Settlement: Maine

Would you be willing to give up city life in order to move out on the countryside and work towards self-suffiency?

We're back for another and probably the last thread we will ever make on this board regarding our project of creating a self-sufficient community.

We've been holding together now for almost a year planning and looking into the possibilities of starting one of these settlements for people that are tired of the changes to worse and the social climate in our countries and I must say that we've come a long way. We've had an active group of around 10 people finalizing the the details on the move and also discussing pretty much nothing and everything.

So to get more into it, we've managed to find a nice property on around 40 acres for a really affordable price with seller financing that we can afford and it's enough land for a smaller community, the land is covered with mainly trees but is on the outskirts of a farming region so the soil and climate is good for crops. We will be granted all rights that comes with this property so cutting down and selling a portion of our trees will be done in order to gain some money and some space for infrastructure.
We're near a small town of 8000 inhabitants which is 95% white and the surrounding towns are alike so crime and selfishness won't be high at all (please keep in mind that this project is not an attempt at creating a secret nazi sect on the countryside but more of a retreat for people who wants to live more naturally).
The positive things about this region and property are endless while the negative ones are very few so don't think it's anything like Namibia for instance.

At the moment we're waiting for the paperwork in order to setup a corporation where we can send our money in order to pay off the property (since we're mostly from northern Europe and northern America) and it will be useful in the future since we plan on starting various businesses since there are a lot of skills in the group from farmers to construction workers to IT.

If you got any more questions about the project feel free to request my Skype and we can chat on there (yes we use Skype because as i said we're not a bunch of nazis planning illegal shit or another holohoax in the US).

We're at the moment looking from someone that lives in Maine because it would help us out a lot, we don't want your shekels but are more interested in having someone closer to the property since most people from north America in the group are from other parts of canada and american south so its kinda far away. We're not looking for people to go live there within a month or so because some people in the groups still got things to do and we're planning on settling 100% in the coming year or 2 (since its a huge project).

If anyone else would be interested in joining but doesn't live in Maine feel free to talk some with me and we could possibly work it out since the more we are the better it is (but we won't go over the 20 people mark)

Questions/ideas/requests are all welcome and I'll be monitoring the thread for the days to come (if there is any interest hehe)

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Is this those same threads made by that UK user a little while ago? I feel bad because I discouraged you early on in the first thread because I've seen how these things never materialize, but if you're close to getting your shit together that's great.

What have you got in mind for accommodation once you settle on the property?

Yes I think that you're right, can't remember but it rings a bell when you say it

Nothing fancy, we're more looking into applying for jobs in the region and bunking up in apartments first and on the weekend working on creating eco-friendly steady and cheap houses (Earthbag houses). Nothing really fancy at first but as money enters, things will improve with time and hard work.

Good luck anons. You're doing God's work and men like you will be the pioneers in the reestablishment of a Distributist system such as the one Jefferson envisioned.

God be with you.

I forgot to add: what's a standard buy in? i.e. how much would it cost to become one of the 20? I don't really have much of a savings atm but I will once I get employment in my chosen field.

We just had a thread about this a few days ago. I'm sorry, but these will never work.

Thanks mate!

There isn't really a buy in and everything depends on how many we are, there is a 3000 usd downpayment that we can pay off today if we wanted to but we are trying to give time for everyone to come up with 300 dollars each for the downpayment.
Then we will be paying monthly and it's going to be 30 dollars per head each month (if we were to hit 20 people it would be 15 dollars)


There are no jobs in Main. Maybe you should become Truck divers or something.

Also, cutting down all those trees to sell? That's not very eco friendly and you're going to have an negative environmental effect unless you know what you're doing. Have you ever done large scale tree removal? I have for the Forest industry. and it's a good way to start a wild fire, drive animals into your encampent, fuck up and cause flooding, and overall end up with a field that needs more bolder removal than one can afford.
Farming isn't cheap. Are you going to do it without electricity, like the 1800s?
You might need way more than just inviting chan users to get full time jobs in the city.
Your plan thus far is really bad.

I recommend reading the book "Surviving Off Off Grid" by Michael Bunker and learning something about Permaculture.

If possible network with local greenies (even if they are insufferable lefties) they might be able to help you out.

Help me what? You know all those hippies have rich parents right? I'm from California, where people do this stuff for decades now. But check out the results. Besides mass starvation, the only real success comes from selling weed and depending upon your upper-middle class parents to loan you the money to go all "Off the grid".
Have you even lived in the untammed enviroment more than camping before?
Have you ever fallen a large tree even?
Have you lived "off the gird" in -30 degree weather?
Have you have job hunted in a small depressed community like all of Main?
I've been through Main, it's for people with money who can afford a large scale investment.

I'm just saying… I don't think they know what you're getting into. Your "Pioneers" of the past would be like the hardest men you've ever met - ever. Not some hipster or chan Nationalist. It's more than "not an easy life" it's a deadly life where fucking up once can ruin everything and you might end up on foodstamps living in a shelter, in frozen Main… if you're lucky.
That's why ALL of these communal projects are backed up with daddy's money.

I'm not planning on doing this myself (at least not anytime soon and not without a lot of planning and training).

As for the book it has a few ideas from a guy who did something similar so I thought the guys who are doing this might learn something from it.

Different user here.

Godspeed anons, have fun and do hard work.

Hehe american forest industry.. and calling 2-5 acres of clearing wood a "large scale operation" so I'm doubting your knowledge there.
Basically what your saying doesn't make a lot of sense, it doesn't have any major impacts on the environment, animals will move as soon as humans comes and the smaller creatures will go on to live normally. Haven't done it personally but most of my friends has 100-1000s of hectares forest in my region where i live and you're kinda sounds like our local hippies. And you know if the company fuck up our land we won't be the ones paying (thats why you hire contractors m8y).

I also doubt you know anything about local farming and how it works when you share equipments/vehicles because here in Sweden we team up 2-3 farms to reduce costs and to help each other out.
Also the plot is 40 acres, so we won't have any "large crop fields" for cash because the property isn't big enough to make a "crop-business" go around and we are more focusing on planting fruits/veggies as well as having a small crew of chicken and goats and possibly hiring nearby grass fields so we don't have to cut down most of our wood.

I'm sorry mate but you clearly don't know what your talking about and thus far your post is really bad.

It's really nothing, 40 acres isn't a lot user. If you're talking 400 acres, that's barely enough for 10 families. You really should go see what 40 acres actually looks like in person before you decide on such a small plot.

This is going to be just as successful as the 1000 attempts that went before it.

That is to say, you'll fuck around taking up valuable front page real estate. Maybe you'll get enough interest to fuck off to your own doomed board and then no one will actually take any measurable action toward the goal.

Depends what they are doing. Someone in my family ran a wormfarm business on 2 acres as well as having chickens and aquaculture. They also had a nice sustainable house, one of those strawy type things.


40 acres are fine for a house, a few animals and a big greenhouse.
I suggest that you guys find a bigger plot though. Not that much room for expansion.

no need to be so pessimistic. This sort of thing is good when it works (rarely).

The important thing is to have a good plan.

Maine is the whitest state

I'm thinking about it

You do realize that we've got brains right?
"I'm from California" yeah mate i could have figured.

So I can see that you live in the city and don't have a lot of experience when it comes to working with your hand, we're not staying the winters if we don't have the proper infrastructure or apartments in the town.
Falling trees? Seriously, do you see that as a hard task? Fell a larger birch last week lol.

You know that most jobs are on the countryside but people are willing to give up their modern lifestyles.
Anyhow I'm not that interested in arguing about this so I'll go ahead and say your 100% right m8y

I know its not a lot but enough for a 20 people community. I know what 40 acres looks like, I live on the swedish countryside.

There is possibility to buy another 40 acres and that might happen, but there are a lot of possibilities in the region for expansion.

do you guys have room for any more?

I've been thinking about moving away from the city and only just a few days ago started doing research into self sustainability. Holy fuck there's so much to take into consideration that complete self sustainability is nothing but a pipe dream. Just finding the right location is a deed in itself which seems impossible here in Australia.

Can this idea be achieved with relative success on your own? Or is a team of people required?

thread confirmed for LARPing retards

Take it to lads.


No thanks we've already got our project rolling and basically everything setup for the buy

I never said 2-5 acres. I said do you know the impact of inviting many people (so many 2-5 people clearing shit out, digging outhouses, where is the electricity coming from, where is the water supply? Water wells that freeze? Who is going to clear all those underground rocks? How deep in the woods are some of these anons expected to go? And WTF is 2-5 acres going to get you? Some food to sell at the Farmer's Market? It's Main. Your growth time is so limited, you're going to have to can/jar everything and survive the entire winter off that. So prepare for Daddy to write you a check.
Have you ever dealt with contractors? Where are you getting this money from? I hope its not a random job in Main, or selling shit on E-bay. Again, daddy is going to write you a hippie check.
You're not in Sweden you Commie faggot. No one is going to "team up" with your marry band of Nationalist NEETS out in Main. People are COLD out there. Nice in the bars, but Americans aren't giving, despite what the charity and crying Leftists project. It's dog eat dog in America.
Wait, now it's 40acres? I thought it was 2-3? You're going to grow fruits in Main?! HAHAHA. And kill your own chickens? And live off fire wood? In MAIN? You're going to die faggot.

I'm from the breadbasket of America. With large National Forests and every environmental condition on earth (except for extreme cold). And where are you from?
You've never done large scale removal. You're emotionally retarded if you think that's the same.
Daddy's money? Who is paying for all of this? And what happens when other anons can't afford it? Do you abandon them or pay for them? Because it's going to happen.
What country are you fucking talking about? Because it's not this one. Ever hear of a Mexican? Ever work for a farmer in the dead of winter? Ever pay for an apartment with no work? Ever live outside of the protection of mommy and daddy? I hope you're bringing a good truck.

Not only are you guys already acting like brats, you have no clear plan. You need a leader.

I wasn't taking a survey from random, anons.

Yes, you can add Ever.mod on Skype

Self-sustainability is the goal to strive towards even though most likely it won't 100% happen since we can't get everything we want there. It's more of trying to do as much as we can ourselves and then import things we need when we get when we got a business rolling

You'd be perfect for the American branch.

Translation: We will live off my Daddy's money and I will pay for the $10,000 of unforeseen costs just to start up. You will not find a job in Main. You are not prepared for this kind of intensity. It is not what you find in your books.
You should do this close to home. Or be rich.

I love how you like to talk like you know everything as well as speaking for the entire population of Maine.
Not knowing anything about who we are and assuming we don't know what we're talking about.

Im wondering if your just a frustrated 18year old that shitposts on the internet all day but you do realize that its not going to be some self-sufficient village at first and will require learning and a lot of hard work.
I can agree on that it's a hard project but people have done it for as long as we know.

Your like the people who are constantly waiting on someone to tell them what to do and is not able to think outside of your own comfort zone which is pretty sad, hopefully trump wins and your life will instantly become better right?

Anyhow mate, no need to post any more in this thread because its just annoying listening to some guy who thinks he knows everything whine about a project that is doable.

why are you being such a pessimistic prick? Is it because you lack the balls to try something like this yourself or is it because you're a shill?

Yeah maybe but we've already got our project so it's either people comes with us or nothing because we've put in months of work and planning into this.
Good luck though!

It's because he has never accomplished something by himself in his life and is assuming that everyone needs a rich dad to succeed in this "cruel and cold" world.
He's an obvious shill or just maybe a depressed NEET, in any way its getting more and more pathetic by each post

I hate how people always shit on the dreams of people trying to actually accomplish something in life in these threads.

It's a bunch of sad bucket-crabs that don't want anyone to actually go accomplish anything because it'll make them feel inferior in comparison. Because their life goals are live in parents' basement until they're thrown out and do two McJobs the rest of their lives in a shitty studio apartment surrounded by Real Dolls.

Never heard of it, could you explain?

Fancy name for regular socialism but with a coat of paint tailored for Holla Forums.

Read about it for yourself. It basically protects the nation against huge corporations and stops bailouts of Jews etc. Also the encouragement of regional economies

nice try shill

Distributism’s goal is not to overthrow and destroy the capitalist system. It is too obviously successful and productive. Besides, the socialists tried that and failed. But the limitations and injustices of capitalism are real. The goal in contemporary distributism is to promote, enact, and entrench distributist ideals. The distributist hope is that at some point the scale will tip, and what is now a capitalist system will become a predominantly distributist system with capitalist elements still remaining within it. The goal is not to establish socialism, to give undue power to the state, or to play Robin Hood, but to change laws, especially regarding taxation, so that it becomes very difficult for money and power to become concentrated in the hands of the few and easier for ordinary people to own their own farms, workshops, businesses and industries. Distributism is economic democracy.

The idea in distributism is that the legal ownership of the means of production in the economy is distributed as widely as possible in the population. This implies a double comparison and contrast. On the one hand, as in capitalism, distributism honors private property and rewards intelligence, hard work, and entrepreneurialism. But simultaneously, and differing from the usual structure of capitalist governments, a distributist state takes measures to discourage the endless accumulation of wealth in the hands of a minority. While capitalism believes in private ownership, it also believes that only a few people should own what really matters, that is, the ways of producing money and goods. Distributism is not content, therefore, with great numbers of people owning their own homes or having shares in the stock market; they need to have real control over the land, farms, factories, and institutions that produce money and goods. On the other hand, as in socialism, the state remains the most powerful entity in the country; the state does not permit plutocrats and corporations to usurp its authority, as they ceaselessly attempt to do in capitalist countries. But simultaneously, and differing from the common ideal of a socialist economy, distributism is realistic enough to acknowledge that some are still going to be rich and some are still going to be poor. The rich are not automatically dispossessed, nor are the poor put on the welfare rolls.

Although this sounds utopian, a distributist economy was a common reality in the past. It is the natural form an economy takes when its societal structures are relatively simple and local. Imagine a primitive society. In such a society people accumulate wealth by the work of their own hands either on farms or in small industries. Some people do get wealthy, through the combination of hard work, intelligence, inheritance, and divine providence (usually but wrongly called “good luck”). But when trade is limited to an area the size of a county (a few hundred square miles), even the wealthiest people will generally not become vastly wealthier than their neighbors. Vast accumulations require theft, slavery, war, or some other form of exploitation. Numerous examples from history illustrate this kind of simple, local economy. The Roman Republic had a distributist economy before the rise of the Roman Empire. A distributist system gradually developed out of the ruins of the Roman Empire in the Middle Ages in Western Europe. When England began to colonize North America, people thought that England’s economy was still distributist, though they never used such a word for it and the dispossession of the monasteries had already steered their economy on the course toward capitalism. In early America, the economic system of the English colonies in the North was largely distributist; in the English colonies in the South, it was mixed with a servile state. Today, with the coincidence of modern technologies and the tradition of law and polity for the past century and more, capitalism has eclipsed distributism in the United States. But distributism is not forgotten. Remnants of the old distributist order remain in practice, in law, and in the collective memory of the nation. The importance given to personal home ownership, the “family farm,” and small business; the current movement toward eating locally grown food; the continuing appeal of arts and crafts as full-time occupations – all are living remnants of distributism.

But what you are doing is talking out of your ass. Lets go on with the premise that you actually have done work with your hands, and do indeed live the kind of life these people aspire for.
Where I live, theres 30% unemployment, the people fish, do forestry, farm and have animals though the temperature drops to -30/-40 already in November. It gets warm as late as in June.
The people who live here have several generations behind them, who have had even worse conditions.

40 acres of forest is easy enough to turn into a plot to use, as Ive done it twice for the tourism industry. Digging up rocks? Are you retarded? Thats only required if you want farmland or big construction. Considering these guys arent doing that and dont have the land for it, well, it makes you look like a retard.
How about sharing your great intellect with those in this project then just insult them?

You talk about leadership but really youre just a


Godspeed americanon.
If you have links/resources to share, feel free. I recently subscribed to Mother Earth News, I'll see what it's worth.
I've been making soap, started composting, plan on start growing vegetables and maybe buying a few chicken. I've also started working on wood which is totally new to me.

t. fellow euroanon.

What county? I'm halfway through getting myself set up in Washington county, I've got a few acres and a little cabin.

Sounds nice what your doing, we looked into washington state but couldn't find anything good, did you hire some sort of land survey when you got the land or did it come with the property?

you can find stuff at /pdf/ or just by googling, but since most of us already work with what we want to do over there we don't have a lot of books/pdfs available!

I meant Washington county, Maine. The land was surveyed years ago - it still has a property marker at one corner, and everything is rectangular in the area, so it's easy enough to count off the length in each direction.

Plus, people up there are more than willing to help out/share with neighbors - if you bump up against the property line a bit no one minds as long as you aren't a dick and aren't profiting off it at their expense.

Oh, true I always forget it exists.

Oh right, good for you man!
Btw how did it go down when you bought the property, did you hire anyone to look through the contracts or did you just read it through yourself and buy it? (I've heard that there are a lot of people in the US trying to screw over people).
When it comes to the friendliness of neighbors i believe you, the district where we're heading has gotten awards for their economic growth and helpfulness so I'm looking forward to meeting the locals

No worries, me too hehe

See this is how you can tell this is a weird shill thread because they just attack you when basic questions arise.

I wonder how many of you will end up in a weird situation run by .gov shills if you actually were stupid enough to do this.

1. no plans

2. no plans

3. no answers

4. attack you personally

5. act like cunts about everything

6. big claims

7. no pictures

8. they talk like Commies about community

There is something very suspicious about this group offering people a home for a few bucks a month. Be warned.

I had a lawyer look over it. It was in the same family for about 35 years before I bought it and has no structures/utilities/underground tanks/etc so it was all pretty easy.

Hi, OP. Would you please contact me at [email protected]/* */? I'd like to talk with you about your plan. Thanks.

I would go.

Mate, we've told you that we're mainly looking for someone in Maine to join the project since we need someone close to the property and people who would like to join could ask for more info on Skype.

It's pointless you wouldn't listen and you already think you know everything, so have fun complaining but i honestly don't care about your opinion.

Yeah because you're acting like a frustrated cuck

lol did i hurt your feelings?

It's not like we're promising free blackjack and hookers, we're willing to work hard for good results , thats it.

Pictures of what? Of the land we haven't bought yet? Of our private information? Maybe of my bank account details?

hahaha oh right forgot that you know everything about building a community :^)

Mate can you do us all a favor and stop posting in this thread? It's not because i don't like you, it's because I don't like your negative attitude towards people trying to actually accomplish things. It's annoying, it's pathetic and it's sad.
But sure go ahead and claim that I'm some jew or some commie trying to grab other people's money but I've already told you I'm not interested in people's money because we're already doing this with or without more people.

Scarborough user here. A few things of note:
Much of the state was previously farmland, this changed post civil war and it returned to forest. Any time you see rock walls in a forest that is because the property was farmland once upon a time. Might save time if your location had rocks removed some century or two ago.

This is the newest soil in America. It is sandy as fug, has the thinnest topsoil, and is pretty acidic most places. Blueberry barrens are a bitchin investment, as are potatoes/brocolli, but forcing any other crop is going to take a lot of soil treatment. On the bright side a well will provide practically infinite clean water.

As another user suggested truck driving is a well paying job that is wanted in the North of the state. I see advertising all the time whenever I watch tv.

Being up North knowing a smattering of French is a good idea, if only to endear yourself to the Northerly neighbours.

A good investment later on would be a lake or seaside cottage. Renting it out online pays off the maintenance easily, and it makes a great vacation spot. A small boat and four traps at the seaside to get a bounty of lobsters every day.

If you're far enough out in the sticks you can conceivably get away with making nearly all 40 acres into a forest of pot. Have a work friend who's dad did just that.

I have a great uncle who was able to obtain a grant to develop his land into blueberry fields, clearing it and filling in ponds. It is a good idea to check in with the town offices to find if a similar program exists there.

Plant insect repelling shrubs and bushes around the house, make sure every window is screened, that you have at least some mosquito candles for a porch. I won't say it's any worse than other states, I know Pennsylvania is worse, but damn does it get bad. Oh yeah, and we have bears and coy-dogs. Coyotes that fucked/got fucked by wolves.

We're the only state with an official soda if memory serves right. Try it some time, it's like root beer but strong. Interesting history, moxie fest in lisbon falls is fun. Recommend you get the glass bottle variety as it's made with cane sugar, better aftertaste.

Lastly, for fucks sake make sure you have a wood stove as primary heating. Yes it's a bitch to clean but you need reliable heating in the winter. If propane or woodpellet or electric heating fails for whatever mechanical reason then your piping is fucked. Woodstoves are cheap, double as impromptu cooking and trash removal inplements, and are comfy as fuck to sit near.

Never trust those. The entire state has pretty much been in recession, governor LePage is a very hit or miss guy on good ideas. The award is like a participation trophy, next to pointless.
Fun fact, just shy of two thirds of the state didn't vote for him. We have the largest percent of registered independents in the U.S., and what's more our dems and repubs often go against party lines in congress. Being the whitest and most homogeneous has odd effects.

Okey yeah we were thinking about doing the same, how many acres did you get and how much did you have to pay the lawyer? (would wan't to get a cheap and dirty lawyer hehe)

Sure, I'll contact you later on, but what for?

You can add me on Skype for more info so you'd know for sure you would want to: Ever.mod

Nice idea, but communes attract malingerers and sexual predators.

Better idea to just buy a house in Presque Isle and get others to join you.

Also, JDI owns the timber rights. They aren't your trees.

This is 100% a scam or honeypot.

t. Lives in Saint-Leonard NB

I'd like to talk with you about your plan and eventually on Skype, I just want to establish how real you are a little more. Anything you say here is public, so it's not a good forum for certain questions.

Is your group set on Maine? Maine looks ideal from certain aspects (though steer clear of Lewiston and Portland), but most of the inhabited area is within a week or two's walk from the most densely populated areas of America, including some of the most diversified (e.g. NYC).

Maybe more to the point, what draws you specifically to Maine? There is cheap land to found in lots of good places.

This, this, holy shit, this.

Why do you say that? What worries me is that if it's $3,000 for a 10% down on 40 acres, that land is going for less than a grand an acre, which in Maine seems very cheap and makes me think it's a largely unusable lot.

Thanks for the info mate, a lot of the things you mentioned has already been discussed and interesting that they speak some french up there since I speak french fluently. Really appreciate the details!

When it comes to the second part where you answered me, I could almost have figured that out since i thought it would look like our northern sweden where its very white and still a bit problematic when it comes to politics.
As long as there are people living there, there will be jobs and things to do (even if it doesn't pay a lot) but it will be enough for our project also considering that we've all saving up money for later.

Anyhow thanks for the info mate, really helpful!

its either 3000 dollars or 20% down and we're not buying without a land survey


What are you talking about? If I get all rights stated in the contract it's my fucking trees.
Also stop thinking the worst of people and thats why we wouldn't accept anyone blindly to join up on the project.
Still as I've said, people can believe this is a honeypot or whatever, if you don't want to come, sure, if you want more info, sure.

I don't really care since I'm the one not to trust others because it's our project that we've worked hard for so the bigger chance is that shills from 8/pol/ would try to enter and ruin it, if you don't want to trust me fine, don't reply haha.

This guy is being an ass, but he has somewhat of a point. Also it's Maine you illiterate fuck.

OP this is going to be a hard life for the first year or so if you actually do this.

There's a few things you need to thing about, like shit brain said, clearing a forest is not an easy task. You need to take into the account of you're going to need chainsaws, don't even think about axes or 2 man saws because noone on this site except maybe /fit/izens are going to be able to pull that off.

On top of that is what are you going to move these trees with? You'll need a steady truck with a hefty trailer for this, and probably some sort of small crane to put said logs onto the trailer.

I guess what I'm trying get to say is unless you use those trees for yourself you're not going to make any money off of them.

Also take into account how much land is needed for 1 person to survive a year, I'd say personally about 1-2 acres, maybe more. Are you going to use pesticides? It's going to be alot harder without.

You also need to worry about motivation. There will be people who get really sick of the long hours and realize it's not all its cracked out to be, and they're going to want out. You'll probably lose half your people before the 3rd month if you're not careful. People are too used to a sedentary lifestyle of everything being handed to them, and they thinknow it's all fun and games till they walk the walk. (I know this personally, because I've been through that wake up call)

Don't get the wrong idea I'm not discouraging you, I hope you do well in your ventures.

Also on the point of people leaving, that's going to be more work on the others, more money to be spent paying off that landowner. My advice would to be to have everyone to have a certain number of money before they even get out there (about $5000) and instead of potting it into one bunch have each person buy whatever when needed, as to prevent some money scam.

There's lots of other things to consider, but really I hope you guys do well in this. I'll be following to see what happens.

Why are you spelling like such a retard?

If you're serious about it, you should fly out and see it first hand or at least find a good realtor. You'll want soil and water tests and to find out the history of who owns it. Is there a well on it and what's it's production are important points, is it zoned for a home site – how many home sites. How usable is the access road in the winter. Is the lot in a flood zone. What does it border, what could it become (i.e. a suburb, an logging operation, etc).

Over here in the mountain west there is quite a bit of cheap land, but you have to be very careful that you're not buying land that turns out to be unusable. Maine has more forested land percentage-wise than any other state, but it is not the best place for agriculture. It's not that easy to scratch out self sufficiency there compared to other rural states, which is why the population one hundred miles south and one hundred miles north didn't spread that much into it.

I understand and yeah it's hard to talk a lot about the plan here on 8/pol/ since even though there are a lot of good people, there are a lot of idiots and shills.
Would you mind taking it in the Skype chat? I'm not very often on my computer and it's easier from my phone (if it's not possible ill just send you an email later)

I think the main thing putting people off in the first place is your parlance. You don't sound or act like an user. If I need to explain further it really proves it.

It's totally understandable since I normally don't post on 8/pol/ i just lurk for news, even though I consider myself being "redpilled" there are some things I don't agree on with other users.
I guess what I'm saying is that I'm not used to shitposting and arguing on forums, I'm not really a computer guy.

I'm going to add you on skype

Okay, just added you.

Please move to swing states where you can actually push the needle. Notably Pennsylvania, Florida, Michigan, or Virginia. PA and VA, specifically, have lots of gorgeous rural WHITE areas that rival any of the pictures in the OP.

Yes, when it comes to trees what you normally do is you tell a logging company that you want to cut down bits of your forest and they pay you per cubic meter of wood they harvest (It's how it works in Sweden atleast). There is a reason why it's smarter buying forest than stocking your money in a bank which a lot of rich old men does here in Sweden.

But yeah i get you and ofc this is going to be hard and we didn't plan to all go there as soon as we 've bought the property. We will probably have to stay over summers and work and winters either retreat to the towns or home until we have the proper infrastructure.

Yeah the space is also important and thats why we're not going to do this with more than 20 people.

And when it comes to motivation I understand what your saying but again we've been actively talking and being social for about a year so there is a lot.

Thanks for the concerns though but we've already got it all pretty much figured out and we're in the final steps before buying it, cheers!

this is going to be interesting. I thought it was just a roleplay but it seems you are dead serious with this stuff.

I hope you know how to hunt and gather good wildlife meat, so you can skin the animal. gut it on the spot and have the know how to salt it properly so it does not get rotten so fast.

Because I picture it you guys are doing it 1800s style.Also I hope you can make soup since that will be your meal if you are going off the grid.

5 acres. I forget how much the lawyer cost - overall I paid around $5800 for the property including taxes, purchase price, lawyer, etc.

This. Also, there are a lot of cottage industries that can earn money with or without a local jobs market. Look into vermiculture. Worm castings and worms sell for beaucoup bucks.

Fuck that, been there for black fly season, I'd rather not have chunks of flesh ripped off and eaten by parasitic mini-flies that swarm my face in the hundreds.

Was he a kike? Because it sounds like he was a kike.

Speaking from personal experience I can tell you the FBI and local LEA is extremely alert to off-the-grid living, communes, basically anything that smacks of not being plugged into the matrix. It's easy to talk about, but you can expect an investigation after a few years under the guise of 'we just want to make sure it's not waco/branch davidians.'
Getting local LEA on your side is key for long-term success. Look for jurisdictions with redpilled sheriffs .

Hehe I'm getting my hunters license later on this year and we've got some hunting land in the family

Oh okey, seems about right!

Oh yeah we've discussed that haha, well our goal is not to live for ourselves, we want our businesses to interact with the locals as well as get to know people in the region and help others out! Don't think the FBI would have a problem with a bunch of legit nice guys that helps out with the local economy

you know how to make soup right? I'm serious because the bones are good to make soup with.

OP, dont know if you are still around, but im interested. I have a job, food stores, guns and ammo, construction skills, a steady paycheck, and I have been researching homesteading for over ten years.

Wat do

Never done any more "exotic soups" than regular potato soup and goulash. But I've got a great recipe for moose soup from here in sweden that is god-tier

Add me on Skype: Ever.mod

Sounds good man, I've been chatting with people today on Skype and waiting for 1 guy to come back so i can talk to him, add me and we could discuss some in half an hour- 1hour

Im at work right now and out of town, no comp, just a phone. Got a burner email or something?

OK, take the recipe for moose soup and then you take the basics of bones and meat to other animals. Because I would believe there are deer or something else there so you can make some soup.

Again not sure how you guys are going to survive but you better learn how to make soup, from the ground up it could save your life m9.
Also its not really "exotic" its only common sense to learn basic survival shit like making soup.

Maybe I'm more of a wild life faggot that ate pike and other fish for 3 months and later went out hunting when the hunting season was on. Because I don't trust the Norwegian jews at the grocery stores.

Yeah you can use: [email protected]/* */
Ill be waiting for your e-mail then!

Hehe sounds nice but our goal isn't to live "innawoods", our property is 6km away from a medium sized town and we won't go there without money and everything planned. But yeah soup is always handy since it's cheap and a lot of different ways to make it.

Thanks for the ideas, ill keep em in mind

Cool, gimme a couple hours

Wait. You have no one who lives in Maine and yet are trying to set up property there?

Sure sounds good

We've got people in the US and Canada but no-one actually living in Maine, thats why we're looking for someone that might want to join from over there

if you want I could give some more survival shit that I've learned over the years of just being a greedy fuck.

Like if you get hurt like a broken foot it happens more often then you would imagine, you better rip open a shirt or something and tie that foot as hard as you possibly can.

If you have an extra dude with you, he or you can do the tie inn thing. also because it hurts like when you tie it inn, have him chew on something. Also I would recommend always have extra shoes one to two sizes bigger I guess if you are a 43 have a 44 or 45. It will make it easier to put on the shoe and walk to the place you came from.

also always have an extra belt if someone falls and there is a large or deep cut, so you can tie the belt over about 3 cm the cut so hard that the bleeding stops.
So if you don't have a first, you should have it on always. the antibiotic jew is always a good thing to have. Also painkillers is a good thing to have extra on too.

When shit goes down in the woods, you will feel lost if you are injured mainly because walking will take more energy than it would have normally.

Hide and report jew slide thread

In addition, this colonization meme was fucking retarded from the beginning anyway.

Fuck that, kill yourself OP or burn in the great cuck fires that will rise on every horizon when Trump becomes emperor.

I'll fight standing where I am now and defend the Imperium.

lol, never thought i was going to be called a shill even though i would vote for trump.

Yeah maybe there are people who doesn't want to live in multicultural shitholes filled with braindead commies and degenerates.

Also i don't understand how it's bad if you want to go back to living a bit more naturally than to live the modern lifestyle that is pretty much destroying our whole world.

I would call you the cuck for thinking that all the change will come instantly when trump is elected, the real change will come when people start to realize that the change has to come from within and that having white skin gives you the "superior human card". If you want our race to be great again then fucking man up and act like an ubermensch, and not some pessimist faggot waiting for someone else to make the change for you

Having white skin doesn't instantly give your the "superior human card".

tfw completely willing but physically and financially unable

I live in southern Maine. In a village that's mostly white, I've only seen one black person here. I'm a woman though, so I don't know how much help I can be with this. Only skills I really have are cooking and sewing. I'm definitely interested and have been commenting in previous threads. One major downside to Maine recently is the fact that Obama has forced Somalis on to us. I see them all the time in the cities and they've turned Portland and Lewiston into a wasteland.


Any real big changes are a long, long ways off. Most anons are just kidding themselves if they think Trump can turn around this monster jews and traitor elites have made in a matter of years. I think what you guys are doing is just logical for long-term planning, and to possibly make your lives more meaningful. Good luck.

It's pretty bad. Thankfully LePage made food stamps difficult to get to try to force them out.

Some part of me is honestly surprised to hear a Northeastern politician is sticking up for the locals. Good on him. Hope you guys pull through.

Cooking and sewing are underrated skills.

Of course. Now here is how we reward and promote this behavior large scale.

Tax consumption only.
We currently tax money on the way into your pocket and money on the way out of your pocket, if we were to radically restructure taxation so sales tax were the only tax sales tax would go up to accommodate the sudden deficit but it would likely reach an equilibrium roughly equivalent to taxation already in place. It would also tax those who insist on living lavish lifestyles proportional to their wealth. Low income families would be hit pretty hard at the start but ultimately would either attempt to become self sufficient in place or flee from cities entirely taking on village life.

Accomplishing this will require astounding political action and I'm not entirely sure it can be done peacefully.

Now it's not the tariff only system of our forefathers wanted but if we were to readopt that at this point nothing would change, we need to incentivize self sufficiency in the people before we can go back to tariffs on all incoming goods.

sage because a little off topic but this thread seemed like the best place to post it.

I was shocked to read about that. I think it's also in Ann Coulter's Adios America when she describes the huge outrage when the mayor wrote a letter saying, "ok, we have a enough of these folks, thanks." How dare he think 1/5 Somalian is enough.

If you're not a survivalist or rich or if you don't have top-tier job prospects, moving out to a rural area is a bad idea. You'll likely end up having to live out of your car.

anywhere in PA that's nice and also close enough to NYC to commute?

what relevance does this have?

It's simple.

Rich user funds the entire project including property, housing, self-sustaining infrastructure, necessary resources, and relocation fees.

Posts we're ready.

Mass Holla Forumsack migration.




Beware of what I said Holla Forums

There is something really wrong with this

Sometimes we can be, but definitely not to complete new-comers, especially in northern New England. Locals up there don't take too kindly to even Mass transplants. You're going to be on your own.

But ultimately this needs to be planned as a military operation. We'd need to conceal our locat

Identify ideal territory, somewhere with a large enough population to disguise behavioral and idealogical patterns, including Internet, and even Tor usage. Ideally we'd create a local, decentralized, encrypted overlay network and release developed content through VPN's into the clearnet. Obtaining our own source of bandwidth would become necessary, but I digress. Managing our community's visibility is key, thus I suggest we infiltrate the decided territory through sporadic and scattered rentals, close enough to connect our overlay network with openmesh routing and signal amplification, but distant enough to avoid pattern visibility and to expand our physical sphere of influence and resource.

As for physical gathering, we would need a front corporation, organization, club, or combination to begin, with the goal of expanding our business assets to provide members with income, security, autonomy, training, social experience, and the locations relevant resources including locations to gather privately and speak freely.

Do not expect Holla Forumsacks to be self-sufficient, their basic needs will need to be provided by the community. They will not be able to contribute if they are occupied with survival.

Forgot to finish the first paragraph.

We'd need to conceal our location and motives for as long as we can, at least until we're prepared to be targeted.

Are you able to help us? you can add ever.mod, or would you prefer an email??

On skype

OP confirmed jewish sockpuppet, this project is a honeypot.

Or by his own admission he isn't a terribly frequent poster here and this is a discussion specifically about the things he needs to know to get this working, like tox communique.

Thanks for contributing nothing to this discussion

Calling all Europeans

Come home to Kekek, Paradise on Earth


No, its nothing like regular socialism, you clearly haven't read anything at all about it.

Does it redistribute wealth?

Nope, it breaks up monopolies and "too big to fail" entities instead of bailing them out and encourages the decentralization of the means of production rather than having them concentrated under a few (((corporations))) or (((oligarchs))).

It isn't revolutionary. Another policy example is ending regulations that strangle small business and ease competition for (((big business))).

Its pretty much what Jefferson envisioned for America

Oh look, it's THIS thread again.

Well that sucks, but hopefully I can find good work in the nice part of PA.

You mean the trustbusters?

Are we sure about that?

No clue who or what that is. Basically Distributionism wants more ownership of private property and more ownership over the means of production and thus more capitalism but on a more regional local level. Guilds and cooperatives are encouraged. Examples are the 7th century Byzantine recovery and probably Stolypin's reforms.

Seeing as Jefferson wanted a more agricultural and regional scale economy yes.

"Distributism puts great emphasis on the principle of subsidiarity. This principle holds that no larger unit (whether social, economic, or political) should perform a function which can be performed by a smaller unit." - from wiki

I think you can see how this applies to government and economy

Broke up a few really large companies into regional entities.

Example, "Bell", became bell south, pacific bell, etc…

A couple of questions…

A. For who

B. From Who

C. Where is "Distributism" getting this property to redistribute? From who or where, using whose labor?

It's an interesting perspective, but a bit vague and thus naive.

I'm not the best at explanations but I'll give it a shot and link two better explanations below
As many people as possible. The whole point is the wide distribution of the means of production. Now that doesn't mean the government confiscates and redistributes property, but it encourages through taxation and enforcement of monopoly laws small business and family farming etc.

Monopolies, International corporations, large corporations etc. Instead of being subsidized and bailed out these should be "busted" and split into regional entites when possible

Decent introductory essay (try to ignore the religion if you aren't religious):


I think you may have misunderstood the perspective I was trying to convey.

You want to give the Government, the power to redistribute wealth?

Trusting only that it doesn't become corrupt enough to use those redistribution powers to make themselves and their friends richer at your expense?

let me explain something about the United States Government….

It was designed to be as inhumanely difficult to infiltrate and subvert as possible.

Designed by men who were familiar with the infiltration and subversion tactics of the international banking syndicates.

The government already has the power to redistribute wealth through policy. It just redistributes it to a small group of mega corporations (bailouts, tax breaks) rather than promoting regional and local level production. Imo artisan and guild products are culturally and environmentally superior to mass production and mass consumption. That isn't to say that there would be no mass production but it would not be encouraged as much.

I believe that this system would only really come about post-collapse of some sort be it economical, environmental or race war now but I would prefer a slower and less drastic transition.

Originally,yes. There should have been more regional government power and less national government power. Unfortunately it was infiltrated…

Seems like a subversion of capitalism, as opposed to capitalism.

Almost like a capitalistic system was corrupted by those who want to redistribute everyones wealth to their pocket… yes?

Have you read the federalist papers?

Yes, and distributism is often described as "more capitalism" as opposed to what we have now.

Feel free to correct me when I am wrong. I'm aussie and am only going by what I was taught in our shitty public school system. Perhaps it was only Jefferson who wanted more Regional power? And Hamilton wanted stronger central power and banking?

No big deal. Up until the early 20th century the majority of people in the west were subsistance farmers, making just enough to keep their family fed with a little bit left over to buy goods or save.
So what we have now is very new and only around for a short time.

I believe you are correct about the second one, but I don't recall Jefferson authoring under the pseudonym Publius.

What we have now, is plutocracy, infesting a capitalistic system.

Your statements and intent seems to be marxist, from my eye… call it a hunch, but I think this distributism is just another attempt at socialism through rebranding and clever marketing strategies.

Dear Holla Forums
It's not like you would survive your first winter anyway. Haven't you even bothered to google what a Maine winter looks like? Christ.

Sincerely, Mainefag.

I like on Woodford Street and I go around the peninsula all the time. Are you fucking high?

Definitely not Marxism as the whole point is that private ownership is encouraged whereas in Marxism it is abolished. Distributism is touted as a third way between capitalism and communism. Read the links and you will realize that it is definitely not communist in any way.

I suppose it is more socialist than a complete free market but a complete free market is a good way to be under the tyranny of (((robber barons))). Maybe ignore the hunch this time and read the link:

(Don't get triggered by the religion. It had its origins in Christianity but it works for an atheist state as well)

Nigger are you retarded. You have forestry, fishing and tourism. What lofty career prospects are immigrants stealing from you New England inbred hicks? 2/3rds of your entire state is a freshwater swamp.

Kek'd pretty hard at "WE HAVE SNOW. DON'T COME."

By who?

By You?

Did the distributists find out a way to prevent flagrant abuse of government power by psychopaths?

Okay, so you ARE pushing wealth redistribution in the guise of the "Greater Good".

I've seen this one before, a couple of times, actually.

IF you are discussing changing the economic system of a nation or world to alleviate problems that are base don PSYCHOPATHS, then clearly you have an alternate agenda.

Seeing as you don't believe that it is not Marxist I'll post the introductory copypasta:

Distributism’s goal is not to overthrow and destroy the capitalist system. It is too obviously successful and productive. Besides, the socialists tried that and failed. But the limitations and injustices of capitalism are real. The goal in contemporary distributism is to promote, enact, and entrench distributist ideals. The distributist hope is that at some point the scale will tip, and what is now a capitalist system will become a predominantly distributist system with capitalist elements still remaining within it. The goal is not to establish socialism, to give undue power to the state, or to play Robin Hood, but to change laws, especially regarding taxation, so that it becomes very difficult for money and power to become concentrated in the hands of the few and easier for ordinary people to own their own farms, workshops, businesses and industries. Distributism is economic democracy.

The idea in distributism is that the legal ownership of the means of production in the economy is distributed as widely as possible in the population. This implies a double comparison and contrast. On the one hand, as in capitalism, distributism honors private property and rewards intelligence, hard work, and entrepreneurialism. But simultaneously, and differing from the usual structure of capitalist governments, a distributist state takes measures to discourage the endless accumulation of wealth in the hands of a minority. While capitalism believes in private ownership, it also believes that only a few people should own what really matters, that is, the ways of producing money and goods. Distributism is not content, therefore, with great numbers of people owning their own homes or having shares in the stock market; they need to have real control over the land, farms, factories, and institutions that produce money and goods. On the other hand, as in socialism, the state remains the most powerful entity in the country; the state does not permit plutocrats and corporations to usurp its authority, as they ceaselessly attempt to do in capitalist countries. But simultaneously, and differing from the common ideal of a socialist economy, distributism is realistic enough to acknowledge that some are still going to be rich and some are still going to be poor. The rich are not automatically dispossessed, nor are the poor put on the welfare rolls.

Although this sounds utopian, a distributist economy was a common reality in the past. It is the natural form an economy takes when its societal structures are relatively simple and local. Imagine a primitive society. In such a society people accumulate wealth by the work of their own hands either on farms or in small industries. Some people do get wealthy, through the combination of hard work, intelligence, inheritance, and divine providence (usually but wrongly called “good luck”). But when trade is limited to an area the size of a county (a few hundred square miles), even the wealthiest people will generally not become vastly wealthier than their neighbors. Vast accumulations require theft, slavery, war, or some other form of exploitation. Numerous examples from history illustrate this kind of simple, local economy. The Roman Republic had a distributist economy before the rise of the Roman Empire. A distributist system gradually developed out of the ruins of the Roman Empire in the Middle Ages in Western Europe. When England began to colonize North America, people thought that England’s economy was still distributist, though they never used such a word for it and the dispossession of the monasteries had already steered their economy on the course toward capitalism. In early America, the economic system of the English colonies in the North was largely distributist; in the English colonies in the South, it was mixed with a servile state. Today, with the coincidence of modern technologies and the tradition of law and polity for the past century and more, capitalism has eclipsed distributism in the United States. But distributism is not forgotten. Remnants of the old distributist order remain in practice, in law, and in the collective memory of the nation. The importance given to personal home ownership, the “family farm,” and small business; the current movement toward eating locally grown food; the continuing appeal of arts and crafts as full-time occupations – all are living remnants of distributism.

*based on

Why, though?

I'm not pushing wealth redistribution I'm pushing for change in taxation and regulation and resources for bottom up change such as ordinary people owning their own farms, workshops, businesses and industries own a more local community level.

A Distributist society will inevitably crumble under the weight of a growing population and convert to capitalism out of necessity.

Got it.

And medical/elderly care. All of which are pretty full. We have a lot of joblessness and we don't need EVEN MORE people here when we have Mainers who can't find work.

Ohh yeah, just a little snow is all. Yup. That's what Maine winters are known for. Yup. Just some snow is all. Nothing to see here.

And this can't be done with the current economic system…. Why exactly?

Because you don't understand what Distributism is and I believe that it is better than what we have now and better than a completely free market.

What system do you prefer? Every system will crumble if the population growth is too high as I don't believe we are going to colonise space as some tend to believe. In fact, I think it is more likely that the economy will collapse with the depletion of fossil fuels and a distributist economy will replace what we have now anyway.

It can be done within the current economic system but the goal is a different system with smaller regional and local economies and less national and international transportation of goods (seeing as this is heavily reliant on fossil fuels which may be depleted within 20-50 years)

Thanks hipster.

Oh, I didn't know you had heard of it before. Were your questions intended to form a Socratic dialogue for my benefit?

Why, so they are easier to conquer?

No, they were intended to draw out your core motivation for posting so that I could psychoanalyze your behavior, syntax, grammar, etc…

Not at all. The example I gave of the Byzantine recovery actually strengthened the Byzantine Empire as people were fighting for their own land and property and their own economic self-determination.

What did you discover McCarthy?

Because people in capitalist societies don't fight for their land and property?

I'm still not getting a reason to give a fuck about this distributism shit that you are peddling.

Honestly, we can do all that shit with capitalism.

What's the fucking point, other than some amorphus goal that has absolutely nothing to do with economics, and more so about de industrialization.

You are peddling de-industrialization, in a world where war is industrial.

You try real hard to make it look like you care and want the best for the world, but in the end, you are merely very good at choosing your words.

Your end goals reveal you for what you are.

A Marxist in disguise.

Total barbarianism with a focus on an unbreakable nuclear family, replete with with elaborate ritual gatherings, warmongering against other clans to subjugate inferior people, and a tribe headed by the strongest and smartest Alpha male and his warrior wife.

People in capitalist countries tend not to own the means of production. In fact, I probably want more industrialization than you do as in the current system industrial production (and the know-how that goes with it) is leaving for the Asian countries while in the distributist system we would encourage regional (and some larger national) industrial production. It just wouldn't be the end-all and be-all of the economy and some larger groups would likely be guilds rather than corporations. Current capitalism concentrates the means of production under (((big business))) control which is supported by the government. I would rather see people on the local level create and control their own jobs and have local level business.

I can't be a Marxist as I want to increase ownership of private property aka the means of production.

My end goal is preventing Jewish parasitic control and subversion of the economy. It isn't much different to Hitler's Reich and Jefferson's plan for America and it has been proven to work int the Byzantine Empire (hardly Marxist)

inb4 low tech. Technology progressing through history has nothing to do with the success or failure of particular economic models

haha, okay m8. Now who wants to weaken white countries

Are you making an argument based on statistics, that because the vast majority of people do not own buisinesses, that somehow capitalism isn't capitalist, despite pretty much the overwhelming majority of buisinesses are owned by people.

What kind of nit wit are you?

Reminder that artisan level production on the local level produces cultural products based in our culture while mass production creates globalist crap products that help to break down nationalist sentiment

what are: ID's

Rich user then proceeds to start fucking your wife and daughters. Complaints? Too bad, rich user owns the police force and you become bear meat somewhere in the deep woods.


So, you have a pateron then?


No thanks

Capitalism is still capitalist. It just isn't as capitalist as it would be if there was more competition.

I don't produce products that sell online. I'm a musician and Church chorister. Do you agree that artisan products are more based in a National culture or not? (Eg. Is chinese plastic crap European or is European made stuff more European)

Look, did you read the articles? I'm not an expert, I'm just starting to learn about economics.

This seems much more sustainable and nationalist friendly than what we have now which is a globalist system.

Wayne County is about a 2 and a half hour drive from NYC, is very white, very conservative and stunningly gorgeous in the Poconos. The county was also built mostly by Dutch and German settlers, and still retains a lot of its Germanic characteristics with the best Oktoberfest in PA as well as many old timers who speak both German and English.

Come home white man.

Not true

So, the answer to corruption, is a completely different economic system that is easier to corrupt?

Wow, thanks mr helper guy…

Rephrase your question to be meaningful.

As it stands, it literally has no meaning.

Everything is produced in nations, dipshit.


Do you agree that language is more based in a National culture or not?

Do you agree that taxation is more based in a National culture or not?

Your question is literally too vague to mean anything.

Are you talking about that copypasta you spammed on the board?

So, you are against international trade?

A decentralized system is harder to corrupt not easier to corrupt. Compare Orthodox Christianity to Roman Catholicism to see an example.

If Americans exported teaching jobs to Chinese speakers they would end up with Chinese speaking children. Is that based in American culture.

International tax havens aren't helpful for national culture and economies.

No, I posted the link to the origin of that copypasta but instead of reading it you keep showering me with questions based on assumptions that would be cleared up if you read a fairly short article.

When it is only in the interests of international corporations and not in the interests of the nation I am against it. It also won't be possible on the same scale post fossil fuel depletion.

Can you guys shut the fuck up? You're way fucking off topic and people were originally excited to talk to OP. All the relevant people have took off, make an economics thread nobody wants to watch you circle jerk off topic.

soz bro. I think OP was originally scared away by all the pessimistic and negative posting about his project because he was gone by the time I came back.

Also, I've been part of their skype discussion before and imo they have a good chance of success if you're interested.

And exactly what about capitalism is centralized?

Of course, you are quite right, my apologies.

I just cannot abide crypto-marxists.

Since you are building from scratch I would recommend looking into root cellars and perhaps build one of those first if the region is suitable.

Additionally, heirloom vegetables and breeds of animals are probably something to look into for a self-sustaining commune.

In the form of capitalism we currently have the means of production are centralized under a small group of Oligarchs/Plutocrats and the government protects them. In other words, the economy is run for the benefit of a small group of…individuals.

Distributism is also capitalism but with the means of production…distributed! Nothing needs to be confiscated for this to eventually come about. No revolutions need to happen.

You still haven't explained how distributism would protect against those very same forms of corruption.

And if it can't, why bother?

Because psychopaths are just going to get in power, and distribute everyones wealth to them.

Take your shitty Holla Forums entryism elsewhere, this has been debunked so many times on here already, we're not gonna regurgitate it for you in every thread.

Are you implying that the "means of production" don't exist? You do know what it means right? You can't be capitalist without it lol

Besides I'm a fucking Monarchist. I'd be shot as a counter-revolutionary in a Marxist system

A Distributist (this is a shit word for this system, too many assumptions made about it) government would break up anything that got large enough to threaten to co-opt the state. National Socialist economics do something similar but slightly differently I believe. I think in NS there is more nationalisation of industry ie. it is more "communist"

Here is an interesting series on Byzantine economics that creates the context for such a system:

Just fucking read the wiki article and we can all stop shitting up this thread!

Yes. That is my goal in life. Find a loving wife and move away.

Same, I'd love to live out in the country one day with like minded people and try and have a sustainable community.

I think its a common dream for white people since we tend to love nature and working for ourselves, our family and our community (except for some wage slaves in this thread).

region around pic related is where I'd like to live

You are the only one here pushing an agenda.

gas yourself, you dumb kike filth.

Not right now, but in 6 months to a year. I live in NJ and am closing on a rental property I'll have to babysit until autumn, but after that I'll be free.
Can I have your skype? I might want to buy in sooner depending on the price.

I only have a few public questions/concerns:

If you setup a corporation, you will have to use a real estate attorney for closing, which could take months. Have you considered this expense into your proposal?

Do you plan to be subletting plots?

Are you aware if the land is zoned for agriculture and livestock or if you can re-zone portions for that purpose?

Thanks for your time OP. This actually sounds like a feasible project for once (as opposed to namibia, greenland etc.)

If you weren't interested you didn't have to ask. I'm not particularly interested in talking to ignorant retards who don't argue in good faith like civilised white people anyway.


But in all seriousness they could very well pull it off.

What makes you want to do this, out of curiosity?

I've been thinking a lot recently about starting a white community somewhere and incentivising The Right people to move there.

Also, I can't take it anymore dude. The poz loads and diversity in NJ are too much. The loneliness of being surrounded by people, but completely alone. Call me a coward, but I have to move to a conservative, white area soon.

I know that feel bro, pic related

I'm also probably going to try something similar in Australia once I get set financially and build a few skills and plans

Fellow Anons and Pol/acks -

I've slowly started to generate steam on my end. Networking with some people in North Eastern VT that I know, as well as looking into areas in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Upstate NY, Maine, Montana, and even Washington.

I'm a strong supporter for Vermont, Maine, or a boarder state with Canada for many reasons.

The GoFundme needed a few days to be approved… it was finally ""APPROVED""

Let's address a few issues first:

We need to organize - I'm in the midst of attempting to gather a network… Who is willing to assist?

If you build it, they will come. A white only community that's main purpose is for sustaining and assisting white men and women to thrive in today's world. We will act as the ground level resources and assist in getting people set up on the community once a work camp and bar-bones are built.

I have a lot of experience doing these kinds of things on a professional level. Served as the head of an education board and was a board member that held hundreds of conferences and events. Not to mention my carpentry, outdoor survival, and stewardship abilities. Getting this going feels like something I'm more than capable of doing.

I never quit.

Every problem is an opportunity to overcome, learn, adapt, and thrive. There is a fine line between being a realist/asking to gritty questions - and being a pessimistic defeatist who hampers creation/production than assist in contributing to a real solution.

Expecting things to just fall into your lap without lots of hard work and intelligence problem solving? Then go join the sheep and enjoy being a nigger. (I use the term nigger for anyone who is unintelligent and acts on their base instincts without true thought)

The page is nearing it's finishing stages. I'm going to post the website for the commune - It's GOFUNDME page, and am thinking of creating a kikebook page as well to act as a conduit. Preddy much on the fence on that one… Rather not go that route… but may be necessary. Creating a closed group for discussion may be useful for getting anons together to discuss problems.

IMO: Vermont, Maine, PA (commonwealth state), or even a few parts of Canada are preferable. I'm not against other areas if the strengths outweigh the negatives. Even Europe can be saved.

A tiny bit about me:

The best way to start this kind of thing is to set up a 501(c)(3) / Tax Exempt NPO. That way everything would be put into the community and liability to any one person or persons would have minimal drawback. No corporations. We would be stronger as an organization that was non-profit (all profit goes to the community).

We need to keep looking and researching.

I'll post the site when it's finished.

Nice! Good luck Ausiebro!

Northeasterm PA is getting flooded with shitskins and chinks looking for a summer homes or move out of NYC and Philadelphia because of real estate advertisements everywhere in the those cities.

Not a bad region. Although Susquehanna and Luzern to the north are not so much so. Lackawanna County is better. Extremely white/conservative.

Not far from big cities. But I think it's also important to get away from 'mirgants' or 'migrant populations'. Homeless, drug crime, etc.

What happened to the Northwest Front?
White man still trying to run away instead of fighting for his country.

You are off topic with this distributism shit, I wanted to end the conversation after the first call from someone else about topic derailing, but you just have to keep pushing it, don't you schlomo?

Go pitch your new wave marxism somewhere else.

Probably no funding, honestly.

Wealth gets created well under a capitalist system, but not under non-capitalist systems, therefore we need capitalism.

The problem with capitalism is that too much capital is hoarded by the uber-wealthy and the returns on that capital make them even wealthier with time, hence the need for distributism.

Introduction of an Estate Duty (aka Death Tax) that requires people with assets worth more than a certain threshold to pay a percentage of their net asset value as tax will allow people to benefit from the capitalist system, leave a majority of their wealth to their family, but still allow for excess capital to be paid back into the system.

t. tax pro

Kek, the protector of Memes, gave to us Holla Forumsacks Kekek, Paradise on Earth, to settle and prosper on, from which we will deliver our nations from evil.

Website will be up tonight.

Will you post in this thread?

If this gets going, and lasts six months, I'll donate then. Hell, I'll personally shill for you guys. Being the pioneers will be tough, but it'll get easier once you prove yourselves. Quality of character attracts quality community.

What's the skype?

Also, nobody seems to have suggested New Hampshire yet, is there a reason for that?

424242 - Holy repeated #

Please do!

No skype to my knowledge.

This is a browser chat that I have up though ~

No pw. I'm "Quaker". I wanted to set an IRC up or a Skype but that requires software. I think this is fine for now.

for sharing


I fucking HATE city life, problem is, here in Canada anyways, there are not very many jobs in smaller towns, and fuckall work to be had in rural areas.

If you want to live in a rural area here you basically have to either be wealthy, be in a cushy government job, be on welfare, or work online.

If you're regular honest working class, you're stuck in urban areas.

This can only end well. Hopefully this is the last thread you idiots make.

I haven't seen that at all. It's pretty much 95% white. A few chinks have summer homes on the New York state side of the border, and you see them maybe for one week in the summer, it's still barely a handful. I haven't seen any of the "migrants and shitskins" you're talking about.

Website almost done!

That is true. But I think it's also very important to have more proximity away from the bigger cities/migrant populations.

I've considered doing something similar in New Hampshire, why Maine??

You can find 50+ acres for under 100k in New Hampshire, put it in current use, taxes are low low low. No income tax, no sales tax, greater variety of terrain, superior gun laws. Superior job opportunities due to being closer to high technology Manchester - Boston corridor.

Have your acreage, parcel up so each user gets a small 1 - 2 acre plot to farm and manage, hold some acreage communally or as a benevolent dictator for use as garden, Holla Forums education camp, shooting range, etc. Anons can probably make do with 1 acre or less.

TBH as long as there are business opportunities nearby for work I would be happy on 1 acre or less with Holla Forums neighbors and a community shooting range, garden, meadhall, etc. You don't need to go full innawoods to do that.

Help us find a good location then!




With the Jeavons Farming method you can support a family of four in a moderate climate on about 2 acres.

It could work.

They're still there but it takes a while to get white people to get off their asses.

The NF is slowly getting bigger and more people are involved though.

Good luck to the OP and his cabin and patch of land though.

You just went full retard. Never go full retard

Yeah that made me cringe pretty hard reading that.

fucking removed. It was a joke from the other forum that I never deleted. TY -

It's gone now.

Get in this chat anons - finally getting it going

no worries

Its still up on the Go Fund Me m80

changing it on the gofundme, ty

then im going to bed.. night

Good night.

i havent read the thread yet but i will. do you have any pics of the property?

I like to keep locations bookmarked just for fun.

Here are 3 locations I bookmarked a couple days ago. One of them has a pending offer now.

50 - 65 acres, all under 100k dollars. I know there are larger plots available at the same pricepoint (you might check around Alexandria, NH for lower $ / acre but it's more wild and less developed, less opportunities for jobs).

In general I see 4 different strategies in New Hampshire.

definitely need something with plenty of sunlight, first looks like almost completely forest

turnpike and brook look nice though

While I agree with this sentiment, the reason it was brought up in the first place was because helping to redpill the surrounding population there could actually flip a huge state like PA, giving us multiple victory conditions. A state like ME is already so far gone and only has 4 electors to begin with. PA is a powerful state in national politics that is pretty split down the middle. NH is an understandable target as well as it is also pretty split, but it's very small.

If any Aussies are interested in doing something like this at some point add vanya.monarchist on Skype

That's why one of my biggest votes is for North East Kingdom of VT that boarders NH.

I have no problem with NH at all. We should be open to any locations in the eastern side of North America.

Good digging!

I'm open to any location that proves to be the best fit economically, strategically, and within the guidelines.

No mentally ill either.

Ok what you say is correct but that is no reason for them to get discouraged.

I'm probably the only one on here that can speak from experience.I live of the grid no running water no electricity except my genorator I cook over a fire and live in a small trailer I built.

Why? the reason is that I'm a trapper miner.

I really like what they are trying to do (get back to there roots) it's hard but beautiful at the same time.

I'll give some advice from a trapper/miner/welder/woodsman/
construction worker. Ditch the earth bag idea instead build old school one room cabins.they are better for that environment (cold as balls in main) and can be built just as easily and cheeper.



Come home White man