Your emperor needs you.
Other urls found in this thread:
shoo shoo jew.
Donations to campaigns are public record. I will donate but not 14.88 so you can track us down.
Kike slide thread
what's this?
0.1488 Bitcoin equals
98.80 US Dollar
You can write in any donation amount that you wish. OP is a faggot and wrote in that special number and then pretended like it was listed as such on the site.
Bump and reported.
What's it with Jews and sliding anyway?
op, you even LARP as a poorfag. smh you must really be a literal jew.
A Jew donating $14.88? Why would a Jew donate $1.48? Give me one reason to donate 14 cents, goy.
I thought Trump was not accepting donations
he clearly is now. Manafort fishing for a "look at how many donors Trump has!" line, maybe.
Jeb needs us too if he is gonna stop Donald at the convention.
Should I go for it, Holla Forums?
Like Jeb they're crap quality and just a general disappointment.
Fuck you OP, you got me excited for nothing
You can get the same bowl wholesale for less than $10
He's accepting public money, not the big lobbyist money. Trump is also matching any donation you make himself, that's pretty fucking god like to be able to do.
This could perhaps be a big fuck you to the GOPe, so Trump can say, look I can raise the money myself, who needs (((you)))?
He always had donate button on his website, always asked people not to donate in primaries though.
He didn't for the primaries, which is pretty impressive, considering that Jeb! burned up almost $160 million for 5th place.
But considering that both Romney and Obama spent almost a billion each during the presidential election last year, not taking donations and spending money is suicide. That's probably why the beginning of the primaries was so close. I admire that he doesn't want to pay into the corrupt general election practices, but I'd rather see Trump win than lose with 'muh principles'.
Check your email. He sent this out about 5 hours ago.
Anyone have that image of the guy from halfchan who bought one? Pretty hilarious.
Don't do it
Ty, user
This never gets old.
Donate in multiples of $18. 18 is an auspicious number in judaism and we should use their meme magic numerology against them.
I didn't get that. And it doesn't read like Trumps words at all so I'm pressing the doubt button on this.
ayy lmao
I don't really know how else to prove it's real.
Do they think we don't remember Jeb? Jeb "hundred million dollars spent" Bush?
I love how this is written as if "the latest documents" rebut anything Trump said. Fucking kikes, man. OTOH this is the best Jewish surname ever:
its a guac bowl for ants… i mean jeb's wife
d-do your parents still supervise your finances, yall?
You're of an adult-ish age, you should be the master of your own finances.
You can donate time…
tfw never got a personalized email from the God Emperor
I doubt you could fit two fucking avocados in the sad piece of shit.
Buy one and raise a baby turtle in it.
Nice catch, (((google)))
It's real, I got one too
could be worse. Most of my political 'personalized messages' are addressed to First Name Last Name. All of the stuff for example.
i dont make nearly enough money to pay rent, car, gas, food, tuition.. so my parents give me money. which entails seeing my bank records. my mom put the pressure on me to stop donating to a church
Yes goyim, do like Bernie supporters and donate to your candidate. Buying a MAGA hat from him would be a better way to help his campaign.
You're a fucking faggot, I've managed my finances since I was 14.
Yeah, !Jeb! told some news people what it was a while ago.
No link, but I'm sure you'll find it if you look for it.
It was a dubious recipe though, iirc. Missing some common guac ingredients.
eww. ur name is michael? that sucks.
Dear user –
You cannot begin to understand how much we appreciate and value the support you show for Trump Team California and therefore– Mr. Trump. Without you, our job here in California to win the primary could not have been fulfilled, so thank you. Your continued support is absolutely necessary for Mr. Trump's stated desire to win California, so we ask you to stick with us through November.
To update you, we have been busy planning for the general election. We hope to have this completed by the end of the month. For the time being, we will contact you pertaining to key events and updates as they occur.
Make sure to like Donald Trump's Official CA Facebook page at
Thank you again for your patience and your support!
-Trump Team California
God DAMMIT. Fuck you Jeb. Fuck you and your low energy bullshit.
I'd like to laugh, but these lack the !Jeb! logo, leading me to beleive it's a random small set of small guacabowle's, and that !Jeb!'s guacabowle is of a more substantial size, though probably still laughably overpriced.
I weep when I realise the inventor of the guacabowle was considered by some as presidential material
Hey, why are you upset that Jeb made Donald a pair of testicle holders?
Already donated as soon as I got the email. I think the email got sent out to everyone who bought an official Trump hat.
If you don't have enough money for a car, or gas, or tuition, have you considered not owning a car, and hence not having to pay for gas, and not going to school?
Or, if you parents have the money to support this shit, have them buy you a piece of shit $500 beater and have them co-sign a loan for your tuition. Now you don't have car payments or tuition until after you graduate. That way mommy isn't running your finances, and you just owe her $500 at some point in the future.
Owning a shitty car, and having to owe your parents a few hundred bucks for a car isn't really embarrassing, especially at 20. Having mommy run your finances is embarrassing at any age past puberty.
Anyone have Jebs secret recipe?
Sorry, God Emperor, but you're a billionaire while I barely make ends meet, you're just going to have to dig into your wallet and lay some cash down to show you have faith in this venture. I guess if you have money to spare, donate to Trump instead of spending it on something that benefit the ZOG, but don't do stupid shit like the Berniefags such as skipping meals and starving your children.
It's a normal recipe for guac, but the secret ingredient is tears.
The secret recipe is goblin slave labor.
It's on his damn head like a hat, haha. A tiny little, guacamole hat.
I just checked. I got one. Gmail sent it to my spam folder though. So check there.
I'm not sure if it's in spam bc of (((Google))) or because I never open the emails from the campaign.
Speaking of Trump and money, why haven't you niggers invested in TrumpCoin yet?
No trips but at least I have a cool ID
Who even got them anyways?
Honestly his campaign has been worth $14.88 in lulz even if he doesnt win.