ITT: Characters that were ruined for one reason or another in the MCU
About to be ruined:
ITT: Characters that were ruined for one reason or another in the MCU
About to be ruined:
Oh yeah and
Why Johns for a discussion about the MCU?
Iron Fist was never good. Malekith was ruined more than Kurse. Ultron was great, fuck you. Quicksilver and SW are perfectly fine. Never cared about Deathlok. You can't really do people in bee suits properly in live action and not make it look goofy as fuck. They did AIM the best they could but yeah still wasn't amazing.
About to be ruined:
They can easily fuck him up. Especially with the current actor choice. We'll see.
Because I needed an image for this thread, basically.
Spidey will probably get a decent treatment, like daredevil did.
By 'ruined', I mean shit like Ultron being a quipmaster, Deathlok looking like a guy who's way too old for the laser tag match he's about to play, and Kurse being this abomination.
What's the problem?
He's Tony's "son," you expect Shakespearian eloquence?
Casual detected. Vid related is how Ultron should be.
It's so goddamn cancerous to have him say things like "my evil plan".
Should the tv shows really be counted as MCU anymore? Yeah, they build off of events from the movies, but so do the cartoons.
Are you really going to tell me that's a faithful costume? If they didn't have that "you will be the last of the KURSEd" line, no one would have any clue who he was.
Isn't easier to list the heroes that were not ruined? Like
And don't forget
No, because most of them are fine. Cap, Hulk, Thor, and Iron Man were done faithfully, so was Daredevil. Most of the guardians were okay, except for maybe starlord.
He's less quirky in the comics from what I've heard
Okay, terrifying monotone Ultron is a good way to do him. I liked that better than movie Ultron when I watched it a while ago. However, movie Ultron is a different beast from the prior portrayals. As said, he is Tony's creation, and so has many of his characteristics. Nothing "casual" about stating the facts here.
Well unfortunately, I'm more of a DC man, so I only knew who Malekith was when I watched the movie. So, superpowered dark elf seemed legit to me.
Yeah, more asshole pragmatic outlaw than charming musical outlaw. At least, that's what I got out of Annihilation.
They could have had the correct ultron if they dropped black widow and hawkeye for ant-man and the wasp.
They should have just had Janet be friends with the avengers and Hank be some kind of SHIELD scientist that's their 'tech support'. Then have him be Ant-Man towards the end of the first movie, and he'll make Ultron in the second.
Having Iron Man make Ultron is a bastardization of a great character..
There should only be one period at the end there. I'm not a gril or a mexican, I swear.
Don't forget The Ancient One
Holy shit they fucked up on that one. I don't have any faith for what they'll do in Doctor Strange. Looks like shitty cape Inception.
Yes and no. The TV shows acknowledge and constantly reference the events of the movies, but never vice versa.
Have you seen the cast for the new movie?
Ah, but could you be both at once? That's technically a no to each of those.
Needling you aside, is it still canon that MCUltron was partly salvaged from Hank's tech?
That's basically what I was saying
Too many villains again?
It's basically getting the Cisbusters treatment. A mostly minority cast that have fuck all to do with Spider-Man.
Fine, english major, I'm neither a girl nor a mexican.
Of course
Why are people still pissed about Ultron? Seriously? He's Tony's creation in the movies because PEOPLE FUCKING CARE ABOUT TONY. They weren't sure what to do with Ant-Man when Avengers was being made, and it's way less impactful to introduce him late and be like "this guy we just got introduced to fucked up, please feel something". No, it makes more sense from basic scriptwriting to have Tony make him, he's one of the most enjoyed characters in the entire franchise. And if he's going to be Tony's creation, he's going to be different than an Ultron created by Pym. Hell, the villain of Ant-Man was already the rejected son/dark reflection of Pym.
Understanding the limits of movie scheduling and shit, the change was made for the betterment of the movies. Both Age of Ultron and Winter Soldier set up Tony and Steve's respective sides in Civil War.
Deathlok looked good ONE TIME, when they saw him through some scanner thing and he looked pretty much like in the comics. Otherwise, he and everything else in Agents of Shield is a waste.
One can hope that A.I.M. will make a proper appearance someday, another cell can always pop up. Skrulls would actually work better in a series than in a movie, but I don't know if they're going to do anything like that unless they really get the Fantastic Four rights.
Oh, I know! Because they're Pymfags
Having Stark build Ultron worried me initially.
Calling the movie "Age of Ultron" as a giant "Fuck You" to FOX did the same thing.
But the fucking quips, I couldn't stand it. Not only was he not like the real Ultron at all, he was both annoying and not memorable at the same time.
What is it about quipping that gets your goat? Are one-liners uncool now?
If you think of it like what it is, one of the many alternate Marvel Universes, it's the logical Ultron that would be created by Tony Stark. Because, movie Pym doesn't want to have anything to do with the Avengers, he thinks the Starks are bunch of shits. So, considering the logical place he holds in the world, he makes perfect sense, and I like him well enough.
Now, if you just want to say EMH Ultron was BETTER? Fuck yeah. EMH was some of the best Marvel shit in a long time. And sine that DID have Pym as a founding member of the Avengers, it of course was truer to the comics. Hell, it even had Pym, Tony AND Cap have some part in Ultron turning out the way he did, and he was set up for SEVERAL episodes as just a peaceful bunch of security robots. The entire fact that EMH started with a world that felt like it was already in progress gave it a lot of advantages that the movies (which have to spoonfeed audiences ideas, including only this year introducing magic to them) just can't have.
No, you fucking retard. That Ultron wasn't like he was because he was made by Tony, it was because Whedon only knows how to write one villain.
Quips are fine, but every single character in that fucking movie turned into Tony Stark. Hawkeye was pretty much the only person who seemed like an independent character in the whole movie.
I would have greatly preferred Ultron having just been a mustache twirling Saturday morning cartoon villain with no motive other than "Because I'm evil."
This bullshit about him being "Stark's son" is the worst fucking argument. It was a computer program. Him being like Stark is obviously what the writers wanted, but they never gave any fucking reason as to why he should be.
Oh, so you mean that you wish one character did most of the quips, and they be the designated quipper.
Or if other folks quip, they do so in their own unique ways.
The problem was everyone quipping a ton, and also quipping exactly like Stark. Even Thor started talking like Stark.
Is that why they killed Quicksilver?
Hawkeye should be the Quip King, he has been historically.
now I want to see a supervillain named Quip King
Nah, it was because they just wanted scarlet witch.
Firefly had the same problem. Whedon does not know how to write individual character voice.