Boy in the Volcano thread

An alternate universe where Mai and Ty Lee discover Aang and become friends/companions.

Pretty shitty idea OP, keep it to, especially if you have a single sentence to try and do this.

Unless someone is going to draw porn for this, I don't give a fuck.

Which one becomes the love interest?

Both to some extent.

Though, most of us are interested in the idea that Aang gets rejected by both and ends up with Katara anyway. Either that or we could have Tenzin born to a different mother. What do you think?

Going Katara is lame if we're changing it this much already.

It's just an option if we want to leave Korra relatively intact.

I am interested in the idea of Mai!Tenzin or Ty Lee!Tenzin, but I also like the idea of building up a supposedly obvious love interest or endgame pairing, just to have it not happen.

I propose that there be three different endings. A Mai one, a Ty Lee one and a Katara one.

Both Mai and Ty Lee in the cartoon show deep dissatisfaction and resentment in their lives with a heavy focus on the obedience and lack of self-determination they faced. For Ty Lee this is a version of her running away to the circus, for Mai you could say that this is her chance to alleviate the ennui that characterized her life. Your best bet is to have their initial motivations be rather shallow and out of self-interest, but through their journey they come into maturity and selflessness. They help Aang save the world, he helps them save themselves.

hat makes sense.

I also feel like they shouldn't know Aang is the Avatar at first. They should just think he's a normal Airbender. This would make it easier to have them choose to protect him after he befriends them. Then when they find out he's the Avatar, they've already made their decision. Aang at first could just be the strange Airbender kid who saved them when the volcano erupted. They can't just let him be killed.

So Mai/Aang, Aang/Ty Lee, or Toph/Aang?

I'm in favor an episode or two where Zuko's presence causes the love triangle to boil over badly, but of course everything gets resolved nicely.


I gotta stand with at least the possibility of Kataang. I think letting them develop in different ways will make them work better.




Because shipping rocks

Yeah sure, it's fun to talk about which character shags which. I get it. I like it too. How about we talk about what's actually gonna happen in this AU before we decide that Aang gets a harem

I like that idea but the dynamic would be pretty strange, I mean a girl playing comedy relief just doesn't fly as much as it desperately desperately needs to be able to for a western audience.

Not to mention both of them are non-benders and that note would get hit a lot more.

I like the idea of Aang coming to the conclusion that the nation both of his friends are from committed all-out genocide against his people to try and kill him.
You could work with that guilt.

A problem is globetrotting with two people from the fire nation, at points there would be suspicion just as there was with Zuko just for a longer period of time.

I'd like the idea of Katara and Soka being traitors that work under Azula.
Soka a master swordsman and Katara a bloodbender.
Zutara becomes canon.

OH, and Aang and the girls would have a fairly Archie like relationship thing going on eventually.

I'd have Jet be a more integral character playing the role of Brock.
He evens out the gender ratio before Toph joins and is eventually replaced by the Tracy that is Zuko.

The real problem is that all 3 of them would be "white or close enough(Asain)" and that wouldn't be PC enough for a lot of jackasses.

By the by you can tell the monomyth however you like, but it is still the monomyth.
It is great practically every time the story is told.

Welcome to Avatar.

Or just Holla Forums in general.

Dem tits

I'd say the Fire Nation's redemption as opposed to stopping its threat is at the greater center of things and the Fire Nation people's perception of themselves and the world around them gets greater attention.

Mai and Ty Lee are raised with the propaganda of the Fire Nation. They're taught they are superior to everyone, that their culture is the greatest and all the other peoples of the world are uncivilized and can only survive and achieve greatness if the Fire Man rules over them. Zuko's story didn't focus so much on the prejudices and bigoted attitude of Fire Nation he was raised with, probably because Iroh, who was more wise and respectful of other cultures was there to counteract such influence.

Plus since Aang's closest friends are Fire Nation people, so how he approaches the war could be different. And because Zuko lets himself come under Azula's influence more, he'd do more things he regrets he regain his honor and become more cunning.

So here's the list of Book 1 episodes. the [X] I put next to the episodes that I don't think need to be changed too much, the ones we can just rewrite with Mai and Ty Lee.

1. Boy in the Iceberg
2. Avatar Returns
3. The Southern Air Temple [X]
4. The Warriors of Kyoshi [X]
5. King of Omashu [X]
6. Imprisoned
7. The Winter Solstice Pt 1- The Spirit World [X]
8. The Winter Solstice Pt 2- Avatar Roku [X]
9. The Waterbending Scroll
10. Jet [X]
11. The Great Divide
12. The Storm
13. The Blue Spirit [X]
14. The Fortuneteller
15. Bato of the Water Tribe
16. The Deserter [X]
17. The Northern Air Temple [X]
18. The Waterbending Master
19. The Siege of the North Part 1 [X]
20. The Siege of the North Part 2 [X]

Just to clarify, just because I didn't put the X next to the episode doesn't mean the characters or locations can't show up eventually or play a role. I just mean for Book 1, those episodes are ones we could keep and just rewrite to have Mai and Ty Lee as the characters who influence their outcomes or course. I also vote for extending the first season by two more episodes than the canon just to make sure the rewritten material is balanced with the new.

I think we could work with The Waterbending Master to a certain extent, if the Water Siblings are still heading north to find Katara a master. Even the Waterbending Scroll might work with some elbow grease (obviously the Katara being jealous angle has to go, but I could see one or the other of the girls taking the scroll reasoning that Aang needs all the headstarts he can get with his waterbending.)

That Waterbending scroll situation works, yeah, but I just wouldn't want the whole first season to be rewrites of the canon Book 1 episodes. If we had like 22 episodes for Book 1, with about 10-12 of the episodes being rewrites of Book 1 episode without Katara/Sokka, made sure these episodes ended differently because of the lack of Katara/Sokka, then had 12 or 13 episodes of stuff that could have only happened with Mai and Ty Lee in the story as Aang's companions, then i think we've done the job right.

As to Katara and Paku, my idea was to have Chief Arnook to die as a result of Zuko and Azula's involvement in the Siege and Yue takes over the Northern Water Tribe.

I just have an outline in mind for the first episode at this time. I'm not familiar with how to write in comic or tv script format:

When the circus director tells Ty Lee she got a letter from her sister, Ty Lee asks which one? The director says the letter didn't say. Ty Lee slouches and looks irritated and says "figures." The director hands her the letter to look over.

Ty Lee's sisters are always condescending to her, even in written form and keep trying to pressure her to come home. Every time they send her a letter, they're never signed individually but just collectively with "Sis." Ty Lee's sisters act very uniform and Ty Lee herself is considered weird by them for not wanting to be part of their little clique. In their letters, they make her feel guilty for worrying her mother and father.

The director leaves Ty Lee alone. After looking over her mail, she crumples it up and stashes it away in her pants. Ty Lee's sulking is interrupted by the re-entrance of Mai, who's decided to come visit her. Ty Lee immediately cheers up and she embraces her old friend. Mai's taken aback by this at first, but sort of returns it in a typically Mai sort of way.

Ty Lee gives Mai a tour of the circus and introduces her to all the performers and animals, including the knife throwers, whom Mai, at Ty Lee's behest, shows up. This is where the story introduces Mai's skills.

After a little while, Mai and Ty Lee take a detour through the nearby forest at the base of the mountain the circus has set itself up. They talk for a little while, briefly mentioning Azula. Eventually, Mai asks Ty Lee what that paper what the deal was about that piece of paper she was looking at earlier. Ty Lee's disposition once again changes as she explains the letter her sisters sent her. She tells Mai about how her sisters always try to make her feel guilty for having left home. Mai quite casually asks Ty Lee if she likes being part of the circus. Ty Lee tells Mai very passionately that she felt the circus was her calling and about the signs the universe had given her that it was the place she needed to be, but she ends this speech about "signs" bemoaning the fact that her sisters think what she's doing serves no purpose. Mai starts to feel uncomfortable with all this serious talk and changes the subject to asking about Ty Lee's act. Ty Lee perks right up and drags Mai off deeper in the woods to show her, saying something along the lines of "I wish Azula could be here to see it too."

What happens to Sokka and Katara

ou know, I can understand Aang x Ty Lee being a possible couple, but I don't see how Mai fall in love with a guy as optimistic as Aang

There's two different directions people want to go, the one I prefer is Aang crushing on both but neither reciprocating.

While I like Mai x Aang for the opposites attract angle; I think neither reciprocating makes a lot more sense and would probably make a better story.

Go on.


Detailed summary of book 2:

Detailed summary of book 3:

Daily reminder that shipping completely destroyed Avatar's fanbase.

all these ideas we came up with are great in theory, but we should go down the list and flesh each one out more as some things we weren't sure HOW exactly they would happen.

Keep in mind, you have 60 episode to fill. We still haven't figured out if they still meet Jeong Jeong in Book 1 or later, how they convince Kuei of Long Feng's deception, what Toph's role is in this story and how she learns Metalbending, how Mai and Ty Lee's families fit in or even if they'll ever show up,

As someone who came up with a lot of these ideas myself, I must admit, they're still a little vague.

I think a good step might be to get the Avatar world map and draw out all the characters' routes in each season. That way we can build a chain of episodes along these routes.

What happens to Sokka and Katara

Okay, here's what I came up with for the Book 1 route for Mai, Ty Lee and Aang. I had the idea that the direction they take at first causes them to have to hop a few Fire Nation islands. Once they quickly realize in the course of a day how much in deep shit they are, Aang then has the idea that they go to Air Temple since it's the "safest place in the world," Obviously that doesn't work out. They make a quick stop in the South Pole, meet the Water Siblings, have to leave cause Zuko and Azula. End up going to Kyoshi Island,then they could possibly arrive in Chin village sooner, from there they go see Bumi and then end up in the Foggy Swamp. After staying there awhile, they go along the route of the colonies, maybe ending up in Yu Dao eventually, where they meet Kori for the first time and also find out that the Fire Nation is planning an attack on the Northern Water Tribe.

They then take this news to the North Pole.

The one thing I didn't figure into this map was the trip to Roku's Temple as I wasn't sure when that would actually occur and thus where the point of departure to there would be. Considering some of these events might be taking a place a couple months sooner, I wasn't sure how to do the Winter Solstice. So, yeah, any suggestions there?

I think that was probably a good call. Keep in mind Aang was freed late in the summer of the year before the comet, so the solstice might not be for a while yet.


How is shipping bad

Avatar is overrated


…Aang fell into a volcano and somehow got preserved by magma? I like most of Holla Forums's Avatar fanfic projects but this just sounds too implausible to even bother looking into it.

He should become the first lava bender.

I didn't read the whole thread, but I'd probably have it where the Fire Nation just WON. The war is over. But Mai and Ty Lee see their nation is in decline, and Aang has to bring balance to a world completely under control of the Fire Nation. So he'd have to learn weird shit like lava bending, swamp style water bending, though ultimately still learning the true form of fire bending from the dragons. It wouldn't be so much about stopping the Fire Nation, it's too late. It would be about redeeming them and setting them on a better path.

Hell, every beat in the original where he threw a fit about something, could be him being overwhelmed by his anger at the Fire Nation for a while.

This makes no sense

Truly she was best girl for Zuko. Pity it was never meant to be.

Who the fuck are you quoting? This just strikes me like some faggot is trying to get Holla Forums to write his fanfiction for him.