gain extreme amounts of pleasure knowing that if and when TSHTF, these fuckers will be the first to perish.
that's harvard??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
What is wrong with what this guy is saying? Don't support the faggots just because Muslims kill them, and don't just praise whites solely for being whites.
Thanks for the intermission
CF is an anti-white cuck. Anybody who calls him on it gets the stock reply "Oh so I guess you support faggots and degenerates don't you?"
Fuck off.
dumb kid ended up dead anyway. such is the life of a pavement ape….
he's a blowhard faggot, I couldnt even get through 20 minutes of him in my car.
He overdosed on (((The Black Pill)))
Someone post the greentext of an user and his niece who go to the park and proceed to get assaulted by Feminists and SJWs.
What fucking planet do you live on?
99.9% of filth and sleaze and cuckold bullshit comes from the US
This is the most triggering thing I've seen in a while.
Aaaaand I'm done
lol were the romans niggers, user?
SJWs are ruining my good ASMR triggers. Why do leftists have to ruin everything that can make me chill?
Not really though.
Here is one for all you Canadians.
So how does it feel to be nothing but a joke?
This guy made anti Evalion videos.
Oh hey blitz krieg, you pagan faggot.
Furries shouldn't be able to breed.
How is this erotic in any way shape or form?
Sounds like a fucking ghost breathing or some shit.
I never understood ASMR, the constant sound of spit in their mouth triggers my autism, but some of them sound OK… But this… This is just weird.
What the actual fuck is wrong with these people?
Holy shit I can not listen to this for more than 10 seconds. It triggers me so hard what the fuck is wrong with her.
It's because Holla Forums misinterprets criticism for cuckery.
Homosexuality is forbidden in Christianity. If someone commits sodomy, then they aren't a true member of the Christian faith. Similar to how supporting Afrocentrism doesn't make you Holla Forums.
You truly do not want to know what horrors posess these people.
*some anons on Holla Forums
Though, if I may add something to CF's remark: It's not like non-whites are any less debauched, if not animalistic. And jews actively promote it.
That's because "that's fucking gay" is not too far off in describing it.
It's supposed to promote androgyny, or further promote androgyny to already androgynous "bisexuals" or worse.
Actually, I should've written androgynous "bisexuals" of both genders. Because even stating that gender exists in such a manner is a revolutionary act at this point.
photo is the lovely "queer afro-cuban" cartoonist.
Fucking cancer, holy shit. It's telling that noone turns up to dyke comedians', poets', performance artists', etc. shows except other disgusting dykes. They are fucking unbearable in mannerism, insular in message and repulsive in appearance.
Is there anything on this planet worse than slam poetry?
There are lots of things worse, but I can't think of anything more irritating.
This will be normal in the future.
my fucking gf who ive been with for 4 years told me she was a virgin but she didn't fucking bleed REEEEEEEEEEEEE
says she popped it while rubbing one out in middle school REEEEEE
believe me ive done everything you can to find out short of drugging her with a truth serum
are they commercially available
Now that's degenerate like hell. So I had to webm it.
i think you know the answer fam
idk bruh we started dating when she was a freshman in highschool and i popped her
really fucking irritating. women are not masterful liars but they lie so thoroughly that i think they might fool themselves sometimes
You have the youtube link for this or any info on this stupid cunt?
She's lying laddy. Break up with her for her lies and make sure she knows it to.
ive already invested so much FUCKING time into her
now she's got me on lock because i'm too old to date highschool girls now and college girls are slut-tier worthless. at least mine puts on a show of being waifu tier
He does.
I said dump her lad. there is no reason to make yourself go to hell for her. she is a hellcat and nothing more may god guide you to the truth
dude even the most dumb woman would win the olympics in mental gymnastics nothing to do with intelligence or they own intentions is called self preservation an instinct every woman has .
its just so hard. im a man of flesh and blood, better to marry than to burn. maybe i could save up money after i graduate and then go fishing for a young wife in some third world country
i want to beat it out of her
Wait , is this a woman or a man ?
Just dont expect to find qualities that are inherent of man even tough woman can be intelligent virtue like loyalty ,honor are men qualities womans are mothers not brothers in arms
I woudnt ever believe that a women even if he was the mother of my childs woudnt sell me out for his own well being or our kids well being the trick is to find one that would also sell his own well being for the future of our kids.
Is she otherwise loyal?
The possibility that Chad MIGHT have slipped her some benis before you did really shouldn't be the deciding factor.
inb4 cuck I'm just being a realist
South go to the south american states arkansas is good
you'll find virgin women here
lots of them
You've clearly not been here long.
I guess we're just going to have to settle for the fact that western women are worthless whores. They weren't loyal to you, if they ever slept with anybody else they can never look at you the same way. So likewise we will just have to accept that they are expendable.Stick it out until I find something younger, prettier, and virginal, then jump shit and let the government take care of her.
No man I'm not dedicating my life to used goods
What the fuck, fam.
To be fair, the christcucks on this board are a fairly accurate representation of Christianity in a historical context. I don't doubt they would throw the pope to ISIS for a laugh if they had the chance. Probably the entire vatican with him.
Worthless hores? no. dont dare insult southern women you braggart fuck,
cannot make this shit up
The vatican is corrupt dont insult us orthodox people user
Didn't even bother. This is better.
Honestly, most people.
I guess me and him just see the world differently.
I never understood ASMR either. you have to be a max autismo to get off to it
this tbh it creeps me the fuck out
Just because no one cares enough to look up the history of your church and that you don't have 500 years of Protestants making up lies about you and the current media holding a lens on your scandals trying to Meme does not make your church the Catholic church of Christ.
you know when someone says this they're a pretentious cunt that has no idea what they're talking about
What the fuck
I never would have guessed he of all people would have voted remain, he always seemed like a right winger, talking about making Britain great again, lots of national pride. What a fucking shame
Death be upon you infidel the holy church of russia shall not be destroyed.
How do you make so many mistakes when talking?
Isn't English her mother tongue?
Feminists are genetic garbage,
i live in north carolina you fag
You're full of shit. I was born, raised and live in Kentucky. I'm not saying our women are "whores" but they certainly ain't chaste pure angels, either.
oh i never said every one of em was a pure angel.
but i sure as hell think there are more virgins here than anywhere. russia might have good women
how deep does that cp shit go?
Yes I do, user. I seek knowledge.
Yeah, pretty disturbing. Funny how CNN and every other media outlet dropped that story like a hot coal.
I think that compartments within the intelligence agencies and military have been involved with CP and human sex trafficking for a long time.
Consider the case of left hand path satanist Michael Aquino, founder of the Temple of Set, close partner with Anton Lavey and pedophile predator, who was a high ranking US Army official for 20+ years. Pics related – the guy was a malevolent freak, he didn't hide it, you can find videos of him from the 80s talking about his satanic proclivities to media while looking like a faggot vampire. Obviously other high ranking military officials knew exactly what he was up to but he kept his job for decades until the pedo accusations garnered too much media attention.
forgot to post related Aquino link: archive.is
Okay you fucking nigger. What other race could have a facial structure quite like those of the sculptures? The other Caucasians have distinct features that Europeans lack. They were even painted with light skin.
thanks. any more info? while back i saw some people discussing this thing called "the finders". is this related?
so this is what niggers call their own animalistic dark side
All of this Negresses videos are pure cancer
I don't think I've ever heard anyone say "predicated" outside of junior high english class tbh
The German MP in that video was making fun of a leftist party's proposal to allow a third gender option, this video makes it look like he was a tumblr fag
Just put some babies in her.
No, the freedom of speech is the necessary outflow of the freedom of conscience, you cannot take a way what a man thinks or believes. As people naturally behave in accordance to their conscience it follows that in order to maintain the freedom of conscience you must maintain the freedom of acting on conscience and speaking your conscience is a part of that action and expression.
It has absolutely nothing to do with democracy or egalitarianism and entirely everything to do with defending the fundamental rights of man from tyranny.
This video will either make me a nihilist, or give up hiding my power level.
I haven't cried or even come close to crying since my Grandpa died, but this almost made me tear up. I couldn't even make it half way through. fuck this world, fuck the Jews, fuck degenerates, fuck fuck fuck!
This isn't an anime user. Alliteration lel Not all girls bleed profusely, some will only produce a few drops that you'll not be able to see. But if you're 4 years in and you can't trust her yet, or think she is lying, than you've fucked up real bad somewhere.
He's Dutch you fucking retard, they say very clearly that they are in Holand
What an awful awful thread to make
I ain't watching any of that shit
You obviously didn't make it to the end of the video.
I skipped there after 5s.
This slam is my favourite.