Do you realize that what microsoft did with win10 (full botnet and keylogger) is actually raising legitimacy and...

Do you realize that what microsoft did with win10 (full botnet and keylogger) is actually raising legitimacy and security of old windows?
I always expected and was scared that old windowses might already have some hidden microsoft backdoors, botnets, and they might hide from your packet sniffers (run on win OS) etc
But when microsoft actually wanted to implement full botnet they didn't hide that. And it makes sense, if you hid that and it would eventually be discovered and become public it would be huge, they could be destroyed by public and by lawsuit. So what did they do instead? Simply, insert full backdoors and prison cage but call them a "feature" and include in EULA. I noticed same thing from other jewish zionist companies like Google, Intel, Facebook etc. For example, Google doesn't hide the fact that it records your GPS position with android, your WIFI ssid/position/password, your browsing history etc. Instead they call it "feature" and stupid goys believe them. Also, the backdoor in Microsoft's BitLocker encryption also isn't hidden, it's just called a feature.

Only sometimes do jewish companies hide their actions, like was in case of Google which was recording unencrypted wifi data with their google cars. But when somebody realized that and blackmailed them, they did damage control by admitting this to public.

So the most secure OS is old windows. Linox is crap made by amateurs (latest tcp backdoor, heartbleed etc prove that). There is no longer a single point in using lanix, because security was last thing that was believed to be better than windows.

Other urls found in this thread:

I agree. Lunix is a fail.


We need to destroy GNU for the good of all


Trust me, I work at Microsoft Corporation so I know what I say.

Everyone on Holla Forums is more than happy to be faggots to anyone who uses Windows because of Windows 10. The unfortunate scenario here is that Windows 10 legitimized their faggotry. Everything they suspected was going on was automatically validated, even when they had no conclusive proof.

By the way, I've tried to get the hardliners here to prove Windows XP, 7, or 8 spy on you in any capacity whatsoever. I have yet to get anything more than NSAKEY which I'll admit is fishy but not proof or "well you should know by now!" And of course, when you ask them to stop being faggots and actually fucking prove any of the diarrhea coming from their mouths the best they have to offer is to call you a microdrone or something and that apparently wins the argument because I'm sure half of these brain-dead faggots came from Reddit where one opinion is more valid than another because other people like it.

In reality, older Windows probably has serious flaws, but I doubt actual, real spying is one of them. If you can stay ahead of the bugs, Windows' 7 and 8 are perfectly fine. And, hey, who knows? They might actually clean up their act before you are forced to switch OS'.

You type like a pajeet so I would not be surprised.

Very interesting, OP.

Are you serious right now nigger? Microsoft has not bothered to hide the fact that they've backported the Win10 botnet to updates for both 7 and 8. If you want bugfixes, you get botnet.

And XP hasn't been maintained in years, so there's a whole nother heaping pile of crucial bugfixes and patches you're missing out on.

Mcfucking prove it faggot. If you avoid the bad patches you're golden, and none of them are security patches.

And I already mentioned that they probably have serious flaws (mainly XP) but I will again say that spying is not one of them until it is proven

And when Fukushima melted down, Chernobyl magically became fertile farmland.

You do know that it's been confirmed that Windows had backdoors since at least XP, and probably before that, right?

like, there was a leak of FBI tools that let you access everything on a PC running XP with just a USB?

I knew Holla Forums was a shithole, but is everyone new too?

You just denied the existence of the bad updates and then confirmed them in two consecutive sentences.

And what are the steps for that?
>manually and individually install the updates you think you might be able to trust

Alternatively, you could use an OS that doesn't try to sneak spying into its updates at all, where you can know with a very reasonable degree of certainty that you're never going to get an intentionally harmful update to your computer. You can have a sandwich that probably has shit in it or you can have a confirmed shit-free sandwich; which do you choose?

No I didn't, you dumb nigger

None of these say anything about updates. Which are pushed by the same team that made Windows 10. So you could have asked and I would have elaborated; I was talking about the base system. I suppose I was also talking about the security updates. I figured all this was implied because we are on Holla Forums. Oh, right, people on Windows don't know how to use computers. I bet that's what you're getting at, isn't it?

Not downloading them.

Check every optional update. Or just don't install optional updates. Check every update in the recommended section that's not strictly a security update. That's it.

No, you can use the update manager.

Well when you're ready to actually prove me wrong I'll be here waiting.

And lose all the programs you use while you're at it. Also lose your entire workflow. Lose all the features you're used to because GUI is only for non-autists I guess, and lose productivity for a week or more while you look for, and learn to use new programs.
By the way, I use Linux. In fact, I am using it right now. I do duel boot. Quite often I might add. But I still use it.

>where you can know with a very reasonable degree of certainty if you check the source code that you're never going to get an intentionally harmful update to your computer.
Fixed that for you.

Lets cut the crap, you're no more or less likely to avoid a bad update or program on any Linux system than you would be on Windows or Mac. Unless you're only getting open source and you always check and compile the program or update yourself before installing it in the system. Which I know a majority of people don't do. Want I should remind you about Mint? Or how about that TCP bug? And before you go on some tirade about "Windows has bugs too!" let me also remind you that Windows is infinitely more popular to Linux. The fact one is more scrutinized than the other means it's simply more statistically likely to have bugs pointed out. Servers also get bugs all the time I might add, which if I remember the Linux talking points is Linux's biggest success. And for the record, I don't know how many times I downloaded a program for my Linux distro of choice only to find out it has a bug from years ago that was never fixed because I'm not even sure why. Yeah, they'll get around to it, when they feel like it, but good luck in the meantime.

No, more like you can maybe shit the bed without a blanket or you can maybe shit the bed with the blanket and it's much more comfy under that secure blanket.

By the way, all these alternative topics are completely irrelevant to my main post:
what spying does any Windows below 10 do? And how are you going to prove it?

Source? And how exactly did it do this through the base system? Did you have to install something first?


I think actually you were talking about that specific paragraph. My apologies there. But I also copied
That's what I was asking you to prove., not the fact MS has backported spying.

Everything else I said stands though.

Yes. It is. Your conjecture and suspicion mean nothing because no one has even come close to proving anything about spying on older Windows OS'

And I work at ze muffin factory.

Are you drunk?

By the flimsiest standards maybe. I want verifiable proof an older Windows OS spies on you. If they were really participating so heavily in the program, surely there would be more evidence than one leaked document and NSAKEY. Both of which I readily admit are fishy but not proof.

I believe most peoples standard for proof is a little higher than conjecture and innuendo.

A lot of people think spying, like friendship, is magic, and Microsoft/the NSA just magically does it without anyone being able to detect it in any way. It's actually so easy that even uTorrent does it and sends all your shit to the MPAA, and nobody can prove it (but we still know it happens, because reasons). However, it isn't easy enough that anyone has been able to duplicate the technique and demonstrate it to the public.

Having looked over the evidence for PRISM more closely, I am no longer confident in my position and retract everything I said ITT. I think I need to rethink my position.

insert article about w10 ad embedded into ie sexurity update here

The jews are also very fond of plausible deniability, and so it would make sense that some (yet undiscovered) vulnerabilities exist in older versions that were made to appear as programming error or design flaw. Maybe some have already been found and dismissed as such.

it's lowering the ethical standards. lowering the privacy and freedom expectation of users, one gradual step at a time to not cause an uproar so big that people will actually reject it.
This is nazi Germany in 1942. One does not just gas the kikes overnight after taking office in the 30's, there's a process to follow.

bad reasoning. they could have had it before and not disclose it for a variety of reasons. Yes, they risked being caught but people lie and take risks all the time.

As a matter of fact Microsoft has had full backdoor access since Wongdows XP. How do you think upgrades from Windows 7 and Windows 8 to Windows 10 are pushed?
Also, was a very strong piece of evidence.

Who is Edward Snowden? What is PRISM?
All these things happened at a time when Win 10 didn't exist.

they are crap, but why misuse the term zionist here?
If anything, SJW-infiltrated companies are more likely to be Muslim apologists (typical of the regressive, authoritarian left) than zionist

IT companies have gradually lost all moral decency,
they have been exposed badly in recent years,
the general public is cucked and very slow to respond to them,
so the natural course of action is to just admit being a glaring data miner and have users accept that in the EULA/ToS. It's not like normies will stop using Winshit and iPrisons anyway

Actually, Win7 calls home every time you boot it. It connects to microsoft. And I'm not talking about Windows Update. Run it in VM and run packet sniffer on host.
But WinXP is safe so you can use it. WinXP never tried to connect to microsoft unless you use WindowsUpdate or send app crash report.

security updates are overrated you dumbass. Instead of fixing bugs, they actually add more, and they also add backdoors that wasn't in it initially. They also identify your PC so they always knew what IP you have, even if you installed VPN or moved to other city.

Only dumb idiots use Windows Updates, so it's not an issue. And if you use win xp, then there is no problem at all.

Show one serious security flaw in XP.

That's not logical at all. If microsoft wanted to botnet XP people, they would back then did same method they used in win10, add botnet but call it a feature.

Show proof.

And? You fucking dumbass if you let FBI access your RUNNING PC with any OS (including linux), then even with full disk encryption they can access everything?

Now, if you use FDE but shutdown your PC when you exit home, then you are as safe on XP as on any other OS (actually more safe because linux and win10 have backdoors and bugs).

The choice is to not install updates.

What OS? Linux is open source shit that anybody can edit code and backdoor it and then upstream. Linux is like playground for backdoor people, they can put what they want and then sell for profit. They can't same with windows as it's closed source and made by professionals.

Also, even if linux was safe (but isn't), what is the point of using unusable unproductive OS? It's like if you bought a car without engine because it's safe, and it's safe because it fucking can't start and ride on road. I rather buy one that isn't safe but is usable to do something.

That's great, so they didn't have enough time to put spying there.
Also, that means Windows XP and earlier are safe.

So windows xp is safe. Thanks for confirming.

Vulnerabilities are shit, doesn't work and are overrated. Give example of one that could be used against me and that my firewall would allow.
And vulnerabilities are nothing compared to keylogger in win10 that records what you type and sends to microsoft (and then to NSA and FBI).

Exactly. So the older windows, the safer. That's why Windows XP is legit.

That's not what jewish companies do. Risk is not worth it, because instead they can put botnet and backdoor but call it a feature.

That's a lie. Show proof.

By WindowsUpdate, which is used by fucking idiots.

>Also, was a very strong piece of evidence.
That's a bullshit.
It doesn't give them nothing. Tell me what NSAKEY could be used for? It's not a botnet or keylogger like win10.
And you can even remove it from your windows.

Did you read about that? It doesn't say nothing about privacy issues in windows.

But after time when Win XP existed.

They are created by jews, are owned by jews, and they act according to jewish interests. Yes, promoting SJW/authoritarian left in West is part of zionist interests.

Even Experts like me can't stop because fucking linux is worse than win95. Yes, I'd rather use win95 than linux. Maybe I wouldn't connect this win95 to internet, but i'd prefer to use it as it's more user friendly and 10 times more productive.

It is good that you are security aware. I too once thought that the older windows systems was better but now I think that we should stop using proprietary software (especially operating systems) altogether. If you are interested, see here:

Vulnerabilities are shit, doesn't work and are overrated. Give example of one that could be used against me and that my firewall would allow.
Bugs and/or backdoors in modern CPUs.
^ that's from 2007 btw (old hardware by now, think how much "better" the subversion possibilities are now...)

you just answered yourself. As a matter of fact, Microsoft has had full backdoor access since Windows XP. I didn't claim that it was impossible to remove the well-known backdoor, I honestly don't know; but the backdoor has been there on all Windows installations by default since Windows XP.

That's the real bullshit. You don't get to dismiss the evidence presented to you only because you can construe more contrived explanations. What evidence has been presented in favor of those excuses?

snooping on high-profile targets at minimum.

nobody made that claim retard

I guess that makes it less real, right?

As worse as later Windows versions are, you must admit your trust on Windows XP is based on nothing but blind faith. Only Microsoft knows whats going on in the source code.

OMG! Let's kill the jews for existing and having businesses and being successful and acting on their interests! Such an atrocity!
Good Jews should kill themselves or lend themselves as slaves to other ethnicities.

You don't know what Zionism is. Visiting Holla Forums doesn't make you smart on politics

whatever dude, I'm not a masochist. I wouldn't surrender control over the software running my machine for whatever bullshit reason. Enjoy your Flash hentai games while you can

an atrocity
an atroc ity

yt i cortana
whitey I Cortana

There is no such thing as a good person that practices that parasitic religion.

I tan I mulli confirmed

>It is good that you are security aware. I too once thought that the older windows systems was better but now I think that we should stop using proprietary software (especially operating systems) altogether. If you are interested, see here:
I will switch to your GNU shit as soon as it will be on windows95 level or higher.


Nope this shit won't work on my PC. Try again.
My hardware does not have AMT or any equivalent.

Right then. But it's not an issue for me as it was obvious to disable that backdoor.

What snooping? It can't do shit. Show example what and how could they used NSAKEY on me. What would be result of that?

So it's 10 times less issue that win10. If any issue at all.

Not less real, but not a problem. It's better to disable backdoor on windows and have great OS than install shit linux.

No. What Microsoft did with later version, clearly shows they introduced backdoors and malware over time, each new windows had more of them. That means Win XP has the least of them, and you can disable all of them anyway.

That's still better than linux, in case of linux nobody really knows what's going on in the code, and how many backdoors there are. Anybody can put a backdoor into linux.

The jews are't successful because they are good businessmans. They are successful because they don't have any values or morals, they are animals like muslims but are smarter than sandniggers. We need to stop them.

Linux doesn't give you any control, it's the opposite, windows does.

Show us the steps involved in setting font antialiasing for a vertical LCD screen in Windows (a 10-second job in any Linux distro, even 15 year old ones), without opening up a registry editor or downloading third-party programs.