Brit/pol/ #982: We Will Always Hate The Germans (And Improperly numbered threads) Edition

Rothschild throws his two shekels in
The Great Debate is currently on BBC1
Brexit: The Movie


Other urls found in this thread:ław_Sikorski#Leaked_conversations_about_Britain.2C_America_and_Russia GoogleUK/posts/6LQLX5yng1m


2nd for fuck Dickie Spencer



18 threads by the 23rd, wew.

We're doing well atm, and there's another big debate tomorrow

we could say it's until the end of polling

Perfect. I'm tearing up, lads.

Still need pictures of the Remain panel at their podiums in decent quality if anybody has them. I really need Sadiq with the fly buzzing round him especially.

reminder to bump this other thread so more Holla Forumslacks join the london eye tweeting

>tfw even if we leave the eu you'll still be a boy ;_;

Twitter is a shit show right now.

post some screens lad

Great work

these feels

I was the guy from the last thread, and yeah it sucks that you won't be able to get fixed, lad.

Why are krauts so evil?

Is it in their DNA

No idea why.

Sorry Boris.

thanks user. since i'm never ever going to be a real girl, would it be too much to ask for something else nice, like becoming an independent country again? please? ;_;

I think a European Super-State would be a good idea if Britain ruled it.

The OC potential for this speech

There's so much, based speech by Boris.

He is lad, but he's a useful one and has a personality at least.

Amazed this argument hasn't been used more. Although it's motivated by a very different moral and philosophical ideology, the actual mechanics of the EU are basically everything Hitler wanted for Europe (unified superstate, unelected federalised government, etc), and everything that the rest of Europe fought tooth and nail for over six bloody years and at a cost of millions of lives to avoid.


He usually is, but he's been redeeming himself recently




No d&c now MoralityOfficial you kike bastard.

He is. He seems based now because he's practically repeated Farage's stance word for word. But he's useful for now.

Krauts, get out.

Holy shit that one user was right

Matthew Perry does look a bit like Carswell


They both have the fuckin Palsy



Feeling smug lads.
Dangerously smug.

You no longer hate Germans if dubs


Nth for civic

Not a kraut and quit your d&c. I'm helping you memeing brexit



Nah, I still do, lad.





Anti-German posters are probably non-whites trying to LARP their fantasies of being a Brit, that or people with no history education. Ignore them lad.

Don't be racist lad, we're all descended from immigrants

Should be Boris providing air support

I'm a fellow European, faggot

The music is "I Vow to Thee My Country".


You forgot the Carswell face


As a Christian please accept my apologies on behalf of this political cuck.

We aren't European you faggot we're Anglo

Has he always worn his hair like that or is it a subtle Trump?

it's building up a momentum of its own

Good. One more RT for you.

I just dropped by to say you will not be leaving the EU and you are all worthless faggots




The only blood in your family tree is on your grandfather's hands
Yank faggot

Hi Richard

German blood, obviously.


I think you might be a larping paki m8



And this is what Morality Official wants.

I swear I don't know how at a time like this you can want to derail brit/pol/, unless you're a foreign cunt who doesn't give a fuck. Say an Australian Jew.



with all the past Misnumbered threads we are probably well over 1000 by now

There won't be any of you left to hate Europeans if you keep letting your country to be overwhelmed by shitskins, cuckolds. Oh, but they are not shitskins, they are just Brits of different colour, right :^)


Good one, m8. I hope your Brexit succeeds or you might as well consider yourself European

I'm not the biggest fan of Brit/pol/ but I'm really pulling for you. That debate was amazing, Boris did wonderfully compared with Nigel's lukewarm debate this morning. I'll drink myself stupid if Brexit happens.

t. Italianon

When did Brit/pol/ start?

You're thinking of Germany


Long ago in a distant board

That's not a picture of the US President.

Well if anything, the d&c shitposter is just getting us to thread 1000 quicker


Right you are, lad


Thank you lad, go sort out your country, there's way too many commies there now!

Also, patriotic song because that debate was beautiful. I guess this ones for you, based Italian.

Why are you always falling for one posters shitposts with such ease?

OP/MoralityOfficial sucks cocks and is a shit stirring Aussie Jew cunt.

wew lad.

He was a cuck and a cunt while we're on the subject



He might as well be one. I don't give a crap about the guy. This is the present

*Ask them to tweet it to Owen as it was his sister with a message of condomolences

I'm ashamed of this general sometimes, I truly am.

We didn't bomb Dresden Hard enough tbh

It's to help get us as close to 1000 as possible lad

Shit, that gave me chills. How are things looking for you bongs on the polls? Did the murder put it way down or is it break even again?


Well, good opportunity to make a second version with this music. Normies will lap it up, especially with Independence Day 2 out tomorrow and a lot of cinemas showing the original for one day only.


The peope who fall for it are the people it's aimed at. Foreigners, namely krauts and yanks.

It's just pure derailment, I don't give a fuck about reaching 1000, I want memes and momentum not boring shitposts I've seen a thousand times before.

I love the filter


Do this


Let's have the cuck Owen screaming his head off tomorrow…kek

I missed Nige :^)


IT is a beautiful thing
Burgermaker here hoping you guys all vote leave and get your Independence!!

I live in burgerland

Be that first domino, lad. I remember Italy before it joined the EU, it was paradise. When we joined, the lire-euro conversion made it such that all people who had lire lost 50% of their value overnight. We got fucked hard. That's why its basically pseudo 3rd world there atm. I won't even mention what happened to Rome.

Do it my dude, make Brexit happen.




Owen is alive and kicking

Is this meme too spicy?


I'd still post it after the referendum though lad.

Might rustle some lefties, good idea. Is a little hard to make out the words though because it is so dark

It's too soon wait until the polls close, but fucking hell did it make me laugh

That's a shitload of assumptions


I quite like how he's implying the Conservatives aren't right wing. Maybe the Poz Prince isn't as dumb as previously thought.

He never learns

wtf is he going on about


Wasn't it his semen going into the pig?

Lad, I…

He's implying that Scotland will leave





Scots confirmed for worlds best goys

i see

To put it briefly: Every leftist seems to think that England is going to become a far-right fascist state upon Brexit.

This is a bad thing in their eyes.


hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha tbh

Vote for leave is a vote for English independence.



They better find another MP to shoot by Thursday, else it's all over for the Remaincucks


Just a hypothetical. The EU sits you down to discuss terms. What do you have to ask of it for you to vote to remain?

For me become Imperium Evropa, remove kebab and reclaim Constantinople

Meme responsibly lad

What idiot called it #Brexit and not The Great British Break Off?

Do you want a paki to win it?

plus remove merchant.

I love seeing libruhls catfight amongst themselves

An user in that thread just posted this. What the fuck is happening beyond that wall and how do we rebuild quickly enough to contain it?

It's muh birthday today, you guys. Obviously wishing for Brexit. Wish I didn't have to go to work.

Happy birthday user


Have a pint of fine English Ale for us, mate.

Because islamophobes don't want strong independent muslim womyns running the UK :^(

happy birthday lad

May the Lord bless you and keep you user.

Happy birthday!

Come on lad, you can only wish for one. Happy Birthday


Happy birthday lad

Don't let the Finns get you down

Happy Birthday, lad.

Steve Hawkes - Deputy Political Editor - The Sun

Happy Birthday lad!

Have a good one lad!

Happy birthday lad.

Wow I wish I posted when it was my birthday the other week :^)


what is that called? I keep seeing it everywhere but I don't know the name of the dance/meme

Based Rog

Have a good un lad




Happy Birthday lad!

Have a pint of English ale and think of Police Girl for us, will ya?


Thanks m8s

You're right kek. Guess I'll go to bed right after and just go to work.

Pathetic, really.

Sick of this fucking paki and his barely concealed contempt for whites



Funny, I seem to recall people being questioned by the police for making the very same statement about minorities.





~3 more month and you can try again, m8

What's your job, lad?

inb4 GCHQ

He wants us all dead.

The NWO wins if Brexit fails. I can't understand why if there's a shot glass of National Pride in someone they would want to remain Brussels Bitch. Of course I'm a Trumpanamerican

Happy birthday lad
and happy birthday Saint Jo Cox

Same reason Hillary gets votes

Absolute Madman!

Happy birthday lad

Don't be disrespectful lad, spell her name properly

is this faggot really 5'6 you guys really went low.

All the best, sir. Shame you have to work

I'm a laboratory analyst. I test water samples for pollutants.

Meant to post this one, made me kek hard today

Yeah Crystal Clear, understand perfectly thanks

Laaaaads what are the polls showing right now?


Happy birthday to you too lad :-).

50/50, maybe Remain slightly ahead

What do you think lads, could this backfire?

Happy birthday. May Brexit come true, mate.


The Americans had to fight for their independence. We get the opportunity to vote for it. if we dont vote for it NOW, it will be later generations that will have no choice but to fight for it.

Could be a laugh

Today he called a vote to remain in the EU as the "patriotic" thing to do


Good job Guido is a renowned bantersaurus.


What's this all about then?

We had a plan to get to #1000 by the referendum, as a symbolic gesture. We're probably going to have to make the thread #1000 (minus X).

Getting to thread #1000 before the Referendum ends

We either reach a thousand or we hit 988. Either way we have worthy digits to hit.

I don't rely browse these threads but I see a title like that everytime in the catalogue and can't rely tell if it's just a joke or not

If not you do realise that the Germans actually liked you for the most part, and in current day the majority of their large social and economic decisions are made by jews and other non german foreigners right?

I'm probably just being autistic and can't see the sarcasm though.

Paul does some good work

reddit is having a dick sucking contest

time to ruin their fun

I have no waifu, you have no power here.

post it to muzzie and black places

maybe say RemainExpressPass, powered by Googletm or something? to explain why its suggesting only remain



It's just banter to trigger Yanks larping as Krauts or NatSoc. It's nothing serious. Most of /brit/pol agrees that the war was an unnecessary waste of human life that should have been avoided.

You don't know brit history with jerrys. That is what your missing to see this m8.

Thats quitting talk lads.

What will it be "Britpol #1000 - Independence day edition" or something?

"Britpol #1000 - not quietly into the good night edition"?

It's just a poll, lad.

Meant to criticize reddit and its userbase, not you m8

They should put out the idea we'll have an extra bank holiday. That's gotta get some people

I see. Was that a general agreement of some kind or just some enthusiastic talk by a few?

Is there an archive of the debate somewhere? (haven't gotten through the whole thread yet so pardon)


"Britpol #1000 - 'CONFIDENCE & Independence edition"

We do need to speed it up a bit tbh. Polls open in 30 hours, so that's approx 1 thread every 2 hours

Think it was just a nice idea

we could say that it was by the end of polling or results, that would give us an extra day


What are we going to do? Cap the threads at 300 posts?

It seems they blew their load at the 2,000 mark.

We're currently at 500 and going strong.




American speaking

Shut your fugly toothy mouths.

You betrayed your race

now you're paying for it

You will NEVER get Britian back

You betrayed your King who was pro-Hitler for your Jewish masters — SHAME ON YOUR PEOPLE

You're traitors and deserve to fucking die

Only your attractive women deserve to live

You're trash shit


Your Queen spreads her legs for Jewish women and is raped by the rod of Rothschilde

What I was taught is American high school history before I graduated was a 2 way street of Germany and England fucki ng each other over, overall it seemed like Britain fucked over Germany more though.

But it doesn't even matter since Germany has pretty much been completely changed

Oh ok thanks

The wall will still be built famoogle


Anyone else secretly wish that we were going to have an actual war of independence with all the glory and honour that comes with defying a superior power and telling it no. You move.

Brit/pol/ #1000 - we held the line edition
Brit/pol/ #1000 - at ease soldier, duty is over edition

Fuck off, mongrel.

Fuck off dickhead. The British have always been our best ally. Fuck off back back to Clinton Headquarters you piece of shit.

(Waste of Dubs)

I have faith in you Lads. Once more into the breech and when the EU sends their forces and kebab against you, we'll rally across the pond and give them hell again.

t. Murica



You let the soviet union annex all of Poland



Also, I begrudgingly checked the r/ukpolitics section of Reddit. Quite a number of the top posts are pro-Leave.

Have we started the fire, lads?

Based Si.



It is the year of the Fire Monkey..


Das Reich.

Whites no longer hate each other more than we hate the shitskins, kebabs and kikes.


I see. So was there anything to be gained by the effort then? Or it was just a nice idea but didn't really mean anything?

Leave.EU Campaign Sneaks ‘Migrants’ Into UK To Highlight Porous Borders


It would be symbolic (and very satisfying)

Aye, even more so if we lose though.

money is an effective meme magic instrument.


Its all going to plan lads.
Brexit this week.
Trump in November.
Le Penn soon in France.

When did it all start going so right lads? When did we end up on the right side of history while SJW's get ripped in the mainstream?

Can't wait to get some English pussy that Britcucks could never handle with their 4in penor tbh

You're impotent, lad.

It started a long time ago. The people we should venerate are the Ann Coulters and Jared Taylors that carried the torch long before it became the groundswell we see today. Go buy Ann's book, she's earned it for being our ideological mother.

Oh and heil hitler. He who showed us another way is possible.

It's going to be fun telling leftists they're on the wrong side of history for once, their favourite platitude has become ammunition against them.

German here. I'm hoping for a Brexit. Once Britain leaves, France will leave, and once France leaves, the conditions they imposed on us for reunification will become invalid. Then we can both ditch the EU and start working on taking back our rightful clay.
Good luck, I'm rooting for you.

UPDATED: Everything the EU Is Hiding Until After the Referendum

I guess I get the satisfying bit.

But I'm also reasonably confident that by the time Britpol hits it's 1000th thread here on 8/pol/, that your victory of Independence will already be in hand and you will have cast off the burdensome yoke of you're masters in Brussels.

Might I suggest that you plan together to make the 1000th thread a YUGE victory dance filled with shittons of glorious OC instead? Guaranteed to be a winrar that way.


thank you, germanfriend

We got ourselves a journo, lads. Remember to filter!


more D&C shilling.


I can't wait to put the heel of my boot on your face, Kraut filth. I will end you. Germany was a mistake. Brexit and then to war with the so-called "Reich".

But leftycuck, its 2017! You don't want to be on the wrong side of history with your backwards "multiculti" views?

Does that mean the expulsion of foreign forces and the re-armament of Germany?

That sounds like an enormous political shift in our favour.

Brexit will lead to World War Three? Bring it on, it's time to put the Germans in their place again.


Lad, come on.

Why are you so mad, bro? The war is over. We're "friends" now.

If you don't like the idea of being our allies, then get rid of NATO as well please do

Most of their army would probably join up with us and topple their government at this point.

Three days after Jesus Christ was crucified then again it might have been 1066
In any case operations were suspended in 1290 when we booted the Jews out but ops were started back up again when the cuck Oliver Cuckwell re-admitted them in 1656 under the Cromwellian Protectorate
Fearful of persecution they did not declare their identity, living as Spanish merchants. Whilst their commercial affairs were public their religion was private.
There was interest in Jewish matters in the leadership of the Commonwealth and Protectorate for two reasons, one pragmatic and the other doctrinal.
…and here we are…still fighting

I'll be after those Frauleins too. All of Europe will feel the might of AMERICAN COCK

This before or after Achmed is done in Idaho?



We hate the brits too. We will never forgive what you did to our people.

This adequately parallels my reaction.

I had a fun little back and forth with a Nu-Male which went a lot like this.

He began attempting to embarrass me during an argument about immigration by bringing up the type of person he assumes is against it - the 'Muslamic Rayguns' tier BNP fellow. To which I called out his prejudice towards working class whites who've seen their communities destroyed in a matter of decades, going into heartfelt detail about the working class being mere serfs to the establishment. It was his rhetoric coming from my mouth, to support views he despised. You can safely assume that there was no further argument, just the mumbling agreement and subconscious hanging of his head.

You're not German.


Man, there seems to be this group of people spread all over the world who really hates Germans.
It's like a religion for them or something.

Thats funny coming from an English chap such as yourself. Don't worry before the muhammeds completely overrun your country I'll be sure to strengthen the weak Anglo genepool with my superior MURICAN genes so maybe for once in your lives you could fight back

Wew come on lads.

Is this why they say brits have bad hygene?

Probably ended up mumbling something about "muh false consciousness" or "muh uneducated ebil working class" in some sort of mental gymnastics.

You ever wank so hard that you tear your foreskin? Shit sucks. Stop posting ginnies please.

That must be why semites are so healthy and well-adjusted

Tory councillor Dominic Peacock has been suspended for offensive comments on his facebook page. Wait for it this is fucking superb!

He posted a link to Jo Cox's fundraising page and said "I've just donated the steam off my piss!"


Top lel

Fine Scotland I'll give you a visit too once I'm done with the English

Let me guess, he supports Leave?

Aww Yis


Well Trumps coming here soon.

I got my MAGA hat and going to try and get my copy of "The Art of the Deal" signed.

British hygene everybody


No doubt they will put that spin on it one way or another.


Did he see the 'Rest in peace' shop from a few threads earlier?



Just one of those, I'd go down in history. Forever meme'd in the eternal halls of Holla Forums.

this one?


Just hope Farage lives to see us leave tbh.

Can just imagine that bittersweet look of triumph on his face as he see's us free before (((they))) catch up to him.

Tip top kek, the Romans found you throwing your shit around like niggers when they came across your pathetic people

Well my daddy taught me a few things too, like uh, how not to tear the skin by using someone else's mouth instead of your own hands


Good night lads.

Have some east asian qts for the third British Empire as a parting gift.



The romans also brushed their teeth with their own piss.

Would prefer Imperium with ME girls tbqh

Gordon couldn't make it a fucking week.

New video recorded from his tablet.

Quit LARping as a Roman. In Roman times you, the anglos, and us were all in the same place.

Unless you're a spic, in which case you are not one to give lectures on hygiene either.

This, much more beautiful and whiter.

Lads, I made a burner gmail account and put something up on YouTube for you all.

I hope you enjoy it.

That's fucking amazing

Typical Germacuck, doesn't even know what LARPing means.

The world isn't Germania Hans. Be prepared the next time you start a world war btw, when I'm done with your country you're gonna be a mix of every flavor Europe has to offer when those frauleins come after American dick again

He's very anti-Trump, and he's always worn his hair like that.

It's kind of sad he's the politician I miss most, given he's a bit of a cuck.

nailed it

Lad, quit making my yellow fever worse! I don't want to race mix.

Of course he is, every brit should be scared of a big American like Trump

Which one of you lads was this?

It was you wasn't it?


1) I don't have a mum, so there.
2) I wouldn't be so retarded as to conect to bluetooth speakers when watching porn.


That cuts harder than anything…

You should too, after all it's "Latins" like you that will have to go back

Important poll

Fucking poozed filled BBC isn't saying anything about the Queen supporting Brexit

lel, remember hans your grandkids will be part Italian/French/English/etc when we're done with your cuntry

Lads there's some nutter bullying nutters ITT, it's quite funny.

Great stuff user.

build wall paco

He's just bored lad

Pretty good.


lol the Brits didn't bomb you subhumans enough.
Go cut my burger bitch


Fuck lads we had this in the bag until Tommy. At least we have the Queen now, but left wing shitstains like the BBC/C4 are keeping quiet about that

Looks like i'll have to CIVIC up and find a Paki waifu

Not only is it Jo Cox's funeral today with "global remembrance celebrations" planned but it's also what would have been her birthday.

Pure coincidence.

Fuck off shill.

haha your quirky gchq xoxo

Too bad there's half-a-dozen videos of it on YouTube, including the one I just made…



If she's actually spoken up about this, and come out clearly in favour of leaving I retract all my former statements about trying her for treason.
inb3 Queen can't commit treason. Yes they can. Remember that treason is against the crown not the monarch.

Better to be bombed than to have niggers. Though thanks to you now we will have both.

Gordon’s autistic bf can’t leave the house and lives on toast and milk but still dumped Gordon.


Stop posting bestiality m8

I'm actually very worried about Scotland leaving the union when we get Brexit

I want to be British not porridgenigger

She asked for three good reasons why the UK should stay in the EU.

We don't know the tone, but it's not exactly something you'd ask about something you support, so it's not likely that she's a remainian.


We're getting there lads!
Lets prove Orwell right before this decade is out!


Don't worry us White Americans won't let Germs breed with niggers. we'll breed frauen insteadand stop blaming the superior American people on your lack of foresight into what sandniggers will do to your cuntry hans

Seriously, media needs to be called out for this on social media.

Expelling someone because he made a joke.

"All people in public life, irrespective of politics, should be united in condemning the fatal and dreadful attack on Jo Cox."

Wew, some sort of forced mind-meld going on there.

The Queen is cucked, but if you think she doesn't care about seeing her country go from the worlds largest empire to not even a nation state, you're deluded

It's funny

I laughed so hard.

Trump is german

Would I be?

She doesn't seem to care about her country going from white to arab and christian to muslim.

It will happen. We'll be muslim majority by 2070 from simple extrapolation of census data. It'll be faster than that though, as a more muslim electorate will likley vote to bring in more muzzies, speeding the process.

The queen either
1) Does not realise this. She has access to far more information than we do, so if this is the case, she is incompetent. She should be removed fro the throne.
2) Does realise this, but thinks it's good. Simple treason.
3) Does realise this, but does not speak out for fear of retribution. She should either make way for someone else or speak up. A monarch should be cut of finer cloth.

I think you got that for pestering people with e-mails you cunt.

Lad, he's American not kraut

I'm afraid I don't think you don't understand how the monarchy works, user, the Queen isn't "allowed" to become embroiled in political matters. I don't believe any monarch has since Victoria.

Is anyone else upset that BASED Athens had the greatest government ever conceived by man, based on decentralization, nobility of spirit, and brotherly love?

Which is essentially the money grabbing MP's cutting a true patriotic and objective figure out of the equation, something I don't agree with - I should've added.

He's an ethnic german not an anglokike

Another American here…
Please disregard this tit
He speaks for no one but

Yes, I'm aware the monarch doesn't normally become involved with things.

But I'm saying we should have something like the Thai monarchy, where when the country is doing something disastrous, they break thier silence.

If the monarch is never going to do anything, why have one?

This isn't that by inaction, a few subjects are going to suffer because of bad policies. Inaction here will cause a complete and total destruction of Britain.

He's a euro mutt like most of us over here hans

Meme harder for Brexit lads.

We need 11,000 shitposts in the next 36 hours to make it to thread 1000

Lad, 14 threads of shitposting is not something we can do in that space of time.

Stop trying to force it tbh, will ruin the special occasion.

If we keep making Bomber Harris/Churchill threads then all the butthurt jerries will help us reach the 1000 milestone.

He's the seed of Haman, the male descendent of the royal line of Agag, sent to wreak destruction on those who would destroy the people of Amalek.

I understand the sentiment but I think the monarch brings more to a nation than political clout, they're a necessity for any peoples who don't want their identities subverted. It seems, though I could be wrong, that the first thing people aim for when dismantling a country is the monarchy - France and Russia are prime examples.

As for whether or not I'm horrified by their silence, of course I am, and I sympathise with you in that no small part of me feels betrayed by their inaction. Though I'd like to believe they're biding their time, I think waiting until the next generation is 1/3rd non-white is a little more than 'biding their time'.

We want you to leave as well. Like I said, the sooner this shitshow collapses, the better for both of us.

Pictured: Frederick the Great with King Richard VIII

People in this thread are too young and short-sighted to realise that Germany and Russia, through the Royal bloodlines, were once our greatest allies.

Our oldest and most consistent enemy has always been the French.

It's historical illiteracy which leads people to think Germans and Brits are natural enemies. Everyone should know that the reason for WWI coming as such as shock was partly because of Britain's declaration of war against it's brother, and alliance with it's historical enemy.

What do you do to detox the pozz lads? I'm burning out fast and hard.

And more that half of you euromutt white Americans are descended from Germans.

Horrible horrible prediction here. We'll remain and when we look at the votes Scotland will have lost us it.

Is that literally just your prediction lad? I don't know whether to laugh or tell you to slap yourself.

This tbh, is probably true.

Thank the lord you didn't get dubs.

EU referendum: Tate & Lyle Sugars joins campaign to leave EU

Tate & Lyle Sugars, one of the UK's oldest firms, has written a pro-Brexit letter to staff saying that leaving the EU would benefit the business.

The letter, written by senior vice president Gerald Mason, says that the EU has pushed up the firm's costs.

He is not telling the 800 staff how to vote, but say jobs will be more secure outside the EU.

Meanwhile, entrepreneur Sir James Dyson says the vote "is the last opportunity to regain control of our futures".

Sir James, most famous for his vacuum cleaner, says in an article in the Times that voting to remain in the EU "would be an act of national self-harm".

I have another prediction for you. The EU will seek to punish you for even attempting to leave.

Christ I hate pessimists.

Praise be upon Kek!

Krauts just can't help but attach themselves to a greater country than theirs instead of building themselves up. Its like kangz kraut edition

Lads, why did Eno turn against us?

28%, lads.

So much poz, is it from R/UKcommunists

What account did you link to your burner as a backup account?

Most the UK subs are Londoners. What do you think?

If you want a fun time trolling go to the UK R4R sub and ask if any one supports trump in your title, it triggers the shit out of them.

No idea lad, it was linked earlier ITT and I thought I'd follow it.

Fuck I want one.

Just remember you're under attack here by shills my friend. Explain what they can do with it and where they can go, then go on about the business of encouraging and redpilling Great Britain.

Fuck off you cumguzzler.

Just get some rest and food user. Go at it again tomorrow. Then go vote on Thursday.

The guards hat looks uncomfortable


I voted Leave. I did my duty. I'm just mentally preparing for the worst and getting ready to kill the Scots.

Good night Britpol. The word is:


Another burner that I actually use for a lot of serious online accounts. It's burners all the way down.

Fucking commie traitor Courtney Robinson literally flying degeneracy into Ulster

Did Brian Eno make vaporwave in 1975?

Good song btw, pretty sad though.

That's fucking disgusting. Jesus Christ.


Wish Michael Caine was bond, at least he cares about Britain, even if he 90

I wish Bond had died after Sean Connery.


I'm fairly certain John Donne wouldn't have backed Europe…



He isn’t Bond. It isn’t possible for Bond to exist in current year.

At this rate “Bond” will be a Muslim within the next couple of years.

The amount of white cuckolds saying 'Idris Elba' would make a good Bond is astonishing. Well, I say (((white))).

Empire > Stormniggers

Bond is the epitome of white male masculinity and dominance.

(((They))) know exactly what they're doing by turning him into an emotionless cuck.

Literally France is opposite world when you compare them to Britain throughout history
British/German/Russian imperial hegemony over the world destroyed by communists, Republicans and a really powerful German with an inferiority complex

Can you explain that last line in a little more detail?

Spectre was shit.

CS is still GOAT though

daily reminder that that japs defeated the brits in open combat and the only reason austraila wasn't conquered in the fourties was because of america. europeans have zero reason to claim any "dominance" over asians when the only race of whites yet to be defeated by gooks is the americans. the french lost in dien-bein phu and the bongs in singapore, only the americans and the austrailians remain undefeated.


the other half is taig though so you don't really have an arguement

*king james the second forever kill all orangists**


Reminder that the zipperheads were thoroughly crushed by the British after a few surprise attacks and suffered their most humiliating defeats at the hands of us, not the Yanks.

Helots weren't Med but probably some other type connected to the Brunn phenotype and Haplogroup I. There were Meds in Greece, but they came from other places…


ANZAC troops were in Egypt god help the nips if they were at home because no one else would.

lol we rekt chinks by selling the cunts drugs

Holy fuck thats pooozed

No wonder Camcuck gave them the vote

they could swing it

0.0468% of the population…

Yeah nah. They aren't swinging anything.

I was just about to post this. I can't believe some Anons fall for the Remain camp memes.


>And he brings a gun to school

Why even play the song if you're going to have to put silly noises over the lyrics?

There's only like 30,000 of them. Every man, woman and child on that little shithole could be given a vote and use it to vote remain and it wouldn't matter.

Because it would uncover ugly truths, like that the EU has never been about peace in Europe, but about leeching of Germany's Economic Success, so Western Europe could better resist the Soviets. The Soviets are no more and Russia has returned to its old pre WW1 Power Level(in context, not in actual technology), so this begs the question why the EU continues to exist.

This would lead to uncover another ugly truth, that while militarily the French, British and Russians won the World Wars, they have lost them economically, which was the main reason for WW1 in the first place. While each one of them handled the situation differently, they all used and use the EU to buy themselves more time, before they have to face inevitable questions about their place in the world and their sovereignty.(Both France&Russia are economically dependent on Germany, Britain dismantled its Production Industry under Thatcher) This is basically the main argument of the Pro EU faction in Europe "Lets join and create a European Empire, so we don't have to face the reality that all our old Empires have gone to shit!".

The last ugly truth would be, that the British, French and the Russians sold their souls to the USA to beat Germany in the World Wars. The EU is a Cold War pet project of the USA and the USA does simply the same thing Hitler has done, not because they shared his views, but they are both Conquerors of Europe. The Pro EU Lobby, is also the Pro USA Lobby. They would never use this Argument out of fear that normal people would join the dots. At that point each European Country has to ask itself a question, not how to become independent from the EU or how to get back the power to rule their Country from the Cultural Marxist, but how to gain at least cultural independence from the USA.

In the end all these ugly truths are why the Brexit is so fucking awesome, if you guy actually manage to do it. Without the EU(and pissing off the USA), Britain will finally face reality, leave this Post WW2 Era which has gone on for too long and move to the future.

Only 16% of all British citizens aren't English.

Any nationalism that isn't English nationalism on these islands is a bad joke.

30k, wow I can take a small wander and go past 30k worth of households.

I wonder why they are so pro remain?

Bloody hell, I haven’t heard Citizen Steve in years.

Where on earth was his Brexit song?

They probably think the Spanish will invade them if we vote to leave or something.

Spain wants to strangle Gibraltar until it drops off Iberia and dies. Has done since Franco took control.

They know we'll never retaliate military to any of their provocations.

Your entire royal family are Jerries

Most of England's 18th and 19th century poets and writers had a hard-on for kraut-lit, not that Tommie actually reads books these days

I see.

I really wish we had country flags sometimes.


Anyone have the 'Working Class Hero' picture?

Yes we do.

That is about the last GE.

A Brexit anthem could have helped us.

London was never the center of civilization really, and it's clear that Germany is the true 'center' of the West, as Italy was before him. There are reasons for American and Russian inferiority…

Oh, and
Whilst I won't deny that Germans have a proud literary history, I will ask you to provide sources for your claims.

Wew lad you sure are retarded, and talking shit.

Actually, fuck this I'm going to bed.

American here. I'm on edge for tomorrow. I think Leave is gonna win, but I know its going to be so fucking close, literally down to the wire.

You just know he'd be a canadian.


Canadians have become the new Australians

Is this a real Brit/pol/ thread or did you guys make a containment board?

Found it.

Now THIS is shitposting


Nice one.

sounds about right.


Always wanted to ask how common is blue eyes/black hair across the pond?

Common everywhere.

Some native Welsh people have frizzy black hair, brown eyes and swarthy skin.
They're genetic mysteries.

I'm just popping back in to post this lads, the Pope of Poz has spoken.

This grammar school dropout fat cunt again?
Are we ever going to be rid of her scourge?
Literally helping to muder babies this time? To be expected of a vile communist bitch.

Thanks browsing brit/pol/ always makes my day.

Canadian men have realized that they need to man up or they'll continue to get cucked by immigrants, feminists and Americans

Why isn't she arrested?

I hate how selective the law has become. I mean, it always has been when it comes to class but it seems now as if the justice system actually buys into Marxist hype and refuses to prosecute people committing crimes as long as they are being “progressive”. Also if they are non white.


name a battle america lost in vietnam, name a battle america lost to asian people that wasn't a turkey shoot like pearl

What even is Stormont politics?

taking credit for sassoon/ "city of london" ventures

Is this some sort of advanced shilling project?

There has been a sudden but gigantic surge of European on European shitposting. Are we going to be seeing an article on some piece of shit news site tomorrow using these posts as justification for the Remain campaign.

Just fuck off my board.

The Battle of the Stateside Protesters,
Protestors: zero casualties
American soldiers: their pride

What a patriotic argument for staying in. Thanks Owen.

germany is younger than the united fucking states, germany wasn't the center of anything until the german idealists rose to relevance with hegel. also london was a center of ((civilization)) long before anything great emerged in germany, and moscow and st. petersburg were producing culture alongside the brits long before your cliche germanophile nonsense emerged ( germanic pagan romanticism was completely inspired by james MacPhersons ossian poems)

The war. (^:

Should have listened to McArther and nuked China instead of dishonouring him.


Lad, you're looking at the problem wrong. The question isn't "Why do blacks and feminists get away with this shit?" the question is "Why are these people now the upper class.

The class system hasn't changed, the people in each class has.

Nice try, kike.

Civilization moves from Italy, then to France and then to Germany. Russia was only superficially Western, and the United Kingdom was always a cultural and genetic outlier.

Nice try though!

Well, toffs and rich jews are still above the law tbqh.

Chompjil, I know you're in here.

like I said, americans are the only group of whites perhaps excluding aussies who have not been defeated by gooks


If you look at it another way, Stormont politics is a neverending siege. The conservative unionist bastion is under attack from Marxist separatists and Lib Dem-tier cucks on a daily basis. Roman Catholics are actually quite conservative, the parties that allegedly represent them betray them on every social policy issue, but the fact that pretty much every Republican party are disgusting Marxist filth is obscured to the electorate with the "muh occupied Six Counties" rhetoric.
It's basically an endless attack by Marxism against Conservatism (real conservatism), and the thing is I'm not even sure that the people involved see the conflict for what it is. That's why they're woefully unequipped to deal with Cultural Marxism firing on all cylinders in the form of new candidates like Courtney Robincunt. I fear people like me who know the drill will have to step up once the old guard start popping their clogs.
There's no respecting so-called Irish Nationalism, because it's not rooted in love of Irish culture or people, it's rooted in a Marxist hatred of the British.
t. Unionist with a Current Year eye for politics

utter garbage history tbh

fair enough

denying the clearly dominance of victorian england over europe and the power of the anglo-saxon free market ideology over the pre-industrial schema while communicating in english is extremely retarded

Not that user, but there is a book called "The Necromancer of the Black Forest" that only survives in a horrible english translation.

The reason for that horrible english translation, was that Britain developed a obsession for german literature, after they got into contact with it during the American War of Independence. It was basically what Anime and Manga is today for the Internet and they demanded constantly new material, so even shitty works got sold in mass.

Uh huh.. and who do you think are the feminist's daddies? Do you think it's working class women?

Who do you think wants to fill the country with niggers for cheap baby sitters?

Ann Coulter covers this in her book on America. The rich benefit from this shit because they avoid the bad areas and get a mexican nanny while they go suck off whatever guy they need to keep the laws busted and $3 an hour workers.

Our posh accent is actually deliberately German you know.

The really posh royal accent uses an imported German inflexion the Victorians brought over.

I find that pretty interesting myself

Like when poshos say "yaah" instead of "yeah" or "eow" instead of "oh"

It's a German way of speaking. Nothing at all to do with British culture. Infact their predecessors would have sounded nothing like it.

But there is also a strong push to include ALL women as immune from any real effects of the law.

And why push for near immunity from all crime for muslims? It isn’t muslims who are providing cheap labour, they are a gigantic net drain on all accounts.

It isn’t non-whites who work in childcare, it is by and large Eastern Europeans who are not particularly immune to the law.

I think you are looking at this from an American perspective. Our justice systems are quite different.

Yes, this is the start of the 'Gothic revival' and a sign of things to come.

It's pretty fucked how even 18 year old girls are crying out for abortion pills.

Really fucked actually.

Sprechen sie Deutsch? Ihre Mutter säugt Schweine.

The Nips had their shit royally pushed in you dense cunt, that isn't even touching on how badly ass raped they were when they so much as looked the wrong way at the Aussies

Are you some sort of hapa yank with a chip on your shoulder? Nips were alright at cheap surprise attacks on coolies and chair force garrisons (like at Singapore and Pearl Harbour) and not much else

Germany is older than England by 15 years, arguably older if East Francia is counted.
That's not to say London wasn't the center of arguably the greatest empire in history.
Let's give the poms credit for building their civilization before flushing it down the tubes.

"[In modern Britain,] Bad art was as good as good art. Grammar and spelling were no longer important. To be clean was no better than to be filthy. Good manners were no better than bad. Family life was derided as an outdated bourgeois concept. Criminals deserved as much sympathy as their victims. Many homes and classrooms became disorderly - if there was neither right nor wrong there could be no basis for punishment or reward. Violence and soft pornography became accepted in the media. Thus was sown the wind; and we are now reaping the whirlwind."

- Norman Tebbit, Baron Tebbit

Why do shills bother?

Anyway lads, did you notice just how unhealthy Owen has begun to look? He sounds like a dying man too, my guess is that he's either literally pozzed or he's seen the oncoming tide.

The EU referendum and our milking him as a lolcow has really taken the wind out of his sails.

Owen Jones is one of the last generation Xers and therefore one of the youngest people to hold on to those Marxist baby boomer values. Sure, us millennials have SJWs, but they're the minority and lots of us have an alt right counter culture. Owen still thinks that Marxism is the counter culture and he's starting to sound quite old fashioned in his beliefs at the tender age of 31.

I don't know if any of that makes sense, or it's just ramblings, I'm very hungover - it just fascinates me to see how generation X blends into the millenial generation for people born around 1985. Owen was born too soon to have been fucked over to the extent we have.

his shits fucked up fam

I miss watching Lazy Town.

I was 20 when I started watching

tbh lads when do polling stations open?

Kek, why can't you still watch it? How old are you now?

He's thirty-one, technically he's a Millennial. 1980-1985 is the beginning of the millennials, depending on the metrics, though most of them start around 1980-83. Though that period is more of a desolate cross-over point, not really fitting into either. He acts like an SJW tbh, and he's fairly au fait with post-structuralism and modern esoteric feminist/gender theory, he seems like a typical millennial to me. Most leftist millennials have the same views on Marxism as him, but he's fairly in there with an older crowd through the Fabian Society and the SWP (who are hardcore Leninist-Trotskyite). He's not your average schmoe tbh.

I'm thirty-four. I was pretty much an early adopter of SJW stuff when I was at university in the early noughties, however, I was more tending toward the transhumanist elements of the theory. I dropped it very quickly when I realised what real feminists and cultural Marxists were like.

What ever happened to that slut?

Don't be nonces lads.

Bumping for true thread

I do see Owen as someone who really, really bought into his generations' propaganda and as a result seems to fit in with the likes of Corbyn almost as easily as he does with red-haired Xebeasts.

Islamic preacher Anjem Choudary for Remain as EU 'stops prosecution of Islamists'

That's brutally honest for a Muslim extremist, isn't it?

Give me an excuse to go into town in a couple of hours lads.

He didn't get the memo on Taqiya.

Clam Choudary is a government plant. The guy receives welfare and the only people who get arrested are the idiots that follow him.

To buy breakfast? Shoot up a mosque? Browse something that is related to your hobbies?

That motherfucker is most definitely MI5/MI6.

Really now?

Off shopping for (a) new X, X's birthday, etc
Off for a walk around, tired of being stuck indoors
Off to try out that new cock flavoured coffee at Shitbucks
Off to find your are gay card :^)

I can cook myself, I don't need to pay a paki to cook for me.

Ain't no mosque here and I haven't for my spoon license yet to attack one head on.

I could go to the game shop but I'll be going on Friday either way

My issue is I order shit I want or need online and it's a 20 minute drive to town.

uhh are one of you counter-signalling on owen jones' video?

Yeah, there was a guy associated with him that was confirmed MI6. Got money to start up a Mudslime organisation in Croatia from them. Can't remember who though. May have even been Clam Choudary himself. Cannot remember.

I miss the army of false flag commenters.

I'm pretty certain that driving Owen to death is going to be a Brit/pol/ milestone.

Are they trying to get Trump elected? They're still behaving as if he isn't a threat at all.


Give me my upboats

If we leave Europe and we're flooded with Sub-Saharan liquorice bars I'll go mad. It could be their backup strategy.

Lad… why do you think they're desperately trying to have Cameron stay on?

3 way civil war instead of 2 way.

Looks like the subhumans need to be reminded how inferior they are.

So I'm confused, when's the happening exactly? I'm trying to work out with my time difference when I should be on Holla Forums. Thursday is when the polls will be open with the first exit poll results coming in some time in the evening right?

Is the Great Migration of the XI century the catalyst that unites white Europeans after centuries of war against the lesser races?


Man 4chan is unfucking usable now. Someone says they're half nigger, half muzzie and when you tell them to GTFO of "our" country they get triggered as fuck and mods ban you.

I fucking hate the internet.

Literally autistic NEET.
Anyway, you mad, subhuman? Kraut or Amerispic, Im still better than some retarded crooked teeth subhumans.




Did I say Im Amerispic? It was just your assumption.

Anyway, pretty sure that mods will be ready to permaban you subhumans for good when Brexit fails.

I know lad, yet they simultaneously pretend that there's been no Reddit influx. You can thank Holla Forums and their gamer crusade for drawing them all back to 4ch.

Theres a reason we are here m80



I know lads, but I'm burning out on Holla Forums shit. I need a break and I can't find any where to take a break.

Sure thing bro. That would be disturbing to hear if I were Amerispic.

You're falling for Bismarck's successful meme of allying with everyone except the French. Sure the frogs may have been radical in the past but now they're even more anti-EU than you and I are.
British, German, French and American, all must put aside our differences and stand together against the real enemy - the bloody Chinks!
Subhuman island monkeys being inferior, as always.

A curse of being aware, i dont know the solution. There isnt anywhere online you can go that wont fuck you off.

Where on the internet isn't pozzed to shit mate? Can't even just hang out with lads online as here is paranoid anons who don't share contact details and every where else is too pozzed to tolerate.

I fucking hate scots, disgrace to the isles of britain.

Shouldnt have tried to conquer the poz nest back then, eh?

I knew this was going to happen, or some sort of stunt.

I'm really embarrassed.

Id say focus on a hobby for a bit if you are getting burnt out on political stuff. There are good communities online for pretty much anything, not knowing your hobbies i cant say how pozzed it will be but you should be able to find somewhere thats tolerable.

The Scots should have conquered the English!!!

They never would have gotten anywhere. Even the romans knew what a shithole scotland was.

the cheek

Wargaming mate. And it's pozzed to shit. It's the new SJW attack vector.

I'm tempted to pick up some new crafting hobby and just shit post on Pinterest or Instagram

I often wonder how blonde and white the British were before the Romans arrived. Didn't the Romans look like Italians or Spaniards?

The ebil Germany argument is great for normies, but everyone who isn't completely retarded knows Germany isn't controlled by Germans.

So is the vote suppose to happen today? Will the dead rise from their graves to send (((remain))) mail votes?

why can i post a webm?

Crafting is a based hobby

Cant say i know much about wargaming but i used to play a game with a load of Holla Forumsacks that was fun, not going on anymore though. Im sure theres something similar going on atm as its a popular hobby with us.

Id say either start a thread and try to get people to play whatever game it is you like. Or ask around and see what people are playing. You should be able to find something.

Dave is now showing nigger cricket..

I fucking hate life.

My local store has neon haired women, beta men the whole 9 yards mate. We have multiple media outlets pushing social justice, it's the exact same thing as vidya. Except this is more hipster so appeals to them more.

I just need to find something fun to craft. I had considered dremel carving. Got a dremel laying around and a nice chunk of wood to give it a go on.

Don't let the SJWs take wargaming. They're there anyway because they think it's fancy board gaming instead of being the grand daddy of them. Should be easy to kick them out because none of them have are autistic enough to create a proper army outside of skirmish games. Switch to historicals to weather the storm and continually reenact Zulu.

No way to stop it lad. Short of going full Tommy there is no solution to these people.

You lads are autists.



less than 23 hours to the start of the referendum


We have to do nearly one thread an hour to accomplish it before the start of the referendum

I fucking love this speech. One of the very few times a film gets me going.


Lads, I'll be honest.

I'd be willing to spam and shit up the next few threads just so the 1000th thread could be on time.

As long as we reach #1000 on the day of the referendum we will be fine.

Or we just set up topic #1000 no matter what at 10pm

Who's at Glasto?

will Boris fly a jet into the heart of the EU mothership

Imagine how good those boots smell.

When would on time be? Perfect timing would be with the result being first seen widely in the OP but thats not really possible.

fucking pundits, lads. They are all liars.

Are you the one who was asking for pictures of Ginnie's feet?

fuck off lad.

we earn 1000. we don't pretend

bikini ginnie was pretty good tbh

All my favourite bands/singers are dead tbh

The next thread better not have any fucking Jew bullshit in the title, fucking thread was flooded with Blue on Blue casualties and garbage,

Where do those pics come from? She must leak them.

He doesn't look well wonder if the poz is getting to him

The thread count was already mixed up at the end of August last year.

Happy St. Jo's Day!!

She MI5 probably dripfeeds them to us so we stay interested


being on wrong side of history must really be getting to him

How many of you men had great-grandfathers in the Great War?

l i e s
p r o v e i t

>national treasure

Lads why has noone mentioned the eu removing trade tariffs with ukraine? A good argument for leave not being used.

They want Ukraine to join the EU.

it's a bit racist, lad

what did she do?

I can see this

Why not?

She looks batshit insane, like she's hypnotised or something.


The thing that bothers me most about her

How would this cunt even know? The pakis too busy invading us instead.


Forgot that was happening. Does that mean that the number of potentially bothersome youth that would otherwise vote remain will be decreased some?

Probably why they make them wear burqas

It is a definitely a possibility although there was a lot of shilling at unis to register for postal votes in case attending Glasto.


Sounds fucking disgusting. Bangladeshi is Africa-tier; can't imagine trying to be patriotic about such a shit country with the ugliest people in the world

Have YOU done it? One THIRD of Brits admit to having wet themselves LAUGHING

What about you anons?

They are desperate for those gibs

I'm not a woman.

I'm not a spastic m8

Can't see them caring enough. They were probably more focused on buying a cute pair of Wellies.


I'm sure ISIS threatened to bomb it too.

Sket logic

I'm not a spastic woman, m8

So one sixth of British women have any sense of propriety.

Just looking at this pic makes me feel a bit better about getting older. Just living in conditions like that would be tough (though manageable with good gear). You'd be wet and greasy the whole time because no shower, then on top of that you add heavy drinking which could cause you to at best humiliate yourself, and at worse leave you passed out and hypothermic in a puddle. You can't really have good festivals in a country with Britain's climate.

Hotwheels fix your shit
Hotwheels fix your shit
Hotwheels fix your shit
Hotwheels fix your shit
Hotwheels fix your shit
Hotwheels fix your shit

Relevant. Based Pooland indeed. Land of Holohoax and negro attitude.
Does anyone know how to check Wikipedia's edits? I think some butthurt shitpoles edited out the part where this guys said Poles are negro like.ław_Sikorski#Leaked_conversations_about_Britain.2C_America_and_Russia

no incontinence issues then

good lads


who put you on the planet, ugh


what? Hotwheels has not owned Holla Forums since December m8.
Jim Watkins now owns Holla Forums.

Kikewheels ate the pic.

How do women laugh so much when most of them have no sense of humour?

Why hasn't Greece left yet?

Lies come natural to them. When you're a spiteful cunt who will lose every fight she ever starts, you learn to act or end up dead.

They voted themselves back to slavery then bitch about it.

What time does voting start tomorrow lads? My sleeping schedules fucked (Waking up at 10pm) don't want to miss me chance.



7am - 10pm
07:00 - 22:00

Their government ignored the vote and the EU said fuck you to it.

Fucking lefty traitors

Sounds excellent.

am I allowed to be a cheeky cunt and put up a leave poster on every lamp post within a mile of the place?

look m8, Hotwheels does not run this site anymore, if you have tech complates ask Ronald.

Same problem lad, I'm going to have to set an alarm and fix my schedule. I don't want to be tired for the happening though. We don't need to be on Holla Forums until the afternoon really when the exit polls if there are any come in.

How are the polls right now?

As a raging autismo, I can field this.

Even if you don't find a lot of things funny, you can pick up on what is supposed to be funny by listening to the way people talk.
It is a skill you can develop.
It's even easier with other people who know when to laugh.

The advantage is social acceptance with people whom you may not like, but have to tolerate regardless.

Google today

are you using google chrome?

just do it in the morning at 4am




no, this is from twatter

please leave

Have you ever noticed woman only really laugh when it is about them? That is why taking the piss out of them makes them laugh, because they are getting attention, and that is why it works.

Although you don't even need that nowadays you just grind on them in a club, the fuckin whores.

Here, I posted twice.
Happy, Jerrycuck?


They gotta be a slut in all weather, user. They are dedicated slags.

Sing when you're winning, lads

Kraut detected
Go back to your containment thread

filtered and I hope you die because of your anus


Wouldn't mind an answer to this either tbh


Its not changed at all since St Cox's death. Might so put another fiver on it. I'm cheap

no, you go back to >>>/leddit/


THIS is now a BASED Bomber Harris thread

Reminder to have some fun over at >>>/lippe/

Good speech for the normies tbh

LEAVE just got a lot sweeter.

REMAIN eternally salty.

Why do you want metadata?

That's legit, for fucks sake. No one knows who she is.

Don't try to demoralise me, Satan.

I've filtered this faggot but I'm certain he's being a faggot

Off to work lads.

Be good.

they won't let you in the polling stating in case any muslims are offended

There aren't any new polls out but we won the debate last night.

... GoogleUK/posts/6LQLX5yng1m


Hows it lookin lads?
You bongs gonna escape the EU?

Looks possible, but we were certainly going to win before a loonie shot a lefty.


Yeah i watched it here that Khan is a stuttering bumblefuck and that Scottish dyke pissed me off so much

Boris killed that shit tho



where is this money going anyway?

People are saying how the dyke won it, and I guess she can appeal to people who are complete idiots. Boris did amazingly, you have no idea how proud I was at him. Listened to "Jerusalem" afterwards, on repeat, until I went to bed.

A Jewish charity that "tackles right-wing extremists"

Her husband's wallet I assume, that or the poor poor refugeee children in war-torn France


I would hate to have a girl, she would have to become a nun.


Reminder that we only need to preserve the semen of a few dozen genetically exquisite white men to completely reverse over 3 generations, the damage multi-ethnicism has caused.

Imagine your daughter giving a blowjob to some bloke in the night club.


Mine joined in 1916 aged 16 (he tried to join in '14 but they told him to come back in a few years).


Wow, that's a pretty revitalizing thought.

Imagine what we could do with modern science.

In what possible way did she win anything, shes a Scottish tory ffs noone up here is gonna listen to her, noone down south is gonna listen to her shes just a fat fucking noise, as some user ITT last night pointed out, doing her shitty practiced "power poses" and hand movements, she'd have been as well doing fucking jazz hands imo

I should have fucking guessed, of course she would fund terrorists.

Actual female?
Or indoctrinated twink?

Just teach them to be respectful of people and they'll turn out okay.
Not the warped, SJW sense of respect;
That neither helps nor respects anybody.


People hear someone who is loud, who is calling other people liars (when they're not) and they think she reflects the common people.

What is that even supposed to mean?

I hope the world's problems get fixed on their own.
I hate people who hate.

Hope alone does nothing.
Hate will be around for as long as there are humans.

What a waste of £1.5m

the stupidity of people depresses me sometimes

these people should be shot

Hope not hate are a leftist militia mate. It was them who attacked Nigel's children and wife while he was having a family meal.

le wrong generation?

Dark at 4am lad and it's a mile from here. I ain't getting killed by a fucking werewolf before I can vote.

Any one in a strong labour area? Can you go put up "Closed for lunch" signs on the doors? Might do us some good.

Disappointing that so many of your countrymen fell for a false flag.
I still believe more see through it than buy it though.

Fighting hate with hate kind of undermines their point a bit

I think they deserve a good slapping from not-so based NA.

Making a new thread lads just a minute

Mate, women can't handle banter, if you take the piss they will hold a grudge.

God bless you silly cunts.

I don't think that changed things much. It disappeared in a day. The Orlando story is way bigger and people are more concerned about Muslims than they are a pro-Muslim woman.

See you in the evening top lads!




Awwww lad you know that Krauts and yanks hate it when we do this

topkek tbh

What happened with Sadiq Khan at the Brexit debate yesterday?


The irony is that the commies who attacked the Trump supporters are by definition bigots.