Software Autism Thread

Let's have one of those threads where autistics show off, recommend and argue over software

Keep in mind knowing a language means being able to make something half-decent in it, not just a hello world.

Other urls found in this thread:


r8 plz, but no h8 :^)

>ranting about knowing a language


All this MPV makes me want to vomit fam.

there is nothing wrong with MPV

Everything is wrong with MPV.

Could you please elaborate this?

Great for videos, but it isn't meant to manage your music library. I'll use it if I want to play a single audio file, but ncmpcpp is way better for just listening to music.

I completed your stupid scavenger hunt. What do I win?

Nobody talked about using mpv to manage its library itt or anywhere. has written cmus next to mpv which is imho a nice program for your music collection.


smh tbh fam

I'm on phone so cant gimp my shit up. Enjoy this text-mode table.

| OS | Env. | Browser | Language | Text |
| ArchLinux| XFCE |FirefoxDev| Webshit | NVim |
| Torrent | Graphics | Music | Video | Backup |
| rtorrent | GIMP | ncmpcpp | mpv | None |

+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+| OS | Env. | Browser | Language | Text |+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+| ArchLinux| XFCE |FirefoxDev| Webshit | NVim |+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+| Torrent | Graphics | Music | Video | Backup |+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+| rtorrent | GIMP | ncmpcpp | mpv | None |+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+

Well I dun goofed. Won't be spamming the thread anymore.

Was reacting to but I missed he's got audacious in there.


An hero.

OSS won the browser war, with both Chrome and FF being open. The last thing we need is some faggot like you encouraging a regression.

Did they make it Open Source?

Call me when OSS browsers have the features I want without being slow as shit FF forks.


Stop posting and prepare the noose.

updated the template

The browsers themselves are open. It's your fault if you choose a version with proprietary shit tacked on.

The bottleneck of a *WEB* browser is your internet.

why does firefox render slow as shit compared to chromium then?

Yes, because startup and menu load times does not matter at all. Besides, the vivaldi source is available for audit, so unless you're in the FSF cult, it shouldn't really matter.

You didn't fall for the FSF meme, did you?

Only experienced this on non-free OSes like Windows. Never had performance-related problems on my older ThinkPad with Firefox under GNU/Linux. The problem is you :^)
Could we please shitpost^Wdiscuss about shitty browsers somewhere else?


rtorrent can not into IPv6 which is a really deficit imho and was the reason why I left it behind ;_;

Does Cinnamon even have a logo?

Oh i forgot photobucket for backup because fuck setting up a server just to save pics of mai waifu.




simply ebin

Hard mode: use Freddit Brennan oekaki

replaced torrent with usenet

OS OpenBSDEnvironment 80x25 vt220 text console or X11 with twm & xterm, also tmux Browser Lynx, Links, Dillo, XombreroLanguage Perl, C, /bin/sh + Unix CLI programs Text vi (not vim, the one in /usr/bin), sometimes ed for fun Torrent rtorrent (but rarely used tbh)Graphics Aewan, xpaint, xvMusic mplayer, xmpVideo mplayerBackup my own scripts that run rsync, cdrecord, etc.

Complete autism



Thanks for the template!

Yeah, not gonna paint shit up so:
+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+| OS | Env. |Browser | Lang | Text |+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+|Puppy | |Palemoon| C++ | Emacs |+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+|Torrent |Graphics| Music | Video | Backup |+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+|Transmi.|mtPaint |deadbeef|VLC |Pendrive|+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+
I don't really torrent that much, or listen to music or watch videos. So I just left what came preinstalled.

I use emacs as my OS and for everything else but not for text editing.

what's this questionable loli-painting-tool?


T-thank you :>


r8 :)

NSA backdoor
shitty MS-Paint spinoff
cancerous, install mpv

You sound like butthurt cia nigger.


P.S. I also dual-boot TempleOS, so forget about it! You're way out of your league, pal!

Fixed that for you.
You're not fooling anyone, you cia niggers!

Implying you're not trolling, I'm just asking why you should prefer vi over vim?

Can you start making more of an effort? There's more to Terry than calling people "cia niggers". It's like you learned everything you know about him from a single tweet.

That guy has his own unique philosophy about Christianity and entropy and the purpose of worship and all you do is this.

Assuming you're not trolling, why would you use vi over ed?

cout is nigger fucking licious


No. It's easier and more simple to just say it sucks ass because it does.

Because :a takes you into ed with visuals.


vi covers all my editing needs. I don't care about syntax colors or plugins, etc. vi is already more powerful than most people realize, and lets you use macros, even call out to shell commands to format or manipulate text. For example:
map Q !}fmt -w 80map ^M :!make
^ in .exrc that ^M needs to be ^V^M

In addition to that, the vi in OpenBSD also lets you edit files in multiple visible split screeen, with :E file, then ^W to switch. But of course, there's tmux also now.

Besides that, vi on SunOS was my very first Unix editor, and I also used it on Slackware (in the 90's, when I had a 486 with very little memory). It's comfy and feels like home to me.

I use ed occasionally, just to not forget. It's a very useful sysadmin tool, and the only resort if /usr partition or dynamic library or the linker are hosed.
But it's a pain with big programs, so vi is better. It's best suited for config files or small scripts. I did use a similar tool (also called "ed") in the 80's when I had 8-bit computer that could boot CP/M. There it was the only choice, except for the editor built into ROM BASIC, but that wasn't any better! You still had to explicitely tell it which lines to display if the program was bigger than what fit on screen (with big programs, the only reasonable way was to just print them out). And it didn't have nearly as many editing commands.

Well there was ddt also ddt (CP/M debugger), but it was only useful for assembly language. That was really nice to have though, because otherwise I was stuck with just experimenting by entering machine codes in hex format via POKE.

You post stupid one-liner or meme picture, you get stupid meme comment. You get out of this what you put into it. Just like Terry says...


Since I'm lazy:

Linux Mint (I used to Arch but then I wanted to spend less time getting my OS to work properly)
Vim, Gedit
A 3TB Toshiba external HDD, although it's been breaking down and can't move anything more than about 3GB at one time, I've moved everything important off and plan to get a new one.

It's weird, I'm still interested in computers but nowhere near as much as I used to be. I hardly put any time into messing around with them and learning more about them, talking to my dad about the things he made with C back in the day and whatnot.

I rarely visit Holla Forums anymore, although honestly that's a good thing, since coming here too often will no doubt make you a faggot.

Pic unrelated, just something I found on 2chan.



Debian stable(laptop)/testing(desktop) with grsec kernel.

Laptop: Xfce with everything keybinded so it basically works like a tiling vm manager
Desktop: KDE5

Firefox with 6 addons and a billion config edits

None. I can write some basic bash scripts though... I'm not a STEMfag.




Audacious (Why does everyone here use mpv/vlc for music? Are you retarded?)


16gb usb stick. The only things I need to back up are text documents for school.

What's so special about it?

Not here to spoonfeed you.

you could provide some arguments why is Audacious better

looking at description here
I don't see how it stands out in comparison to VLC or other players

Winamp and XMMS2 Skins?

Gentoo, FreeBSD, OpenBSD


Chromium (Hurr Durr Bot-net), Firefox


vim, nano

rTorrent, Deluge




BTRFS Snapshot + rsync

Mint 64 bit / windows 7 for vidya
learning C++ and scheme
emacs for lisp, vim for C++

no u

It is really great that you use GNU+Linux and it would be even better if you used free distributions. Check them out here:

OS - Debian Jessie
Environment - XFCE
Browser - Firefox
Language - C, HTML, CSS
Text - Open/Libre Office, Leafpad, nano
Torrent - qBittorrent
Graphics - GIMP
Music - VLC, Audacity
Video - VLC, Dragon Player, Kazam, Kdenlive
Backup - old hard disks

>+--------+--------+--------+--------+------------+>| OS | Env. | Browser | Language | Text |>+--------+--------+--------+--------+------------+>| Manjaro | XFCE | Firefox | C#/D | KWrite |>+--------+--------+--------+--------+------------+>| Torrent | Graphics | Music | Video | Backup |>+--------+--------+--------+--------+------------+>| Deluge | GIMP | mpv | mpv | ctrl-x ctrl-v |>+--------+--------+--------+--------+------------+



absolute cancer.

Did you miss the "Gentoo" and "rsync"?


You should be ashamed of yourselves.

How convenient is it to use OpenBSD as a main OS? Asking this as an Arch LInux user with a KDE Breeze desktop environment.

Why is VLC cancerous?

That depends on what your needs are. If your only need is KDE Breeze OpenBSD should be fine. If you also have other needs you'll have to just look at the documentation and try it for yourself.

No botnet whatsoever.

You have an almost perfect score, user.
BTW is there Scheme in the languages (not familiar with Lisp’s logo yet)? What interpreter do you use?

There is no Lisp logo, because Lisp is not a single programming language but rather a family of similar programming languages that was invented decades before programming languages had logos. The purple logo is Haskell.





Learning python

Texas let, LibreOffice, gedit, gnote



Quod Libet



Want to use gentoo and openbsd dual boot w/. Windows on virtual machine and gpu passthrough, maybe opensuse instead, midori, learn javascript, c++ and lisp, use emacs, idk for graphic, video, music (deadbeef?) and definitely get a back up hd

r8 or h8

+-------+-----------+-------+--------+--------+| OS |Environment|Browser|Language| Text |+-------+-----------+-------+--------+--------+|Ubuntu | XFCE |Chrome |Java/CSS| Vi/ || | | |HTML/JS | Gedit |+-------+----+-----------+---------+--------+--------+| Torrent | Graphics | Music | Video | Backup |+------------+-----------+---------+--------+--------+|Transmission|CAN'T DRAW |Rhythmbox|Youtube |Manually|+------------+-----------+---------+--------+--------+


ENV: dwm / urxvt / tmux
BROWSER: w3m & sjwfox for funy interwebs
TEXT: nvim
MUSIC: musicpd/ncmpc
VIDEO: mplayer/mpv
BACKUP: rsync & zfs snapshots


damn, are you me?

god I loathe xkcd

eh, I think tech boards kinda stimulate my interest in technology




dios mio.
kill yourself

ubuntu is fags
gnome is bloat
same browser set up :^)

most autistic in the thread - congrats user, you're an inspiration to us all


Wow, I bet even your login shell is emacs.

rate my tastes, friend! :))

You have shit taste and you should feel bad.

You have shit ability to detect jokes and you should feel bad.

Stop responding to tripfags.


I feel bad.

How is this funny?

cheeky bastard

About time there was a template appropriate for my system. Thank you kindly.

This template, it was made for me

should be netscape tbh

what do you think tech?

I think you need to use another brush.

not good with graphics, i am not even editing pics just some stupid stuff...


I hope you don't pay them.

Hmm, wondering why no OS X cucks here yet.
Probably they don't have any Paintâ„¢ alternative.


Sometimes I open up acme and try to feel like a cool kid. I enjoy the mouse chording but emacs is my one true love for Scheming.





It just randomly appeared on my computer and I've been using it ever sense.



nothing wrong with chromium autists

Windicks 8.1 (for gaymes)
elinks for Terminal
Light (firefox with fat trimmed) for GUI
Monitoring the progress of brave on Windows out of curiosity
Currently taking Latin
Used to take French
Nano for config files, gedit for quick note taking
GIMP I guess, though I'm quite shit
MuseScore for writing music
Clemintine for listening
external hard drive



No shame.

Hi feds


Rate my selection, please.

Windows is disgusting, but the rest is good.

C is a good language for learning what's going on at a low level. It's a fun language and can be used as a first programming language. But you need to be a good programmer to write reliable software with it, and it's tedious. If you want your programming knowledge to be immediately useful then go with Python.

ayy el mao

Why aren't you just using transition for your torrents?

Nice autism.

Do you mean Transmission?

Not him, but qBittorrent's built-in search engine is nice.


Seems mostly legit

I used destroy Windows spying tool from (I got it before you had to register) so hopefully I am not being tracked by Microsoft

The only tool that's gonna prevent spying is removing all internet connectivity from your PC


Don't worry, after a few months of posting here, you'll be using Linux in no time.


currently using arch not manjaro atm...just too lazy to switch it out

Flood detection a shit.

A server

Pretty boring tbh



Nano, want to learn vim
rsync and/or gddrescue + sshfs to server

Alot of Holla Forums seems to use debian.



They have bash, R, three Scheme dialects, Common Lisp, two Emacs Lisp implementations, C, C++, Objective-C, Fortran, Java, Ada, Go, COBOL, Prolog, Octave (Matlab), bc, awk, APL, M4, make, sed, yacc, troff, and probably more. Make your pick.

These are implementations, not GNU languages. Apart from the Emacs Lisps I guess.


R is an original GNU language. bash has enough extensions that you can reasonably call it a different language. Lots of trivial bash scripts are incompatible with POSIX sh.

20/10 absolutely free

Created with love, autism, and GraphicsMagick.

OS - Arch
Environment - Gnome
Browser - FF
language - sh, python
Text - Vim, Nano, Gedit, Vi
Torrent - Transmission
Graphics - Gimp (it just crashed, therefore no template)
Music - VLC for the moment
Video - mpv
Backup - rsync

This is pretty much missing the point of a minimal-install distro.

Not at all.

First of all, Arch is not about keeping a small system. It actually makes less of an effort to keep bloat out than Debian. Debian will put debug symbols and development libraries in separate packages and make packages "recommended", while Arch will just bundle everything together and make packages that are very useful but not strictly required regular dependencies. Packages are compiled with lots of features enabled. Software is chosen for convenience, not minimalism (e.g. systemd which I like but don't think is minimalist).

Secondly, the idea is that you only install the things you want, not that you install as little as possible. Using GNOME is fine as long as you want GNOME. Installing half of GNOME without using any of it because of the default package installation doesn't fit Arch. Installing GNOME because you want to use GNOME does fit it.

And of course there's more to Arch than just starting out with a minimal set of packages. Any distro can do that. If that's your only reason for using Arch it's time to look for another distro.

No it's not. Many people use it like that. I used linux minimal for a few years and just want a working desktop foundation these days without e.g. having to go to the console when i connect a beamer.
Many people use Arch with Gnome and it works really fine. It's the perfect synthesis of just werks and diy.

Thanks for the explanation. You put it quite well.

been meaning to learn more programming shits but haven't had the time

What do you think?

OS -Win 7, Mint 18

Environment - XFCE in Mint

Browser - Firefox

Language - Python, C++, HTML, CSS

Text - Whatever works

Torrent - Tixati, Transmission

Graphics - Adobe Suite CC, GIMP

Music - Spotify, VLC, Audacity

Video - VLC, but I don't watch too many movies

Backup - Encrypted Google Drive (free unlimited from college), Encrypted Dropbox, old hard disks

I'm not much of an artist.


Not him but this is bullshit. When my browser occasionally freezes for upwards of 20 seconds, I doubt "get a faster connection" will solve the problem.

The bottleneck of the web browser is how fast the UI responds. You load several tabs of web pages, and read them each while opening up further interesting tabs.
That's my preferred way of browsing the web, and it works very well on slow connections, but if the UI stops responding I can't even scroll down my already-loaded page or view other already-loaded tabs.

tl;dr if you think browser speed doesn't matter you've probably never used the "new tab" feature

Can't align boxes/10

More serious
OS choice: You can do better. Ubuntu is very mediocre in terms of customization and has a rather harmful attitude to modifying packages.
Environment: XFCE is OK but rather mediocre. I'm sure that there's comfort in mediocrity.
Browser: Are you having a laugh? Chrome is just chromium plus unnecessary proprietary code.
Languages: Might as well say "I don't program". HTML/CSS/JS are pretty much web design DSLs and Java being the only "real" language there strongly suggests you learned it in school and didn't pursue further.
Text: Vi is nice, gedit is a bit too half-assed to actually get anything done in
Torrent: If that's transmission-daemon that's a very nice client
Music: It could be worse
Video: Get a collection, unless you don't actually watch anything. This is what torrents are for.
Backup: Get backups.


They are languages, they're just not programming languages.

I don't believe.

Post shell command for proof.

my nigger

fucking xkcd

What about it isn't legit? mpv for music? I don't listen to a lot of music on my computer.

3/10 made me squint


I find your skepticism strange.

Anyway, it wasn't one command, because I couldn't figure out how to composite more than one image onto the template at once. So I did them one at a time, though there's probably a better way. I resized each logo or icon to 200px in width, except for a couple that looked better smaller.

$ gm convert -geometry 200x logo.png logo_resized.png

I downloaded the template and placed the first icon something like this:

$ gm composite -geometry +75+100 logo_resized.png template.png temp1.png

Then the second one something like this:

$ gm composite -geometry +225+150 logo2_resized.png temp1.png temp2.png

and so forth.

Tedious, but not rocket science. I was concerned that the quality of the image would get worse with every iteration, even though I think all the logos were .pngs or .svgs, but it didn't.

A nigger indeed