The Jews fear the Samurai.
The Jews fear the Samurai.
Other urls found in this thread:
Not necessarily, and there's a good reason why, but you're so unfathomably stupid that I'm not going to bother explaining why.
It's also the case that you can use animation to do the same.
All of your fucking posts, whining about anime like a little bitch because that's just what you normie fucks spend half your waking hours doing. This is like the third or fourth time today that I've had to deal with this shit.
You are a fucking idiot.
Because hentai are maginal direct-to-video releases existing in the gutters of the industry almost completely separate from everything else? No, I'm sure that couldn't be it.
I've already told you why you fucking retard.
Enjoy being a fucking retard you normie subhuman piece of fucking shit.
Really, are you saying this has fucking anything to do with what I just said? Because it doesn't. Herbivores in Japan have nothing to do with "weebs" on 4/Holla Forums. You clearly don't even fucking understand what herbivore means.
Anime has nothing to do with pedophilia, yet you claim otherwise. You are projecting your pedophilia onto it.
Does anyone know why the BBC has such a ax to grid against anime/Japan? It seems like they've been putting out one steady hit piece after an other for the last 5 years
What's with all the recent attacks on animu? Is this AnimeGate?
Nice try, jew :^)
(((Jay Michaelson))): Decoding an Anti-Semitic Meme Donald Trump Supporters Took From Anime
(((BBC))): Why do autistic people really love manga?
Pure coincidence.
The left has a serious problem with beauty as a concept. Look at your image for example. She doesn't have any tattoos, isn't a shitskin, doesn't have a pegleg, no eye patch to be seen. She's too 'perfect', and as such is a source of derision. They say that it's an 'unattainable standard' instead of being worshipped as it was in the past. Why do you think most sculptures were of beautiful men and women with sculpted bodies? They probably weren't that built in real life, but the artist chose to highlight the beauty of the subject instead of his flaws.
Modern art took a big shit on the emphasis on beauty starting with that kike's urinal lobotomy. It all went downhill from there.
Interesting documentary related to this:
Doubt it's Anime. They just hate something they can't control.
Jews are mentally ill. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, among others.
My coincidence detector reads a 99% chance of a coincidence occurring.
While we are in the Japan/anime topic, mind if I ask a question?
Why are there so many goddamn NEETs in Japan? Or they are just blowing up the number, considering there's only 3% of unemployment or so I'm led to believe.
The Jews are repulsed by the innocence and freedom of anime, because they themselves find beauty in decay, decadence, and corruption. They put sweeter for bitter and bitter for sweet. The Jews love death, but in the nostrils of weebs is the breath of life.
Unemployment. The salarymen sometimes work 80 and 90 hour weeks, and every job that isn't a salary position really fucking sucks and has shit pay. Women are annoying christmas cake whores who dont want to settle down until their eggs expire and a lot of young men just don't have it in them.
That problem really isn't exclusive to Japan, though. So many of my old friends from highschool are DUDE WEED LMAO retards with no education and no job, now. Real US unemployment may be as high as 20%
That makes sense. This is how I feel whenever people get upset over moe, why would anyone have a problem with cute things?
There aren't that many especially compared to any other developed country. Over 30 percent of the US population is NEET
Are there any webpages that can confirm this? I was just talking with a friend about it and when we researched on the internet all it said was
Basically f you lose your job and apply for benefits, the government will count you an unemployed for 6 months. If you still dont have a job after 6 months, they say you arent looking for one and take you off the unemployment list.
I don't know what Japans numbers are you could probably jewoogle it. But the US's were big news and there were threads about it recently its fairly well known at this point.
Its well past 20. 93 million Americans are out of work right now, that's almost 33% of the adult population.
i'll be graduating college in 2 years
seriously i pray that Trump wins. or i'll JUST move somewhere else?
Does anyone have the webm?
There is only one solution: WAR
Maybe this was the plan all along.
Whites don't have where to work anymore due to automatization. So to avoid a uprising, import shtiskins that will not behave and eventually give a simple job to your populace: kill shtiskins.
BBC only likes degenerate art forms.
Figurative art, symmetrical faces, blue skies and green grass are triggering for those cucks.
in that case they should have just let us invade
Well I'm glad they are branding us as an "evil word" like autistic. That should discourage some normalfags who don't want to be branded as autists in the same way other normalfags fear being called racist.
This is the same BBC that inserts niggers and sandniggers every fucking chance they get into television series' that aren't supposed to have any.
I don't know. Heard in middle east there were always problems with the guns and shit. Same with Vietnam. Maybe it's better just do bring them on home soil and kill them here.
Up until now, yes that was the strategy, the solution to too many young unemployed men is to send them off to die in pointless wars.
However, the Jews are now eager to genocide us all so that's where the importing of the shitskins, niggers, comes from: Importing the troops neccesary to defeat, pacify and then exterminate whites.
are you implying?…
At least I don't do drug and I try to stay in shape.
There was 21,1% unemployment here in France in 2015 most of them are young people, an employment rate of 64,2% and on average 550 days to find work.
more like why do broken people love anime… and the answer is that it provides a place to insert oneself. They can identify with the main characters who are usually the bullied, unloved outcast who becomes more than what they are and end up gaining everything they could ever want and more, as well as finding out how special they have been all along.
Or you get the harem anime filled with female archetypes that fulfill a fantasy that lonely men long for and artificially fill a hole in their heart… which will eventually leave them broken. Mind you I'm not attacking people for liking anime, but there are definitely negative things that anime inspire… though I'd say western cartoons inspire much worse things at the moment.
most of it is just mental porn.
I know the meme is fun and all, but you need to stop pushing this degeneracy my white brothers. We should not allow some shitskin culture to gain a foothold in the minds of white children. This entire generation of progressive SJWs was raised on pokemon and sonic. If we allow this poison into our country we will only degenerate faster.
i dont believe it. ive never been a big weeb but ive watched anime sporadically in my life. i've found that it helps me cope with the world, rather than being counter-productive as you imply. aside from being a source of entertainment, it inspires me to be more than i am now. if such and such character can make a name for himself, so can i. i don't believe thats childish, its the purpose of all stories.
Shut up.
yes, white brother. all shitskin influence must be eliminated. our children should only be exposed to western television. 14/88
It's the same as looking at a flower you love, a painting you admire, a piece of music that takes you to higher realms.
"Mental porn" and other such ridiculous hypotheses are the words of someone who has no experience in what they are talking about. Hypocrites, essentially – they can never keep their fat mouths from flapping.
Nigger, what?
Anime is my chosen media because all western media is trash lately. What was the last non-cucked non-shit movie? Interstellar? Even that had its wymyn vibes, though it is my favorite movie to come out lately.
it's "The Jew fears the Samurai" stop fucking it up
polite sage
One watchable movie every 2-5 years. One watchable TV show pretty much never.
This is the case, although not as severe, in many western countries as well, especially if you're an autist like me with no life prospects.
you title reminds me of this
thats actually biblical. the women are supposed to be stewards of the household.
Anime is highly anti-SJW.
Its unfortunate so many like anime.
Those are the most fun to poke though, the double think is going full overdrive there. Recent outrage being of course the berserk game announcement
Just like so many play video games? They don't.
luckily the cant do shit because the japs will always be japs
NEETs exist because someone enables them, and Japan has a lot of enablers, NEETs in Japan are often enabled by the government or their family.
That's what Welcome to the NHK taught me anyways.
Anime is clearly doing something right if its triggering the merchants this much.
Think about it, its the only entertainment industry they don't have a monopoly over.
That means a form of entertainment they cant blatantly force their propaganda into.
Meaning there is an alternative existing for everyone tired of the endless POZ loads, and they're not forced to rely on shekelberg for POZertainment.
It also branches off into a type of porn they don't have a monopoly over, meaning they can't push their cuck shit on it. And again the shitlords have an alternative if they don't want to see 20 disgusting white whores with dindoo cocks in their mouth on every porn page they click.
In a better world anime wouldn't exist because it wouldn't need to exist. Its not perfect but its the best we've got.
and in most goddamm aweful way possible holy fuck
Axis Power boats are great.
Man, for some reason it always bugs me when they attack these weeb kids. Yeah, they're weird and an easy target, but I don't really think they deserve it. They're just a bunch of kids having some harmless fun. They're not in gangs, they're not destroying anything, they're not on drugs or really getting into any trouble. If anything, it's a subculture that encourages creativity. They're out there actually creating things like drawings and costumes.
Maybe that's what it's all about then, isn't it? Maybe (((they))) don't want a bunch of kids that snub western media in exchange for something that they don't have their thumbs in. Maybe they don't want people that choose to be positive and create content instead of just mindlessly consuming. Maybe what they want is a bunch of brainwashed kids that will burn down cities in the name of social justice and they see this subculture as a threat to that.
One thing I find especially sinister is the implication that if someone likes that stuff, then there's a good chance that they're autistic. Like they're putting the idea across to parents that if they see their kid getting into anime and dressing up, that they're probably autistic. And what do they do to autistic kids these days? They put them on drugs and get them good and sedated.
Yeah, let's look at what they watched instead of the schools that repeatedly shoveled that social justice shit into their heads.
wow, so buthurt you continue this in another threat.
Translation: There is not explanation.
No, the language of a novel is far deeper and far more complex. For example, you could spend then pages desribing a few second and in detail describe everyone thoughts etc..
Alright, but what IS getting triggered.
What is winning and what does that have to do with my critique of anime.
What is a normie and why am I a normie.
I see, yet again you refuse to give a reason and your entire argument boils down to "it is true, because I say so".
Yeah, anime is making you very smart.
Just like anime in the West.
I see, so I am a normie, because you think I am.
What is a normie and why am I one!
enjoy puppet show, autist.
Translation: I am totally right and you can't admit that without completely losing.
It's an integral part of Japanese culture that Japanese men take on waifu's, abandon real woman and become anime virgins.
Your on a chan, don't pretend we don't know what you people do.
Sure, all those weird japenese men, getting hard ons from anime schoolgirls is totally not pedophillic!!
Yeah, cartoon girls are the height of beauty!
You'd be wrong.
Implying you have to like anything modern, implying you aren't free to watch eurocinema.
Wrong, conservatives and christians trigger them, they are not on the side of our race and the jew is stupid not to ally with them.
Yeah, I think you're projecting, m8.
This actually looks hilarious.
What is projecting and why am I projecting.
He look, it's a degenerate weeb!
This, I don't really consider anime to be a hobby even though I watch it a lot, it's just escapism, and really fucking good escapism at that (depending on what you're watching, weebtrash like naruto is only watched by the type of people seen in OP's video).
I enjoy movies from the 40s as much as anybody else, but I want variety. Modern anime can be fun and enjoyable, even if it isn't deep. Slice of life type 'healing' animes are really great, a stark contrast to the shows currently airing on western channels.
I see you have a reasonable and well-rounded attitude towards anime, so I see no further need to provoke you.
Holy fuck. Now we're talking. That show looks good.
He look, another totally degenerate weeb who likes shows about rape and these fuckers think they have the right to attack western animation, when a lot of things produced in japan is far worse.
The last movie of that stripe I watched was 'It Happened One Night'. Really great movie, definitely recommend. Glad to see someone doesn't hate anime blindly.
WEW time to start watching a new series
No I don't actually, I just think it's fun to provoke weebs.
To bad it's not a nigger doin' da rapin'. Am I right, my weeb friend!!!!
Alright, that made me laugh, it's just like all these Jewish cartoons we have in the West.
I don't like anime, it's for losers. But that show sounds good.
Yeah, the fourth weeb who likes rapeman!
Yeah, Western Cartoons are totally more degenerate then the stuff they have in Japan!
is this the movie?
Yeah it's just like Jew cartoons we have in the West!
What's wrong with you?
Yeah, you are right, rape is totally cool, not go watch your Jewish cartoons about White woman mating with blacks and dancing like blacks!!!
I don't get it. Why don't you like rape?
I don't watch cartoons. But.. it seems like (sadly) only in cartoons you could make something like Rapeman. Will give it a chance.
But I do mate, yeah, I am totally a Jew, bro!!!
My favorite channel.
Yes, you are right, only cartoons are jewey enough for that!
So if you like rape then what are freaking out about?
I prefer that to.. Starniggers or Seth Jewgen Comedies.
No, no, I like Rape, like I like Jewish cartoons!!!
Yeah, you are right, those are totally more degenerate then rapeman!!
Why are there so many anti-fun autists in this thread all of a sudden?
In the original thread that reached the bump limit there were 700 posts completely free of anti-anime [email protected]/* */ shilling.
Are they really so slow to react that it takes them this long to ramp up the shilling?
Gosh, I would totally like an explanation, what a normie is and why I am one!
Just me i'm afraid.
You should stop posting and lurk more newfriend. You're sperging out over an obviously awesome show about rape.
Why do Holla Forums weebs get so triggered about their pedo cartoons? We have NATO building military bases on Syria and conducting military exercises on the Russian border…
And you're sperging about your right to fap to cartoon children.
Makes sense
Jews dislike anime for the sole reason it is one of the mediums they do not have monopoly on, stop pretending it isn't (mostly) degenerate, weebfriends.
Yeah mate, yeah, like rape is totally not like jew shows!!!
Remember that KJV and other translations are highly POZZED, there's a reseason these values are called Judeo-Christian.
Anime is less degenerate than western media, and it is definitely more self aware.
If you don't stop shitposting I'm gonna rape your parents.
Pic related.
Anyone here want some /e/ Nazis?
Same. Women should be full figured, but men should have the freedom to chooses lolis. There is nothing wrong with dating 13 year old girls.
In contrast to (((western))) media that are wholesomely degenerate.
Yes lets make Bella and Bulls and The Cuckold as mandatory viewing to replace anime in order to create the great Aryan Order
Anime portrays Idylic forms and uncorruptd lifestyles without blandda up.
This is a great menace for jews, since they can't control the medium and they hate beauty.
dude nah
i can recount around ten scriptures off the top of my head that blatantly name and condemn the jews
kill yourself. You don't deserve to live, you have supported the perversion of a symbol the millions of Germans died for.
That's why they're being attacked. The ones doing actual crime and drugs are heroified.
And the large majority of the fanbase refuses to watch localizations and shit from all the censorship in the older shows. I never watched another dub after I found out they changed Sailor Moon.
So, more of the fans go to the original source to get the material. The purists on the west coast as SJW as they are will still choose the fansub over the localization.
Hitler would have despised you all.
Isaiah 1
Isaiah 1:21 How is the faithful city become an harlot! it was full of judgment; righteousness lodged in it; but now murderers.
call the fuhrer i dont give a fuck
Do you even Weimer Republic history? Everyone was turbo degenerate before the Furherer coming into power and setting reforms. And he said he loved every single one of his subjects. (despite their former degeneracy)
Hitler allied with mudslimes. You can't go to him for every little detail.
In the far future of Crystal Tokyo, there are no niggers.
In face, you're the sorts of ill-adjusted degenerates that would've been routinely beaten by the Hitler youth. You're closer to Communists than anything the Nazis espoused.
I also see a lot of people saying X so Y is okay.
You know that's a fallacy, right?
and reply before you spam, nervous kike
I respect what Hitler stood for but why do y'all worship losers as gods?
Fuck off, jew.
Holy shit I can't breathe. Thanks for the keks my autistic friend.
i hope that one day you appreciate the beauty of lolis
I mean seriously, what an embarrassment to the white race and the very concept of an 'Overman'.
You're worthless trash and you know it, deep down, your timidness in physical and social interactions led you to become mentally maladjusted. You coped by watching faggot cartoons and playing video games all day, you bloated up and as a result became an even bigger social reject. You need to find the root cause of why people despise you, so you seek out like minded communities online and find people who - just like you - are stunted in all aspects of their lives and need a solid excuse. So you begin by convincing yourself that people today are 'degenerate' and that somehow you would have thrived in social and physical scenarios were the clock turned back sixty years. Your fetishism of the past and desire to blame modernity for your issues brings you to more educated places like Holla Forums which you wrongly believe espouse your views and relate to you; you think these things because your retarded mind can only comprehend things on a very base level. You begin shitting up Holla Forums with your cancerous gook imagery and hatred of women, you bring terms like 'normies' onto a board in which being a fit and successful male with a family is seen as the ultimate goal. You don't ever stop to reflect on your bloated, unkempt, unemployed and virginal image and compare it to the people we admire on Holla Forums. You don't do this because you know, once again, deep down, that you don't belong anywhere, not even here. You're failures and I hope you're crying whilst reading this.
Gomenasai, my name is Adolf-Sama.
I'm a 56 year old Austrian Otaku. I draw Anime and Manga on washi, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Japanese games. (shogi, go, hanafuda)
I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my sword license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.
I speak Japanese fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Japanese history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%
When I get my Japanese visa, I am moving to Tokyo to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an officer in the Imperial Navy or a Rakugoka at the Shinjuku Suehirotei!
I own several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Japan, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Japanese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.
Wish me luck in Japan!
it's like I'm back on Holla Forums 10 years ago. are you a summerfag?
still waiting for your reply on this
scared of the dubs, jewboy?
Stopped reading there. My job involves public speaking.
Projecting much, kikelord?
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
hows it make you feel to know that i beat my girlfriend
The truth is like a lion, indeed.
Im looking for a bento box, it cant be pinku (thats japanese for pink) or any girl color. It has to be
of 2 or more kotoba (thats japanese for 2 compartments) and has be be chibi (small) sized. And
has to be really kawaii (cute). Also It has to be about 10-20 Reichsmarks. And you have to post pics of it
first (i want to make shure it's kawaii [cute]). And it would be nice if it came with matching
chopstick holder (WITH chopsticks). OH! and it CANNOT have any cartoon pictures, or be made
out of bakelite. It has to be made of ceramic, or something like that. Also it would be nice if it was
made in japan. and not in china or corea (korea) or whatever. I have found a bento box similar to
the one im describing in e-bay, but it was 1 kotoba, and i dont want my gohan (rice) to touch my
other things (it can get wet and i would not like that, plus 2 compartments looks more kawaii)
tl;dr - you are misoginists who played too much video games who happend to be problematic and not pander to woman enough etc..
you sound like a broken record from Holla Forums 10 years ago m8.
except we're in post gamergate now, seeing all the normies getting cucked and JUSTed doesn't really arouse jealousy.
wow you sure trolled me
Jews are such fucking scum they're the ones who are autistic.
You say what. About Chaika? Chaika, graduated top of class. Chaika Seals. Involved, lots of raids. Secret raids! Hero-fighting! Over 300 exploded breads, confirmed! Chaika, trained in eyebrow warfare. Top wizard. Entire Chaika armed foces! You, nothing but another bread. Chaika, cook you out. Precision, never seen before! Mark Chaika's words. You, get away? Think you can? Say stuff over Internet. Think wrong! Secret saboteur network, contacting! Right now! Your house, being traced. Storm, coming! Brace! Storm, wipe out you! You, little. You, pathetic. You, dead. Kid! Chaika, anywhere! Everywhere! Can drive car, over 700 ways! Just with Chaika hands! Chaika, trained in unarmed cuteness. Also, access to entire coffin! All of Chaika's dad, parts. Chaika, use. Full extent! You, miserable! Wipe bum off face of continent! You, should have known. Unholy retribution! Clever comment, bring down. On you. Held your tongue, should have. But, couldn't. Didn't. Pay price. Baka. Chaika, super angry! All over you! You, drown in hugs! Kid. Smothered
Wow I sure got trolled so hard 1488
O say can you weebs,
by the dawn's early light,
what so sadly you hailed
at the twilight's last gleaming,
whose bold colours and bright stars,
for you pedophiles fight,
o'er you retards we watched,
and you turned out like this,
why not kill yourselves?
gas jewrself kike
how much per post mordechai levi?
Weeb "culture" everybody…
Each time he posts the Nazis retroactively gas an ancestor of his when they were five.
Oh wow, you really convinced me, I am now a #Cruzmissile
Notice how quickly they dismiss their supposed 'ideology' once it conflicts with their love of little girls, one would assume I was right about their upbringing.
You sat what. About Chaika? Chaika, graduated top of class. Chaika Seals. Involved, lots of raids. Secret raids! Hero-fighting! Over 300 exploded breads, confirmed! Chaika, trained in eyebrow warfare. Top wizard. Entire Chaika armed forces! You, nothing but another bread. Chaika, cook you out. Precision, never seen before. Shocking truth! You, get away? Think you can? Say stuff over internet. Think wrong! Secret saboteur network, contacting! Right now. Your house, being traced. Storm, coming! Brace! Storm wipe you out! You, little. You, pathetic! You, dead. Kid! Chaika, anywhere! Everywhere! Can drive car, over 700 ways! Just with Chaika hands! Chaika, trained in unarmed cuteness. Also, access to entire coffin! All of Chaika's dad, parts. Chaika use! Full extent! You, miserable. Wipe bum off face of continent. You, should have known. Unholy retribution! Clever comment, bring down. On you! Held you tongue, should have. But couldn't. Didn't. Pay price. Baka. Chaika super angry! All over you! You, drown in hugs! Kid. Smothered.
You're doing god's work, user. Once shit hits the fan we will round up and kill NEETs along with other undesirables.
Rick, it's time to stop posting.
Once again I ask you,
is responding to an argument with a picture of a favoured idol more akin to leftist or rightist thought? I know, it's hard to accept that the only reason you're here is maladjustment and that you really, really wish you were posting pictures of Beyonce on Tumblr. But this is something you now have niggling at the back of your tiny, tiny minds.
On a more serious note, why did kikes attack weebs? I can't imagine a more stupid warfront to open
The great thing about all these attempts to shame weebs and silence them
They won't work. Most weebs have no shame. They will do whatever the fuck they want regardless of what others say. And it seems like a lot of them right now want to gas the jews.
Gas yourself.
The jewish people (golems) were abandoned by YHWH in 160 AD.
It would seem that you have not yet grasped the ancient tradition of shitposting.
You have to go back.
A lifetime of social ostracisation will do that to a "person".
Once again I answer,
here's a smug anime girl.
Shame them, silence them, force them to (((echo))) their platitudes. They are treating this like we are still in high school and getting pushed around and submitting to everyone else. While they went to their fancy fucking colleges and paid to be brainwashed by uncle schlomos socialist system a lot of us went right into work and the military. We grew more angry, more bitter, and more heavily armed. Now we finally have someone we can point the blame at for stealing the beauty from our lives.
the jews are so butthurt about lolis because the lustful moaning of anne frank and her ballpoint pen still haunts them at night
This thread should be evidence to all of how mentally ill the average weeb is. They will literally ignore all arguments and positions that conflict with their 'right' to masturbate to cartoon children and will simply spam and shitpost whole threads in a massive fit of autism.
Not an argument
No argument tops doyagao.
Most weebs can only face reality through a veneer of 'irony'.
Upon being asked by an Overman why his profile picture is one of a cartoon child the weeb only has 'i-it's ironic, haha' to save himself from having to reflect on his life.
Keep telling yourselves it's all ironic, weebs, keep telling yourselves you have anywhere else to go with your lives.
exactly. animu watchers know well how to hide powerlevels and that's it. but you can't control them based on shame.
They confused anime girls being posted as signs of easy prey. Little did they expect it to be warpaint.
Rick you should be doing your role as a grandfather rather than argue with Holla Forumsacks on chinese imageboard.
So after 4 300 posts' threads the anti-anime DnC shills have finally woken up?
Did you practice how to overcome you smug-anime-girls induced PTSD in the meanwhile?
I wonder if we dump smug anime girls they'll go away
The saddest thing about weebs is their inability to employ critical thought, they're the untermensch Hitler warned us about. They are Nietzsche's last man.
"Oy vey the goyim isn't consuming the propaganda we tried to jam down their throats!"
Something like that.
Not that their maladjusted brains can comprehend anything but the smallest words within that sentence, of course.
copy and paste
Just out of curiosity, you wouldn't happen to be Swedish?
Weeb logic, everybody.
Pick one.
Well it really isn't his granddaughter since only half of it is human
You mean like Yahvee abandoning the Jews back in 160AD?
Are you Swedish?
for you
Yes but can you recite the fact that Yahvee abandoned the Jews back in 160AD?
Your ancestors thank you weebs, as do the Japanese' own ancestors. For keeping the proud tradition of watching little girls run around and wishing you were one alive!
>Anti-anime [email protected]/* */ shills resort to trying to shun us while talking exactly like Chad Normalfag
Honestly I think that they're just expressing their hatred for the fact that they're being fucked over and beaten time and time again by what they consider maladjusted human garbage.
We really got to people like Rick Wilson and they just can't get over it.
Just accept it shils, it's over
We won just like always.
Most of Holla Forums watches shoenens. Only Jidf kikes watch moe.
If you want to see it stop then quit posting.
pick one and only one, Helen
kek everyone someone just got shot 4 times in my apartment complex
Is that when Tidus destroyed some precious relic of theirs? I keep hearing that they really are just mud puppets but I can never find the whole story.
most of Holla Forums ancestors married a 13-15 y.o. girl rather than a cats lady in her 37 y.o., so synchronity while caricaturesque may be higher than you imagine.
The smuggening will never stop Chaim.
I was wondering when one of you would accuse me of being 'Chad'. What did I say earlier folks? They despise the idea of a strong, confident male with a social life and future family.
This is the reality of being a weeb. This is the reality of childhood isolation.
my geek ex girlfriend, her papu first saw her grandma when he was 26 and she was 9. he thought her legs were pretty, so 4 years later they married
they officially capitulated to Rome, and broke possibly their final Convenant to YHWH.
Also (coincidence or not) marks the beginning of their millenia year wide persecution.
You still haven't answered my question.
Why are anti-anime shills so historically ignorant to acknowledge that Yahvee abandoned the Jews back in 160AD?
Was it a nigger?
Just had a text from Chaim, he's mad that I can't get grown white males to stop watching anime and push them into being the best that they can be… oh wait, no, that makes about as much sense as a grown man finding joy in children's cartoons.
How do anti anime shills cope with YHWH abandoning them in 160 AD? It's a tough one
Are you Swedish though? This is important.
yea good guess
ambulance just rolled up, no sign of cops
Also based Hadrian killed the last Judean priest at that time.
Be careful not to smile too hard when the police comes.
Got any more info? I want to learn more but damn near every account of what happened is kosher.
Stay safe, user.
If dubs it was a nigger
Didn't know. They had several secrets passable only by Oral tradition, so they got lost there, forever. And since then the neverending persecution started.
its mildly amusing but honestly idgaf
he was a good boy who dindu nuffin
It's pretty sad… and was just about when they mustered all their courage to post against their smug-triggering.
thats the age i become sexually active, so that will always be within my sexual interests. 13 year old pussy is the bomb dude
Kek, I was just going to post this.
Where do you think you are?
Hard to find, it's their weak spot, and former sources I've found and learned eventually get deleted.
It's most likely their critical point if so well defended. Better to search it from Roman/Antonius Fulvus Emperor point of view (preceeded by Emperor Hadrian)
By Chad we usually refer to a retard with an IQ of 86 who's popularity is due to the sickness of society rather than embodying traditional masculine values. They represent a Jewish perversion of masculinity.
They argue against anime using ad populum rather than laying out arguments about how it's inferior to western(kike) entertainment.
Fuck off chaim it's over for you.
chad always gets JUST cucked by an old hag in the end
So your teacher molested you at 13 and you never mentally grew up past that age?
Where do YOU think you are faggot? Go back to your containment board.
At the end of the day the reviled 'Chad' goes back to his house, tucks himself into bed and dreams of what he can accomplish tomorrow.
At the end of the day the self-satisfied weeb realises they never moved from bed, kicked off their sheets hours ago for making their amorphous body sweat and grips tightly their anime pillow - weeping whilst wishing that it were a real girl.
Are you Swedish though?
Why won't you answer this? It makes me very curious.
That did not say anything about Yahvee or the Jews.
How many 'lolis' have you personally fucked this month?
How many 'lolis' have you personally fucked this year?
You (golem) are still abandoned by YHWH.
Moe has nothing to do with beauty you fucking moron, its just 6 yrs old catering to the pedo infested US demographics, Moe is kyuute puppy dogs eyes bullshit for teenage girls cause their pussy is undeniable attracted to all things "kyute" and for numales fat fucks who cant handle it in real life.
the main reason people hate Moe is because you degenerates came and took a huge dump on the anime industry, its like SJW every where now its all pure MOE
Confirmed for Holla Forums raid. You fucks didn't learn from your last doxxing did you?
Holla Forums is probably more weeb-centric than /int/
Nice safe space you've got yourself there.
Why are you replying to people that you've filtered?
Fucking femenist Kike spotted
nice try chaim.
'Chad' - Heroes: Hercules, Leonidas, Dolph Lundgren, Donald Trump.
Weeb - Heroes: Little girl #1, little girl #2, little #3 and so on.
You are golems abandoned by YHWH in 160 AD.
Yup, confirmed for Holla Forums raid. Reporting.
Are you frustrated over being a cat's lady?
All your efforts are futile. If anything you're fanning the flame.
lolis are by definition pubescent
Chad: His social prowess and physical grooming means that finding a mate to settle down with isn't difficult, and protecting his future children won't be an issue.
Weeb: His social and physical retardation means that he winds up wishing he could force an impressionable child into a relationship, this child would then be exposed his degenerate fetishes. He has no hopes of passing on non-existent knowledge, and no life skills to teach his children either.
The real question that anti-anime posters have to answer is why weren't you present in the original thread about Asuka that reached the bump limit?
Why are you only showing up now?
How can we trust that you're legitimate users?
You're making it worse.
im gonna encourage my sons to marry lolis. its the best marriageable age
badly paid golems
Oh now you're just making it too obvious.
Are you going to sit on Holla Forums and advocate safe spaces? Are you really this delusional?
They don't work on Sabbath.
Upon engaging Chad in a debate, one would find reasonable responses and healthy defence of his stance. An underlying willingness to change should he be proven wrong.
Upon engaging a weeb, one finds nothing but ironic responses masking an underlying unwillingness to face reality and change their lives.
imagine the poor chills.. they come here thinking it's going to be an easy game.. only to be overwhelmed by refined shitposting they cannot cope with, ignoring any reply, and to have smug anime girls laughing at them in the end.
Oh man this is too good. Anti-anime D&C shills haven't even done their research.
Was Hadrian a Chad?
lol kill urself
Weebs everybody.
Chad: Off by one on dubs
Weeb: Off by one of trips
Weebs, everybody…
in 23 posts, you replied to literally no one.
you sure showed us, at least we can try be as Chad as Hadrian was
If it's not broken why fix it? :^)
Are you a swede? Answer me.
Do you not understand English?
Allow me to try a different language.
Keep going
Weebs are so fat and lazy that they can't even check their own claims, everybody!
So why won't you answer if you're Swedish or not?
You know, in a clinical sense the literal ignoring of other interactions is a (in a non meme sense) symptom of autism).
Nothing on being golem abandoned by YHWH 160 AD?
If you don't like it you can always go to a more influential rightwing forum that is not about pretentious pinoy pictogram putang posting… oh wait…
What's worse? Being violently destroyed by a steamroller, your body popping like a tube of toothpaste… or being a weeb?
I'd say being abandoned by YHWH in 160 AD is much worse than weeb kind
Yes or no?
You forgot the part where you tell us to check our privilege.
We have IDs here, newfag. All you linked and replied to, are your own posts, like a true golem.
Here's a joke for you:
A woman approached me on the street today, that's something a weeb will never be able to say.
That's the thing. The jews are not all powerful by any means. They simply try to control the context. Now that they narrative is simpling out of their hands they are panicing and in damage control mode. It's especially important to them with something that is seen as popular or influential below the normie tier social currents. If you step out of line and are popular(and make no mistake Holla Forums and it's line of thought is), they go apeshit over you. It's a trait of a narcissist, where if they can't control you, they will make sure they control how others see you. So they go out on these smear campaigns on anyone who disagrees with them. The most beautiful part is that after a lifetime of having people dismiss us while we happily go our merry way they are starting to listen. Not only that the scorn and abuse we have received just rolls off our shoulders. We have managed to weaponized misanthropy and shitposting. We are the untouchables but for the first time we are starting to realize there are a hella of a lot of us, and people think we are pretty funny. Part of this goes to the jew who so over played his hand with the mainstream media that people simply don't trust them any more. So when they here that one weird guy from work or school talking about something different from the lies they are forced to listen to every day they start paying attention. They may not agree with you at first, hell they won't if you go full 1488, but they will listen and that is when the seed is planted. It doesn't hurt that in meatspace we are so used to hiding our powerlevels for convenience sake that we have learned to feel out conversations and only contribute what we think about a touchy subject when we know there is a chance it will be accepted. We are out jewing the jews. And before someone gets their panties in a twist there is nothing wrong with turning the enemies weapons against them. After all Zyklon B was invented by a jew.
Is this nigger the only anti-anime shill left in the thread?
Is that supposed to be funny in tumblr?
[x] Illiterate
[x] Weeb
What a surprise!
Use them.
Are you Swedish? You are aren't you? You're wondering how i knew.
What do you imagine the average weeb IQ to be?
Double digit? Single digit?
It's only a good virginshaming tsiksa left. Schlomo got triggered back at 160AD.
Double digit.
Animefags are the epitome of degenerates, this makes me think this thread is sliding something. Have any of you watched anime recently? It's full of men getting cuckolded and abused by women. Have any of you see the porn and fetishes created by the fucking japs? Have any of you seen the filth that the people who watch anime spout? They literally claim drawings and cartoons as their wives. Why is Holla Forums giving this garbage the light of day? The asians are not your friends, they are not white. They are hurting white people and we are allowing it to happen by allowing our people consume this garbage.
I was going to say no problem there, but the OP is misleading and the video is mainly shitting on manga. Fuck that.
Manga is fine art compared to anime.
nah nigga, its tor
Single digit IQ's everybody…
Notice how leftists like to bring IQ into every discussion they have with somebody who does not agree with their shit.
Are you Swedish?
Looking at those pictures, I can quickly see why animefags are almost always autistic and socially inept.
She might just have a vagina. XX chromosome mentality is essentially indistinguishable to Swede mentality.
Still don't understand why these faggots want to destroy themselves.
kikes don't care. both are medium they can't control, which scares them, so they try to control how other people perceives us, as the other user said.
doesn't matter if you lift everyday or not, or what is your taste in manga or anime. if you do not consume movies like the Cuckold or Bella and the Bulls and instead prefer anime/manga you are a threat to them.
Its always.
Nah it's more specific than that. The Nord/pol/ threads a while back hade a D&C shill that posted exactly like this.
This was always the dumbest shit to me.
Wewladdius Maximus
It's funny because IQ doesn't matter anymore when someone points out the nigger intelligence.
Nah not autism, normie as fuck on all spectrum tests. I just like anime, its good escapism and low on kike propaganda.
If you stopped gushing over a drawing for a minute or two you'd notice the agenda that kikes are pushing are well established in anime.
True, fuckers like this shat the threads right up
We feel comfortable being called Nazis. Think before you talk shit.
Oh oh oh! Do I smell the beginning of an argument? Would you like to make it? Go on!
They aren't, and that's what scares their upper ranks. Of course they are ashamed to admit chinese cartoons is in their bag of worries, so they send lower level badly paid internet keyboards to deal with the issue.
Everybody knows that. It doesn't matter for kike industry, you may be fit, have good job, etc, but as long as you are consuming media that rivals theirs and prefer it, it's another shoah for them. This will not change
Anime is a perfect medium to spread propoganda because they can slip it in while you're too busy looking at how cute everything is. It's fucking brilliant.
Well… she managed to overcome technical difficulties and switch her ID, let's give her another chance for a better strawman.
shouldn't you be helping refugees or something?
have some more smug, and please continue this very enlightened and in depth psychoanalysis.
Then tell me why they aren't producing a comparable type of media in the west?
I prefer to use Tor so I can speak my mind without revealing my identity. Only kikes would have a problem with this. Do you have a problem with it?
And that propaganda is?…
the jews use the media to feed subtle poison to gentiles, and they view this as a symbolic act from which they gain sadistic satisfaction
they know the gentiles dislike what they're being fed, but it's not sour or pungent enough to evoke outrage (except when it is, and then intimidation is used to suppress the revulsion)
Imagine a restaurant you have patronized for a long time has suddenly come under new management. So you order a steak, and when it arrives you notice the subtle taste of vinegar from it. Your complaints to the staff are rebuked as paranoia and the other patrons harass you for your slanders.
Anime is to western media as the sushi shop is to the restaurant; the food is exotic and unfamiliar, but at least is free of deliberately offensive tastes.
well put
Only pure hearts can create cute.
You mean side of your tumblr account?
Nice cherry picking skills.
Shouldn't you be burning in an oven right about now?
You don't have to hide when you're a kike yourself. You get free immunity.
where did you find so many smug kyokos? sceencapped?
Still waiting for you to present a comprehensive argument.
So where's all that degenerate Jewish agenda and who are the kikes in Japan promoting it, Helen?
Hello Mr. Goldberg.
For being an ebul misogynistic gnatzee ofc.
Hello, kike
That trick doesn't work on me.
The weeb is immunised against all dangers. The result of mental retardation.
I don't entirely remember actually, try google
Hello brudder :^)
And you can't seem to answer a yes or no question. Are you Swedish?
Make the argument already. Get on with it!
I couldn't agree more, they're all cucked from watching too much cuckime. It's clear since they have a problem with anonymity on an anonymous imageboard.
t. hehpilled user
It could actually be a bot, haven't seen a single real response to a post yet
we need a compilation of bbc cuckoldry
bbc needs to be the next gawker
Try harder. Aren't Swedes the based white people Holla Forums celebrates so much? Have you turned against your own kind by preferring gooks now? :^)
The cyberjew is immunized against all dangers. Call him a profiteer, board wrecker, cuckold propagandist, it all pours on him like rain on a raincoat.
However call him what he is, a golem abandoned by YHWH 160 AD, and see how he recoils, how he shrieks, how injured he is as if saying "I've been found out!"
Aren't you supposed to be pretending to blend in?
At least someone here understands Holla Forums's retardation. They don't understand the contradiction here. It's really sad, actually. Maybe they'll truly be redpilled one day by taking the hehpill.
Actually I'm Swedish myself. It's just that the structure of his posts are remarkably similar to a shill in the nord/pol/ threads a while back.
Now that I've got your attention. Would you like to present an argument for your position?
Also this
Ya blew it Chaim.
Be honest, weebs, how many times have you heard your mothers crying at night?
Being white doesn't excuse acting like a faggot. And as a Dane it's expected of me to ironically hate Swedes.
Are you trying to dig yourself a hole to die in?
Because you're doing a good job.
Not even intl was dumb enough to blow cover like that, this is just some faggot
Ya blew it
Actually, be honest weebs, how many times have you cried at night?
Schlomo called. He wants his shekels back, stupid tsiksa.
He's probably controlling the 9aa590 bot, which is now repeating statements.
I'm betting they cry every night. They wouldn't have to if they stopped being a kike defending a gook for one second.
hes making a veritable goldmine off you user
If I cry my wife's son will wake up.
I haven't cried in 2 years, you?
lol, "oh my" was literally the first thing that came to my mind
Now we are talking.
The paranoia is getting to ya, you should check on your tinfoil.
2 + 2 = jew, afterall.
I can't help it, I have nothing better to do
I see you're losing your composure. You're not even remotely hiding it anymore.
What do you think it is here? ninth grade?
I'm glad this is a nsfw board.
I'm proud to be white. I see that you have white guilt since you're so bravely defending your right to pedophile animation created by gooks.
Since 160AD?
what the fuck are you even talking about
how much do you make per reply? or do you do it for free
I think this place is a convention for jews.
Is that one of those inoffensive tumblr words?
Oh you're replying quite vigorously now! Did I strike a nerve? Does being called out make you feel bad?
I'm still waiting for you to present the argument that you began in
bout tree biddy tbh fam
But there are no Jews since 160AD, only golems.
Are you having fun though?
you finally noticed, scraping tumblr is an easy way to get a lot of images.
I think I'm the one who struck a nerve since you and your gang of anime defenders are so honorably trying to convince me that anime is normal to watch.
Fucking google results, mate.
The logical inconsistencies of the weeb, everybody…
Just use the boorus…
You still haven't made the argument. I really want you to make the argument. Please. Write something meaningful.
are you paid by the Clinton campaign?
We're not trying to convince you of anything. You're just not going to stop us.
Loads of fun f a m. See that? You can have fun without resorting to filling your mind with the garbage that is anime. I don't have to resort to escapism.
Boorus and google are filled to the brim with porn, this is just for the sfw folder.
plus it gave me like 6k files in 2 minutes, much easier than saving them manually
If I'm actually jewish then I think I already have. If white people are so superior then why are jews dominating everything from the media to the government? :^)
The greatest thing about arguing with a weeb is that no matter how much they posture, pretend or outright scuttle away - the seeds of truth you have planted will never be dug out.
Then why are you in this thread?
The only seed of truth you've planted is undeniable truth of shillery. Congratulations.
lol hes really JIDF
hes revealing his true power level… its over 6,000,000!
Oh boy… how fucking original.
((( )))
why haven't u deleted ur account fam
It almost sounds like you hate white people.
Entertainment isn't inherently evil, just the jewish part.
Oh you fucked up again! Better focus if you want to keep it together!
Also present your argument.
LAMO he just noticed that jews are better
Even golem's males can present an argument that does not revolve around MUH SOCIAL LIFE and MUH NON-VIRGINITY.
(( ))
Here's your (you) Chaim.
If you are going to shill, then at least read the sticky.
oh shit nigger you're right
the vaginal jew
Jews truly have infiltrated Holla Forums. What a sight to see.
You're so new at this.
Once again weebs, be honest - are you proud of yourselves?
What a waste of shekels.
((( )))
ur so jew at thisss
((user's)) losing it.
Why are you so obsessed?
I am proud of my Race. :^)
Another shocking difference between the 'normie' and the weeb is the remarkable lack of humility you will find in a Japanese cartoon lover - not because they're actually convinced of their superiority, but because entertaining the thought of themselves being failures would be too much to bear.
Irony doesn't save them, though, it only staves off the bad feelings. The same purpose, ironically, which anime itself serves in the weebs life.
Anime isn't that bad all things considered.
Gantz started great, ending was pure shite,
Lol is that from a real anime?
I like animu.
Who are you talking to exactly?
I LOVE ANIME (Also big tits.)
Lupin the III. It's a classic.
Do you get paid per post or something?
I love animu.
She's a proud careerist shill that needs no White man!
Notice how the weeb recoils at my post count.
They cry, as hard work is as alien to them as social interaction.
I hope Japan responds by making another magi.
Wait, that's real? I thought it was an edit.
I hope you're a shill, otherwise you're one sad little creature.
Being payed to shill into a cantonese cartography forum isn't a job and sucking off Mr. Shekelstein is not social interaction.
100% real. /a/ went full Holla Forums for weeks when that season aired.
I ask all weebs to sit and imagine several things.
Your ancestors seeing you engaged in your hobby.
Your parents seeing you engaged in your hobby.
Your, and this is the most difficult, friends seeing you engaged in your hobby.
What's that? They find you abhorrent and laughable? What a surprise…
You should watch Angel Cop.
Keep crying faggot.
The sad truth is that weebs are on a path of self-destruction spurred on by other, like minded weebs who don't want to be left alone in their debauchery.
They can't be saved, they can't be reasoned with.
Then you might as well learn to love it chaim.
Is it any wonder that the weeb lacks critical thinking skills? Anyone can see that my now famous post, responsible for numerous weeb suicides (hopefully) was right all along.
My ancestors would probably be proud of the anti muslim work i do with my citizens watch. What are you doing for your race?
Lol you speak of yourself Jew.
Okay guys, I'm convinced this guy is either a machine, dumb as shit, or schlomo offered him millions.
Is the pope a cuck?
But alas, do not fret, weeb! Once we obtain power, you will be slaughtered en masse. Truly a compassionate thing to do.
Narcissism is alive and well
Provoking more than 5 mocking replies is what they count as "fame" in tumblr.
And we absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead, Shlomo.
You mean just like you did back in the Holodomor?
Who is "we"? What power are you referring to? How do you plan to obtain this power?
Don't answer the last one because I know you can't. All you've ever done is shitpost on anime imageboards, you'll never accomplish anything of significance. If you think this sort of shit leads to you obtaining power, you're an idiot, it doesn't.
The anti anime shill is still here? I mean I tried some discussion, but the shill never replies.
Ancestors would give 0 fucks and be relieved I don't cuck myself or go JUST
Parents give 0 fucks
Friends many of them end up being weebs in secret sooner or later
try harder mordechai
So quiet… Did they… go to bed?
NEET life is good.
I'm not NEET though.
I am and from Europe as well. Good night.
Probably their shift just ended.
the nips hate the jews and chan culture is practically the mainstream right over there.
2chan has traffic comparable to bing, yahoo and major porn sites.
You know, I've been on your server a few times and let me tell you, I don't think I've seen a server so full of disgusting, sexist, racist bigots in
a long time. Not only that, but they all act like they're five years old, saying things such as "get rekt", "git gud" and whatever other stupid thing
you can imagine. I even got kicked from your server for the exact same reason Mepp did. I also noticed that your server states no furries,
bronies, or FNAF fans are allowed. Well, guess what, I'm all three, and proud of it. What I am not proud of, however, is to be the same species
as you. So, go ahead and ban me from your server. You'd be doing me a massive favour, as I don't want to accidentally click on, and join
your disgusting server ever again.
Also, one last thing: Making fun of autism, which a lot of your users seem to do, isn't funny. At all.
Good day.
-Jason Grant.
Yea… I don't know what happened this thread, it's like they just broke somewhere inside.
Yes there is.
Then live action also cannot be used to express realism.
You can't fucking have this both ways.
Your behavior.
Someone who has a panic attack over the fact that anime exists. Like you.
You know these things, but you keep asking these stupid solipsistic questions as evasionary tactic.
I already gave you one but you're too stupid to figure it out.
What the fuck does the West to do with anything?
Enjoy being a fucking retard you normie subhuman piece of fucking shit.
I thought you had already hit rock bottom but now I see you're intent on digging all the way to China. This is some next level normie ignorance and stupidity.
I am not Japanese you moron.
They aren't real people, and even if they were pedophilia doesn't have anything to do with schoolgirls. It means a sexual attraction to prepubescent children. But of course a normie wouldn't know what words mean.
Anti-anime shills can't ▲ ▲
I used to be despondent and cry in a pit of absolute despair over how evil the kikes are if that's what you're asking.
I don't feel that despair anymore though, only complete and utter burning rage. We are going to smack these fuckers into the ground. This time the white man isn't going to wake up in one isolated area, it will be worldwide simultaneously.
>'Till one day, that lion gets up and tears the shit outta everybody.
Of the copypasta?
shes a big idol
The only anime it had was a two part OVA (Original Video Animation, in other words straight to video) series in 1994.
It's always you supposed "anti-pedos" who keep obsessively going on about masturbation, pedophilia, masturbation, pedophilia, and masturbation and pedophilia. Over and over again like a broken record. Isn't it about time to look in the mirror and maybe book an appointment with a professional?
Strike Witches is moe. It's also about saving Europe from alien invaders. What do you have against the idea of saving Europe from alien invaders?
The vast majority of chararacters in moe anime are in middle or high school. Anime, with few exceptions, does not target foreign audiences (least of all moe anime, which is unpopular in the West).
Spoken like someone who doesn't even watch anime and doesn't know anything about it. Why are you whining so hard about this then? I'm guessing you're actually an SJW yourself.
You clearly haven't watched anime recently. Or ever.
its a blown up number because TV shows like doing stories about NEETs
unemployment is only 3-5%
its super easy for Japanese people to find employment, only the weirdo NEETs don't try so they like doing TV reports on them.
There are videos on youtube of gaijins applying for jobs in japan and getting at least 3 different job interviews scheduled for the next day within 1 hour from a single website application.
I dont read it but i can say no matter how you stretch it anime is not anti white you moron. If anything it idolizes blonde hair and women acting femenine.
I would say at most it doesn't give a fuck specifically pro or anti.
You're proof that the bbc is wrong here when they say autistic people like manga.
Autistic people like a lot of shit, it was a cheap hit piece at manga.
All people I've known who collected manga were quite capable of social interaction, some were on the shy side, some were on the outgoing side.
These people are really funny, they say to care about autists but usem them as a jab against something they despise.
I was shocked at how it lacked POZ loads. How could that movie be made in the currentest current year (2015)?
Wait wot? What did they change in Sailor Moon? Were they shitlords or something?
is this bait?
FAM I know you're triggered, but remember chan culture came from weeaboo culture. This is a Japanese deer feeding forum after all.
None if this would exist if not for the weebs. The weebs are the parent of Holla Forums culture.
That bitch loves Muslims. Why link that whore here?
Sailor Moon had gay and lesbian couples which were edited out from the American version by fucking around with the dub and maybe removing scenes. They also censored some other things like making water opaque in a scene where a character is bathing.
With the gay couple they were able to make the changes because one of them is really masculine and the other is effeminate enough that they could get away with dubbing him as a woman. Apparently.
The Jewish reaction to anime recently seems to indicate they think the same thing in a broader sense. Who can forget Rick Wilson attack on Trump supporters for instance.
Weaponized Autism with a political agenda isn't a joke, it's a really powerful asset. They see a connection and its destructive potential when united against them.
I don't see that as being negative. In the current year I would expect the opposite.
Did it show lewds in the original?
Another Quote
"I have no friends and no wife. I seem to be going through a major spiritual crisis. I still have the same old problems with my foot, which gives me incessant pain and discomfort. And then there are the rumours, to the effect that I am homosexual. Agitators are trying to break up our movement, and I'm constantly tied up in minor squabbles. It's enough to make you weep!"
she is a recovering ex sjw
she has come a long way
she calls out the jews in the comment section of that vice video against japanese culture with the cute schoolgirls triggering feminists
living in japan has a chemo effect on sjw cancer
look at this evolution
It's like someone exorcised an evil spirit from her.
i think you are referring to this vid where she shut down jewish propaganda that was written for pic related
you are either a kike or pic related if that made you mad
When localizing something for children the producers are going to do what they think is appropriate for their market, but generally speaking there's no excuse for removing or altering content.
There wasn't anything lewd in the original, the water was just transparent so you could see the outline of her body.
It should be noted, incidentally, that the homosexuality you see in manga and anime is very fantasized and made by women for a female audience, and it's not trying to be about real gay men and real homosexuality. It also doesn't have its roots in Western ideas of homosexuality.
Absolutely degenerate.
Isn't that just glorified softcore porn with socialist undertones?
I love anime!
muh liberty to be a degenerate
this Goy doesn't know yet
read this shit
Yea, no. The beginning of the end of 4chan was when the moderation became overbearing, starting first with the banning of loli. You don't have to like it, but it's a canary in the coalmine for the free speech of a website since you seem to have missed the point entirely.
You're damn right.
freedom can be exploited by anti-free speech anti-freedom of religion exponents like commies and muslims, but generally speaking those freedoms are what allowed Holla Forums to blossom into what it is, political correctness is itself a form of self-censorship
Tax based on what? Cuteness? Flatness? Is it possible to quantify these values?
No you don't get it. No one is free. Freedom is an illusion. We are all bound by nature and we are all unequal. However what builds a strong society is the division of labor. When we accept our roll in the hierarchy and work together we transcend what it is to be merely mortal. However, to have such a bond we need a common heritage and faith. Sexual pleasure is just a drug and like any drug at excess is unhealthy and like any drug it can be used to corrupt. Loli isn't degenerate because feeling good is bad, but because it misappropriates that healthy energy. It weakens the fabric of society which allows the jews to win. Using meme magic we have re-appropriated that into a deadly antisemitic weapon. However never ever bee fooled into thinking liberty has anything to do with it.
My dakimakura cover came in from Japan yesterday. Canadian customs hit me for 64 fucking dollars which is about 1/3 of what I paid for the actual cover+shipping.
Fuck you, commie.
Used up 40 year old whore detected
You niggers don't even know the half of how shit the BBC is.
here's whats on iplayer right now.
To me freedom and authority are the same thing. To be truly free and to truly have authority require both knowledge and the ability to destroy anyone who opposes you. Arguing for freedom of speech is presently to the advantage for nationalists in a period of time when MSM is controlled by people who are globalists. It's a useful tool that promotes critical thinking given that you are educated properly and aren't being subjected to mass amounts of communist-tier bullshit. I'll openly advocated for freedom of speech, but secretly I think it's value is limited at best. Don't be naive, be clever.
Well said, I am merely reminding people that freedom is not free and that unrestrained liberty is an illusion. Everything has a cost even someones seemingly harmless fetish. However if you compromise your principles for the ends, then you are no longer grounded and easily blackmailed to the jew side of the force. Its a weak point for subversion, just look at the 2016 libertarian party national convention.
holy shit kill yourself ni/gg/er.
In a healthy society, people must always be allowed to speak and create freely. States and civilizations exist only to give us an environment in which we can spread our wings without fear.
What needs to be destroyed however are corrosive ideologies like Marxism of any stripe.
anything to rationalize moving to Jponz? you whiteys disappoint me
Subtle, but kek'd
Nguyen = Noojen? Fuck, you brits don't even try. Look up on youtube how to pronounce it, it's nothing like that. (it's more like 'ween', or, 'wee-en'.
hitler was a "weeb" by the kikes' definitions so there's that too
Not a weeb fag here but love me some Gundam.
Spent a lot of time as a child building pics related.
What is it?
In a healthy society people would not be jerking off to children tbh. Although I don't essentially think loli is children Liberty is good for a healthy society but liberty alone is not what creates a healthy society. People need to know their limitations and have respect for others. This kind of "freedom" can only happen in a well protected homogeneous society.
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” - Marcus Tullius Cicero
At the end of the day we must remember what is important that the Jew fears the Samurai.
Give it to me.
It IS reality, you know, actual people, with actual emotions and actual body language!!!
What is triggering and what is triggering about my behaviour.
Just admit you use words you don't understand.
So your definition of anime is anyone who gets into panic attacks that anime exists, alright let's take that definition.
What exactly shows me being in a panic attack that anime exists.
No, I do not know these things.
Are you severely autistic, you do understand that I am a mind seperate from yours and do not think, feel or understand the world like you do.
Then keep repeating the reason, instaid of calling me stupid.
I guess, if your an autistic living in a fantasy world, reality doesn't have anything to do with anything.
But you must understand, I life in the real world.
Really, explain what is wrong with my stereotype.
Weird, I never claimed you where, I was talking about weebs and people who like anime.
Oh right, so it's ok to watch a grown man having sex with a child, as long as it's not a child, because sick ideas and emotions are somehow no longer sick.
Wait, suddenly a normie means being someone who doesn't know pedophile is applied to pre-pubecent, I thought a normie is someone who gets into panic attacks from watching anime.
Now what is a normie exactly?
…… . . . .
I stand with the Jews on this one…
Sorry, anime is a disease. :x
Go fuck yourself.
It depends entirely on how it's made. You sure are not very clever.
You are just being evasive.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Enjoy being a fucking retard you normie subhuman piece of fucking shit.
The number of hardcore anime otaku who have a "waifu" is very small. You have no fucking idea what you're talking about.
Herbivores have nothing to do with weebs you retard, and herbivores don't necessarily watch anime.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Nobody said a normie is defined by only a single thing. You fucking idiot.
Christopher Nolan made it. All of his movies tend to be bad goy, non-pozzed entertainment.
Nolan has also taken inspiration from anime. He came right out and said that Paprika was a direct influence on Inception.
Inception has at least one scene borrowed from Paprika, as seen here (right in the beginning):
This thread is fascinating.
I wasn't really convinced that paid shills were real until I read every post here. Now doubt is cleansed from my mind. We must be doing something right if paid shills post here with such persistence.
How can shitposting evoke such fear in the people who own all the wealth in the world? Then again, jews have hated on Ancient Egypt, Rome, Greece etc, which archaeology has shown that they were all accomplished shitposters. Meme magic must be the ultimate threat somehow.
heh good one
Fuck, used to have a Liger Zero until a kid broke it. Always wanted to get back into gunpla myself.
Fucking hate what they've done across the site. Trying to pit the board all against each other. Mod drama and site hiccups have done a number on us as well, but we must persist.
That's a really nice pic
When will you deviants learn..
If the Jews are attacking it, you know you're doing something right
But what if you're secretly jewish? A jewish infiltration anime squad infact? Then who would be in the right?
hah-HAH! Figured ur plot out, JIAS trixxters! :)
Tell me 5 good animes
yea life's good
Anime =/= politics, faggots
You sure about it, Schlomo?
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Angel Cop (it's kinda shit but pretty redpilled on the Merchant issue)
Ghost in the Shell
Boku No Hero Academia
Non Non Biyori (if you like cute girls just doing cute things)
oy vey go watch GoT like the good goyims
It's almost like kids have the power to save the world or someshit.
Wish that there was modern western media that was actually interesting to watch and wasn't kike'd, but sadly there is pretty much nothing.
So I'll stick to Animu for fun and older western literature when I want to get into something white and uncucked.
Man I loved Monster Rancher.
Rick are you trying to pick a fight with internet weaboos on who is tougher male?
This is a new low
Watching anime is part of the rare things that gives me some joy and pride, so yes
You don't actually know the real hitler as a human being.. I have obsessed over his life into every aspect and what you don't know is that he was a big fan of disney cartoons among other things. He liked to draw them and he was a huge fan of snow white and the seven dwarves when it came out in 1938. Keep in mind, Hitler was a hardass veteran who saw the horrors of ww1. Yet he still liked nice pure cartoons filled with beauty and good stories.
You can fuck right off mate, anti-anime is anti-white.
So Holla Forums really is a bunch of edgy normalfag redditors.
You got it backwards, the shitskins are going to be given jobs to kill us.
Wow, the mental gymnastics weeaboos go through to try and justify anime is amazing. I especially like the part where you pull an anecdote out your ass about hitler liking wholesome western cartoons made by white people, as if that's totally the same thing as liking whatever trash faggots like /a/ watch.
Yeah, those western cartoons sure are wholesome. What with all the racemixing and homosexuality.
You haven't seen the movie, have you.
What is NTR?
I'm saying what exists now. Hitler would have been definitely preferred anime to modern western cartoons.
Oh dear your world view is ruined
Nips aren't gooks, they're East Aryan.
They can't stand seeing beauty or flawless things because they aren't like White people or indeed even Asians. Most people see something beautiful or flawless see it and think "wow, that person has done well for themselves/created something amazing, I wish I could be that successful." But semites and niggers see this and think "Da fuck dat bitch think dey betta den me?!" They are ruled by envy because their history has been one of taking from others.
I don't know who is jewing who anymore…
Of course he would, but that's just because modern western cartoons are made by degenerates like (((Rebecca sugar))) who love to ape anime even if they won't admit it.
Do fuck off.
Its obvious that the Jews and media elites have no love for anime/manga, because its an entire market and art form they have zero control or influence over. Its gotta be just absolutely repulsive to them.
Its a medium with virtually limitless room for creativity, unmolested by political correctness, leftist philosophy, jewish writing, and anti white vitriol. It has virtually zero propaganda value to them. So of course they attack it.
They also dont have any centralized control over video games. Why do you think they are dismissive and hostile to that medium as well? These monopolizing elites hate the fact that they are decaying while these mediums are thriving, especially among young people. its gotta just eat them away inside
As others have said, Jews have no control over anime and this angers them greatly.