I need money

so the only thing I'm good at is tech

id like to program embedded software for oddball specialized stuff like microwave control panels or 3d printers or maybe code bios updates and drivers for obscure pci add-on cards, just something really interesting and close to the silicon. however, every job that I've found like that requires that you have either a college degree, 10+ years of experience, or both. given that im 17, i meet neither of those requirements. so in the interim, i thought that maybe fixing peoples computers would be a nice and easy first job. can someone here tell me where to find stupid rich people with broken computers?

as an aside, i find it humorous that most tech jobs require a 4 year degree, given that most graduates ive met have no problem solving abilities or logical thought processes whatsoever. they always use case select, copy paste and goto because apparently they find it easier, and fuck loops iteration recursion and good style right? plus they always do their comments like
/======(((((((blah blah blah)))))))======/
/---^^^^^^@@blah blah blah@@^^^^^^---/
or some other vomit inducing shit, everyone has to put their own sparkle shit personal twist on it.

as another aside, where can you find jobs that don't require you have knowledge of html and some faggy django go javafucking stupid ass shit web language or some database management shit. i just want to program in C or assembly. shitty scripting languages like python and crap like java riding on layers of abstraction simply disgust me, inefficient and worthless. c and assembly are beautiful, you can talk directly to the hardware of any computer you are working with and take direct advantage of any hardware specific features, and come up with cool little optimization tricks and all sorts of shit its just fun. and c makes it easy if you don't want to learn the instruction set of a particular architecture, plus you can still use actual assembly code if you want by using asm(). well I'm sort of staring at the screen and realizing that I'm being a rambling fuck so ill wrap this up

tl;dr: im a 17 year old poorfag programmer on adderall shitposting on a dead site at 4am. if anyone receives this transmission, please send help

Other urls found in this thread:


sent ;^)

Apple store.

If you are really gifted, how come you didn't go into uni to do a degree at 15 like I did?

You are a know-nothing faggot. Go get a degree for $100,000 or go intern for free as a very low-level IT gopher until you can break into this industry. You should focus exclusively on CompTIA, Java, and M$. Then you can go be a good goy working for a megacorp.

you're 17, you know absolutely nothing and always will until your death like anyone else. Go to university for 10 years and get a ph.D. Don't worry for money, it will come. Only worry about programming­. A job will simply fuck your joy of programming.

Sup kid. If I were your age I think I'd study industrial networking.

Shut the fuck up tripfag

ur gonna get rekt kiddo.

Why do I keep unhiding your posts
Why am I making myself suffer.

Go for web frontend development and when you have enough """"experience"""" get a better job.
It's what I did

What's more disgusting is I know people like you in real life. Kill yourself.

My brother gets £350/day for doing some Holla Forums stuff in London. Something about testing/tests but not entirely sure what it is exactly.

because I dont work well with others. i failed algebra 2 because i found calculus more interesting, and i was sick of the chapters and chapters of worthless exercises she kept giving us every fucking day for homework, so i told her to suck a dick. She gave me a 0. I did shit in spanish too but i got a 55. on the other hand however, i have had some really superb teachers. my physics teacher for instance, one of the most based motherfuckers of all time. as long as you came into class and showed interest in something physics related, he did not give a single fuck what else you did. i used to show up 30 minutes late and he would mark me present and on time, i told him i wanted to dabble in electrical engineering and he gave me a multimeter from the storage room, he was a great fucking teacher.

why dont you go swallow a dick you chicken nugget scoon, i bet youre one of those people who think lisp is practical for anything other than education and theoretical jerking off

Even if you could find a job that doesn't have insane experience requirements, you're an underage fuckhead with a huge ego.

First, grow the fuck up both literally and figuratively. You will never hold down a job if you snap at anyone who tells you to do something you don't want to do.

Next, understand that there is great demand for garbage web design and little demand for extremely optimized C or assembly programmers. You will have to do work for them or spend your whole life as a NEET doing code bounty work online.

Next, go to a local college for two years, transfer into a university and finish a computer engineering degree. It's not likely you'll have a way around this. While you're fucking around with things unrelated to your job field, build a bunch of side projects. Do interesting things with low-level programming. Make a website to advertise these projects with extreme detail.

Finally, leverage your project experience into an internship while you're still in school. Graduate and leverage an internship into an entry-level job, and leverage an entry-level job into your dream job. Congratulations, you're 30 years old but you finally turned into a decent human doing what he loves for a living.

well i dont really see myself as egotistical, i just have a bullshit limit, and many people i meet tend to exceed said limit

plus webtechmemes are kindof fucking troublesome you ignorant shitlord. i have no idea how people work with this, i dabbled my dick in javascript and was appalled. in c, if you do something wrong, the compiler grabs ur balls, looks you right in the eye, and says "you forgot a semicolon on line 263. FIX IT". in javascript, if you do something wrong, you get a blank screen in firefox and the developer bar or whatever faggy shit they have says "ayy.lmao.ridiculous.bullshit([{}]) jzjsndkjdjdmdkkdjdjdndnidnd7383873738288388bshushsbsjsjdjdj yeah something went fucking wrong i have no idea just fuck with the code until it starts working again"

ESEng Grad working for small company writing firmware for their new product range.

I would advise trying to go to college, uni or some form of higher education; ideally doing an electronics focused course/degree like EEE or ESEng, CS won't touch on the hardware layer much.
You might not see the point but apart from a fancy piece of paper; you'll also gain connections via profs/teacher and your peers, assistance with work placement be it an intern or permanent job, and there is a lot that you don't know you don't know.

Get a dev kit or a basic programmer for a microcontroller. it can be from TI or Microchip, doesn't matter (most big uc manufactors give free samples of their ucs). Then do something with it,(hobbyist electronics are dirt cheap) doesn't need to be some thing grand, do something basic like a servo motor control for controlling the lock on your door remotely. Then do another project. Maybe try incorporating another technology like bluetooth. Suddenly you can say you have experiance working with TI, Microchip, ect microcontrollers and with bluetooth via small hobby projects on you CV. These will help you get an interview, at the interview they're ask you about them.

Look for small companies. Like less than 20 people. Niche product. They're more likely to look at you and try you out. One of my colleagues has nothing more than a high school education and some skills he taught himself. The company took him on and funded him taking some part time courses .

Don't neglect the high level stuff. It has it's place and usefulness. I regularly have to write C#,js and python code as part of my job. And a diverse set of skills is valuable and useful .

that sounds great, is he just testing software or what

thats easy, i already fuck with engineering
ignore the channel art, it was originally intended to be a comedy channel but i dropped the project and just started posting random stuff

Ok, that's a good start, but you do understand that that is hobbyist level stuff? Again, it's good for CV & interviews by showing motivation and creativity. But there is a lot more to electronics, from basic analogue & digital circuit analysis and design, to integrated circuit design and fabrication. Electronics is a wide and deep field, and through university/college you'll have a chance to dip your toe into all parts of it.

But for the time being, if you're adamant on c programming uCs I recommend a microchip pickit to get started. Or try an Arduino.

yeah i know its sort of basic but im kinda poor and ive been ordering cheap 99% tolerance parts off ebay and junking old tvs for their degaussing coils and flybacks so cut me some slack, i just like to see shit work

i made a really wonky oscilloscope from an old 1990 mini tv someone chucked out onto their lawn, so i think im getting gud pretty quick

dude do you read your posts? like I know egotistical people, and you are 10x them. I do not know you personally or even know your name, but from your diction its obvious you have ego issues...

also regarding arduinos and the like, i browsed the specs of some some atmegas and found that the atmega16 suited my fetish, i also ordered a programmer for it

what i would really like to do in regards to engineering is build a ttl computer, but i can only afford so much and i doubt i can even make a full adder with 100 transistors

i seriously dont get how i sound egotistical, could you please elaborate?


You think you're hot shit but you're just hot garbage shit

Get CompTIA certs. They're only like $200 a pop for each cert. Too much money? Get a job, nigger, until you get that money.

Stupid rich people will always pick the guy with a certification over the one without, even if they're a complete retard. There's a bunch of computer repair people. You gotta set yourself apart from the competition.


I'm a dumbass, but I know one thing about life that this faggot doesn't.
He doesn't try because lol I'm too smart for this shit I don't care.
I didn't try in high school because why the fuck would you waste your youth actually putting forth effort in America's shitty public schools?

lol if anything im too fucking retarded. i suck dick at social interactions, sports, art, literature, and pretty much everything else that doesnt have to do with computers, and even then im only moderately good at comp/tech/sci, i find people on here and lainchan and irc that are 10 times more brilliant than me and have only been at it for a couple of years. if anything, im simply trying to maintain homeostasis until ive run out of things to entertain myself with, and as it turns out, thats requires copious amounts of jewbucks, even if youre just a scummy faggot who like top pop, ramen, and shit dell boxes he pulls out of the trash. im not smart at all, i would have slit my wrists a long time ago if i was.


also, for one thing, ive simply always understood things better if i taught myself. second, they dont really teach you anything in school anymore. if anything, its just "heres this fucking equation, make sure you can punch it into your calculator correctly, youre gonna need it for the multiple choice section on the regents", i hate using equations and algorithms blindly, its better to actually fucking comprehend how it works


And then you woke up..?

pretty much, yeah

No then I finished my electrical engineering degree with a full-time job already lined up.


thanks me


OP: "Hey guys whats a good way to move into the tech industry from my current skills?"

This thread: "lol u need to go to college with daddies money and get a dead end job like I did XD. Grow up kiddo XXDDD"

Thats the truth though. Especially considering op wants to do real world programming they wont let anyone who isnt an engineer or doesnt have special certifications to program shit like microwaves and planes and shit because people will end up dead if you fuck up.


Oops fucked up there

I'm shit at math and science and like literature, history and shit. I program games as a hobby but I'll be damned if I wanna do it as a job unless I was working for myself. I wanted to be a fucking welder but mummykins was like NO YOU GOTTA GO TO COLLEGE MAN so after accepting my mediocrity I'm an English major. Before any deluded STEMfags bitch at me, my major is no more useless than yours is. Degrees are worth NOTHING now. I have a Nigger friend who got his CompSci degree, and is really competent with C/Sepples and he's stuck working a minimum wage job at my school's bookstore. So many people go to college now that all value is lost in having a degree. When I finished highschool I understood that only certain people should go to college and that was not me. When I got there I felt like I was the only one who should be in the building.

I'm probably going to finish, not be employable and tell the bitch I told you so. Maybe I can be a welder :^)

Reminder baby boomers fucked up America.

i hate human languages, too many keywords

Most people in IS start off with some T1 tech support job where they interact with end users' problems, which commonly are nice people who don't know how to do thing in some MS Office product to those horror story subjects that demand administrator access to some relational DB because they're an exec's "administrative assistant", then they drop a couple tables and say it's your fault. It teaches social skills like general interfacing and how to defuse situations with assholes.

You're trying to get into some REALLY esoteric and specialized shit though. You'd probably find a job where part of the work is writing hotfixes for industrial machinery governed by an ICS or SCADA, but that's it. And that won't be all of the job, you'll also have to troubleshoot network connections and the ICS/SCADA servers, as well as deal with end users.

Also, don't be an arrogant snob with a massive case of USI. It's fine on tech boards, but doing that shit IRL will cause HR to immediately search for your replacement without telling you until they've already promised someone your job.

Namefaggot is right for once: you have to know Microsoft products like Windows and Office. Windows is used on most workstations and some servers in just about every business, and anyone that does administrative stuff like typing reports or accounting statements are going to use Office products like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access. If you're in IT and don't know Microsoft, your only hope is to quickly get promoted to being the server or networking admin so you don't help end-users, or you'll be fired eventually. If you're a programmer like OP wants to be and don't know Microsoft, you're going to be viewed as a tech illiterate by your peers, and you'll be a "that guy" case with your company's IT group, which means you magically don't get your calls answered until about two hours passes.

TLDR: Learn to use Windows and Office if you plan to work in a profession that uses a computer, or you'll hate your job every day.

well i have a pretty intimate relationship with windows and msword cause wine and abiword just dont cut it sometimes


You can try freelancing first. When you get some projects and experience, you can switch to office job.

So if dumb idiot with degree makes mistake it's no problem, but if smart person without degree makes mistake it's "end up dead"? Why do we allow this corporations to exist? They should be banned by law or killed by some other actions (we can do this).


Really look into college courses and see which ones you can test out so you don't have to bother with the hours of credits. Basically you need the college degree but not waste 4 years of your life. Look at the stories of people who crammed 4 years into two.

I suggest you get a 3D printer and start doing crazy shit with those. Those are more flashy and would get the attention of any company.

I've known people like you yes you have a fucking ego because you basically created an echo chamber due to boredom with the stupidity around you but you do need to mature and realize you need to learn social skills to manipulate the people around you for your own benefit but remember to simply just use them and not abuse them.

Man your writings are a blast from the past.

I saw this instructable where this guy mad a 3d printer out of old cd drives, which i have a bunch of, but you also need a stepper motor driver IC or something, so ill see if i can get one off ebay

do i really come off as egotistical? i really didnt think of myself as an egotist:

yeah i guess so, ive never really known anyone offline my age who had a genuine interest in programming or computers or science or anything

Yes you do have one but its a product of your little echo chamber as I said earlier. Social skills take time but you are really rough around the edges. Remember you gain more flies with honey etc.

You need to be able to make social connections to manipulate those around you to get what you want. Have you every seen a the film "Catch Me If You Can"? Learning to communicate with your fellow human beings in a way that makes them feel good goes a long way.

Even if you have superior knowledge and skills you don't have to be hammering that fact into others and making them feel bad about it or at least that's the impression that others got online reading some of your posts.

I lucked out and found some people with the same interests as I did and mellowed out quite a bit. I ended up with a simple life that I enjoy.

If you can work with 3D printing which will become a big player in rapid prototyping for hardware. There your love of Assembly can pay off handsomely imo. But it's been awhile since I have worked in that industry since I went into the web dev route. You should look up companies that you would love working at and look up LinkedIn profiles of workers in the positions see if they have portfolios and have a better idea what you need to learn/do.

It's the age of the internet the world is your oyster.

I feel you, I'm 16 and all the jobs I see are Python & JS stuff, which is kind disappointing since I was hoping for a bit more language diversity. Unfortunately there's not a lot of demand for C and Assembly, so I advise you to learn Python and learn to enjoy it, it's comparatively pretty good (except the syntax) and you can write modules for it in C, so you'll be able to use your C knowledge at least somewhat.

Don't listen to adults, adults are fags, especially the teachers.

Yes its a problem, your code got someone killed. And if the person without a degree is so smart maybe they should prove it by getting one.

There are two ways you will end up with a tech job,

1. You get a related degree

2. You have connections that land you a job

There is no other way.

So I guess this thread explains why most C/assembly fags in this board act like underageb&s who think they know more than they actually do. I even have my doubts about OP being close to 17

I noticed you seem to have swallowed every single imageboard meme ("college teaches you nothing", "degrees are useless", "I only want to touch my favourite languages because all the rest are yucky", "low level should be the only level", "abstraction is disgusting and inefficient" - this one is specially ironic considering Lisp regex engines are generally faster and smaller than C regex engines -, etc) imaginable. Let me give you a small advice: don't do that. I have known who did that, and they ended up being miserable losers. We are not enlightened, we just talk out of our ass, and maybe only two, three anons really know their shit. The rest? We parrot stuff that sounds smart, because very in theory it may be somewhat correct if you forget about like a thousand less obvious variables, but in practice is a really dumb idea. Some of us purposefully get things wrong (I often do this by posing as a C fanboy) for shits and giggles. Some of us just repeat what more intelligent people have already said, but without understanding it and possibly not applying it to the same context. It doesn't matter why we do it, thing is we are wrong.

My only tip is that you should grow a spine and start thinking for yourself. Forget the memes, instantly assume most of the people around here (specially in Holla Forums) are wrong.

By the way, you won't land a job in (potentially dangerous if you fuck up) low level programming unless you either have a degree and several years of experience, or contacts. It's an extremely niche field, despite everyone in here supposedly being a professional low level programmer implying otherwise, and they will only take senior programmers with lengthy curriculums who know their shit. You are just an underage loser who posts in an imageboard and has only done stuff marginally more complex than a Hello World, just like the rest of us. Who do you think companies would rather hire first?

You want to make money you got to learn to play the game. Go to college, pretend to like other people, network like a motherfucker, get a CE degree, go into massive debt, hope your networking and CE degree can land you a shit job, and keep working that shity job until something better comes along.

The real world isn't some anime where the loner kid can make it all by himself by hating everyone and being good at what you do. The only way that works is if you make something by yourself or with a small group of people like John Carmack and John Romero.

Pick up some social engineering, read shit like How to Win Friends and Influence People, fake yourself around everyone but your really close friends. Remember in this world it is not about what you know but who you know. Have fun growing up and pretending to care about other people.

Also CS/CE is a meme. Go for something like a masters in applied math with self study of cumpters. Much more hire-able.

Except you know, these other ways
3. You make your own shit and show it off to people with money
4. Open source contributions (though this will give you connections)

Entirely depends on where you live.

Now this is the REAL meme. From personal experience I can tell you networking and interacting with people is entirely avoidable but you gotta be pretty competent to compensate for it.


piss off gramps

College doesnt teach you anything new if youve already taught yourself

The only reason to have a degree is because it is in fact, more or less a requirement to get a job these days

Well yes, personal taste is a thing

Well higher level languages do have their place in accelerated prototyping but thats about it. Enjoy Oracle dick, faggot.

I can think for myself thank you very much

Oh wait, I forgot about Meme Stallmans ideals



Then go to college you underage faggot

Or start building a portfolio

If you have already taught yourself everything, you should have been capable of passing algebra 2 without a problem. Oh, wait...

>posting on halffullchan makes me unique and alternative :)
You know how most "alternative" girls end up behaving the same? Well, the difference here is you are not a girl.

I think not, given that your answer to "don't swallow memes" is replying with more memes, but okay. I already gave you some advice, take it or leave it.

homework was 40% of the grade and i didnt do it. so g fucking g.

I said nothing of the sort

not sure how i replied with memes, but ok

oh yeah, the stallman joke

are you butthurt, user-kun?

dude, freelance.
Learn all the CADs, make some shitty prototypes of useless crap. Fill out your portfolio with them. Now you can google "freelance electrical engineering". Noone knows you're 17 or have no degree, and you get to work your ass off in hardcore mental work for half the salary of a burger flipper.


thats actually kindof depressing

yeah they weight homework heavily in high school. some teachers weight tests or classwork or even "participation" heavily, but in this class, it was homework. she said we had to write the question down and then write out the process to solve it and if there was a graph we had to draw that and at anywhere from 50-100 questions a night, i just didnt fucking do it.

like would it kill her even to just have printed out worksheets like every other fucking teacher

c'mon OP do it

not really sure how i would go about haxxing credit card companies, im pretty sure i cant access the actual card request processing servers through chase.com


Make malware, sell trojans; if a program you write can sneak past afirewalls, who cares if you have no degree. I'm serious about this btw..

The malware companies?

that might actually work, im pretty sure they only allow employees access to the system through some sort of babyproof shit where they just enter their id and password. if i could use metasploit or some shit to gain access to their work comp at the bank then i could check running processes and see if i can find the application theyre using, then stop the process and start keylogging so i get their log in info when they open up it up again. "how odd, it just crashed, that never happened before. well, nothing to worry about, ill just open it up again and log back in i guess"

open it up*

I'm pretty sure that post was just a CSI meme.

Don't let your memes be dreams

I'm in a somewhat similar scenario but years later and sans the high school. Working full time just looks like an impossibility to me, how could I work 8 hours a day if I dropped out of school from "only" 6 hours a day? Even just 4 hours a day sounds so draining and life-consuming, I'd really rather just die. I didn't choose to play this garbage game, and I have no desire or intention of starting from the bottom. Either life lands me directly into a decent scenario or I'm out of here.

Holla Forums should have been put down last year when it had a semblance of dignity


It sure is depressing. Every time I see a freelance job offer, I get flashbacks to Shadowrun. We might as well call freelancers runners by now. And tablets - decks.



You could try getting into PLC's. They're used heavily in manufacturing.

don't you just want to grab as many wires as you can fit in your hand and pull as hard as possible?

You'll probably just rip out the wiring arms and not the wires themselves.

If they do care, there are people who do NOT care as long as your exploit gets them in. Building a reputation might be a good idea (under a pseudonym of course). This was only a suggestion, having an education is preferable, but I doubt it is NECESSARY to get a job if you can document talents and achievements. But if you have insider knowledge, I'm all ears.

that was last decade bro. get wit da taimes

I met the guy that invented the PLC. He was really into USB everything when I met him.

But seriously, the time is now

pls spell it out for ppl like mee

... what?

OOP garbage all looks the same to me

javascript is trash
java is ass
c++ smells like shit
i think i will pass

Nobody wants to post on your RP board, dude.


if i wanted to fit in i couldve just said "gentoo arch lisp emacs 4:3 gnu open source" and i would have got a round of applause

What's so great about 4:3?

Queen Letizia is rumoured to be anorexic. But don't tell them I told you.

4:3 is god-tier, user.


Less horizontal space is better, didn't you know? Because we don't get at all how do most GUI toolkits work and think more horizontal space removes vertical space. We will also shit on videogames and gamers while at the same time we know that deep down we only complain about widescreen because the only type of program in which screen ratio is important is in some really specific competitive games that adjust the viewport to always cover an equivalent area.

tl;dr what are DPI

Stop posting transvestites, you degenerate. This is a family board.

Thank you for the source... 648550 is pretty much how I feel about it.

Definitely not as clear cut as which direction is optimal for dispensing TP.

Until now I would have thought you were a native English speaker.

a small advice → a little advice. "Little" being the quantity, not the size. (IMO this mistake is much more obvious to anyone reading than other mistakes in the post)
I have known who did that → I know people who did that. "I have known who did that" sounds rather unusual and means something closer to "At some point I knew the group of people who did that".

"very" just can't go here. You can probably use "in theory alone" but I don't think an intensifier is needed at all in this case.

specially → especially

Other than what I've highlighted the post was at the level I'd expect from a native English speaker.

I'm not posting this to disparage you and I agree with what you have to say, I just hope the above may help a little.

You realize that due to cost/time constraints and greedy management, almost all software development is accelerated prototyping, right?
Performance and stability are almost always given a back seat while new shiny features to sucker more customers in are prioritized as high as possible.

Oops, I thought this was a work safe board, not a degeneracy board.

Idea: get a job.

A job installing gentoo

Yeah, that's more or less what I wanted to say. "Know" is probably not the word I should have used here, but I wanted to express that I luckily lost all contact with them ever since then.

This one was wrong on purpose. I was trying to be sarcastic to the point of being stupid in that sentece, hence the italics.

The rest were unforgivable errors, though. Thanks for correcting me. I've been posting for some years around here but I never got anyone to tell me about my mistakes (very numerous, by the way, since my ability to English seems to depend on current time and a myriad of other factors, such as blood alcohol content; I was 100% sober and awake when I wrote that, so try to imagine my worst posts), and so I never got to learn how to avoid them. Guess I should have been able to learn just by reading other anons' posts, but I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer, so I would say I've not done too bad until now, considering the circumstances.

can i be a meme cop senpai?

I know your brother! He is testing indeed and he is testing a lot, just not computer hardware, nor software...


How do you learn the material to get As if you never study it?

...I asked my neurosurgeon wife and she reckons you have too much brain damage.

update from op

i got a job at microcenter

kindof funny how it happened, a shitposting buddy of mine linked me his friends twitch channel, and his friend happened to work at microcenter so i asked if i could get a referral, and he said sure so i just walked in today, took a quick test, and got the job on the spot. the test was basically just a retard test to eliminate dumbasses, pretty easy. anyways, $10 an hour, at least its better than $0

i just did

man, just hearing "microcenter" evokes memories of the 90's-early 2000s when it was just a simpler time. That would have been the shit then, working there during the day and then going home to your static party in your MMO of choice.
Congrats on the job even it it's shitty. You're one step ahead of a lot of us here.

thanks man, feels gud

speaking of micro, i have this old inhouse built 386 box from "micro giant". looks pretty fuckin sick but the drive controller failed, so i took it out and threw it in a bin somewhere. i have no idea where it is now.

Ah, good old compliance-based grading. It's why girls are doing so well.

I kind of like this kid, he reminds me of myself at that age.

It's weird, but there's practically no computer jobs in my city of almost 100K people. There's only a few job openings a year, mostly for people who are experts at everything.

I see programming as a hobby.

Get a deskjob during the day hopefully something that requires computer or away from computer.

Or go through the needle and find a job that suits your list of expectations.

I do agree that ASM and C is the best but in the real world they'd rather see something to just work and don't care if it's a crappy code as "we can pay shits like you to fix their shit for them anyway."

If you got triggered software engineering is not for you then. You'll be required to use the company's set of tools and their 'traditional' language and OS. You have no say if the company uses VC# or Java on Windows or whatever. You won't get a lot of freedom to choose for the company quote "Who are you anyway? We can replace you anytime, the line is waiting... see?"

They'd rather use a noob language so your replacement can understand it even without proper documentation because fags can't even read a book.

Check your MBTI type. Check the link below

If you got *S*J then you are gonna be a good software engineer but pay attention to the company you prospect otherwise you'll hate your job, people, and your love for programming.

If you got *N*P give up software engineering. Train a different beast. You'll become better in other fields maybe go for something related to scienctific researches. If you have the money get a Ph.D or Masters degree in IT.


im intp


When people ask about "what kind of jobs can my personality type do", INTP always get programmer as their first recommendation. You just think J types are better programmers because in /g/ Holla Forums, everybody likes to argue about what's best in theory rather than going out and actually doing shit like real programmers.

Not like reverse astrology is very accurate, though. McFucking kill yourself.

also if your BMI is above 15 you are never going to write anything more advanced than fizzbuzz so just give up now.

build a shitty android/apple app to alpha/beta or at least halfway working

shill it to death every where like your last name is hebemckikeberger

get a story of it on some shitty newsite like gawker

get a bunch of dumb rich people to invest before the bubble pops

take their money, hire pajeet to get a beta, sell the beta Facebook/reddit/google



"your outta your league kid, why don't you go back to BABY school you little brat. probably not even fucking potty trained"

try not to be an obnoxious dick, good friend. age does not equate to competency, there are very old retards.

Ah, so not only are you underage; you're also incredibly new around here.

You don't understand so McFucking put your foot in your mouth.

You don't know what the fucking difference between a Software Developer and a Software Engineer.
Software Engineering follows a methodology and requires you to work in groups to finish a project.
This is usefull if you're an average code monkey working with buffoons who can't even do code, take SJW programming projects as an Example.
You all equally get paid while you as the main programmer would sleep less than 5 hours just to reach the target date and your SJW team mate does less than 5% of the effort you exerted overall.

Software developers are different. It is not necessary to take the Soft-Engineering's wasteful process and social bull. Take linux and bittorrent as an example. Those are quality shit. *NTPs can't stand working with buffoons and would like to keep their options open and flexible.

Don't confuse software development 'academe style' with 'entrepreneurial' software development.

There are way too many prerequisites when following those wasteful methodology. None of them are flexible and open. You're also required to review and write a study and make several diagrams when you can just fucking do the same anyways if you're self-employed like most *T*P are.

*S*Js are also well known followers and your average salaryman who doesn't complain so they won't have problem dealing with broken software design like using a very shit language. *N*Ps are designers and perfectionists. If you ask me who's gonna write a better and secure crypto software I'll chose one made by an *N*P.

INTPs prefer to be self-employed than working with other people unless they find a group just as good. They find (*NT*) opposing personalities like *SF* as incompetent and would rather start their own company from scratch choosing competitive people OR finish a project alone.
Software Engineering teams doesn't suite INTP.

lol ive been here since gaymergate

seriously though, i could have sworn i had made a logical point; age is not an indicator of intelligence, and I have reason to believe that fallacyman is coming for your asshole right now.

Listen here, how many people do you think dropped out of school saying they are going to be rich?
And how many of them do think actually made it?
If you really want to take your chances, no one is going to stop you, but it's usually better just to play it safe.

fuck no, ive only got around 50-60 years left in this shitbucket of a world

time for hardcore hedonism

Not OP but I dropped out of college during my final semester.

Don't get me wrong my school was fucking shit.
I felt like wasting time every other day.

My profs don't know how to use git (seriously) and all of them are fucking winfags to the point that plugging in USB drives scare them to death because 'viruses'.

Most universities today have their curriculum designed to prep next gen Microsoft Visual Studio developers like my fucking university and yeah, none of the alumnus made it big in tech industry.

If you people to become an average normie programmer then fine, go to any uni out there and they'll teach you fizzbuzz IDE like Java and VS and you'll never get to know how deep the rabbit hole of advanced computing is.



If you read your posts 10 years from now you would cringe. You have the entitlement of someone who has done nothing but sit on the net for his whole life, it will change if you don't become a NEET. You probably are as smart as you say, but NOBODY cares. I don't mean that in a fuck you way.

You WILL need to go out into the real world, get some certs or a 2 year degree at a community college which you can do in a year and a half or less if you want. Really all you have to do is get your foot in the door at a company, it will be a lot easier to prove yourself once you are one of them.

You have a lot of talent and it would be a shame to see you become one of the countless 30 year olds who is living at home programming for fun and working some shit job because they kept making excuses why they couldn't get the career they wanted.

Actual narcissist are either unaware or don't admit to how they act. Given op's age, they may not see why its adventitious to suppress their ego in public yet. Unless they find a mentor or suppress their mental urges they're destined for poverty.

embedded software engineer since 2011
not a day goes by when i don't think to myself: why did i go to uni to get a CE degree when i could've done physics or math or literally any natural science

Why did I see that coming.

IT is fucked, India works cheep as fuck.

You would be better of spending 100,000 to start your own Biz


Nobody implies it will be easy. It's just that if you were to choose a bet between studying IT then living off an IT job for 10 years or choose a bet where you did what it takes to take an idea then establish and grow a business, it's probably a better bet going the business route over the IT route.

fuck you both for bringing back this shit thread


ENTP software engineer studying a master's in Engineering informatics while working as a programmer calling your last argument bullshit.

try shutting the fuck up unless you have something actually interesting to add to the thread, goddamn negative nellies

You don't need to be so butthurt about nobody helping you scam rich people, OP.

why the fuck not? they obviously dont know how to use their wealth properly.

allow me to teach them

you WILL get sued. With Jews rich people, YOU lose.

but if i can scam one out of even a fraction of its wealth ill be pretty well off for a while. ramen and sody pop is cheap, ill die young and comfy

Kind of true but there are caveats. I've heard enough horror stories about idiots in upper management having the amazing idea of saving money by outsourcing codemonkey work to India. You give them some spec/req's they take it and make your software. It might meet the req's but in many cases it is often garbage code that is insecure and hard to maintain.

The retard is right, though. Why is there so few diversity in fucking languages? Everything is "android" "mobile" "js" "jquery".
Even my uni job postings have no variety, at all.

You do realize you'll be Bubba's cockslave if you get sent to jail for scamming, right?

the law here in burgertown isnt too quick
ill pay my bail and have a good solid few years of fun until the final court date arrives. at which point ill either skip on down to argentina or put a deagle to my head and pull the trigger

k right in the feels

everythings mobile because phones and macbooks are the only computers most "programmers" own these days, plus they cant be bothered to do anything themselves, theres a module for everything.

You forgot lie, pack your resume with lies. And then be able to back those lies up with skill until your resume becomes real and still somehow less believable 5 years latter.

That is my life now :(

You should be careful when implying that using modules is at the expense of "performance, reliability, security and effort".
In the industry it's usual that reused tested modules are better in those areas (and most importatly, cheaper) than your average joe's custom implementation. Also, many managers are afraid of the risk of new bugs from new lines of code.

reusing code is fine, its not understanding what the code really does. using a linked list class is fine as long as you understand how it works and in what situations it should be used, not just "lol whatever works" plug and play


pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
She needs to breathe through her skin due to some parasitic mumbo jumbo. Honestly it's a silly explanation that gives her an excuse to run around half-naked. I'm all for fanservice but Kojima pretending to make it sound in any way deep/tragic was pretty retarded on his part.

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
but user it's just like muh animes

Dave Brubeck - Take Five

Sturgeon's Law, bitch. You want diamonds, don't complain about having to go through the rough.

compositing is an integral part of the cg production pipeline. ???

Found it
Blood Spigots
These ingenious and devilish devices are used by ramming them into the flesh of a target and standing back. Their clever design forms a vacuum which sucks the blood and other fluids from the body of the target at an alarming rate. The spigot can be removed with a successful Strength check (DC 20). If the victim wishes to remove the spigot himself, he must make a successful Will save (DC 20) in order to build up the nerve to tear it out, but no such roll is necessary if the subject is willing to let someone else tear the weapon from his flesh. Removing the spigot causes 1d6 points of damage.
A blood spigot is a Small Martial Melee weapon that causes 1d4 points of piercing damage on a successful strike. If it scores maximum damage or a critical hit (x3 multiplier), it is stuck in the body of the victim and begins siphoning his blood out at a rate of 1d4 hit points of additional damage per round. Note that this does not work on undead, plants, constructs, or other creatures without a circulatory system.
Cost: 100 gp; Weight: 1 lb.

It's funny because the biggest difference between a longsword and a shortsword is mostly the grip length.


Shandalar 2012? Dafuq is that? Where do I get it?

I love this one!

read the op this board is not for requests try at >>>/wsr/

Apply for union

Ransomware Israeli companies

Is it weird that I found that funny?
Not just the music, but when someone dies, how the bitches always scream, it's hilarious.


Except when you seg fault, leak memory, or one of the billion of other things you have to go to valgrind or GDB for.
Poor craftsmen blame their tools, you can find a way to debug in javascript and there's a reason people are using that over C for web-development.

I don't think it's necessary to use linux or Git to be a competent software developer.
I knew a win-only guy who did work on some of the DC metro signs that have ridiculously high standards and he was pretty cool.

this was me, but not straight A's. never really tried in high school, flew through with B's and some A's scattered throughout and the rare C. I remember the freshmen ceremony in college where the dean gave a speech about how everyone knows the story of the student who only goes to classes three times -- first day, midterms, finals -- and somehow passes.
That was basically my story throughout college if the class didn't have mandatory attendance. Graduated with a 3.4 GPA.

You can't do calculus without algebra
Calculus grows from that. It's like doing algebra without knowing how to do fractions

control your buffers, the user is always a dumbass

what is free()

It's pretty trivial to do a memory allocator that throws every block into a linked list so you can see where and how much was allocated and lacked deallocation. I suspect that in this case, however, the idiot decided to just not care about where and for how long his objects needed to live for. If you're that much of an incompetent idiot (like I am), just jump over to C++ and use std::unique_ptr or std::shared_ptr. At least then you won't leak memory unless you're just putting everything into a global list and never removing anything "because I might need it" like some sort of hoarding retard.

Best errors I've ever seen are when I miss a closing brace on a namespace.


or skip all that and network into dream job ;^)

Porn games you nigger. If you can code make those. 10k a month is decent money.

Is it possible to do this but preserve your dignity by remaining anonymous?

I don't know how patreon works, but I guess you stay somewhat anonymous, unless that website gets hacked and they release real informations I guess.

Sell your organs so you die the pitiful fuck

Your just some rebellious teen. Dont worry its just a faze you will look back at this and ask yourself why you fucked up your life as you listen to those burgers sizzle. You fucked up bad.

whatever you say m8

No. You tried. You learned what was required of you. You were not born with that knowledge. Nice bragging kiddo.

So basically, ignoring the fact is a edgy teenager like all of us were, everyone is shitting on him because he wants a programming job without a degree? Shouldn't you faggots encourage him and say that he has to try 2x harder without a degree instead on making him feel like a pathetic piece of shit?

Hey fagot you really do need to know at least some database if your going to do just about anything. Your not going to do well if you tell your employer you want to reinvent that wheel for the next three months.

Oh god, programming on those with ladder logic is like being a master artist chopping your arms off and trying to paint by holding the brush in your asshole. It's painful.

please elaborate

yeah i dicked around with SQL once upon a time, i could probably rtfm in a few days if needed

livin' the dream


The only thing about C that lets you "talk directly to the hardware of any computer you are working with and take direct advantage of any hardware specific features" is casting integers to and from pointers and pointers to and from different types, which is available in a lot more languages than you think.

Compilers are tools written by people to help other people. C compilers are all terrible at that job.