George Soros: EU exit risks 'black Friday'


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Why do the worst jews live so long? Are they sucking the life essence out of little goyim boys or something?

The men who control the flow of baby foreskin cannot die

Something like that.

This only make me want brexit more honestly, a market crash will be nothing but beneficial to us especially if we pull a Hitler get into power and fix it.


The tenacity of this kike… he is literally threatening us again after 1992.


The most evil wealthy Jews usually construct a phylactery in which to store their black soul. As long as the phylactery is in tact their physical body will continue to decay but will live on forever. That's why so many old Jews live to be ancient even though they look like leather stretched over their bones.

Fuck him. That evil shitbag can follow Rudy Giuliani's advice to the Saudis about what he can do with his money.

holy shit you're retarded, George.

Just fucking do it, kike. Everyone would rather be poor and happy than rich and cucked.


Soros already bet on a massive crash and the crash is inevitable anyway, he's bluffing.

This was already planned, they will blame the market crash on "Nationalists" and crush the idea for decades… unless we expose it.

They're already in a recession, the vote isn't going to change a damn thing. The entire global economy has been wrecked by these kikes and they have the audacity to say if we don't keep licking the boot, the market will crash.

These people won't give up power without destroying everything they can before fall. A market crash has always been on the table. If they can't rig the markets and continue their decadent and destructive financial scheme, they'll threaten ruin. The economic 'Samson option'

This. Fuckers like him are going to short and speculate Britain in the hopes they can force it back into the union if it does go through.

They can blame anyone they want, won't stop the pitchforks from coming out when everything goes tits up. They are fucked no matter what they do.

Meanwhile his son gets visits by the President himself at his own home.

Fuck Soros.

Welp, time to start tapping swamps.

When Trump wins I hope he uses the same laws that let them freeze and drain the assets of Osama on this piece of shit and then arrest him and hand him over to one of the countries he screwed over, preferably the one that is gonna put him to death or the worst prison for life.

Soros is a cuck and these recent appearances really show his desperation, same with the Rothschilds. They know their age old enemy is waking once more, don't let us down lads - join in wherever you can to aid Brexit and make sure these Kikes know that they're on their way down.

He just has to deport him to Russia, I'm sure Putin will find the old fart a place in a Siberian ex-gulag.

More or less using blood magic. Look at Ariel Sharon for instance

He's dead.

He fucked over Thailand too, I would love to see him get pozzed in a Taiwanese hellhole prison

They can afford the finest healthcare and not just big pharma snake oil causing more problems than it solves.

Checkem boys - Trips don't lie. Soros is a confirmed cuckold.

Someone want to explain why this man hasn't been dragged into the street and hanged from a fucking lamp post?

They have a constant supply of young men and women(and children) that are smuggled out of eastern Europe most of them end up as sex slaves in Israeli/turkish/thai brothels. But I'm sure they're also provide a constant supply of fresh, healthy organs for these vampiric old kikes.

Don't listen to the blood magic retards jewish ritual murder has always been about pleasure, its just that they feel a need to justify it to themselves, they don't actually think it gives them power's, they've always tried to justify their horrific actions.

I want all leftists to die.
Is there some kind of portable incinerator that we could hitch up and haul door to door? Fuck the gas,just throw these fucks in alive and then lock them in.

You probably wont be surprised but, pretty much he's a vampire.

yes that was where I was thinking

soros meme when?

Prepare your anus because I'm about to tell you something which drove me insane the other day.

It was a simultaneous admission that leftists care not for the democratic mandate and that the EU controls our nation. Yet they didn't so much as bat an eyelid whilst saying it. These people are so deeply entrenched in their ideological nonsense that they no longer know how to relate to a normal person.

What you forget is how entrenched in that same ideology normal people are.

It's lethal injection instead of fire, but I think the People's Republic of China has literally that, for all your execution needs.

don't you all have spec ops
soros is clearly an enemy of the state/world.

brexit then throw him in the tower to rot.

Please please please tell me more.



are both you guys fucking serious?

Soros and Rothschild hate it, so it must be a great idea.

So kikes are liches.Offering up their souls and their human decency for the promise of power.

Makes too much sense.

Is that rock in Mecca the phylactery of the Muzzie hive hind? Would destroying it render all mudslimes just drop?

You have piqued my interest. I shall look this up. If there is anything those commie chinks know, its how to PURGE, look at Tiananmen Square.

I'll tell you what Soros. You will have a "Black Friday" if there is no leave. Your likes will not escape. They will be speared, gutted and riddled with bullets before you can scream "oy vey".

Real-life Bond villain.

What happens here?

Soros is a survivor.
Only the strongest survived.

sorros has a son that he groomed to jew like him in overdrive. With him dead, but you'll need to get his son to go with him.

the soviet scientist BOGDANOV invented a method to keep the old party members alive and healthy
they would use the blood of young, fit men and give it to old, influential party members

my guess is, that very influental people do the same nowadays
thats why I dont donate blood


If dubs, Soros kicks the bucket in CURRENT YEAR 2016

When this pig fuck finally kicks the bucket, we need to party hard on that day.

stupid jews, this is what we want

Too early. He has five hellspawn eager to go on with his business of inciting chaos and sucking blood. His whole bloodline needs to be exterminated - only then will the world be able to breathe freely.

USA, for one. He's a fucking traitor and a detriment to this country.

Soros is the right hand man to the rothschilds. Hell, just talking about them (and name dropping rothschilds) in public is already dropping them down to our level bit by bit as more people learn of their jewery.


see (checked) that explains

I've yet to really see Soros brutally memed on. I think meming some humility on his ass would be great. Like right now looks like his attention is very divided between dealing with the EU falling apart and the west rising back to nationalism, and then Trump shaking down every this he and his "allies" have been carefully building up all these years.


Pretty fucked up to not donate blood just because of that

The reality is probably just the illegal organ trade and these rich old jew fucks getting transplants.

If only there was a final solution to the jewish problem.

It's not the first time this has happened. You are a stupid ass Goy.

You think they care whether you have an organ donor card?

We're all that's left, comrade

Ow the edge!

I just wonder… why is this fucker even still working. He has more money that he can possibly spend, what's the point ? Just out of spite ?

If they think they can get more money from your medical bills, they will try harder to save you.
If they think they can get more money from harvesting your organs instead, they will be more eager to give up and let you die.
You will get better treatment if they know you have insurance so they can rack the bill up without worrying if you can actually pay.
If you want to raise your chances of staying alive in case of an accident:

adding david cameron's tweet from yesterday.

do people in the UK listen to george soros or something?

Are those jewhands in front of that graph?

No its some fags shadowy head pinching his own nose bridge.

I wonder who could be behind this tweet?

they'd better listen if they know what's good for them, goy

There is no point. For high-functioning psychopaths like him, acquiring money and power is its own reward, and the only reward. Everything else is meaningless. He doesn't give a shit about actually doing anything else with all that money and power that a normal person would want to do. He just uses it to get even more so he can "raise his level" in the world game as high as possible no matter how much it fucks over everyone else, because nothing else matters to him. And he's really, really good at playing the game, which naturally includes tricking normal-minded people into thinking he's one of them.

If it's any small comfort, his kind are nothing new in human history. He's the sort of person that George Orwell referred to in 1984:
There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always — do not forget this, Winston — always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever.

They do not "live that long". A human can live up to 150 years. Jews just eat real food and receive proper healthcare.

Did this piece of shit really quote Soros?

Age old enemy?

Why is this cuck still prime minister?

They must be desperate.


Related, indirectly
And other fun stuff like "every person can vote", no robo waifu, etc.

If you ever needed any more proof that Social Security is a Ponzi Scheme, look no further.

My subtle edit might have been too subtle, so I increased the brightness a bit in this version.

Remember to calibrate your monitors, folks!

hah, actually I did see it but I did a double take and then thought I had imagined it


George Soros is playing the world's longest largest game of RL Cookie Clicker.

Why do you satanic faggots keep posting this shit.

You'll get what you got coming to you.

Cameron is literally shilling for Soros?

If Soros was dead, Britain would be fine either way. Now, they're fucked either way, but at least they may be able to say Soros didn't scare them into staying in mommy and daddy's house.

Daily reminder:

he's bought and paid for
of course he is

David Cameron is part-kike. Read his wikipedia article




Make it a Black Friday American style. buy british, eat out, buy large items you've been putting off, and make it the biggest shopping day in England since Christmas.

Black Friday in the US is the last Friday in November, the day after Thanksgiving, when most Americans begin their Christmas shopping. Fucking blow money, everybody, and buy British imports if you aren't British to let your country's import/export companies know that you're more interested in British imports than ever.

Its a nod to gay sex.

It's just not leftist trash that do this you know?

This right here is a great fucking idea that we need to spread and follow through with.

So how much closer are we to the day of the oven?


Wasn't Kissinger a self hating Jew though? He sure did hate commie gooks, meh into the oven regardless. No mercy this time.

Hahahaha That there's a master and slave. Guess which one's the slave?

Hey Holla Forums, I have some pounds. Should I keep them or sell them?

New Simpsons sucks though. It was better when he tried to block out the sun. Fitting I guess though

This is some serious black magick shit /fringe/

Not too smart threatening a people with little to lose at this point. I wonder where he's hiding.

KEK told you to run, Soros. You wouldn't listen. Now KEK is coming for your masters. Watch the end of your kind, jew, and weep.

if we all meme soros' death in our minds all together with enough intent we can meme a killshot right through the ether.

Socialism saved Western civilisation

Why do people let the continue to live?

i actually thought for a second there was a silhouette of a happy merchant lol


i assume a warning like that is more like a threat from the likes of that slithering hisser.

joy, for we have taken the first step at defeating the global merchant. we truly are strong enough, we just have to keep memeing it. kek confides.

He isn't anymore!

They might take our illusionary economy that don't mean shit….but they will never take OUR FREEDOM!


What are you freaking out about? It's just a Jew undergoing their circumcision. They have to undergo the snip-snip to be Jewish.


What's the most British thing I can buy at a Von's?

Sounds like a plan

That's not his son. It's a clone.


Part or the "crash" is automated response from computers crushing algorithm all day long.
The other is jews moving billion just to fuck with the world as usual.

So there' short therm opportunists milking panicking idiots and robots fucking shit up but actual consequences, good or bad, won't be clear until a few month.

are you dead yet, cunt?