We're being raided

I don't care if it's 4cuck rapefugees, Reddit rapefugees, Holla Forums, Holla Forums, freech, the Tavistocks, FBI, CIA, NSA, Hillary shills…

The fact is: Lots of sliding threads, misinfo and disinfo.



Of course we are. We have been raided since this place was established.

It's what makes it fun.

Yeah, it's obvious. Perhaps we triggered the tavi-bots too much and they actually set up an op?

lurk moar, this not news, it's been happening in full force since september, this happens every fucking week.

Yeah, but I haven't been seeing any cuck threads besides today.

Considering there's a thread up that's entirely nigger dick-posting, I'd say that's accurate, yeah.

Don't forget the summerfags that are pouring in on top of the shills.

May be we should start the gore threads again.

I know, I hope hotpockets are awake.


T-stock and MKULTRA threads seem to have triggered a bigger influx. (((They))) don't want us to know about these things.

This, I don't agree with your idea of it being fun though

there is a constant background level of shilling

When ever something is going on however the shilling spikes.

depending on the thing thats going on the amount and type of shilling changes.

What we are seeing right now is the type of shill response we see when a good pedowood thread starts.

Are we ever not being raided?

Hold on, Wasn't there a thread a few days ago Saying that this would happen because someone mentioned Trav!$tock?

welcome to 2014

tavistock was mentioned a few days ago during the illegal immigrant fag removal done by a run of the mill muslim.

it started picking up a day after the mods stickied a thread about it. Someone is now going to run blacked threads because thats basic standard procedure to a bunch of shill fronts like, srs, hilldogs group, and irc raiders fro 4cuck.

When are we not being raided?


Salty about the 4 (count 'em… FOUR!) gun control bills that got shut down yesterday.

Eat shit leftycucks


Fucking mods don't do shit!

What is that?

Define it

Don't give me a PDF and talk about paranoia

Define it once

Tell me what it means

Tell me what a Travistock is and why it relates to raiding Holla Forums? Are they a group?

GATE classes did not make you into a NEET

Define it

Do it ONCE faggots

No more cryptic blogs about how someone once studies social engineering

Cultural Marxism and LSD studies are far more important topics

Are you sliding with Travestock? Pedowood was true but you Illuminati "satanism everywhere" fags ruined them. Pedowood is just the fact that it's OK to be gay now, so they needed a new type of degenerate to control and put forward as loyal goy. A common strategy, not Satanism, blackmail and Jewish mafia prostitution

What is it!? If you don't fucking define it, then Travestock is a shill slide thread that belongs on /fringe/

Then you let (((them))) win. ((())) being what OP listed.

We're a fortress attacked from all fronts, and we must defend it.

It's because the mods are trying to get sick jobs at Google like m00typi by brainwashing you guys.

And these goys are talking about it.

If you continue to fail to apply new knowledge to your worldview, you are no better than the 'normies' who worship Hollywood programming.

Fucking reported for letting the enemy in, suspicious hedonism and overall Jewry.

An institute specialized in mass psychology and opinion manipulation as well as mitigation of anti establishment organization.

Basically one of the big boss shill groups.

Now we're getting blacked.

Now that's just uncalled for.


My Jewdar is always right, whenever there is a doubt there is no doubt that's the first thing they teach you.

All Hail Hydra!

Who taught you that?

I don't remember. That's the second thing they teach you;;;

i noticed those two threads.
havent see cuck / nigger porn spam on here in a while.
im not sure what they are sliding but one of the two threads is still spiriling outta control

Using reddit memes
So when did you find Holla Forums is there anyone here that isn't a new poster?

This board is like 2007 Holla Forums

Why aren't y'all spamming the obvious shill/bait/cuck threads with new digs and Travis maymays? It worked well with the Evalion shill threads. Why can't you concert your efforts now Holla Forums?

Jew dogs not new digs?

And why aren't mods as b& happy with these raid threads as they were with Evalion anyway? Must be sleeping, right Holla Forums?

Then why are so many sickly anons having a full on schizophrenic fit over it? They keep saying their computers are being forced to download mysterious things and they are being followed by people.
It's getting out of hand if that's all it was.

This thread is almost as retarded as the time that user got a reply in a random thread from his second ip address; claiming to be fbi pointing out what said user was drinking that night, when it was really just him replying to himself trying to be le ebin spooky. You guys are just shitposting, fuck off.