What should I move in my chess game? I'm white and I'm to play

What should I move in my chess game? I'm white and I'm to play

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the fuck does your race have to do with this?

fucking alt righters

Move your right rook one square up. That way the opponent's queen won't be able to eat your knight without consequences.

Queen-Queen's Rook 7
Queen's Rook - Queen's knight 1
(QxBishop) check
king-king's knight 1
Queenxpawn checkmate

That was really good. I had to read up on that notation.

wtf are you doing nigger


What would be the point of that?


black is dead.

Stop playing and pay some attention to your wife


what the fuck is up with her feet Adolf

oh right stockings, thought she was part nigger from the legs down


Removes threat without losing anything. Moving Rook up lets black take the rook on A1 without threat.

Also allows, if favorable, knight to C3 which makes pawn trading in the center a lot better for white.

out of town

Get a rook to top left by some magic and you win the game.

Well user, it seems that you've already won.



many sage

there's an inevitable mate for white in 3 moves
white queen to a8, check
black king to c7
white rook on a1 to b1 (threatens mate by qb7)
black has 2 options here. b7 to b6, or b7 to b5 neither work against qa7. game over.

oops. doesn't work like that. ignore me.

Thought about it some more. Rook A1 to B1 followed by queen A5 to B6 unless he moves his queen to B2 (in which case rook B1 to B2 taking the queen) or to A1 (where again you should take it with the B1 rook and then move the rook back to B1 later) then queen B6 to B7 making checkmate.

Ra1 b1 with ideas of Qa8 in the future.

It is clear you are playing someone who is either retarded or is fucking with you as they didn't even develop their knight and castled into such a bad position.

Your pieces are over tasked as fuck, and you have your minors on some of the most passive squares in this game. In the future play a queen's pawn opening to prevent sharp lines, as you appear to have blundered pieces. The good news is none of that matters here, you have a strong attack and just need to see it through. Do not worry about material here, just go for the mate.

Green in Ideas for the future, the rook has a question mark on it, as it is kind of suspicious, however you probably won't even need it in your attack. Don't worry about any of the pieces in purple, they aren't active, and as such are worthless at this point.

This dude played himself. You about to eat.

the attack with queen and rook doesn't work. at best you get the rook on d8.
wanna try?



ur rook is already on a1

to b1




illegal move.

Rxb7 is check

sorry, i was distracted

Rb1+ friendo



black resigns
didn't see that approach. thnx.