Hillary Clinton has one word for the Senate after gun vote:
> msn.com
> archive.is
Someone go tell this old twat all she needs to hear:
Molon Labe.
Hillary Clinton has one word for the Senate after gun vote:
> msn.com
> archive.is
Someone go tell this old twat all she needs to hear:
Molon Labe.
Other urls found in this thread:
I wonder how much gun manufacturers are paying her to say shit like this. Because sales are at an all time high as a result.
This is just a profit generating distraction. The real target is freedom of speech.
Defend all freedoms, especially those that let you defend your freedoms with peaceful and violent means!
I don't doubt that they would take or restrict our right to bear arms if they could. They're certainly working towards this goal.
"Shall not be infringed," is not debatable!
This reminds me of when Obungo tried to bring masses of rapefugees in. After the governors turned against him, he tried to block a proposed bill be shoring up support amongst his party- and utterly failed.
Hillary is digging her grave by supporting gun control. Aside from pissing off gun lobbyists and the NRA, the average American doesn't like gun grabbing. No Democrat has EVER made gun control a plank of their campaign for a good reason.
We should send videos to her with the #Molon Labe. Saying molon labe
You'd be surprised. MSM is prepping the bull for gun control through terror watchlists.
New potus can pick a new supreme Court member, seeing what they did with marriage they can do to gun right, always worry with crooked Hillary
bad idea. youd have FBI at your door in no time to confiscate your weapons. at least under a clinton presidency
I did an 8 month contract with Ruger in northern AZ a few years ago.
The lunchroom talk seemed to be real fear of a ban (and unemployment) and a commitment to get as many firearms built as they could before it happens. The management came off less as jewy money grabbers than people who want to arm as many Americans as possible.
Loved that place. They let me carry at work.
You sound like a shill cuck
Is she a professional quote maker?
delete your account
The MSM has been doing that for decades and they've never succeeded beyond token, nonsensical victories. That was at the height of their powers- today, they're a collapsing shell of their former self. Nobody under 60 goes to the MSM for news.
Pessimists are for plebbit and 2+2 chan
holy shit
The gloves have finally come off.
What set him off? Haven't seen that many redpills dropped in a short amount of time.
Ben should make a political cartoon of Hillary standing on dead body's and Trump standing on wealth and truth.
His whole twatter feed is currently a Hilldog rape-fest
Fun fact, above-60s are a very large voter bloc.
Wow, not even Fort Hood allows that.
Despite the pain in the ass to get a permit, complete gun bans never work in Canada because there are too many hunters, indians (feather) and bears. They gave that mudslime that shot up the engineering school in Montreal a pepsi name and it was his real name got out, support for registration dropped like a rock (except in Cuckbec of course).
Was wondering if my elderly father had a stroke recently by his nonsensical opinions about Trump. Then I found the remote control.
CNN. Not even once.
I'm hoping we get at least one debate before she gets indicted or dies to a stroke. Trump vs Hilary clashes on stage are going to be fucking amazing. We might actually have to accept an expanded definition of rape to cover what he does to her up there. Hopefully no one will take seriously those that call for charging him with murder when she croaks on air due to the pressure.
Lowest energy.
My job recently got a job to produce 200,000 parts from a gun manufacturer and just got another job from the same company less than a week ago. I designed many components for the machine that is manufacturing this part. Cool stuff.
hi shlomo.
Gun rights are unnecessary said the kike.
And the whole entire topic was about if Hillary became president, fag
3 words
'Molon Labe' is a dare, and I don't dare these fuckers to try and grab everyone's guns. If they did, it would split the country in an instant civil war. They know this, and they are ready to pull the trigger on such a measure… when they think they can win. You're daring them to do what they want to do. That's just not a good meme.
Yea, we'll fight for our guns and our country, no question about that. But not before it's time. Right now, Trump has a presidency to go through, and then the (((Leftists))) will get serious enough to start a civil war.
I do.
This is inevitable.
They can never win, so let them try.
By your own logic, this is a falsehood.
I'm daring them to do what I want them to do, which is to try to take our guns, start a civil war, and send their utopianist bullshit dreams into the dirt face-first.
They can't win.
Now, most especially.
So by all means - let them try.
Its a great meme, ancient and powerful.
You sound like a cuckold.
No, you cuckold, most will not.
Most men did not rise up against the British.
Most men will not rise up against the Globalists.
Only some will.
And that will be enough.
Its time now.
You fool.
You faggots still don't get it, do you?
Trump's defeat will be more likely to demoralize the masses than to bolster their resolve, and quite frankly, its playing to the narrative of the left to espouse the bullshit logic you're espousing here.
You are walking DIRECTLY into the trap that your enemies have laid for you, thinking you have the upper hand, thinking you've outsmarted them.
Its really quite pathetic tbh fam…
… As for me?
I dare them.
I double-fucking-dog dare them with a cherry on top.
Come and take them.
I dare you.
I want YOU to take the action that justifies our violent response, not for you (to use a corrupt and broken system) to deny us a rightful victory, and then use our violent response as justification to respond violently in kind.
Fact is, one way or another, after this election, the United States of America will almost-certainly cease to exist, torn down in a bloody civil conflict the likes of which this world has never seen.
It is inevitable, I believe, and I no longer fear it - come and take them, and give us the justification to defend ourselves.
I dare you.
I just realized how fucking stupid Hillary's tweet is. By saying "enough", like she has some kind of power to stop it, it's going to make her look weak as fuck when gun control measures continue to get stymied.
If Hillary wins, there is no point in even thinking the 2nd Amendment will exist, nor even that it will matter.
Its terrifying to see how many of you really don't get it.
This is it.
Last call.
Last shot.
Last chance.
If Hillary wins, we revolt or we die.
That's it.
No rhetoric, no jargon - this is our last fucking chance to pull our asses out of the demographic-collapse fire.
If we get Trump?
Neat… For four years.
And Trump isn't liable to do anything especially meaningful as regards the demographic situation - he's not going to implement efforts to bolster white pregnancy and inhibit non-white pregnancy, he's not going to deport the 'legal citizens' (put in place by Reagan, who Trump apes in a frightful manner, given Reagan was probably among the worst US presidents), he's not going to do any of that shit.
He'll be a civic nationalist candidate, AT BEST, which means no real action against the demographic demise of the US.
And at that point, who fucking cares anymore?
I don't give a single solitary shit about the United States of America once it has become an off-brown shithole.
Let it all burn, for all the fucks I give.
Even if Trump wins, that's not a victory - its a temporary partial reprieve.
And it won't be enough.
If Hillary wins, its 2nd American Civil War, or else America ceases to exist in any sense that has any meaning - the 2nd Amendment wont be worth a fucking thing if this country becomes just another mudpit.
And it won't last long in such conditions, regardless.
Trump isn't the end of the road, as so many are fond of saying, he's a stepping stone… But the time it will take to move from that first step to any meaningful distance is longer than it will take for any such action to cease representing any sort of value.
Trump isn't going to set things right, he can't and he won't.
He has been useful for shifting the Overton Window, and that's nice - but even if he wins, it will not save us for long, nor at all most likely.
War is coming.
It is inevitable.
And if it is not, if it should flounder, if the spirit of violence should refuse to engage the American people to action, then all hope is lost, and this nation's future is nothing more than becoming another mudpit.
At which point, I cease giving even a single solitary fuck about it, nor any of the retarded cucks who stick around.
chomping at the bit for a civil war is just stupid, and nothing else
Waiting for salvation that will never come is even more stupid.
Civil war is inevitable, and frankly, likely to be beneficial in the overall.
There is no other way this gets turned around, but by force of arms.
>>>Holla Forums
Either works. The marxists on leftypol are so disillusioned with the kike joining forces with Hillary now that all they do is play /tg/ games together. You can also gas yourself.
I see the shills are getting sneakier.
Checked and Kekked
I'm not fond of Jews or leftists.
I have no idea what that means.
No thanks.
And none of that was an argument to anything I said.
Keep trying though.
remember kek prophesy user. Dubs declared she would shit herself in a coughing fit during a debate.
With what Trump has in store for her, she better be wearing brown pants.
can we use this list of victims to dig into false flaggotry?
I agree, a lot of folks don't realize how crucial this cycle is.
Trump is far from perfect, but anyone else spells eventual but soon collapse for the US, save some potential black swan event.
That was a pretty stupid kek.
Mow the lawn with your stretched out labia Hilldawg
It's great that I don't even have to check if his tweets are real anymore. Nobody can shop his tweets to be better than they already are.
It's virtue signalling, a beloved tactic of the left.
And shit's about to get even realer
Good Job Hillary! You have inadvertently helped the economy in ways you could never have imagined!
He's doing it even as you post user.
Why bother making reasoned arguments and engaging with people who disagree with you when you can be a smarmy, condescending cunt instead?
Trump will wipe the floor with this evil cunt come the debates.
This. She'll blow throw 200+ million in advertising against Trump, and in one fatal swoop in the debates she'll get destroyed.
If the secret service people are right about HIllary's "real" attitude, Trump is going to trigger that bitch into becoming unhinged in front of everyone.
Trump can fill a 25,000 seat stadium, Hillary can't even fill a Highschool gymnasium even with a $150,000,000 war chest.
The only way she will ever win is through vote counting fraud.
Heh, I'll be surprised if she doesn't have a complete breakdown before the end of the second debate. And honestly, I don't think The Donald will even have to break a sweat at it smh.
I want to see Hillary go total cunt at the debates. I've only seen hints of her ready to explode but now I want to see pure cunt rage.
Really getting sick of hearing from this old bitch on twitter.
More repeating digits, more power against Hillary.
100% cunts…who would have thought?