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Why is this a problem again?
Yeah, because old media is so legit these days.
How will this give anyone control over "the internet and it's content"?
I don't get it. Is the current system considered good? Why should only the USA control this? America always just looked for itself and screwed the rest of the world. ITU just tried to bring standards to frequencies so far.
The Internet slowly feels like it's being turned into the same old shit we've always had. Remember, radio and TV were free at first, too.
Archive that shit, Jesus.
ICANN controls things like IANA.
So if the UN, in the grip of the mental illness of diversity and globalism, appoints Saudi Arabia to fuck around with the global addressing system, they can transfer ownership of any TLD (.net, .ninja, etc.) to a different authority if they don't like it.
They could also potentially revoke or, at least, refuse to allocate IP addresses to ISPs they don't like.
It doesn't give dictatorial control over the internet, but it's not good anyhow.
It's not like TLD providers don't already do this. Case in point; Holla Forums 8ch.
Back to Holla Forums, satan. I'm sure you would prefer the clinton news network instead, but if you want that kind of coverage you have to go back to reddit.
die shill die
No, I mean something different. TLDs are not domain names (Holla is a domain name, .co is the TLD). The ownership of TLDs, including the new mostly cancerous gTLDs (.ninja, .rocks, etc.) is delegated by IANA and therefore ICANN. So the ownership of an entire TLD can be changed.
opennic still works and you could still connect based on ip if they shut anything down.
This is the internet of the future. This is the Internet of Things.
Its about time tbh, normies ruined the internet.
Holy shit, she's real!
What? Is that why radio stations always have to play clean versions of their songs?
America has the freedom of speech as the first codified right, and relative to the rest of the world has done a stellar job holding onto this right. For all of its faults (spying,manipulating/etc) it is still easily the least of many evils. Allowing other countries to have a say will likely have a negative impact on the freedom of the web exerted down first by the control of primary mechanism for accessing websites
America invented the internet and the internet will remain America's, end of story.
internet of things is designed to be the internet of consumers + corporate and government spying. in many ways that's what the real internet is becoming / has already become. (((they))) don't want more independent producers in the world. becoming an independent producer on the real internet makes you a threat to corporate powers. whatever happened to all the mom and pop / random startups on the internet? they got forced out, bought up, encouraged to join a marketplace like amazon, ebay, or etsy for increased traffic in exchange for a nominal 15%+ commission.
Just the other day I was searching local companies and came across a mom and pop type dial-up provider somehow still in business here in upstate NY
Compare them to someone like verizon. These people are what the internet used to be and there's a certain charm to it. As awful as 56k is at least these people aren't some soulless corporation spying on you always looking for new ways to jew you for extra shekels.
oh my god dick
Nobody else covers this kind of shit. Sad, really.
Then keep the parts of your ideology that will drive a wedge between the groups concerned this issue to yourself. How do you fuckers not see that? Jesus, with how much you try to shove your bullshit down everyone's throats wherever you go and your tendency to be off the mainstream internet, it's like you're the perfect fucking wedge to stop productive discussion about issues off the mainstream internet. Do you not see it, with how politics seem to have been being pushed everywhere lately? They don't need shills, they just need people to think politics are a massive issue in everything and they will drive their own wedges into shit with their views that have been growing further apart in recent years until everyone is in small enough groups that they won't be able to achieve anything.
I could take the point you made here: minus the part about the (((they))) and tell it to many of the people I've known over the years and they would agree that it's a problem and we might even have a constructive discussion about things would could do about it, keeping the problem at the front of our minds and possibly having another conversation with another person later that day who could then repeat the cycle further. If I left in the (((they))) however, the conversation would shift to that and away from the actual problem at hand killing the original discussion.
#! /usr/bin/env python3import subprocessimport randomdef speak(phrase): try:["spd-say", "-w", phrase]) except: print("computer is autist, can't speak...")for i in range(random.randint(1,10)): speak("1488, GAS THE JEWS, natty coder 4 lyfe, NO APOLOGIES")
Namecoin (or similar) gents.
Solves the HTTPS trust issue also.
go cry yourself into a corner, idiot
Anyone with a goddamn brain can see the amount of control and influence jews have in media, politics, banking, and law and that time and time again they promote ideas and laws that fuck our countries over in the pursuit of precious shekels and control.
Lets just move to a new internet.
I2p sound fun.
have you done anything like a piratebox? I was thinking of maybe setting aside a couple hundred dollars and placing a few around my town operating on solar.
I ran some router for wireless p2p-connection on solar and it worked fine. As long as you add some kind of battery and use a small MIPS- or ARM-processor I don't see a problem there.
Fuck America. I can sue ICANN because Syria and Iran allegedly supported terrorism and get all domains from them, if I claim that I'm jewish and have a jewish lawyer.