Is this a tranny?

Is this a tranny?

Doesn't matter, all 2D is degeneracy anyway.

t. normalfag

Not the pure kind.

you mean the tranny kind, degenerate

Depends… Was it shot on non binary celluloid?


i wish it was

oh yeah that's the good stuff.


its almost enough to cure pedophilia ain't it?

I think we all know the answer.

hope its at least 2 foot long and capable of shooting a litter per day.

Is this a tranny?

acme™ loincloths, capable of hiding any toon bulge, regardless of the size or ridiculousness of its proportions.

wew look at that funny meme you thought of 12/11

BO you did it for anime and cartoons, and all of our favorite actresses are turning out to be trannies so you better make the change stat.

Holla Forums - Tranny Viewing

Holla Forums - Transvestites

Now THIS is communism!

stop raiding my dickgirl folder

but futas aren't transvestites user


Trannies don't have both parts

Uh no.


Is this a chicken?

Inappropriate for Holla Forums audiences

wtf, is Holla Forums the new Linakara?

tumblr un a nutshell

is this a tranny?

no, but her body is fucked anyways.

well they have these things called gaffs where their dicks can be tucked in.

Why did I click in this thread?

I dunno do you like trannies?